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Completed Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge

Completed Final Segment:

Alternated between Sceptile, Altaria and Groudon vs Sidney
Did the same with Phoebe
With Glacia I used Groudon the most (seems like opponent's AI are set to set weather conditions like Rain Dance and Hail first in order to increase damage or guarantee Blizzard in Hail's case)
Drake - Alrtaria Sweep with dragonbreath and Ice beam.

Steven Champion:
Altaria and Sceptile took care of Skarmory and Claydol, then Groudon enhanced with 1 Bulk up sweeps the rest of Steven's team with one Earthquake each.

Hall of Fame


Sacrificed Pokémon

Fisherman Arcaneum takes to the stage!
After a lifetime spent by the waters, drifting along with its ebbs and flows, Arcaneum decided they wanted to stop their coasting and take their life in a different direction - the stage! Now they take to the stage in pursuit of stardom!

Divine Offering: Segment #6

Speeeeeeeeeed the name of the game! With our newlyfound Surf powers, it was time to finally put HAGANE the Buizel to good use! As we traverse to Canalave and by extension Iron Island... I couldn't not once more use the AI partner to train NYMPH the Golduck all the way to... Level 47. We get a load of nice levels on everything too and are forming quite the team now, including a new member in COCCYX the Steelix!

After a little adventure with Riley, we go straight to Byron to get him out of the way. This was a fairly easy battle as I managed to get a Heart Scale and therefore teach COCCYX Fire Fang, making short work of the Bronzor and our overlevelled NYMPH made short work of everything else! And with that, we get the 6th Badge, the Mine Badge, from Byron!


Challenge Stats

Trainer: Rubia
Game: Pokémon Diamond
Playtime: 40:28

Pokémon Caught:

Worthy Pokémon:

Pokémon Sacrificed:

Badges Obtained:

Current Pokémon

Eleanor's last update!

Pokémon White 2 as Ruin Maniac

There's absolutely no way I can finish this game in 1 hour, including the entire Plasma final showdown and the league, so I'm calling it quits and sacrificing as many Pokémon as I can for points. No rules to be removed, just +1 for Guerreros ♥

So, what happened here? Skyla was a joke (for once). I came in with a team of rock-types, as well as a Swanna counter: Gran Sassothe Zebstrika, who defeated Swanna, Matterhorn the Boldore that we know and love and who destroyed Swoobat, but also the new catches Terevaka the Probopass for Sigilyph and Denali the Lairon for Skarmory. Except it didn't go that way! I used Stromboli to weaken Skarmory for Denali but he scored a crit and defeated the Steel-Flying Pokémon himself, so... you know what? I'm sacking him too.

4 sacrifices, 4 points: Matterhorn the Boldore, Terevaka the Probopass, Gran Sasso the Zebstrika, and yes, my starter, Stromboli the Emboar.

Time to reach Undella, trying to skip as many trainers as possible as I ran through Reversal Mountain, and then from there, Opelucid. Nothing to say here, other than I got myself Peralba the Floatzel and used a Heart Scale on it to get Ice Fang. I also gave some spotlight to K2 the Claydol which I caught way earlier in Relic Castle, and somehow crawled through the seventh gym. For Drayden, I got a new teammate, Logan the Skarmory, to wall literally anything (I was a bit scummy with potions) and managed to get 3 more worthy Pokémon: Skarmory himself, who dealt with Druddigon, Peralba the Floatzel for Altaria, and K2 the Claydol, who exploded on a weakened Flygon for the third KO. With Haxorus dangerously setting up, well... I was very glad that Denali was spared from a sacrifice. She dealt with the menace very easily (considering all the Dragon Dances) as an Aggron and, knowing how important she was becoming... I didn't sack her.

Drayden nets Guerreros 3 points: Peralba the Floatzel, K2 the Claydol, Logan the Skarmory.

Denali was not sacked also because of the Ice-type onslaught that I was going to face pretty soon. Zinzolin was singlehandedly dealt with by her, and that was only a taste of the final Plasma thing... too bad I'm not going to get there because time is short and I'd better stick to deadlines I have set myself. That's a pretty steep points loss for my team but... yeah.

Marlon was defeated with mostly one Pokémon: Brocken the Virizion, my Master Ball capture for this run. I was just desperate at that point and nothing else seemed to be even slightly able to keep up with the levels of Challenge Mode, so I had to let her do everything. Everything but one Pokémon, Jellicent, who was actually handled by a very old catch that I'd brought with me for a very long while without ever giving any spotlight: Fumaiolo the Simipour, who nailed Jellicent with a final Bite after a certain other Pokémon weakened it.

