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Code: Ability Resource Thread

Is it possible to make an ability where physical normal attacks are changed to the Pokémon's type (or for a specific type, like Rock)?
My reasons: If an Onix or a Golem tackles, they throw their bodies against the enemy. But since their bodies are made of rock, it would be like a Rock Throw, making the normal attack be exactly like a rock-type attack.
Well, possible?

Basically everything is possible, we even have a working Mega-Evolution now. But MrDollSteak already mentioned : this thread is meant to port existing abilities up to gen 6, not to create new one.

Creating new abilities would be cool, and even interests me, but this is not the purpose of that thread.

If you want to continue that conversation, PM or VM or post in a more appropriated thread
Sorry, didn't realize MrDS already said that this is for already existing abilities, not for new.
Really sorry, won't post here again. :(

Kleenex is right, I've said it a few different times here, but no worries.

I've got some more easy abilities here, Super Luck and Scrappy!

Super Luck


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There is an AI check for foresight at x1ecac in FR. You can expand there to include Scrappy as well.

And 0804749C in Emerald. :P

I've also got a few problems with some abilities:

In Heatproof second routine, an error in line 9.

In Snow Cloak, the offset for .TargetBank isn't in the list.

In Super Luck, the game freezes when the Pokemon is going to use a move (before the move animation).

I was testing these on Emerald by the way.
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And 0804749C in Emerald. :P

I've also got a few problems with some abilities:

In Heatproof second routine, an error in line 9.

In Snow Cloak, the offset for .TargetBank isn't in the list.

In Super Luck, the game freezes when the Pokemon is going to use a move (before the move animation).

I was testing these on Emerald by the way.

Super Luck : .Return: .word 0x08046D48 should be +1

HeatProof : I'm not sure the command is appropriated. Try :
add r0, r1
add r0, #0x20

Snow Cloak:
The target bank in Emerald is 0x0202420C

Second routine btw, MrDollSteak has it but if you want it now :
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And 0804749C in Emerald. :P

I've also got a few problems with some abilities:

In Heatproof second routine, an error in line 9.

In Snow Cloak, the offset for .TargetBank isn't in the list.

In Super Luck, the game freezes when the Pokemon is going to use a move (before the move animation).

I was testing these on Emerald by the way.

All fixed! Just try the routines now and they'll work. Kleenex was right with all of them except Heatproof.

I'm reserving this spot for Magic Guard. Although there are already a few Magic Guard routines I'll try and link them all in this post. This is where things start getting annoying as more and more abilities need to be hooked in multiple places with multiple other routines.

Magic Guard


Overcoat and Bulletproof

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All fixed! Just try the routines now and they'll work. Kleenex was right with all of them except Heatproof.

I'm reserving this spot for Magic Guard. Although there are already a few Magic Guard routines I'll try and link them all in this post. This is where things start getting annoying as more and more abilities need to be hooked in multiple places with multiple other routines.

Thanks to the two of you. They are working now. :)

Another big problem with Super Luck: I have spammed attacks hundred times but I don't get any chance of critical hit. With this routine, either if someone has it is active or not, even Focus Energy is set, spammed moves like Slash, still nothing. I dunno for Frost Breath yet but I bet it will not go critical hit.
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Thanks to the two of you. They are working now. :)

Another big problem with Super Luck: I have spammed attacks hundred times but I don't get any chance of critical hit. With this routine, either if someone has it is active or not, even Focus Energy is set, spammed moves like Slash, still nothing. I dunno for Frost Breath yet but I bet it will not go critical hit.

Yeah oops I did the branch using r0 instead of r1 like its supposed to be. Just change 00 48 00 47 to 08 49 00 47 at the branch location and you're set. I fixed it in the post too.
MRDS, I just wanna tell that 2nd line in the "CheckVariableTypeMoves" of Protean routine should be ldr r4, [r4] not ldrb r4, [r4]. Thank you :)
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MRDS, I just wanna tell that 2nd line in the "CheckVariableTypeMoves" of Protean routine should be ldr r4, [r4] not ldrb r4, [r4]. Thank you :)

Thank you! Also fixed.

S-Bird requested I finally get around to doing the Type Absorb abilities, and so I have!
I'll update this post once everything is done.

Lightningrod, Motor Drive, Dry Skin, Storm Drain and Sap Sipper

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Lightningrod, Motor Drive, Dry Skin, Storm Drain and Sap Sipper

I was also eagerly waiting to see these abilities. :D

Doesnt has informed me that there is probably going to be a bug with Discharge, Lava Plume, Surf and Petal Blizzard as they target all Pokemon on the field. If this is indeed the case I'll move them around.

The routines are at perfect location. No need to worry about that.
The problem lies within the Vanilla implementation of Water Absorb, Soundproof (causes Problems with Boomburst) and Flash Fire etc. In Gen III, they are not coded to handle moves that target all Pokemon on the field.
The Attachment (please bear with my poor handwriting) illustrates the Flow of Events that happen in the Battle Script of Earthquake.

Brief explanation of the Diagram:
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Lightningrod, Motor Drive, Dry Skin, Storm Drain and Sap Sipper

I cannot get the stat change. I am Lightningrod and I'm hit by Thunderbolt. I only get the immunity but not the stat change.

And also .Raise<stat>BS errors on Motor Drive and the rest.
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I was also eagerly waiting to see these abilities. :D
The routines are at perfect location. No need to worry about that.
The problem lies within the Vanilla implementation of Water Absorb, Soundproof (causes Problems with Boomburst) and Flash Fire etc. In Gen III, they are not coded to handle moves that target all Pokemon on the field.
The Attachment (please bear with my poor handwriting) illustrates the Flow of Events that happen in the Battle Script of Earthquake.

Yeah, I know what the issue was, so I was actually considering moving the abilities to where Levitate and Wonder Guard are handled.

I cannot get the stat change. I am Lightningrod and I'm hit by Thunderbolt. I only get the immunity but not the stat change.

And also .Raise<stat>BS errors on Motor Drive and the rest.

Can you explain this more?
Can you explain this more?

I dunno what else I have encountered more problems but I can clear this out.

In a battle, I used Thunderbolt on Electivire which has Motor Drive. The Thunderbolt did not have any damage on Electivire. The immunity occurs. It supposed to have its Speed raised but with the routine, it didn't. Only appeared the immunity and the battle message "Motor Drive made Thunderbolt useless."

There is no problem with the battle scripts. When I removed the script, the battle goes fine and still giving the immunity and that message. I guess it is something have to do with the routines per ability.
I was also eagerly waiting to see these abilities. :D

The routines are at perfect location. No need to worry about that.
The problem lies within the Vanilla implementation of Water Absorb, Soundproof (causes Problems with Boomburst) and Flash Fire etc. In Gen III, they are not coded to handle moves that target all Pokemon on the field.
The Attachment (please bear with my poor handwriting) illustrates the Flow of Events that happen in the Battle Script of Earthquake.

Brief explanation of the Diagram:

Hi :D I have a problem: could you tell me the EM' DamageAdders,I need it to do the new ORAS'Ability.
Could you rephrase your question? I did not get what you asked.

Thank you.I find it.
Now I have another problem.

No1:About Prankster ability
This link is about Prankster
And I do not know how to make the move quick guard.Could you write a ASM code for EM

And No2:How to change the weather ability round to 5 (like gen6)

Lost problem:About the weather can not change when i need.

When i need :D I can make some weather change move or ability failure.

soory my English not good.:(