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Blogs are the most pointless thing ever made...


  • 7,415
    ...comment here if you agree, so I can continue using this blog to post about other things I hate. :P
    You sir are a noob! >:(!!!
    I disagree, I love hate blogs. : D
    Blogs are awesome. I really enjoy them. So I disagree as well. ^^ Buy if you want to use this blog to put the stuff you hate that is fine. Just as long it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings. That is what it is for. If you want to take your anger on something put in a blog. It is better to do that than yell or fight with someone. That is how I see it.

    *runs away*
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    I'm sorry, but this blog is probably very pointless if you don't mind me saying. Why support and make a blog about blogs when you yourself don't like them or think so low of them?

    Anyway, it is a person's opinion on what they may think of it. I, however, diasagree. It is one place in the forums where you can really be you and just go on and on about something. So, they do serve a purpose, it is just that you haven't found it yet.
    Yes, blogs are pointless. If people like yourself make random hate topics like this.

    Though, like Klippy said, THE IRONY. Posting that you think blogs are pointless in your blog. How lovely~
    I like how only a handful of people appreciated the irony while most of these people assume I'm an idiot. lern2be not serious...:P
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    I was making a really long comment last night about how blogs show wonderful contributions from deep and profound people, etc. etc. but I just couldn't finish the comment. :'(