Knowing I won't continue on, have 2 more points: Brocken the Virizion, and Fumaiolo the Simipour.

That Pokémon was N's Zoroark, who... has no name because he's not mine. He was a very useful Pokémon and my trump card for the League Challenge I never got to... but he sure deserves some time in the spotlight. Had I continued like this, he and Denali the Aggron were the only strong team members I had left. I had plans to get a Mamoswine, Clefable, Gliscor... you know, some other stuff from the late-late-game areas, but that would take too much time for any of this. Even with Brocken in the team.

I'm ending this post here with a huge thanks to all my team members who had to bear with me when I wasn't available but still helped me as best as they could and did some amazing challenge runs in their own right. Thank you all Guerreros ♥ and for everything else, just wait 40 minutes ;)

Game Time: 17:01
Badges: 7 -> Now 8!

Current Clauses:

I defeated Liza & Tate when suddenly a loud explosion occurred in the ocean. Steven handed me HM Dive, which I taught to Latios because it seemed hilarious to use a legendary for story-required HMs! I used a Max Repel, used Surf near Mossdeep City, and reached Sootopolis City before my Max Repel even expired. It's very useful knowing exactly where to go in Hoenn. I would not be able to progress as quickly if I played some of the other/newer games. Also, I backtracked to Fortree (now that I have Fly) and caught an Absol as I needed a new addition on my team. ALSO, I backtracked again to Route 128 as I completely forgot I needed to complete the Seafloor Cavern / Team Magma onslaught before I can challenge Wallace. I thrashed all of Team Magma including Maxie. His mega-evolved Camerupt was defeated in one shot! Swampert was the right choice!

Awesome cutscene with Primal Groudon! Let's go!

Funny how the adults squabbled, but it's me who ended up saving the world!

ANDDDD- I forgot to pick up the Master Ball in the Team Magma hideout, making this legendary Pokemon very difficult to capture with 15 Ultra Balls and a team that can't match Groudon's strength. I K.O. Groudon for the greater gods! I powered through all of these cutscenes and gym ice puzzles!

Omega Ruby - Gym Badge #8 Sootopolis City
Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Mudslide the Swampert - Level 53
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Linoone - Level 44
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Gardevoir - Level 46
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Swellow - Level 49
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Black Magic the Absol - Level 31
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Latios - Level 38

Gym Battle - 10 turns

Worthy sacrifice for user saniachan: Latios - defeated Sealeo - Latios's speed stat is 94
Mind Power 3 - You may only use Special damaging moves in a trainer battle. Offer Requirement: A lv. 30+ Pokémon with a current Speed stat of 90 or more.

Worthy sacrifice for user saniachan: Swampert - defeated Milotic and Whiscash - shares Water typing
No interference 2 - Every Pokémon in your team must be of different types. Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Pokémon who has gained Worthy status by defeating a Pokémon who shares at least one type with it.

Worthy sacrifice (in general): Gardevoir - defeated Luvdisc
Worthy sacrifice (in general): Swellow - defeated Seaking
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Fisherman Arcaneum takes to the stage!
After a lifetime spent by the waters, drifting along with its ebbs and flows, Arcaneum decided they wanted to stop their coasting and take their life in a different direction - the stage! Now they take to the stage in pursuit of stardom!

Divine Offering: Segment #7

Unfortunately we hit a roadblock in that after Canalave... is when the story decides to come back and therefore we have so much to do that I cannot make it to the end of the run in time! A shame, but let's end with a bang!

So first off, we go beat up some Grunt nerds at Lake Valor before then going around places like Fuego Ironworks and Valley Windworks to pick up some TMs and stuff with Surf/Strength. At this point I realise time is slim, so I blitz through Routes 216 and 217 to get to Snowpoint to at least get some last-minute sacrifices in!

And that's exactly what I manage to do! The battle was a breeze, PUMICE the Noctowl manages an easy knockout on Candice's Snover, before POURQUOI the Luxray tears apart her Sneasel. NYMPH being so overlevelled meant that Medicham died instantly and Fire Fang on COCCYX was a winner, as it made her Abomasnow easy to kill.

As it's the last segment and all 4 Pokémon became worthy, I decided to sacrifice all of them to my Marowak overlord as a final farewell and thank you!

Thank you to Janp and Loomie for this event, it was a bumpy ride but as a whole the concept is super interesting and I thknk this should definitely be tweaked and actually done on the forums as something a bit longer!


