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A Nice Little Note for All of PC to Read... (Long Post)


Ancient + Prehistoric
  • 8,246
    First of all, just because i'm starting a new thread, that doesn't mean I'm coming back to PC to post everyday... Just that I can't stand to see PC in such a mess according to the views of others through Instant Messages. There are so many things to address to PC that it's not even funny. I heard many people's opinion through IM, but didn't hear any of them doing anything about them. So I might as well be the evil man (and the rebel) and risk a ban that i don't really care about.


    Firstly, the staff members have an important role to play in PC. They act as role models for PC members to follow. They maintain orders within PC, and improve PC so that PC will be even better. Some mods are more casual, some mods are "mod-bots." That doesn't matter as that's their modding style. However, the problem is...

    The first staff on my hist list: Alyssa/Haruka/whatever stupid name you have now, here's something for you-

    As a mod and a devoted member who has been on PC for a long time, please for once stick with the rules that you created with your staff members... It's just so sick and tiring of you to constantly change your names. Last time it's decided how no one will change name unless you're starting a new account. So why don't YOU follow that as well? Arcanine tried to point that out to you last time, but that thick skull of yours dodged it. Well face fact... you keep complaining how some members need to act with a lot more respect towards mods. Guess what... you don't gain respect through status. You earn it through your actions. And following the rules maybe one good starting point for you? Same for any other mods who are constantly changing names too.

    Another good start for you is to stop saying irrelevant posts that is pretty much summed up to "yeah s/he is right oh dear my post count +1!" Like how last time you quoted SA's annoucement and pretty much said "yeah listen to him"... well duh? Please... just to be straight to the point but blunt: act up now or be crushed. You finally earned that mod spot you so wanted, so let's do a good job of keeping it. *ALL* the other mods and even some members tried to warn you before, but after 2 weeks you forget everything they say. I dont' care what you do on your own vb board, but PC is PC, and it's not your place.


    For Shining Arcanine:

    Last time i checked, the main admin is Kwesi. And that means: PC is just not yours. Are you the one who paid for this board? Nope... So should the whole board listen to your opinions and your way how it is run? Nope... Enough with closing topics just because it's not with your opinion, or threatening to leave just to get rid of Roms Section. Your opinion i have no right to say if it's right or wrong, nor if i must force you to change your opinion. But please don't use mod powers to your advantage in arguements. I've already addressed this problem once secretly before to other Smods/Praetor, but this time since I'm being the rebel anyway, let's bring it up again as a reminder in response to the rom section debate that Kwesi put an end to (hurray for him!)


    For all of the other mods:

    How can a group act in the well-being of the whole community if there's more disputes than agreements within all of you? I hear a certain Smod calling another mod "dumb", and resulted in almost 2 staff members leaving PC on the same day. That is rather hot tempered? It's always hard to control your temper, but this is online and therefore it's a lot easier to control yourself. If you see something not right, go outside take a walk and a drink of cold water, then come back and reflect on it, and then finally post on it. Should there be any disputes between you and some other member, settle it privately in PM arguements, or Instant Messages. That is true for each and every other members too.


    For the gameboy section/game mods:

    "Where do you catch Feebas? Help!"
    "Shiny Pokemon discussion"

    There must be at least 40+ threads about those 2 topics... The Feebas topic is already posted in FAQ section, with a constant Shiny ______ discussion out there... yet there are still the other 38 copies floating around... that can do some work. Plus for all the game section participants fo PC, PLEASE USE THE SIMPLE QUESTION THREAD ALREADY! "Where is (this item)", "Where to catch (this Pokemon)" all goes in that one thread together... I believe the mods made that thread sticky for a reason... Gameboy section attracts the most newcomers which is a good thing. At the same time, it attracts the most members who didn't read the rules as well... Put stuff in the right topic and do not repeat the same Feebas/Eon Pokemon/Wynaut question twice a month. I just checked and voila! Another Feebas question right at the top! Ahem...?


    Regarding Pokemon Trivia and Games/Pokeland, and Post Counts:

    So before I got on today... I was chatting with some PC members. And when I mentioned Pokeland, the response was "What's that?"

    Obviously Post Count doing its trick again... Pokeland is the subforum within Other Chat that has no post counts. For all the older members in PC, we all remember the "the one above" and alike threads. They were extremely popular back then, earning up to perhaps even 100 post a day within that thread alone in the past. Now...? Emm... 5 post max a day?

