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21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

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fake your death.
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    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky!
    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    Welcome to 21 Orange Swablu in the Sky, the challenge dedicated to everyone's favourite Petilil Queen! This challenge was my Secret Santa gift from AlexOzzyCake so hopefully you'll like it; we expect it completed too! ;) Alex asked around and stalked my profile to find out some of my favourite things, so hopefully this challenge should be catered perfectly. To benefit the many challengers we have here on PC, the challenge has been edited by me to make sure all games are open as an option for this event. This challenge is also to commemorate my 21st birthday. Hoorah!

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    1. You must use a team of 6 Pokémon.
    2. The challenge ends once Rival/Red/Steven/Cynthia/Ghetsis/Iris has been defeated.
    3. No hacking Pokémon or RNGing perfect stats, but RNGing for pretty shinies is fine!
    4. You can play on any game you'd like but I suggest BW2 for diversity.
    5. Trading Pokémon is fine for all Pokémon and eggs, just make sure you're not trading them in at ridiculous levels.
    6. No room for HM Slaves in the final team, but feel free to use them until you've gathered all 6 Pokémon.
    7. Your team must be complete before reaching the E4.
    8. Final updates must be posted no later than August 31st 11:59 Central Time (GMT -6).

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    Your Team
    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    1. Petilil! - Where would the queen be without her favourite subject? Not playing a game with Petilil? You have these choices instead: Jolteon, Umbreon, Blaziken, Altaria, and Luxray.
    2. A true Alabamian! - A Pokémon representing the lands of home in Alabama! What you choose is up to your discretion, however make sure that you don't choose it for an offensive reason.
    3. Crimson Tide striker! - The most important part of any football game is keeping safe, so you'll need a Pokémon with the Rock Head ability to withstand all those tackles! If your game doesn't have abilities yet, just use a Rock or Steel type of your choice.
    4. Team mascot! - The mascot is an important part of any team so you'll have to do Big Al justice by choosing a tusked Pokémon for your team! No tusked Pokemon in your region? That's okay. I have another university mascot up my sleeve. Use a bird that can put up a good fight, like a fighting gamecock.
    5. The marching musician! - This stray team member wandered away from their marching band and is now your's to train, but make sure you get their strictly Red and White uniform correct! If none of these are available to you, you're free to use a Pokemon from either the red color group or the white.
    6. A plushie Pokémon! - I have a large collection. You have to use one of mine, however you must leave it in its first stage. No evolving! You can't use the legendary plushies either. If you run into a conflict on picking one, just lemme know!

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    Ultimate Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    It's no secret that I don't like blue and orange together, so in order to complete the ultimate version of this challenge you're not allowed to use a single blue or orange colored Pokémon in your team. I also make it clear that I love strange move sets, so the other condition for the ultimate challenge is that no STAB moves can be used unless nothing else is available at the time. Egg and move tutor moves are encouraged! And since this is a challenge for my 21st birthday, which is the age you can legally drink in America, you must also immediately use any vitamins you get (including Rare Candy) and also gamble, if your game has a Game Corner. Have fun!

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    So what was that "something extra" I've been talking about for a while now? This challenge has a raffle! If you participate, but do not complete the challenge, you're entered in a raffle for a shiny Swablu! If you complete the challenge, you're entered for a shiny Altaria! Neat huh? I will randomly select three from the group of participants for the Swablu and one for the Altaria. By "participate" I need to see that you've actually been doing the challenge, even if you don't finish. So if you sign up for the challenge thinking that that's how you're going to get a shiny Swablu, then that just won't cut it! Also note, if you participate and complete the challenge, you're entered for both the Swablu and Altaria. If you win the Altaria (as I'll be drawing those winners first), you're removed from the Swablu raffle, since that wouldn't be fair. Basically, by completing the challenge, you get two raffle tickets. Sound good? Good! This raffle will be Gen V only so if you don't have a gen V game or no wifi for me to trade it to you, then I'm sorry. But you're still free to enjoy the event, as there is still an emblem and a fun journey that awaits you! Oh, and for the record, I'm not entered in the raffle. Because I'm RNGing the prizes, I already have both! ;)

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    Challenges / Swablu lv. 1

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    (Name of your choice) / Altaria lv. 35

    Statistics and move to be determined later when I have the time to RNG these bad boys!

