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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I would want to see a Mega Evolution for Electrode.

I found an interesting pic.


Doesn't it resemble a master ball?

Thumbs up from me! That's a brilliant idea for Mega Electrode. :D

Name - Volsauroc (pronounced vol-sao-rock)
Name Origin - Volt + Dinosaur + Rock
Species - Shock Rock Pokémon
Type - Electric / Rock
Ability - Rock Head or Volt Absorb

How to obtain it - Revive Volt Tail fossil (something extra I added).

Pokedex Entry (Sun) - This prehistoric Pokemon stored Electrical energy in its tail. When it thumped its tail hard on the ground, it sent shock waves which can be felt throughout the entire globe.

Pokedex Entry (Moon) - It body is ten times harder than the hardest metals present on earth. Even missiles cannot pierce through its body.

I actually found a couple of Electric/Rock fossil Pokemon!

I am captain, yes!! :D

I think I'll evolve my chinchou into a lanturn! :D

Would that be... Mega Lanturn? ^^

Also, concerning Megas, here's one for Electivire:

Now, if Electivire looked like this, I would use one SO. BAD! I absolutely love this design! Please make it real, Game Freak! ♥
I am captain, yes!! :D

I think I'll evolve my chinchou into a lanturn! :D
Alright Captain Mawa, will be done. And hey you also get to choose one more Partner from the "Avaliable Starters list, lemme know that as well :).

Thanks guys, it was just something random I chanced upon. And no I don't know the source for that, just something I found on the net, looked interesting, so posted it here.
But that's a very interesting find.

I actually found a couple of Electric/Rock fossil Pokemon!

Would that be... Mega Lanturn? ^^

Also, concerning Megas, here's one for Electivire:

Now, if Electivire looked like this, I would use one SO. BAD! I absolutely love this design! Please make it real, Game Freak! ♥
And once again, as usual, Clover manages to find some brilliant fanarts. You have become a pro at this, really {:3}. I love all of them, but I think the Mega Electivire stands out. And I totally agree, this should become a reality.

Pika Pika :chu:
Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?

How has nobody mentioned Luxray yet? Electric/Dark Luxray needs to happen, guys!

Luxray aside, I agree that Pokémon as Pachirisu and Dedenne could use a Mega. Maybe we're actually going to be able to see some Nuzzles in OU tiers that way.

Okay, that's just genius!

Master ball Electrode is awesome! Probably better than Ultra ball Electrode for a mega to be honest!
Would that be... Mega Lanturn? ^^

Also, concerning Megas, here's one for Electivire:

Now, if Electivire looked like this, I would use one SO. BAD! I absolutely love this design! Please make it real, Game Freak! ♥

Those fake Mega are so awesome!
There is so many talented artist on the internet I can't believe my eyes!

And a Shiny Mega Luxray

I think the normal one isn't too different from an original Luxray, but the Shiny one is pretty awesome huh :).

I like the shiny more, but I feel the wings a bit too much "Mega Absol" <-- I never understod his wings...

This is not in this subject... but I liked it haha

Those fake Mega are so awesome!
There is so many talented artist on the internet I can't believe my eyes!
Yep I totally agree on that. Wish I could draw something like that, hell I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler {XD}.

This is not in this subject... but I liked it haha
Those things are cute, what are they called Kirbampharos & Mega Kirbampharos? ;)

Here's a Mega Magnezone.

Looks like a modified Metagross doesn't it :P

Oh since I'm eligible (long ago :P), I think I'll evolve my Pokemon. So my Electabuzz now evolves into Electivire, my Shinx evolves into Luxio & my Electrike evolves into Manectric ;).

Pika Pika :chu:
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Yep I totally agree on that. Wish I could draw something like that, hell I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler {XD}.

Here's a Mega Magnezone.

Looks like a modified Metagross doesn't it :P

Pika Pika :chu:

Omg... It looks so creepy and evil and hugely loves its design... <33 Team Rocket might be ready to steal this Pokemon haha

Oh....We can't leave Lanturn behind ...... So here it is the Fanart of Mega Lanturn that i found: :D

Hey LegendChu/ Raj, thanks for inviting me to join the electric pokemon club. I'm so exciting.

Name : Adnan

Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) : I love all of those.:-P
But specials are
Pikachu(it's special), Zekrom, Emolga, Raichu, Zapdos.