Challenge Stats

Trainer: Rubia
Game: Pokémon Diamond
Playtime: 45:20

Pokémon Caught:

Worthy Pokémon:

Pokémon Sacrificed:

Badges Obtained:

Current Pokémon
Spoiler: The rules as of now
  1. Mind Power: You may only use Pokémon with a base Sp. Attack stat of 80 or higher, or who evolve into an eligible Pokémon.
    • Offer Requirement: A lv. 25+ Pokémon who has defeated an enemy Pokémon by using the same damaging move on it at least 2 times in a row.
  2. Know your enemy: During a major battle, you may not use a damaging move with your Pokémon until it has taken damage while on the field. Everytime you switch out, this condition is reset.
    • Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Pokémon who has gained Worthy status by using Counter, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Me First, Bide or Shell Trap and successfully defeating an enemy Pokémon this way.
  3. No interference: Every Pokémon in your team must be of different types.
    • Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Pokémon who has gained Worthy status by defeating a Pokémon who shares at least one type with it.
With the type bans removed, Robin was free to catch more Pokemon. And more importantly, he can now go to Akala Island for his next trials. He met one of the captains there, Mallow, as well as the Feroxi dancer kahuna of Akala, Olivia, as soon as he got there with Hau, Lillie, and Professor Kukui.

[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge

A lot of things happened while Robin's there. A meeting with some foreigners (i.e. Sina and Dexio, with Frederick steamrolling through the former's ice-types) who entrusted him to find these things called Zygarde Cells, some Team Skull antics, a Hau battle in Paniola Town, getting more ride Pokemon (he got his first one right after beating Hala) and an egg, basically stuff. Not without another round of catching spree:

Spoiler: Robin caught

  • Elise the Nohrians' ball of sunshine Happiny (not usable, but already hard enough to encounter one, so why not?)
  • Panne the taguel Rockruff (not usable, but Robin got her for some extra cash)
  • Morgan the child of tactician Cutiefly (yes, Robin caught one for real)
  • Say'ri the princess of Chon'sin Fomantis
  • Cordelia the redhead pegasus knight Grubbin
  • Donnel the villager with a pot over his head Eevee (hatched from the egg from Pokemon Nursery)

And more importantly, the totem battles were unavoidable as a part of the two trial Robin was up for.

Spoiler: Water totem battle log
Turn 1
  • Cynthia: Thunder Wave
  • Totem Wishiwashi: Growl

Turn 2 (Ally Wishiwashi summoned)
  • Cynthia: Thunder Wave on ally Wishiwashi
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Aqua Ring
  • Totem Wishiwashi: Water Gun (Cynthia down)

Turn 3
  • Henry: Confuse Ray on totem Wishiwashi
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Brine
  • Totem Wishiwashi: Water Gun

Turn 4
  • Henry: Psywave on totem Wishiwashi (totem's Sitrus Berry kicked in)
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Brine (Henry down)
  • Totem Wishiwashi: Water Gun (no target)

Turn 5
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Helping Hand
  • Reina: Supersonic on totem Wishiwashi (miss)
  • Totem Wishiwashi: paralyzed

Turn 6
  • Ally Wishiwashi: paralyzed
  • Reina: Supersonic on totem Wishiwashi
  • Totem Wishiwashi: hurt by confusion

Turn 7
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Helping Hand
  • Reina: Supersonic on ally Wishiwashi
  • Totem Wishiwashi: hurt by confusion

Turn 8
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Helping Hand
  • Reina: Supersonic on totem Wishiwashi
  • Totem Wishiwashi: hurt by confusion

Turn 8
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Helping Hand
  • Reina: Supersonic on totem Wishiwashi
  • Totem Wishiwashi: paralyzed

Turn 9
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Helping Hand
  • Reina: Supersonic on totem Wishiwashi
  • Totem Wishiwashi: Water Gun

Turn 10
  • Reina: Wing Attack on totem Wishiwashi
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Brine (Reina down)
  • Totem Wishiwashi: Water Gun (no target)

Turn 11
  • Say'ri: Growth
  • Ally Wishiwashi: paralyzed
  • Totem Wishiwashi: Soak

Turn 12
  • Say'ri: Growth
  • Totem Wishiwashi: paralyzed
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Feint Attack

Turn 13
  • Say'ri: Leafage (ally down)

