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FireRed hack: Dragon Ball Z: Team Training

-Infinite money cheat code:

I can not get this code to work on Visual Boy Advance Please help me
Can you make more pokemon rom hacks with the same style as team training next could u make one
where all pokemon are replaced with All Shounen Characters
Hello. First, thanks for the good game. I love this mod for pokemon. It is the best I have seen so far. I still have 3 questions.

May I edit the game. I want to translate the game for my brother in German (texts and names). because he still understands English so well.

I want to change the map and insert more events that are based on the series.

how can i open the rom. If I open it with Advanced map will give an error message.

sry for my worst english. I used Google translate for this.
The code for wild encounters isnt working for me, every time i input it the game freezers when i encounter the pokemon and i have to close the game and reopen it
Any chance of getting Broly from the Super movie? The Base state...the Wrath state 1, wrath state 2, super saiyan, then L. Super Saiyan?

Just like the first Wrath State because he isn't as huge

[PokeCommunity.com] Dragon Ball Z: Team Training
Aw the third Pokemon Z style hack, but instead of Vegeta/Goku catching pokemon it's Red/Leaf catching DB/Z/GT/VG characters
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You haven't credited anybody for the sprites. Are you telling me you drew the backgrounds and fighter sprites all by yourself?
You haven't credited anybody for the sprites. Are you telling me you drew the backgrounds and fighter sprites all by yourself?

Well TBH that Yamcha is ugly as fudge so i agree

I would of gave him Legacy of Goku sprites of GT Pan, but i don't think the copyrighters would like that
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You haven't credited anybody for the sprites. Are you telling me you drew the backgrounds and fighter sprites all by yourself?
Judging from the screenshots, the majority of the sprites are downscaled from official art/frames from the anime with some editing afterwards.
It's very rude to level an accusation like that without any proof.
Where in the world is the time machine in capsule corp? I just cleared it out and checked every floor and I don't see it anywhere. Is it an after-league thing?

LOL Look whose talking, Pan doesn't deserve the hate you mean man. And i meant design only which is one of the greatest things in all of DBGT (Since Toriyama designed it), also yeah she helped Goku became a Super Saiyan 4, she helped him gather energy to kill Baby, and you say that she's dull? Dude where did you put your heart at when repliying to my comment? And it's not her fault the creators of the anime ruined her, despite the fact she had great potential to come, no need of you to be an selfish brat and hate on Pan for no reason

But whatever i'm removing that line about him not including Pan GT, now calm down please

Also i don't get why he added that nigga uub and his fused form, that makes no sense to add that loser but not Pan

Also who are you calling rude? You know Pan has worse than Flareons and Glaceons? And she is innocent

Quite rude of you to bash this man's YEARS of work

😂 LOL yeah whatever, but alright i respect his work
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Judging from the screenshots, the majority of the sprites are downscaled from official art/frames from the anime with some editing afterwards.
It's very rude to level an accusation like that without any proof.

Oh you want proof my fellow Johto Bug-Type fan, well here ya go.

Firstly, a quote from the Rom Hacks Studio Rules Post because all my arguements are gonna be based on this.

Explicit credits to the work of other members of the community, whether that be for art assets, music, custom code, maps, etc. The user which submits the thread should have contributed a significant amount of work to the ROM hack. ROM hack theft is not tolerated, and punishment falls under the global PokéCommunity rules for plagiarism.

So here's how this game violates every single rule about credits

Exhibit A: Fighters Sprites

This is the Spriters Resource page for DBZ Supersonic Warriors. Team Training (which I'll refer to as DBZTT from hereon) uses sprites from here. Each and every sprite on this page has a tiny textbox saying "Please Credit XYZ for Ripping this Sprite" or something along those lines. Z-Max has done none of that and these sprites have been in the game since v1 so I don't know what is the excuse.

PS. There is definitely some Deviantart fanmade DBZ Supersonic Warrior Style sprites in the game. I'll uncover them and edit this post to include them. But let me get to my next point.

Exhibit B: Tools and Tutorials
The game definitely uses tutorials including, but not limited to, Adding New Moves, Adding New Move Particles, Adding New Tiles, using XSE for Eventing and using Sappy to add new Music.

If somehow Z-Max had the knowledge to add all of the above to DBZTT, he definitely used tools to edit the game and add things like Advanced Map for maps, XSE, Overworld Editor for new Overworld Sprites, Unlz for Sprite Editing, Advanced Sprites Series for adding Fighter Sprites, Nameless Tilemap Editor for adding Backgrounds and Move Particles, Advanced Pallete Editor for editing Pallettes, PGE/YAPE/G3T/G3HS for Pokemon Data Editing, Advanced Item Editor for Item Editing, Sappy for Music Editing etc.

And even if Z-Max was so skilled that he didn't need any of the above tools to make the game and could do it all by going in and editing the raw code of the game, he'd still need to credit the maker of HxD for the Hex Editing Tool to edit his game.

Exhibit C: Game Music
DBZTT uses multiple 16-bit renditions of actual Dragon Ball Z tracks. I'm not a 100% sure if these are tracks compressed into a GBA ROM or if they are fanmade recreations but I don't see credits to any fan or to Sappy so I don't know about this one.

Exhibit D: Careful Planning/Sheer Luck
So you may be asking, "Well UberDunsparce, the moderators approved of this thread so the creator definitely doesn't need to credit anyone." But you see this isn't an ordinary approved thread. Z-Max has (un)intentionally found a loophole in the ROM Hack Studio approval system.
So the game has been completed since 2015 ie the 1st post and after that most of the new versions have been new fighters, moves, etc. But the ROM Hack Studio thread for this game was never made. Since 2015, this game has been a game on the Launchpad Forum. Since most Hacks in the Launchpad Forum are just ideas/proof-of-concept demos, it allowed Z-Max to get away without crediting anyone for the game (even though the game was finished). It was doing good there.
But sometime ago, the thread was moved over to the ROM Hack Studio forum. I don't know if the creator asked for it because he wanted more visibility, or if a mod moved it because the game was completed, but that doesn't matter. The point is that, since this was just a transfer from one forum to another, the game bypassed all moderator checking, validation and approval process, thus allowing this thread to not have any explicit credits. And that's why this thread has no credits.

Final Verdict
I don't have anything against the creator or the game. I love it, and am playing it right now. I'm on Mr. Satans Gym rn. But it really makes my blood boil when I see someone not crediting others for using their assets.
I don't want the game removed or anything. I just want Z-Max to add a simple credits section where he has the name of every single tool/tutorial/sprites he has used in the game, even stuff like Paint.NET. Not many people want to see a super fleshed out Fighters and Tips section in your main post, but many would appreciate it very much if you added a teeny tiny spoiler with the credits inside it. And while we're on the topic of the Tips Section, could you sort it out and move it into a spoiler too. Thank You.

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