Favourite Electric Type Move(s) : Of course thunderbolt, volt tackle, volt strike, thunder.

Why do you like electric type pokemon : For their cool shape, attitude, power and cool moves.

Your Electric Type Tag Partner : Pika... Pika... Pikachu.

When building teams in the games do you tend to put at least one electric type on the team : Of course. Because without Pikachu my team useless.:-P

I hope I'll learn a lot of things about electric pokémons.
Hey LegendChu/ Raj, thanks for inviting me to join the electric pokemon club. I'm so exciting.

Name : Adnan

Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) : I love all of those.:-P
But specials are
Pikachu(it's special), Zekrom, Emolga, Raichu, Zapdos.

Favourite Electric Type Move(s) : Of course thunderbolt, volt tackle, volt strike, thunder.

Why do you like electric type pokemon : For their cool shape, attitude, power and cool moves.

Your Electric Type Tag Partner : Pika... Pika... Pikachu.

When building teams in the games do you tend to put at least one electric type on the team : Of course. Because without Pikachu my team useless.:-P

I hope I'll learn a lot of things about electric pokémons.
Hey Adnan (aka Imrul Quayes Adnan), welcome to the Club bro. So you've chose Pikachu as your Partner, that's gr8, its my fav Pokemon as well {:3}. This is a very interactive Club & I'm sure you'll love being around here. You can see the past Discussions & give your comments, participate in the Current Discussion/Event (they'll all be on the first post). And if any Rules aren't clear, feel free to drop me a VM :).

Omg... It looks so creepy and evil and hugely loves its design... <33 Team Rocket might be ready to steal this Pokemon haha
Hey I think that's a gr8 idea. This could be the perfect Pokemon for an Evil Team ;)

Oh....We can't leave Lanturn behind ...... So here it is the Fanart of Mega Lanturn that i found: :D
Whoops, you just got ninja'd (kinda :P).

But its a really good Fanart. I can imagine Mega Lanturn to be something like this, if Lanturn does get a Mega Evo.

Pika Pika :chu:
Speaking of Luxray, I found a couple of Mega Luxray Fanarts.

Here's a normal Mega Luxray

And a Shiny Mega Luxray

I think the normal one isn't too different from an original Luxray, but the Shiny one is pretty awesome huh :).

Pika Pika :chu:
That Shiny Luxray is wicked man. I'm hoping that Luxray does get a Mega Evolution in Sun and Moon & it really should be an Electric/Dark Type.
First off, welcome to the club, Adnan!

I think the normal one isn't too different from an original Luxray, but the Shiny one is pretty awesome huh :).

Pika Pika :chu:

Wow, love the design of that Luxray! I agree with Mawa that it could do without the wings, but if this Mega was real I would not be disappointed! :D

This is not in this subject... but I liked it haha


Huh, those are cute! I never understood Mega Ampharos though. I mean, they just made him have long, flowing locks and a fluffy tail! He really does make you think this:

Yep I totally agree on that. Wish I could draw something like that, hell I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler {XD}.

Argh, I know how you feel! xD Yesterday I tried drawing something as simple as Iwanko, the new Pokemon, and I couldn't for the life of me get the anatomy right, haha. -_-

Here's a Mega Magnezone.

Looks like a modified Metagross doesn't it :P

Pika Pika :chu:

I wouldn't want to come across one of them in the dead of night. o_o Or ever, for that matter! He's creepy as hell. xD Also very cool, though!

Looks like we listed all the eligible Electric Megas! Anyone is still free to answer the Mega topic of course, but I thought I'd throw in a new subject to keep things fresh: What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?

As in, is there an Electric-type from the previous games that you can't go without in your party? :)
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As in, is there an Electric-type from the previous games that you can't go without in your party? :)

I'll say no, because when I do play a new game I want to play with only new Pokemon, except if an old Pokemon has something new (as if for example Plusle get new moves/ability and got better, example only).
That Shiny Luxray is wicked man. I'm hoping that Luxray does get a Mega Evolution in Sun and Moon & it really should be an Electric/Dark Type.
Wow, love the design of that Luxray! I agree with Mawa that it could do without the wings, but if this Mega was real I would not be disappointed! :D
I think the wings on the Mega Luxray look just fine & this is another Mega that is long due. One thing I've always wondered though, why isn't Luxray an Electric/Dark Type already.

