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[Intro] Does anyone remember me?

Shining Raichu

Expect me like you expect Jesus.
  • 8,959
    Hey there everyone!

    This forum was a huge part of my life from 2011-2015ish. For a large chunk of that time I was a somewhat controversial moderator of "Other Voting Polls" or "OVP" which has since been tragically renamed or regrouped.

    Anyway, if you were around at the time and remember me and would like to reconnect, please identify yourself with a name I would have known you by back then. My razor-sharp memory isn't what it once was and this ability to change usernames that we all fought so hard for at the time has ironically now become the bane of my existence lol

    It's Andy!

    Yes I do remember you! I'm still using the same name here but I wasn't as vocal on the forums back then when you were about. Though, we are forum friends still if that helps at all!
    It's good to hear you're well and looking forward to seeing you around!
    Hey there everyone!

    This forum was a huge part of my life from 2011-2015ish. For a large chunk of that time I was a somewhat controversial moderator of "Other Voting Polls" or "OVP" which has since been tragically renamed or regrouped.

    Anyway, if you were around at the time and remember me and would like to reconnect, please identify yourself with a name I would have known you by back then. My razor-sharp memory isn't what it once was and this ability to change usernames that we all fought so hard for at the time has ironically now become the bane of my existence lol


    Hello, Shining Raichu, and welcome back to the forums!
    It is great to see members return to PokéCommunity, years later! What Pokémon game did you play first ?
    Best of luck to find your acquaintances and friends from 2011 to 2015!
    I remember you. This might've been my username at the time you were around, but I'm not completely sure. I am the mod of what was known at the time of my promotion as the XY section, which then became the 6th Gen section, and is now currently Previous Generations, and am also the least favorite mod of the debate/politics section we used to have. Not sure if any of that will ring a bell, I don't expect everyone to remember or be aware of me lol

    So what brought you back to PC?
    Well, there's a name from the past!

    I haven't changed user names, so you'll be able to remember me. Though we never really talked to one another, we were staff at the same time, and I'm sure that we've intersected that way. Along with being around the forums! My memories of the years you were active are unfortunately an absolute blur, so I can't be more specific about where I was mostly. But I definitely remember your name.

    Welcome back to PC!
    Welcome back!

    I was not around at that time so I'm afraid idk you.

    Do you still play the Pokemon games?
    Oh man I feel well aged now. That's a name I haven't seen in a LONG TIME.

    (Team Fail was my old name here quite some time ago)