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[Bonus Puzzle #2] Who's That Pok?mon? - Rise of the Riddles (FINISHED)

How difficult was this puzzle for you?

  • Too easy

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Somewhat easy

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • About average

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Somewhat hard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Way too hard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Post it in the thread!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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  • 10,719
    [Bonus Puzzle #2] Who's That Pokémon? - Rise of the Riddles (FINISHED)

    UPDATE: Hi everyone, this round is officially over! Please click here to access the Main Thread of "Who's That Pokémon" for further updates!​

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Bonus Puzzle #2] Who's That Pok?mon? - Rise of the Riddles (FINISHED)

    Bonus Puzzle #2 - Rise of the Riddles

    It's time to put your Pokémon knowledge to the test with our second bonus round of PokéTrivia's "Who's That Pokémon" contest! For this particular puzzle, I have put together a riddle about a certain "mystery" Pokémon, and it is up to you to try and identify which Pokémon the riddle is describing. Once you think you have an answer, send it to me in a PM and you could be our next prize winner!


    • Guess which Pokémon the clue is describing!
    • The clue is a riddle about the "mystery" Pokémon, which will be presented in first-person perspective (from the Pokémon's point of view).
    • Send Revise Librarian a PM (private message) with your answer once you've figured it out - you may answer as many times as you want, but only your final answer will count!
    • Do not post answers in this thread - you don't want other people to use your answers, do you?
    • Feel free to chat about the puzzles and how easy/hard you find them; that's the fun of this game after all!
    • Submit your answers by next Wednesday (October 21) before 10:00 p.m. EDT if you want them to count!


    A winner is a winner and a winner is you - assuming you won! Here's what you can expect to win from accumulating points by guessing puzzles correctly. (Hover over the emblems for descriptions!)

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Bonus Puzzle #2] Who's That Pok?mon? - Rise of the Riddles (FINISHED)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Bonus Puzzle #2] Who's That Pok?mon? - Rise of the Riddles (FINISHED)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Bonus Puzzle #2] Who's That Pok?mon? - Rise of the Riddles (FINISHED)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Bonus Puzzle #2] Who's That Pok?mon? - Rise of the Riddles (FINISHED)

    Point Value: This puzzle will be worth one point on the rankings.

    Clue - Rise of the Riddles

    Mega Pokémon will NOT be included as possible answers in this round!

    Let's have a word with our "mystery" Pokémon...

    "Though my pre-evolved form is not very smart, I have become much more intelligent after evolving. My intelligence is highly dependent on another Pokémon injecting toxins into my head. Whenever I yawn, more toxins will be injected to my brain, so I essentially get smarter each time I yawn. I normally don't care for love, nor am I easily provoked. I like to think at my own pace, so I generally don't mix things up by accident. I once gave advice to a chosen hero, who had helped to save the world."​

    Who am I?

    Good luck, everyone! Feel free to discuss the puzzle in either this thread or the Main Thread! I added a poll to this thread to get an idea of its general difficulty level, so I would appreciate it if you gave your opinion! (All votes are anonymous, so there's no need to be shy!) ^^

    Last edited:
    Haven't been here in a while but was like hey wtf let's do this one
    I figured this out in a few minutes, so it was a little on the easy side. xP

    I was kinda relieved though, because usually I am terrible at riddles. xD It was fun all the same! And now I get a shiny new emblem. :D
    Ah, I got this one! I was a little later than normal and I'm bad at riddles, but I've managed to get it!
    Hey guys, thanks a lot for participating! :D I just got home from a pretty difficult test, but it made me really happy when I saw all those submissions in my inbox. xD

    It has only been a day so far, and yet we already have almost as many participants as the first bonus puzzle! I've got a pretty good feeling about this :D
    Hi everyone, just a quick reminder that you have about 7 hours left (as of this post) to submit your final answers!

    I wish you all the best of luck! :D
    Alright everyone, are you ready for the moment of truth? This round is officially over, so it's time to reveal the answer...

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Bonus Puzzle #2] Who's That Pok?mon? - Rise of the Riddles (FINISHED)


    • Slowking has an incredible intellect compared to Slowpoke, its pre-evolved form.

    • According to its PokéDex entries, Slowking owes its intelligence to the Shellder biting on its head, which injects toxins into Slowking's brain.

    • Slowking's PokéDex entry from Pokémon Crystal says that every time Slowking yawns, the Shellder injects more poison to its head, and the poison increases Slowking's intelligence.

    • One of Slowking's abilities is Oblivious, which prevents it from being attracted. In addition, it is protected from Taunt in Generation VI.

    • Another one of Slowking's abilities is Own Tempo, which prevents it from getting confused.

    • In the second Pokémon movie, there was a talking Slowking who gave Ash (the chosen hero) advice to help save the world.

    Congratulations to everyone who guessed it correctly! Now let's give a round of applause to the following participants...

    This round's winners:
    Ice Goddess

    (Please let me know if I accidentally missed your name on the list of winners! If so, I'll be sure to double-check my inbox and get everything sorted for you! Also, if your name is italicized on this list, then that means you have already attained Master Rank status!)

    Whew, and this concludes WTP's second bonus puzzle! Once again, I really want to thank everyone who participated in this contest, and I hope you all had fun while solving it! I certainly had a lot of fun responding to your messages and sorting them out, haha. Of course, I'm always open to feedback, criticism, and/or suggestions if you feel that you have any concerns! The emblems/scores are being sorted out as we speak, so please hang on tight! :D

    Also, I was hoping to surpass Bonus Puzzle #1 (Trembling Trivia) in terms of activity, and it looks like we've actually reached that goal! In fact, this was the most activity WTP has seen during my time as the host, which I feel is a nice change of pace! This couldn't have been possible without you all, so I'm gonna give my thanks to you again, yay. ^^

    If you're still interested in earning more points in WTP, you can participate in our Weekly Puzzles, which revolve around identifying a Pokémon's Dream World artwork. You can possibly rank up your score, and even win some more emblems while you're at it! The current puzzle right now is Weekly Puzzle #28, so I hope you all check it out if you have a chance! For more info about ranks, scores, or virtually anything WTP-related, please read the Main Thread of "Who's That Pokémon," which is linked here!

    Anyway, that'll be all for now! Feel free to discuss this round's puzzle (or anything related to WTP) in this thread or the Main Thread! See ya later, everyone! ^.^

    - Revise