    There is that post count discussion within OC... yes i know about it. There are both pros and cons regarding it too. But let's be consistent... If part of PC has no post count, then the no post count section will be forgotton. You must admit that there will be *some people* who post to get higher post counts. So let's be fair to all threads and either have no post count throughout entire PC, or post count throughout all of PC. If Pokeland has no Post Count because "they're just games... lacking quality post," then how does Trivia/Pokemon Game section not "games" and has more "quality" than Pokeland, deserving to have "post counts?"


    A Message to Everyone:

    Firstly, being a mod may be something very fun to you, being able to serve the community and so on. But please... it's not as fun as it seems (according to Lightning in an old post), and once you become mod, be serious about it. Let's not just "I want to be mod!", hope to get modded, and then after 1 week when the fresh feelings of being a mod faded, you quit... though fortunately this didn't happen yet, it's still a good thing to remind ourselves "why do I want to be a mod" when some people scream out to be mod. And to be certain: some mods now don't really deserve the mod spot, while some members now should be mod (or a mod now should deserve something of higher position). Mods will look for you if you're someone worthy of being a mod. Drop the brushups to mods with special MOTM cases by seperating praetor away from the smod category for example, just so certain Smods can get more votes. "PC Politics" should not exist in PC. We're all here to have fun.

    One more "am I a veteran" thread made, and I'll hunt the thread creator down like a blood thirsty dog... And whoever said "Do I have enough post counts to be veteran" will be killed. You don't earn status with a number first of all as you earn it through your posts and actions. And on top of that, *screw status.* Just because someone is here for a long time, you don't have superior power over others, and for relatively new members to PC, you shouldn't be afraid of members with high post counts too. A spammer can spam to get post count to make his "number" high, and a good devoted member can also get the same amount of post count posting essays after essays. We're all evil human beings who have done something wrong before, and we're all equal. Mods do accept opinions from members, and members should also listen to advices from mods. In the end, we're all equal (basic belief in democracy?)

    Role Play is certainly something very fun to do at times. You can have unimaginable fun with it. However, let's not "modify" a thread to be pure role play away from the original intent of the topic. If you want to role play, feel free to do so, but remember to contribute at least a bit at the end of your post. This is very disturbing how many threads get off track and become pure role play. Contribute to the topic a little hey? Oh, and "yes i agree" is not contributing but just repeating what someone says. Say "why" or "why not."


    The above is the collected opinions of many people who may not want to speak out about it, or if they don't really care if it's done or not. (And also most of it is my opinion as well). Thanks for reading through an entire essay.

    And now, ban/flame away.
    Satoshi-Kun can't close it...only OC mods, S-mods, and praetors can. But I'd rather keep this open.

    A Message to Everyone:
    Firstly, being a mod may be something very fun to you, being able to serve the community and so on. But please... it's not as fun as it seems (according to Lightning in an old post), and once you become mod, be serious about it. Let's not just "I want to be mod!", hope to get modded, and then after 1 week when the fresh feelings of being a mod faded, you quit... though fortunately this didn't happen yet, it's still a good thing to remind ourselves "why do I want to be a mod" when some people scream out to be mod. And to be certain: some mods now don't really deserve the mod spot, while some members now should be mod (or a mod now should deserve something of higher position). Mods will look for you if you're someone worthy of being a mod. Drop the brushups to mods with special MOTM cases by seperating praetor away from the smod category for example, just so certain Smods can get more votes. "PC Politics" should not exist in PC. We're all here to have fun.
    I totally agree to that whole thing about some moderators not deservng thier position while others deserve higher positions...but there's nothing I can do about it...except maybe bring it up with Kwesi/Steve
    Yes, flaming against us isn't nice... but I already know about my name changing problem already. Just DON'T ruin your rep because of this.

    This behavor is unacceptible and it violates rules and leaders/staff may not like it. Doing this would think new members that you are misbehaving or showing a bad rolemodel of yourself, so please stop.

    btw: I'm really upset now because of this....
    Satoshi-kun said:
    Frostweaver, you know very well we don't like flaming. Your posts have been of superior quality lately, please, STOP wrecking your own repuation. Please...

    I have to say though, it's a long and qualitative post, please, just don't let it be your last. If you are emotionally affected, just... tell us...

    By the way you are right about the Game Boy games. People won't stop, I have to find topics that fit into it. I am trying hard, I swear.