Huh, those are cute! I never understood Mega Ampharos though. I mean, they just made him have long, flowing locks and a fluffy tail! He really does make you think this:
That was quite funny, lol {XD}.

Looks like we listed all the eligible Electric Megas! Anyone is still free to answer the Mega topic of course, but I thought I'd throw in a new subject to keep things fresh: What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?
As in, is there an Electric-type from the previous games that you can't go without in your party?
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
I'll say no, because when I do play a new game I want to play with only new Pokemon, except if an old Pokemon has something new (as if for example Plusle get new moves/ability and got better, example only).
What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?
I think I'd like Mareep and Pikachu lines to be one of those.
Actually there another Mega no one has mentioned yet, here it is

So what do you guys think about that?

As for which Pokemon I'd want to see in the Alola Pokedex, isn't it obvious, Pikachu of course {XD} & yeah Pichu & Raichu as well {:3}.

Current Discussions:-
Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?
What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?

Pika Pika :chu:
I guess all of you have already know that a new member has joined the electric club, and he's me. :-P
At first I wanna say about the mega elektross that have been posted by LegendChu. And it's pretty cool. And you are right that nobody have thought about it.
I wanna see my most favourite pokemon pikachu and electrode in pokemon sun and moon. And I think it will great if zekrom appear there. And about that luxray is pretty sparky.
At first I wanna say about the mega elektross that have been posted by LegendChu. And it's pretty cool. And you are right that nobody have thought about it.
Ya, I think that's a pretty awesome Mega design by the artist.

And speaking of Megas, how come nobody thought of Raichu o_O. Well I did & here's what I found.

I wanna see my most favourite pokemon pikachu and electrode in pokemon sun and moon. And I think it will great if zekrom appear there. And about that luxray is pretty sparky.
As I said, I for one would be really disappointed if the Pikachu line does not make it to the Alola Pokedex.

Current Discussions:-
Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?
What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?
Actually there another Mega no one has mentioned yet, here it is

So what do you guys think about that?

Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot about Eelektross! :o That Mega is pretty wild!

As for which Pokemon I'd want to see in the Alola Pokedex, isn't it obvious, Pikachu of course {XD} & yeah Pichu & Raichu as well {:3}.[/B]

Pika Pika :chu:

What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?
I think I'd like Mareep and Pikachu lines to be one of those.

Well good news, it seems that Pikachu is going to be included in the new games for sure! Not to mention, the new Pokemon - Grubbin, I think - is bound to be the next Electric/Bug-type! I wonder what kind of insect he will be once he evolves? :D

I'll say no, because when I do play a new game I want to play with only new Pokemon, except if an old Pokemon has something new (as if for example Plusle get new moves/ability and got better, example only).

Hmm, I can see what you mean. Like, B/W introduced the most new Pokemon out of all the games but none from previous titles could be obtained; whereas X/Y hardly had any new Pokemon, but there were plenty of old 'mons available in the region.

As for Sun and Moon however, it's already been confirmed that you can catch Pokemon like Ledyba and Caterpie, so it won't be purely made up of new pokes! It's also stated that the Alola region is a place "teeming with life", so I bet you there'll be plenty of new Pokemon in any case! ;)

I won't answer the topic for myself just yet; it's 2:40 am after all and I am really quite tired. xD
Actually, I thought about mega pikachu (when I didn't know about mega evolution, how fool I am! ), but never thought about mega raichu. But I guess I better think about it before. Btw it's really sparky. I guess it's Electric and Dark type. Am I right?
Actually, I thought about mega pikachu (when I didn't know about mega evolution, how fool I am! ), but never thought about mega raichu. But I guess I better think about it before. Btw it's really sparky. I guess it's Electric and Dark type. Am I right?

I can see a Mega Pikachu because it's the mascott. Like if he got a Mega he'll probably be the only one not fully evolve to be able to have a Mega Evolution.
I can see a Mega Pikachu because it's the mascott. Like if he got a Mega he'll probably be the only one not fully evolve to be able to have a Mega Evolution.

Yeah! I'm agree with you. That would be a new exciting think to see. If pikachu got a mega evolution than I'll be so happy. But it's mega form should be cute and powerful like now.

As I said it befor about mega pikachu, how is it?

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