1) Folds up into apple
2) Eats railroad tracks
3) Napoleon-height icebreaker penguin
4) Fully grown fluffy bunny
5) Inverted colours for females
6) Bear trap flat fish
7) Scizor, but with axes
8) Primal in Mystery Dungeon
1) Folds up? it's probably one of the Applin line, but... idk. I'll just go Applin.
2) Aron
3) Empoleon?
4) There's multiple bunnies, erm... Lopunny?
6) Galar Stunfisk
7) Kleavor probably
8) Dialga
My turn!
Fluffy cute evolution boy
Next one:
Mad scientist radar bug
Correct again!
Disaster dog
5) Inverted colours for females
4. Supercomputer-level brain.
5. Unicorn
I honestly have no idea if Absol is considered a Dog, but the word Disaster made me think Absol... so I'll go with that =p
Metagross probably
Cloud-winged bird
1. First baby since Sinnoh.
2. Comes in five colors.
3. Trade evolving twice required
4. Supercomputer-level brain.
5. Unicorn
Meowstic, possibly?
The big one or the little one? 😄 I'll go with Altaria.Cloud-winged bird
Meowstic definitely fits, but it isn't what I had in mind. Hint: they have army-like camouflage patterns.
As for your descriptions:
1. Toxel!
2. Flabébé?
3. Porygon-Z!
Alright, I'm gonna provide several descriptions for my favourite Pokémon:
1) Better than Pikachu
2) Meowth's worst nightmare
3) Baby boy. Baby
My other favourites are "Better than Pikachu 2", "THIRTEEEEEEN but baby", "living Nazca lines", and "big Ghost-type Cyndaquil." :D