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Completed Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 5,731
    Members of two rival clans, improvised trainers, set off for the adventure of a lifetime, in search of healing and peace of mind. But the deities they worship won't be so easy to bestow such blessings...

    Divine Offering
    Get Together 2022 - Pokémon Challenge

    - The event is now closed, thanks to everyone for playing along! -


    This challenge involves, as usual, playing a main series Pokémon game from start to finish with some self-imposed rules. This time around, those will be assigned to every new player at sign-up, and will be active since the game starts. They're almost like... curses... and no, there's no way to get rid of them, unless...

    🌹 You may complete this challenge on any main line Pokémon game (except Legends:Arceus), as well as any hack that still follows the typical '8 Badges and League' format.
    🦴 The challenge is considered completed when you see your game's Credits roll for the first time.
    🌹 This challenge will last for the entire duration of the Get-Together!
    🦴 You can sign-up with the form below. After that, please wait to get a set of rules assigned to you!
    🌹 In detail: this set is made up of three rules with different names. Each set is made up of three "stages" which will have to be unlocked in sequence. Keep reading to find out how that's done!

    Yes, you can pray for the two Deities, Marowak or Decidueye, to bestow their blessings. But in order to appease them, you will need to offer the right Pokémon in your team... one that they will deem worthy. How does one Pokémon attain such status? By showing its prowess in an important battle...

    🦴 If any of your Pokémon is able to KO an opponent during a Final Battle, which means a regular Gym battle (or for games set in Alola, all Kahuna fights plus the Totem fights at the end of the trials in Verdant Cavern, Wela Volcano Park, Abandoned Supermarket, and Vast Poni Canyon), it will become worthy in the eyes of the Deities. A small number of the player rules may override this, but this is the norm for most situations!
    🌹 You may notice that each rule given to players has an "Offer Requirement". Well, let's say you have just completed a Final battle and have a few Worthy Pokémon in your team. If one of them also matches with those requirements, the Ritual can begin! Sacrifice that Pokémon by permanently boxing it or releasing it, and have your rule progress to the next Stage. If you don't sacrifice a Worthy Pokémon right after a Final battle, it will lose its Worthy status. Sacrifices need to happen right away!
    🦴 Once a Rule reaches Stage 3, you may once again sacrifice a Worthy Pokémon with the right requirements to get rid of that rule altogether.
    🌹 You can sacrifice multiple worthy Pokémon per battle! Can you defeat all of the Gym Leader's Pokémon with different Pokémon of your own? You can sacrifice them all (if you want and are able to)! You may even sacrifice Worthy Pokémon without progressing on any rule... again, if you really want to.

    The Deities have recognized your concerted effort, though.

    🦴 Good news! This sacrifice can be done not just for yourself, but for a teammate, as well! Got a Worthy Pokémon that fits the bill... of someone else's Offer Requirements? You can go right ahead and, starting from their next Segment, their rules will progress one stage.
    🌹 This shouldn't happen very easily but just in case... no, you can't use the method above to have a player skip directly from Stage 1 to Stage 3 of a rule, for example. You can upgrade different rules at a time, sure, but you need to go through all of their stages before you can get rid of them for real.
    🦴 Now, all of this can be pretty confusing... we're sorry. But you can always reach out to us, Eleanor and Janp, in this thread or over on Discord, for anything you may need or have doubts on! We'll do our best to help and update all of the player information down below, at least daily.
    🌹 That said, please remember to keep track of your progress (and your sacrifices) after every badge. It looks like the Challenge mods are in different teams so... we shall be responsible for our own teams to keep everything recorded!
    🦴 Communication will likely be key. This is why it's strongly encouraged to keep track of your progress in this thread after every important fight, but also join the PokéCommunity Discord for faster updates. You can find us in our respective team channels or in the GT Challenge Discord thread inside #gt-general (thanks cube and arc!)

