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Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

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this seems fun i think i'll try it, Ultimate of course

Username: MachoPony
Partner Pokemon: after several retries on the random Pokemon generator i ended up with Tyranitar
Challenge: (Single or Ultimate) Ultimate
Game(s): Firered, Crystal, Ruby, Diamond, Black 2, X
Edit: A kind of important question. I'm planning out some (a lot of) movesets for different solo's in X. I was wondering if it would be okay to breed my Pokémon with Egg Moves? I don't really see any problems with it, as your Pokémon is already heavily over-leveled, but I still thought it best to ask.

Egg moves are 100% OK :]
I somehow managed to get one of my own recently, but thanks for the offer!
Great! If you're ever in need of a Pokémon for a solo run (or any other challenge) I'd be happy to provide you with one. I'm breeding my own 'solo-viable' Pokémon (with Egg-Moves, without Egg-Moves, HA, etc.), so as long as it's breedable I can get it for you ;)

Egg moves are 100% OK :]
Thanks! I'm going to get a few 'mons bred then (though I'll probably be busy for years doing all those solo's ;) )

Update #1: Alakazam - Heart Gold
Because Abra doesn't really get any useful moves till it evolves into a Kadabra, I gave it Knock Off. It's an Egg Move it gets and it's not too powerful.


[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Trick the Mild Kadabra (M) @ Lv.36
Ability: Synchronize
Knock Off
Psycho Cut
Username: Spartacus
Partner Pokemon: Magneton
Challenge: Single
Game(s): Emerald

Magneton Solo - Emerald

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread


[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Pullo | Level 75
Thunderbolt | Thunder Wave
Tri-Attack | Supersonic
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It's funny when you finish a challenge after someone and deliberately don't use all your rare candies so you can end your challenge on the same level.

Magneton is done done done.

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

^Have to edit my post because Lucas is salty I beat him to completing this one Kappa. Crawdaunt Solo is doney done done.

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

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Finally OP is updated to post 3000! If I forgot anything please message me or quote this post to let me know. I should hopefully have the OP completely updated some time over the next couple days :)
I did a quick FireRed run with HAL the Starmie :3

Username: Halfcadence
Partner Pokemon: HAL the Starmie
Challenge: (Single or Ultimate) Single (for now)
Game(s): FireRed

I took video of all the Gym Battles, but they were pretty uneventful. Hit me up if you want me to upload them for proof or something.

Elite Four and Champion (timestamps in description):

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

HAL the Starmie, Lv. 74
Natural Cure
-Cosmic Power
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Venomoth completed on Sapphire :3 My rival's Arcanine was a pain to defeat :( All the crit flamethrowers and resets >.<

Hall of fame:

Final stats:

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Venera|Female|Hasty Nature|Shield Dust|Lvl 71
Aerial Ace
Giga Drain
Update #2: Charizard - X
I pushed myself a bit to complete this one a little faster. I did wait till after I had done two exams though. As I expected this wasn't too difficult, especially with the Mega Evolution. I went for a completely physical build, ultimately replacing Flamethrower with Flare Blitz.

I believe I've completed a game in every region (Red, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, Black and X), so Charizard is the first Pokémon I completed the Ultimate Challenge for (though I did it in Single Challenges). I am sorry for the trouble that causes with updating the OP ;)


[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Jason the Adamant Charizard (M) @ Lv.96
Ability: Blaze
Item: Charizardite X
Wing Attack
Dragon Claw
Flare Blitz
Shadow Claw
Next sign-up:
Username: Hann
Pokémon: Trevenant
Challenge: Single
Game: X
!Because Phantump only evolves when traded I kinda need someone's help evolving it. If someone would be so kind as to trade with me. If I'm online here, I should be able to do the trade, so shoot me a quick message. I'll update this post when I don't need any help anymore. Thanks!

Update: Don't need any help anymore. I've got my Trevenant thanks to Lrachelr5.​
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Y is finally completed, and by extension, the Ultimate run! ...I got not much else to say. This game was by far the easiest for me. Even Gyarados was no match for Flamberge this time.

The details:

Lv. 92
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Nature: Brave
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Poison Jab
Power-Up Punch
Blaze Kick
Shadow Claw
Username: Obsideon
Partner pokemon: Arbok (Snake eyes)
Game(s): Fire red, crystal, ruby, light platinum (can't use the actual platinum), blaze black2, X!
Ultimate: Heck yeah (first ultimate)
Also I shall try to do all of them with a shiny Arbok!
Username: Obsideon
Partner pokemon: Arbok (Snake eyes)
Game(s): Fire red, crystal, ruby, light platinum (can't use the actual platinum), blaze black2, X!
Ultimate: Heck yeah (first ultimate)
Also I shall try to do all of them with a shiny Arbok!

I'm sorry, but Light Platinum can't be used for ultimate, as it's complete hack and is not based on Sinnoh. You'll have to find another solution if you want do an ultimate :)
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