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[Poll] Do you watch or skip the openings?

Do you watch the openings?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters


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  • 145
    Pokémon's opening themes can be really catchy and easy to remain stuck in your head for a bit, do you guys watch it every episode or skip? Discuss or vote!
    it depended on the series. the original? absolutely watch the intro everytime. johto journeys? big same. pokemon advanced? yessir. everything else? ehhh
    Love the Japanese Advanced Adventure opening, the original one, and the Johto openings. Gonna watch them completely always.
    I watch it the first time, then skip! They're good but I usually really wanna get to the main content haha. I'm a Japanese dub-only watcher since 2005 or so and love most of the openings, but if I watched Eng I'd probably skip even the first time since they tend to be pretty bad (imo) nowadays.
    The English "Journeys" opener, while short, absolutely stole my heart. I haven't skipped the opening yet, lol.
    Depends on how good the intro is, always watch the Sinnoh League Victors intro whever I'm watching one of those episodes
    I usually watch it once or twice, but then skip it. There are few that I like, but I would rather watch the episode instead of the opening.
    I usually watch it once or twice, but then skip it. There are few that I like, but I would rather watch the episode instead of the opening.

    I'm with you on this one. I'll watch one here and there, but I'd rather just get into the episode.
    I always skip them because every season feels like same thing all over again
    I've always watched the openings at the beginning of each episode since I do like the songs.
    I haven't watched the anime since the early BW series...but if I did, I'd watch the openings. Other than the first time I watched Iron Fist, I think the only opening I've ever skipped is House of Cards...which I'm pretty sure was the show that led to Netflix pioneering the 'skip intro' button in the first place haha
    Depends on the opening honestly. Johto/Hoenn I'd probably listen to every time. If it is the first episode with that opening and I am binge watching, I will listen the first time and then skip it the rest of the time.
    I will always watch the opening of the English Dub of Ultimate Journeys just because the theme song is probably the best one ever!