    A small glossary:

    To clarify the way some rules will be worded...
    - It's already noted that battles during which your Pokémon can become worthy are... Gym battles (or for games set in Alola, all Kahuna fights plus the totem fights at the end of the trials in Verdant Cavern, Wela Volcano Park, Abandoned Supermarket, and Vast Poni Canyon). These are what we have already called Final Battles... but let's be real, we only did this to be more inclusive towards our Alolan friends. (No, your Pokémon don't become worthy of a sacrifice when you defeat the Champion. You do ♥)
    - Why 'final'? Because they mark the end of a segment and the start of a new one. The segment being, anything that happens between those two final battles. Another word we might use in the rules, either above or in the player board.
    - You might see the word "Major battles" in some of the rules down in the player board. They are not just Final battles, but also battles against your Rivals, villainous team Admins and Leaders, and Elite 4 / Champions. For Alola Games, the other totem battles at the end of the remaining Trials that weren't mentioned before (Brooklet Hill, Lush Jungle, Mt. Hokulani) also fall in this category.
    - You may find that a Pokémon may be eligible for a sacrifice if it "can learn a move". That means, not only it doesn't have to know that move right now, but it can also be a move that it could only learn via Egg move, TM/TR, event or even in a game of a different generation than yours! You could go on Bulbapedia's page for a move and if your Pokémon is in there, it counts!
    - The same is true for Abilities! If you see an Offer Requirement that says "A Pokémon who may have" a certain ability and you're playing Gen 2... you're still good to go! And yes, you can sacrifice a Pokémon you've caught even if it doesn't have the ability in question: did you get a Rock Head Geodude while the requirements asks for a Pokémon who may have "Sturdy"? Good news, that Geodude is still eligible. Did you get a Gengar in Pokémon Sword and need to sacrifice a Pokémon who may have Levitate? Gengar used to have Levitate so, you can go right ahead.


    🌹 During this challenge you shall gain... Challenge Points, through various means. The main one is to sacrifice Pokémon, which will yield 2, 4 or 8 points depending on the Stage of the rule you're trying to remove. You can sacrifice worthy Pokémon without even removing a rule but that's always giving you back 1 point.
    🦴 Careful with what you sacrifice! Offering the same Pokémon twice will halve the points you get, and every subsequent sacrifice will work the same way. So points will become 1, 2 or 4.
    🌹Every person who reaches the Hall of Fame will let their team gain 20 Challenge Points!
    🦴 We may distribute points to each team based on some Achievements: specifically, if your team has the largest number of different species submitted; if your team has submitted the sacrifice with the highest level or the lowest level; if your team has made the most sacrifices per person playing.
    🌹 Individual achievements are also possible for those who complete their game of choice. You may get some boons if you only sacrifice Pokémon for other players, or on the opposite, if you only do it for yourself with no outside help; if you end the run with no more rules left, or if you just... end the run with no rules removed or upgraded at all; if you sacrifice no Pokémon at all, or if you are able to sacrifice 4 Pokémon in a single fight.
    🦴 The team who has the highest amount of Challenge Points at the end of the GT is the winner of the challenge! They shall get 150 Get Together points (the real deal), while the opposing team may get a variable amount of points based on how close they got to first place. We'll normalize the results to be on par with the other events, basically.

    Sign-up Form

    🌹 Name:
    🦴 Team: Arqueros or Guerreros?
    🌹 Game of choice: let's be real, newer games might give you a slight advantage, but we tried our best to limit the damage ^^;
    🦴 Trainer Class: only for cosmetic purposes - we'll put a picture of your trainer class in your Player Board page, in true Challenges fashion!
    Last edited by a moderator:
    GT 2022 Player board:

    Divine Offering

    Guerreros: 593 🥇
    (150 GT Points)
    Arqueros: 358 🥈
    (91 GT Points)

    The final results can also be found here!

    Player Info

      ❌ Close​
      [tab=el]Eleanor[/tab] • [tab=dev]Devalue[/tab] • [tab=mewtwo]Mewtwolover[/tab] • [tab=draco]Chr. Draco[/tab] • [tab=count]Count Dracularc[/tab] • [tab=aldo]Aldo[/tab] • [tab=zzi]Soulzzi[/tab] • [tab=qwerty]5qwerty[/tab] • [tab=apro]apro[/tab] • [tab=mi]Miau[/tab]

      🌹 ARQUEROS
      [tab=Janp]Janp[/tab] • [tab=Pip]_confused_piplup_[/tab] • [tab=ShooStar]Shooting Star[/tab] • [tab=Sani]saniachan[/tab] • [tab=Starlight]Starlight[/tab] • [tab=tb]TwilightBlade[/tab] • [tab=tenth]tenthcompanion[/tab] • [tab=cel]Celèste[/tab] • [tab=jin]X_K.V.Jin_X[/tab] •

    Click on a name to see their information!