    Sign-up form
    Username: Sydian
    Game: White 2
    Ultimate: No
    Gen V FC for raffle: 1234-5678-9012 (note: that's not my real fc so don't add it! lol)

    If you don't have a gen V game or are unavailable to trade over wifi, just omit the FC part of the sign up.

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky
    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    Challenge and CSS by AlexOzzyCake and edited by Sydian.
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    signing up xD
    game:white 2
    i also have a question xD how can i choose the "a true alabamian"? also isn't Altaria part blue? xD thanks >.<
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    Username: jsziede
    Game: White 2
    Ultimate: Yes
    Gen V FC for raffle: 0090 0168 7327

    This sounds like fun, I'll definitely join! And that friend code is for my Black 2, is that ok?

    My planned team:
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    Username: Kravex
    Game: Platinum
    Ultimate: No im just new to this :'(
    Gen V FC for raffle: 2280 4556 4789

    Team (because urls apparantly hate me):

    Petilil - Altaria
    Alabamian - Roserade
    Scholars believe the word comes from the Choctaw alba (meaning "plants" or "weeds") and amo (meaning "to cut", "to trim", or "to gather")
    Da Striker - Rhydon
    Team Mascot - Walrein
    Band Member - Rotom
    Plushie - Togetic
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    Horray event time!!!
    Name: Myrrhman
    Game: Blue (then Silver then Sapphire if I'm feeling up to it)
    Ultimate: But of course
    Gen V raffle: Unfortunately no raffle for me :(

    Kirax7 raises a good point... is Ultimate impossible in 3rd gen since we need Altaria but can't use blue Pokemon? Since you don't like blue and orange together, wouldn't it make more sense to say you can only either have a blue OR an orange Pokemon? Because lets be serious, orange and white are the best two colors in existence GBO
    Kirax7 raises a good point... is Ultimate impossible in 3rd gen since we need Altaria but can't use blue Pokemon? Since you don't like blue and orange together, wouldn't it make more sense to say you can only either have a blue OR an orange Pokemon? Because lets be serious, orange and white are the best two colors in existence GBO

    Hope that you can find a shiny Altaria lol. It looks more yellow than orange, right?
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    Name: Fenneking
    Game:Red, Silver, Ruby, Diamond, White2 (if I have time)
    Ultimate: Nah
    Gen V raffle: No thanks.
    Teams: Listed Below. I'll start with Red for Kanto.
    This sounds awful, but pretty much everything alludes to Alabama or "the South". I tried to put as many band or musician references in as well.





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    I'll join in soon too, i just don't have my FC for the signup right now and i still need to beat the victory road and E4 on White 2 for my monotype before i can start :(

    On the Alabama thing: I know nothing about Alabama except a country song ~_~
    Edit: After skimming the Wikipedia page, i gathered that it is a state with: Farming, Christians, Thunderstorms, Republicans and Tornadoes.
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    Hey Syd, I decided to participate in your challenge. Just sitting around doing nothing will just make things worse and I will keep thinking about my problem. So I just have to do stuffs I like so I won't have to think about it :)

    Also, I had a hunch that the month of August + a challenge also meant something that was related to your birthday, haha^^

    Username: LilJz1234
    Game: Ruby
    Ultimate: No, Steven is already hard enough.
    Gen V FC for raffle: 3139 5301 2909
    If you're playing ultimate on gen III and can't use blue Pokemon, you can use Blaziken instead. It's red. :P idk why he put orange though cause ~technically~ there aren't orange Pokemon, but oh well. I'll reply to this more when I'm not in a rush to get to work, but I just wanted to clear that up first. ...Is Luxray black or blue? Bleh, sorry, I'll have to check after work. The good news is that I'm off for a week after this morning guys! <3
    Username: BinaryPeaches
    Game: Crystal
    Ultimate: Nah
    Gen V FC for raffle: 4041 4100 8438

    The team I picked out is going to be a challenge but it'll hopefully all work out. ♥ Also Luxray is classified as a blue Pokemon in the pokedex.
    Name: Bob III
    Game: Sapphire
    Ultimate? no
    FC: N/a
    1 - Altaria
    2 - Crawdaunt
    3 - Aggron
    4 - Walrein
    5 - Vigoroth
    6 - Blaziken
    I have to be there so hello!
    Username: JNathan
    Game: Heart Gold
    Ultimate: No, I'd die.
    Gen V FC for raffle: none
    Edit: After skimming the Wikipedia page, i gathered that it is a state with: Farming, Christians, Thunderstorms, Republicans and Tornadoes.

