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  • 2,423
    How does Poki enter the kitchen? By tripping on the ****ing carpet, of course!

    Anyway, this is about clumsiness. Are you clumsy? Share funny stories, or whatever.
    One time I opened the door and the door hit my nose, because I forgot how to door. True story.
    Weak door game there, bruh. Once, I violently pushed the doors at school because I was stupid and it went back with full force and I got KO'd.
    In real life, I'm probably not a clumsy person, although I do make some mistakes here and there.

    This doesn't happen as much as it used to, but every now and then, my mother left the pantry cabinet door open, and I'd walk into it, since around the corner is my bedroom.
    I have a big tendency to fling my arms at places where they don't belong, so I occasionally knock stuff off my table. I am pretty clumsy in general though, but that's just the biggest gripe I have about it.
    Every now and then I actually hit myself with a fist.
    How clumsy you have to be to hit yourself with a fist? I win.
    But it doesnt happen often, but when it does, I get that "derp, wth" moment. lol
    I'm only clumsy when I'm really, really tired. I fell down the stairs once.

    And every once in a while, I trip over nothing. #teamcoordination
    Well, I kinda have a permadrunk feeling, so I have no balance and I kinda stumble around a lot and stuff. Very clumsy.
    It depends, I guess. My legs moreso walk themselves which makes me look different when I'm walking, and every two to three hundred steps one leg accidentally hits into the other, but I don't fall over at all or anything.

    Most of my trips are met with graceful recoveries, as well.
    Oh I am definitely clumsy. The usual bouts of it take the form of stepping wrong and losing footing or tripping (though I never fall, but the recovery is probably anything but graceful, haha), dropping things repeatedly while trying to pick up multiple things, and bumping into things usually with my bottom or elbow, and stubbing my toe. For some reason I also used to walk into doorframes a lot, but don't anymore. I have no idea why. One time I smacked eyeball-first into a doorknob when I bent to catch my cat quickly and didn't look where my face was headed. It's a wonder I didn't get a black eye because that **** hurt like hell.
    I'd just like to say that when my mom and I are next or near each other, we're the definition of clumsy. I swear she has like a built in homing missile when we're walking and she's always gradually walking towards me. Also always bumping heads. One time I even knocked her on the floor when I was walking backwards.

    There's a lot more things I could say, but in general, my whole family including my dog, is clumsy.
    given that i am 6'8 and therefore a major source of gravitational pull on earth i am constantly hitting objects or doors with my body
    you get used to it after a while
    Once I remember I was looking at a poster continuously walking at a place and I ran into a parked car xD
    I'm not usually clumsy but on this particular morning the day before yesterday, I kind of knocked my sister's expensive foundation off of the bathroom dresser and it smashed and spilled all over the floor. ..oops.
    I'm actually not very clumsy at all. Every time I'm met with a surprise curb or a longer drop than expected, I've always corrected myself without falling.

    Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever fallen unless I was on one foot or playing a sport where I valued winning over balance. :B

    I was referred to as "the destroyer" by my family growing up, which is exactly what it sounds like: everything I touched ended up breaking. I'm probably a spatially aware person nowadays because of this.
    In the process of reading these funny comments, I got up to squat on my computer chair (don't ask why, it's just a comfortable position) and smashed my knee on the edge of the table. That should answer your question.
    I can be pretty clutzy, especially when I'm in an unusual environment. When I first moved into my flat I kept missing doors that I was trying to walk through.
    My boyfriend has to carry my dinner plate downstairs to the dishwasher because I'm likely to fall and break things. I'm almost 22 and I still don't know how stairs work. Hell I literally trip over my own two feet on a regular basis. I have no idea how walking works. My ex asked me once if I have Huntington's because I'm so unsteady and uncoordinated some days. :c

    So yes. I am clumsy. Don't let me hold cups that contain any staining liquids or any breakable items. Give those to someone else.

    In the process of reading these funny comments, I got up to squat on my computer chair (don't ask why, it's just a comfortable position) and smashed my knee on the edge of the table. That should answer your question.


    I either sit relatively normal on my chair and just cross my legs, or I'll sit cross-legged, ya know with both feet on the chair. And every time I switch, I slam my knee into my keyboard tray. You would think that after hitting it so many times, I would be consciously aware that it's there, and that it hurts. But nope.