    Please, I can't bear a qualitative member leaving just in a flick. Behaving like this may be unacceptable, but at least tell the forum leaders. Doing what you are doing now is not the way people like you should behave. Just stop.

    Yes, I must admit that there is a mess going on sometimes at the community. But you can't come and talk on the views of others. Your view is most important.
    My reputation? Pfft?
    If it takes me to be Cas #2, so be it.

    "Qualitative member?" =/ As if saying that, the others have no quality? *sigh and points to the above* And "people like me"? So I'm expected more or less out of other members now? Oh please drop this...

    I am completely insane at the moment like always, but not some "emotional outburst or anything." 3 weeks ago I'm not sane, but now I'm more sane than 3 weeks ago.

    I said my view is added on top of those who don't want to say the same stuff out loud due to afraid of possible consequences. It's not like people never tried to work these stuff without flames, but just that no one cared and so on. There are many other members who tried to carry the point across, but then they are IMMEDIATLEY ignored by the people who posted right after them. If a good friendly approach doesn't work, let's try a hard wake up call.
    frosty you will not be banned (be sure of that).
    Everything you said up there is 100% right (well I never called DT dumb, I know members said I did but I never did. but that's not the point).
    It's about time that some one woke up and told the truth about this. Thank you.
    I know this thread will make you look bad to some members but to me but it's true (even if I can see members flaming in here).
    And you are right on the Mod job. It is not fun and some times not pretty (if spamers come we got our work cut out for us). And I can count a hand full of Mods that don't need to be Mods.
    And I don't see why this thread needs to be closed. He is just stating his view his
    opinions on all this. We do it all the time. We don't go as far as flaming (some do) but we do it. And do we get our threads closed? No. Most of the Staff will not like this thread but I for one do, since it states the truth. Like it or not it does, Alyssa always changing her name, Mods thats never on, Fun Time's post counts, everything.

    Again Thank you frosty.
    Well, the point is... >_<.. This username is the last of the 12 anoying name changes in the past, for sure... atleast.

    About the Pokemon Land issue. That forum is formed to decitate the fun times at PC without worring about the worthless post number, but less people post there now since posts don't count anymore. Post counts do not count. I don't spend my time at PC raising my postcount to 4000, 6000, etc. I'm here to have fun socializing. The point of the forum is to have fun without worring about the post counts.

    Moderator Job secound of all is not fun. You have to do work sometimes, like dealing with SPAM, closing troublesome topics, warning other people about the rules. Modding is not fun and games and you have to follow the rules and not to break any. You do realize that, right?

    In conclusion, this topic does tells us what happen and the truth. ^_^

    Thank you.
    Sakura and Espeon said:
    Well, the point is... >_<.. This username is the last of the 12 anoying name changes in the past, for sure... atleast.
    I thought you said you were proud of them? Oh wait you also said it was 14 changes, not 12... And I seriously doubt this is the last...

    Sakura and Espeon said:
    About the Pokemon Land issue. That forum is formed to decitate the fun times at PC without worring about the worthless post number, but less people post there now since posts don't count anymore. Post counts do not count. I don't spend my time at PC raising my postcount to 4000, 6000, etc. I'm here to have fun socializing. The point of the forum is to have fun without worring about the post counts.

    It is worthless, but soem people like it and it does seem to be enough people to draw attention away from there....

    Sakura and Espeon said:
    In conclusion, this topic does tells us what happen and the truth. ^_^

    Thank you.
    I beleive Arcanine just said it does, and I agree and I bet you don't really mean "Thank you"...

    I agree with Arcanine, this should prove to be a constructive thread if people keep flames out of it...
    Satoshi-kun said:
    Excuse me for my double post.
    frosty I have always known you as a unique member. You have been a great person, always the type who deserved mod position but never got it because of your own choices and I realised you could well be the type who could make differences here. I alone wouldn't be able to handle moderator position alone. I'm sure you'd make a great place, although you chose not to.

    Don't make my opinion change.
    I'm sorry... but tell me when have I ever send a PM to you/talk with you on IM or PC...? If you call that as known, then I'm afraid you have mistaken me for someone else. And please spare me of the torture of a mod...