    ███████████████ ELEANOR - G


    Ruin Maniac • White 2

    All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

    ███████████████ JANP - A


    Illusioner • Sapphire
    • Mind Blowing! - You may only use Pokémon who know or can learn a move that can cause confusion. Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Pokémon who may have the Oblivious, Soundproof, or Own Tempo.
    • Tricks of the trade 2 - You may only switch Pokémon during battle if they share a type with each other. This doesn't apply if any of your Pokémon faint and you must send in a new one. Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Pokémon resembling an item (Voltorb line, Foongus line, Stunfisk for Pokéball, Onix line for Lagging Tail, Skitty line for Fluffy Tail, Paras line, Shroomish line, Morelull line for mushrooms, Budew line for Miracle Seed)
    • Surprise! 3 - All of your Pokémon must know at least one move learned by TM. Offer Requirement: A lv. 30+ Pokémon who knows a set of damaging moves that gives it perfect neutral coverage on at least 750 known Pokémon (overall). You can calculate it at https://pokemondb.net/tools/type-coverage and the number you wanna look for is the sum of "Super Effective" and "Normal Effectiveness"!

    • ███████████████ CONFUSED PIPLUP - A


      Scout • Emerald
      • Steadfast 2 - You may only use Pokémon with 70 Base Speed or higher. Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Pokémon who has gained Worthy status by defeating a Pokémon who's had its Speed decreased by at least 1 Stage (ex. by Icy Wind).
      • Prepare the battlefield 2 - At least half of your team must know a move that can cause flinching. You must cause at least one opposing Pokémon to flinch during every major battle (if you get this wrong you can soft-reset and try again). Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Pokémon with a current Attack stat of 70 or more.
      • Retreat! - No Pokémon of yours may stay on the field for more than 4 turns in a row (unless it's the last one available). Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Pokémon who has stayed on the field for at least 5 turns in a row without getting healed in any means, fanting, or defeating an enemy Pokémon.

      ███████████████ SHOOTING STAR - A

      Shooting Star

      Fire Maniac • Sword
      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      ███████████████ SANIACHAN - A


      Sorcerer • Moon
      • Know your enemy 2 - During a major battle, you may not use a damaging move with your Pokémon until it has taken damage while on the field. Everytime you switch out, this condition is reset. Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Pokémon who has gained Worthy status by using Counter, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Me First, Bide or Shell Trap and successfully defeating an enemy Pokémon this way.
      • No interference 3

      ███████████████ TAYLOR - A


      Paladin • Crystal
      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      You've reached the Hall of Fame!

      ███████████████ TWILIGHT BLADE - A


      Summoner • Omega Ruby

      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      ███████████████ DEVALUE - G


      Barbarian • X
      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      You've reached the Hall of Fame!

      ███████████████ MEWTWOLOVER - G


      Cleric • Alpha Sapphire
      • Healing Powers - You may only use Pokémon who can learn self-healing or HP-draining moves. As soon as a Pokémon is able to learn one of them by level-up or you acquire a TM for it, you must learn that move.
        Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Pokémon who has gained the ""worthy"" status while on red HP (20% or less).
      • Generosity - You may only sacrifice Pokémon for the benefit of all your team members, but not yourself. Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Pokémon with a current HP stat of 100 or more.
      • Work Safety - You may not use Dark, Poison, Ghost, Bug, Fire, or Dragon-type Pokémon. Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Pokémon who knows Bite.

        You've reached the Hall of Fame!

      ███████████████ CHR DRACO - G

      Chr. Draco

      Dancer • Ruby

      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      You've reached the Hall of Fame!

      ███████████████ TENTHCOMPANION - A


      Ranger • Soul Silver
      • Stick to what you know 2 - Your Pokémon may only learn moves of types that match those of moves it already knows. This doesn't apply to level-up moves. Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Pokémon who gained Worthy status by defeating an opponent with a non very effective move.
      • Strike from the distance 3 - Your Pokémon must use the move with the highest base power they know every time they are sent out in a major battle. Offer Requirement: A lv. 30+ Pokémon who gained Worthy status the turn after being sent out in battle.
      • Count on your own strength 3 - During each major battle, you must get at least 3 critical hits on opposing Pokémon (if you get this wrong you can soft-reset and try again). Offer Requirement: A lv. 30+ Pokémon who may have the ability Sniper or Super Luck.

      ███████████████ AARON - G

      Count Dracularc

      Performer • Diamond

      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      ███████████████ CELESTE - A


      Mermaid • Brilliant Diamond
      • Adventuring on land 3

      ███████████████ ALDO - G


      Scout• Omega Ruby
      • Steadfast 2

      ███████████████ SOULZZI - G


      Cleric • Black 2
      • Healing Powers - You may only use Pokémon who can learn self-healing or HP-draining moves. As soon as a Pokémon is able to learn one of them by level-up or you acquire a TM for it, you must learn that move. Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Pokémon who has gained Worthy status while on red HP (20% or less).
      • Generosity - You may only sacrifice Pokémon for the benefit of three random team members, but not yourself. These players are Mewtwolover, 5qwerty, Chr. Draco. Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Normal or Fairy-type Pokémon that belongs to one of these three members.
      • Work Safety 2 - During each Gym Leader / Trial battle, you must bring at least one Normal and one Psychic-type Pokémon. Offer Requirement: A lv. 20+ Fire-type Pokémon.

      ███████████████ 5QWERTY - G


      Rogue • Emerald

      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      You've reached the Hall of Fame!

      ███████████████ APRO - G


      Ice Master • Black

      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      You've reached the Hall of Fame Credits!

      ███████████████ MIAU - G


      Channeler • Shield
      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      ███████████████ X_K.V.Jin_X - A


      Professor • Red
      All of the rules have been canceled, thanks to the Deity's continued blessings!

      You've reached the Hall of Fame!

    • Sacrificed Pokémon


    Last edited by a moderator:
    And let's start...

    🌹 Name: Janp
    🦴 Team: Arqueros
    🌹 Game of choice: Sapphire
    🦴 Trainer Class: Rancher from Gen IV
    I am in!

    🌹 Name: _confused_piplup_
    🦴 Team: Arqueros
    🌹 Game of choice: Emerald
    🦴 Trainer Class: (for cosmetic purposes): Free Diver from ORAS
    I am in!

    🌹 Name: _confused_piplup_
    🦴 Team: Arqueros
    🌹 Game of choice: Emerald
    🦴 Trainer Class: (for cosmetic purposes): Free Diver from ORAS

    Your deity looks at you. You can feel its gaze scanning every inch of your body.

    "Very well," your deity says. "Be my Scout." Check the Player Board for your rules.
    Let's go ~

    🌹 Name: Shooting Star
    🦴 Team: Shackled Arqueros
    🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Sword
    🦴 Trainer Class: Punk Guy
    Let's go ~

    🌹 Name: Shooting Star
    🦴 Team: Shackled Arqueros
    🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Sword
    🦴 Trainer Class: Punk Guy

    Your deity looks at you. You can feel sudden surge of energy. It feels like you are burning. You know your role in the upcoming event. You are Fire Maniac. Check the Player Board for your rules.

    🌹 Name: saniachan (in-game name: Robin)
    🦴 Team: Shackled Arqueros
    🌹 Game of choice: Moon (for a spin~)
    🦴 Trainer Class: Gen 5 Lady
    Last edited:
    🌹 Name: Starlight (in game name: Lyra)
    🦴 Team: Shackled Arqueros
    🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Crystal
    🦴 Trainer Class: Aroma Lady (ORAS)


    Edit: here we go!

    Last edited:
    Name: TwilightBlade
    Team: Shackled Arqueros
    Game of choice: Omega Ruby
    Trainer Class: Office clerk from B2W2
    [PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge

    Edit #1:
    Started new file as a female trainer and picked Mudkip nicknamed Mudslide.

    Clause: One Pokemon Per Area - Plan to capture:
    Route 101 - Poochyena - caught
    Route 102 - Ralts
    Route 103 - Zigzagoon
    Route 104 - Taillow
    Last edited:
    🌹 Name: Devalue
    🦴 Team: Guerreros (Marowak)
    🌹 Game of choice: X
    🦴 Trainer Class: Sky Trainer from X/Y

    Decided against the Yellow jank (for this challenge, anyways). Engages with the challenge easier in X.

    🌹 Name: saniachan
    🦴 Team: Shackled Arqueros
    🌹 Game of choice: Moon (for a spin~)
    🦴 Trainer Class: Gen 5 Lady

    🌹 Name: Starlight (in game name: Lyra)
    🦴 Team: Shackled Arqueros
    🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Crystal
    🦴 Trainer Class: Aroma Lady (ORAS)

    As you two stand before your deity, you can feel arcane and divine powers dancing around you. Check the Player Board for your rules.
    🌹 Name: Mewtwolover
    🦴 Team: Guerreros
    🌹 Game of choice: Alpha Sapphire
    🦴 Trainer Class: Ace Trainer
    Name: TwilightBlade
    Team: Shackled Arqueros
    Game of choice: Omega Ruby
    Trainer Class: Office clerk from B2W2
    [PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge

    🌹 Name: Devalue
    🦴 Team: Guerreros (Marowak)
    🌹 Game of choice: X
    🦴 Trainer Class: Sky Trainer from X/Y

    Decided against the Yellow jank (for this challenge, anyways). Engages with the challenge easier in X.

    🌹 Name: Mewtwolover
    🦴 Team: Guerreros
    🌹 Game of choice: Alpha Sapphire
    🦴 Trainer Class: Ace Trainer

    Sorry for no flavour text, but I added you to the Player Board.
    I'm not completely sure I understand what is going on with the rules, so let me just confirm what is going on, is it:

    We start with those rules and then we can make a sacrifice to "upgrade" the rule and gain points.
    If I do a sacrifice than my teammates who are playing the segment I just finished will need to wait until I beat another segment in order to sacrifice something.

    Is that it?
    "Major battles are not just Final battles, but also battles against your Rivals, villainous team Admins and Leaders, and Elite 4 / League members in general. For Alola Games, the other Trials that weren't mentioned before (Brooklet Hill, Lush Jungle, Mt. Hokulani) also fall in this category"

    Does this mean you can sacrifice a Pokémon after a rival battle?
    I'm not completely sure I understand what is going on with the rules, so let me just confirm what is going on, is it:

    We start with those rules and then we can make a sacrifice to "upgrade" the rule and gain points.
    If I do a sacrifice than my teammates who are playing the segment I just finished will need to wait until I beat another segment in order to sacrifice something.

    Is that it?

    I read it as we can sacrifice for ourselves, or our teammates, or both. You could technically sacrifice 6 Pokémon in one battle if everything was aligned perfectly.
    🌹 Name: Chr. Draco
    🦴 Team: Guerreros
    🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Ruby
    🦴 Trainer Class: Dragon Tamer

    I started with Cyndaquil who managed to beat rival Silver with Tackle!

    Since I couldn't yet obtain a Pokémon that could learn Protect by level-up, Falkner was defeated with Quilava using Ember. I could then head off to find an Old Rod!

    After obtaining the Old Rod on Route 32, I back-tracked all the way to Cherrygrove City to catch a Krabby.

    With a qualifying Pokémon by my side, I could finally box Quilava.

    Then I grinded, and grinded, and grinded, and grinded, against low level mons to get Krabby up to 23 so it could learn a fourth attacking move before the next gym - more on that in a moment - in which Krabby defeated Bugsy's whole team with Stomp.

    I now sacrifice Krabby to the gods since it knows 4 damaging moves (Stomp/Vicegrip/Bubble/Mud-Slap). Goodbye my friend, you have been an awesome companion, but your sacrifice allows me to lift the Divine Shield rule, and I will never forgot what you've done!