    Hahahaha. Brilliant. From that list, I would gather that you could use some sort of Grass type, Electric, or Flying. Republicans are represents by an elephant, which Donphan fits, unless you wanted that as your tusked Pokemon. Not sure what Pokemon would represent Christianity. :P We also have a diverse wildlife including deer, gophers, foxes, mice, raccoons, possums, crows, pigeons, falcons, and lots of different fish. Hopefully that helps on anything anyone else might be stuck on. I understand Alabama isn't really the most interesting place in the world, haha. It'd be easier to pick Pokemon if I lived in New York I guess. :P

    Time to post my picks!

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    Self-explanatory...I'm playing White 2, Petilil is available...so here we go! This will be the second challenge event I use one and keep it as a Petilil, actually. Woo!

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    There's an abundance of wildlife here in Alabama, so I'm going with a fox! When I lived with my paw paw, we would put food outside for the foxes and we'd watch them from the windows. When my paw paw passed away, the fox came back up to the house even though all of the family was outside. He looked at the house as if to bid farewell to my paw paw. RNGing for shiny because I can. :)

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    I haven't used Aerodactyl since gen III, so this should be fun! I don't know how well Aerodactyl would fit into a football team, though.

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    Alabama's mascot is an elephant...this is as close to an elephant that we have in Pokemon, so naturally I'm choosing it! Like Petilil, this is the second time I've used this in an event challenge. And for the same reason, lol. I used him to represent my favorite team's mascot in last year's Challenge Bowl.

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    It's red and white and fiesty like us band kids! <3

    [PokeCommunity.com] 21 Shiny Swablu in the Sky

    I couldn't say no to the giant plushie Oshawott sitting next to me. ;o;
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    This challenge looks cool, so I'll try it. Plus, I want to be in on that shiny raffle (I love mah shinies).

    Username: Samurott01
    Game: Ruby
    Ultimate: No
    Gen V FC for raffle: 0476 9489 4052

    I guess I should probably list my team so you know beforehand.

    1. Blaziken
    2. Beautifly
    3. Aggron
    4. Donphan
    5. Zangoose
    6. Pikachu

    I picked Beautifly for the Alabamian because I really did not know what to do, and it turns out that the state insect of Alabama is the monarch butterfly, so it was good enough for me. I hope Beautifly works.

    I guess I'll start right away. See you in my next update!
    Username: WarriorCat
    Game: White 2
    Ultimate: No

    If I'm doing this right, this would be my team.
    1(Petilil!): Petilil :)
    2(A true Alabamian!): Sawsbuck
    3(Crimson Tide striker!): Aggron
    4(Team Mascot!): Haxorus (He is tusked, but if not allowed, then Mamoswine)
    5(The Marching Musician!): Zangoose
    6(A plushie Pokémon!): Zorua
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    Yeah, I'll allow Haxorus as a tusked Pokemon. I understand that there really aren't that many, so it's fine by me.
    Username: [Supporter]NecrumWarrior[/Supporter]
    Game: Ruby (Because it's yur favorite region!)
    Ultimate: No
    Gen V FC for raffle: 2237-4962-6641

    Prospective team:
    1. Altaria
    2. Beautifly (State bug is Monarch Butterfly :D)
    3. Relicanth
    5. Zangoose
    6. Torchic (this was incredibly hard to choose)
    Despite all the challenges I'm taking on right now, I'll have to give this a go. Sounds fun! ^-^

    Username: waveguidebuizel
    Game: HeartGold
    Ultimate: Yes!
    Gen V FC for raffle: 4127-2835-9945

    I have a question regarding Ultimate - I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but I want to check first. By STAB, are you only including moves that do damage (attack bonus)? So moves like Leech Seed or whatever are fair game, no matter the user's type?
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