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Answer the question above & quiz the next user! v2

[PokeCommunity.com] Answer the question above & quiz the next user! v2

...Never? I'm suddenly very curious about this.

What's a hobby or toy you were really into when you were younger?
Roughly once a month, if at all
I do get takeout somewhat regularly though.

If you go to a restaurant, would you prefer to order dishes you're familiar with already or would you experiment and try out dishes you're not familiar with?
Almost always something I'm familiar with. Every so often I'll see something new in my daily life and have the interest in trying it, and whenever that happens I'll go in knowing I wanna try something new. But very often stick I'll with what I know. There are certain foods I'm very devoted to!

More food questions!
What's something you haven't eaten in a long time that you'd love to have again?
Like, living ones? Assuming that would be made possible for whatever reason...
Sounds dangerous, I'll pass unless it's a herbivore, and I'd only want to see it if it's a pretty small one and not a big one that could step on me without even noticing me.

Favorite style of clothes to wear?
Like, formal attire, shorts, dresses, etc. etc.
Yes okay Jpop and Anisong are obvious answers and they are my favourites but I've rediscovered an old love for like, 2000s pop music? There's a remix of the top 2009 pop songs called Blame it on the Pop that I think sums up a lot of what I enjoy from growing up listening to it. I don't listen to much music at all, much less mainstream stuff, but if I had to give an answer to someone who didn't know what anime was I'd answer with 2000s pop.

What's your favourite place you've ever travelled to, and what did you like best about it?
If it's a good puzzle I spend the time. If not then I'll just look up the solution.

What's some food you liked a lot that you can't get anymore?