Turn 14
  • Ally Wishiwashi: Helping Hand
  • Say'ri: Razor Leaf on both Wishiwashi (totem down)
Spoiler: Fire totem battle log
Turn 1
  • Shigure: Baby-Doll Eyes
  • Salazzle: Torment

Turn 2 (Ally Salandit summoned)
  • Salazzle: Toxic
  • Salandit: Taunt
  • Shigure: Water Gun on Salazzle

Turn 3
  • Shigure: Antidote
  • Salazzle: Venom Drench (failed)
  • Salandit: Venoshock

Turn 4
  • Shigure: Super Potion
  • Salazzle: Flame Burst
  • Salandit: Venoshock

Turn 5
  • Shigure: Aqua Jet on Salazzle
  • Salazzle: Toxic
  • Salandit: Venoshock (Shigure down)

Turn 6
  • Frederick: Revive on Shigure
  • Salazzle: Flame Burst (Frederick's Flash Fire absorbed it)
  • Salandit: Taunt

Turn 7
  • Salazzle: Toxic
  • Frederick: Reversal on Salazzle
  • Salandit: Venoshock

Turn 8
  • Salazzle: Torment
  • Frederick: Flame Wheel on Salazzle
  • Salandit: Venoshock (Frederick down)

Turn 8
  • Shigure: Soda Pop
  • Salazzle: Flame Burst
  • Salandit: Venoshock (critical hit)

Turn 9
  • Shigure: Aqua Jet on Salazzle (Salazzle down)
  • Salandit: Venoshock (Shigure down)

Turn 10
  • Tharja: Confuse Ray
  • Salandit: Taunt

Turn 11
  • Tharja: Hidden Power - Psychic
  • Salandit: Venoshock

Turn 12
  • Tharja: Night Shade
  • Salandit: Venoshock

Turn 13
  • Tharja: Night Shade (Salandit down)
After the fire trial, Robin sacrificed all of his MVPs: Shigure the Brionne and Tharja the Gastly (tried to remove my "no interference" rule with the latter but still gotta thank TwilightBlade for doing it for me instead). No time for detailed updates, unfortunately.

Spoiler: Proof of journey
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge

Spoiler: Robin's sacrifices

Tharja (tried to remove my "no interference" rule with her but still gotta thank TwilightBlade for doing it for me instead)

Spoiler: Robin's remaining squad



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Update #7

Bought another TM35 Flamethrower and taught it to my Machoke
Met up with my rival in the library
Met Lucas and Prof. Rowan who told my Rival to get me
Prof. Rowan told us stuff that I won't bother trying to explain xD (Okay it was about the Evolution of Pokemon)
I needed to get to Lake Valor to investigate but there was a sudden earthquake
Went outside because of our worry for the City
We there told from a random sailor that there was an Explosion at Lake Valor
Arrived at Lake Valor
Saw the Lake's Water was gone and the Magikarp were without water just flopping on the ground
Fought a few galactic grunts
Met a galctic commander in a cave like structure who I defeated
Went to Lake Verity
Met Prof. Rowan who told me to help Lucas
Fought more Galactic Grunts
Met Mars once more, also Lucas, fought Mars and won
We found out Team Galctic took the legendary pokemon of the lakes
Had to get to Lake Acuity to look after my rival
Flew to Solaceon Town to get Strength from the Lost Tower
Went into the Lost Tower
Flew to Celestic Town and went into Mt. Coronet
Reached Route 216
Reached Snowpoint City, because Team Galactic Grunts were standing guard in front of the Lake Entrance
Went into the gym after healing my Pokemon
Got to Candice and fought her
Staraptor was against snover while a healing item was used and defeated it
Switched to Empoleo defeated Medicham
Weakened Sneasel with Empoleon and finished with Gastrodon
Switched to Machoke used Flamethrower to weaken switched to Luxray and finished Abomasnow off
Defeated Camdice

I would like to sacrifice my Staraptor for my be prepared rule, my Empoleon for 1 point, my gastrodon for water veil and my luxray for 1 point.

PS: I didn't have much time to write it down so it's a bit clunky. You'll find all my sacrifices down below!


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Here are the Levels for my last 4 sacrifices!


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  • [PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
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Divine Offering
Get Together 2022 - Pokémon Challenge

The event is now closed! Thanks to everyone for participating once again and see you next year! But before that...

Final Results

Team Guerreros is the winner with a total of 593 challenge points! This result allows them to get the full...
150 GT points to add to their total!

Team Arqueros has obtained a grand total of 358 challenge points! This will be normalized to...
91 GT points!

More details:
