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Do you care what Poké Balls you catch Pokémon with?

Cared a little more after seeing people put so much effort into things like apricorn balls. But, on the whole, not really. Mainly only notices when healing Pokemon and seeing 5 Pokeballs and 1 Great Ball.
No. I also don't care at all.

Use Pokeballs until I become rich enough, then buy 70-80 Ultra Balls at one go to bring the balance around 1000-2000 and finish the game with that much balls. And delete all the other balls to keep space vacant for simple quick select.

As you know, I don't play for finishing the quests, hence only catch 15-20 Pokémon at max.

I don't even waste much time bringing Pokémon health to red; just give any status problem and throw the Ultra Ball until catching the Pokémon. If nature/ability turns out bad, then reload again to find different species.
I care, but only for Pokémon that I consider adding to my team. I normally try to catch them in a Pokéball that thematically or aesthetically fits the Pokémon, and also try to get each of them in a different ball.

Not allways possible of course, especially if you have a bunch of Pokémon caught at the beginning when the ball variety is very limited.
I like to have each Pokemon in my team in a different type of Poke Ball, but I don't care too much about matching them to the Pokemon. (Other than getting friendship evolutions or Return users in Luxury Balls for gameplay reasons.)
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I actually care a lot, I'm really picky about how the Pokeballs are shown on the Pokemon status screen and the effects when you send your Pokemon out into battle. I always try to get all my shinies in Luxury Balls, since they're my favourite and I think they're a good fit with the sparkles and everything. If I'm using a Pokemon for my team I hate having them all mismatching so I'll exclusively catch things in regular Pokeballs so they'll match my starter. If I'm just catching something for the Pokedex it'll usually be in a Quick Ball just because the odds are good, and I'll typically rely on Ultra Balls for legendaries but honestly if I had it my way, everything would be caught in the exact same kind of ball and it'd be beautiful.
When it comes to shinies I try to give them a Poke Ball that best matches their shiny color (from what I have in my inventory at the time of encountering it anyway).

For Pokemon caught just for the dex: couldn't care less.
For Pokemon caught for the playthrough team: I might try and match it with their type, but most of the time I can't be bothered tbh.
I care quite a lot about what I catch my party Pokemon in, so much so that in one of my playthroughs of Scarlet, I traveled all over the map with just my basic low-level starter (even going out of bounds to leave the tutorial section early) just so I could find the special Pokeballs I wanted so I could get my preplanned team together as early as possible.
I also really care when it comes to legendaries, so much so that I soft-reset the Gen 9 encounter with Solgaleo for hours just so I could catch it in a Beast Ball lol, which, for those that don't know, has one of the worst catchrates among all the different Pokeball types. I'm fairly certain that I would have had a better chance of catching it in a basic Pokeball at full health with no statuses than I did with the Beast Ball with the best odds possible, but I can't find the site I used for calculating the catching odds to check this again, sadly.
I don't generally care if it's just Dex fillers though, but sometimes I still do lol.
I'm fairly certain that I would have had a better chance of catching it in a basic Pokeball at full health with no statuses than I did with the Beast Ball with the best odds possible, but I can't find the site I used for calculating the catching odds to check this again, sadly.
1.567% for a full health Pokeball versus 1.26% for a 1 hitpoint, asleep Solgaleo with a Beast Ball. Drops to 0.279% for a full health, no status Beast Ball, for direct comparison.
1.567% for a full health Pokeball versus 1.26% for a 1 hitpoint, asleep Solgaleo with a Beast Ball. Drops to 0.279% for a full health, no status Beast Ball, for direct comparison.

Absolutely fantastic! Thanks for posting this so that everyone will know exactly how much I suffered trying to catch that beast lol. (it had not one, but TWO recoil causing moves, so if it ever woke up there was a roughly 50&% chance it would instantly kill itself, combine that with False Swipe being not very effective and it became even more unpleasant lol)