    If I'm so "intelligent" then I should keep my stand stronger. I've double checked all of my MSN logs briefly to see if I did state anything "wrong", or anything that I didn't believe in. But hey now i'm so sure i'm darn right. Look at Alyssa's post above in this thread, and you see her copying exactly what the person above has said just again (without any additional comments except for "leave this thread open"). Even in this very thread there are live examples of what i pointed out. Obviously, even a "flame" is not reaching out to some people... *sigh*

    EDIT: and once again she does the same thing of paraphrasing people in her 2nd post in this thread. And yes i'm ill-mannered and misbehaving, but simply I don't know what other type of "manners" should I act up in order to reach out to her.

    I really cannot and do not and will not and should not care about my life or death or useless reputation that i don't even care about IRL on PC. I left PC long ago. If it isn't seeing hard working moderators getting crap in return for their hard work, unworthy people getting credits, and friends in ultimate frustration regarding the problems with PC, I won't even waste my 1 hour posting this (and would use the time to study physics.) And if this has to ruin whatever image of me, then so be it. But dont' drag anyone who agrees with me into your hatred, and let this affect me alone.

    PS: I didn't read the DT/Arcanine thread myself. I only listen to stories from just 3~4 people regarding what happened in the last 3 weeks in PC. Sorry for the errors.
    Heh, nice frosty, nice. I completely agree with all that you said, I've been expecting for you to tell us what needed to be said. Heck, I don't look down on you now, in fact, I look up to you since all of this stuff.

    Alyssa, yes, also another thing: Don't whine any more on how you don't get good places to mod or whatever, at least you have a place to mod.

    Well, frostweaver, your post was a bit rude, but you also bring up some good points.

    Like with the GameBoy section, I really hate it when members make all these threads that ask a little question like "Where can I catch this Pokemon" or "Where is this item". Those have been very annoying and I wished they would stop. Can't they read the threads that are stickied?

    Also, I am glad that Pokeland doesn't add on posts because many posts could have one little sentence. I think every post should be at least 3 sentences long. These are just games and it is too easy to spam and raise your post count. The other game forum should be the same way.

    Also, I think that all the mods should try to be more like model members. Some things have been totally wrong, like DT's talk about not being a good mod or his talk about leaving. I also thought Andy's (Arcanine) attitude was bad when DT wanted to leave and so he did too, like what he said in his signature about a "stupid mod" and an "ex-admin", like he was talking about. No one should be called names.

    These are some of the reasons why I thought you would make a good mod, frostweaver. You have been able to find the problems with PC so well.

    Well, these are my opinions. Sorry if that was flaming...
    How about not? No one else seems to mind this.
    I don't think so. I see no point in locking this thread. Yes it might be flaming but back when we was flaming Sean how many pages was out of that thread? What 5, 6, 7? That is one thread. Why should frosty's thread be any different?
    [Edit] Abby beat me to it.
    The difference is I'm offended, Haruka is offended, and he asked me to ban him.

    However, I trust your judgement and was having 2nd thoughts so, besides stating why I banned him and closed the thread, I'm not going to argue.
    You know, I seem to partially agree with Frostweaver...
    I mean, he is right about a few things. Though I don't like to point out mod's names, I do agree with a few of his opinions. Not to agree with some of your opinions, Frostweaver, but you too might want to know what PokeCommunity is. Do you want something that is so strict, we don't know who are we talking to? So strict, our signatures won't even have a banner so big as mine? A community so disgustingly puritanical, we won't see Iveechan's good art anymore. We won't be able to voice our opinions, show our personality and our own identity such as Teara's z's for s's. Jordan's RP style posting and maybe my own thoughts of a couple that nobody ever thought would be.

    What do you define PC as? A buisness company? Look, my life is harsh. PokeCommunity is the only thing the comforts me. The mods are friendly and don't seem to bother me. Haruka/Alyssa can change her name for all I care. As long as they do their job and be good members, that's fine with me. Role model my specialshipping banner but I would still support the mods. I don't want PC to turn into that one site... (coughsuperstrictcough)

    anyways, Mgandang Umaga! ^_^


    I bet this will get ignored anyways... O_O
    I guess those last couple of posts are a good example of the arguments mods have that Frosty mentioned...some want to close this and ban Frosty, others want to allow this to stay open and let him stay...

    I'm getting interested in this thread. I might just watch every post anticipatingly.

    [EDIT] why is all the posts here in bold text? I try to turn it off in my posts and it won't work...
    Sakura and Espeon said:
    It's the "How tall were you" thread btw, andy. ^_^
    Well I know but what about all the threads Sean flamed in? Can you count them all? I'm not even going to start counting them. And I'm not going to even start with the Sean thing (I don't want a relap of Friday).