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FireRed hack: Dragon Ball Z: Team Training

Oh you want proof my fellow Johto Bug-Type fan, well here ya go.
Dunsparce isn't a bug type, or in a tier above (PU)

Each and every sprite on this page has a tiny textbox saying "Please Credit XYZ for Ripping this Sprite" or something along those lines. Z-Max has done none of that and these sprites have been in the game since v1 so I don't know what is the excuse.
It is entirely possible that Z-Max ripped the sprites on his own, or simply used them as reference.

The game definitely uses tutorials including, but not limited to, Adding New Moves, Adding New Move Particles, Adding New Tiles, using XSE for Eventing and using Sappy to add new Music.
If somehow Z-Max had the knowledge to add all of the above to DBZTT, he definitely used tools to edit.
Just because you need to use a specialized tool for everything, doesn't meant Z-Max does.

since this was just a transfer from one forum to another, the game bypassed all moderator checking, validation and approval process, thus allowing this thread to not have any explicit credits. And that's why this thread has no credits.
That's a wild conspiracy theory with no actual basis. It also relies on the moderation staff being intentionally lazy

I don't have anything against the creator or the game. [...] But it really makes my blood boil when I see someone not crediting others for using their assets.
You have done nothing but devalue years of effort in ROMhacking. It's very clear you have something against Z-Max.
There's also certain hypocrisies in the community when it comes to sprite crediting, but lets not get off-track here.
@UberDunsparce did you check the sign to the right of the stairs in game in your room? While it doesn't specifically credit ppl for specific things, it does give credit where its due.
I did give the credits in the game, right at the beginning. If you look at the sign in the player's room, I mentioned all the people who helped me. And I always said that the sprites are from dbz games such as Supersonic Warriors and all. I said like 1000 times that I'm not a designer, I'm a developer. Besides that, a few sprites are from artists, but I mentioned them in the game and on Facebook.
You can still blame me for not giving the credits in the thread but did you just see the amount of information it contains? The credits would be invisible in this thread.
I can eventually remake the thread and put spoilers in it to have it more organized.
But a simple request to add the credits would have been enough, no need to say that I'm a thief or anything like that. I'm totally thankful to the people who made the sprites and tools.

Since 2015, I've always tried to showcase the work of people who made the sprites I use, but it's not that simple. There are many tools, many sprites, you can't just spread the full list like that. That's why I chose to put the credits in the game.

So, you're going to investigate to uncover the sprites I used without permission? Well, do as you want, but even I was not able to find the sources at that time. I wish you knew the number of times I found art on the internet with no author indicated.

As for the tools, of course I used many of them. Nobody would work in hexadecimal. I just didn't see the point of adding 30 pages of credits which would make the page more unreadable than it already is.
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Hey since Z-max is here now, where abouts is the time machine in capsule corp? I never found it. Also for whatever reason, I cannot rematch the e4 after doing all the postgame stuff and resolving the team rocket issue.
@k-van The time machine is on the 2nd floor (2F), I know the location is a bit random but I couldn't do better for this time. Talk to the right side of the machine, not the left side. The talking script is not very convenient but well, I really ran out of time for this update.
About the e4 rematch, I don't know what can be the problem. What does prevent you from doing the rematch?
You can still blame me for not giving the credits in the thread but did you just see the amount of information it contains? The credits would be invisible in this thread.
That's exactly what I'm blaming you for. I don't know why you're taking this as a personal attack but I'm just telling you that you're literally breaking the rules of the forum.

Threads must abide by the ROM Hack Studio restrictions.
All threads must contain the following:

  • Explicit credits to the work of other members of the community, whether that be for art assets, music, custom code, maps, etc. The user which submits the thread should have contributed a significant amount of work to the ROM hack. ROM hack theft is not tolerated, and punishment falls under the global PokéCommunity rules for plagiarism.

I can eventually remake the thread and put spoilers in it to have it more organized.
It's been 5 years since the game is done, how much longer do you need?

So, you're going to investigate to uncover the sprites I used without permission?
Oh wow! Now I need to give credit and permission for the sprites from your game, just to reverse image search them.

But a simple request to add the credits would have been enough, no need to say that I'm a thief or anything like that. I'm totally thankful to the people who made the sprites and tools.
I never brought up anything about theft, read my post, I never use the word 'steal' or 'thief' or anything like that. I'm just showing Bulky Ledian that you haven't credited anyone in the thread. He said "accusation of someone without any proof is rude".
And I did simply request you to add the credits at the end.
I don't have anything against the creator or the game. [...]
I don't want the game removed or anything. I just want Z-Max to add a simple credits section where he has the name of every single tool/tutorial/sprites he has used in the game, even stuff like Paint.NET.

Since 2015, I've always tried to showcase the work of people who made the sprites I use, but it's not that simple. There are many tools, many sprites, you can't just spread the full list like that. That's why I chose to put the credits in the game.
What an odd excuse. The length of the credits doesn't matter. If you want an example of long credits, I'll PM you a copy of the credits for a game I was working on about a year ago, I'll promise you that the credits for that game are much, much longer than normal, yet I was gonna put it in the thread. But I don't think length of the thread was an issue because you did put a whole tips section, which isn't even tips, it's a walkthrough of the game. You've been updating the tips with things like Portara Machine, God Stones, Gowasu etc and yet, something as simple as Credits is such a issue.

What you can do is make the whole Tips Section into a Pastebin and put it all there because no one needs that. What people do need is proper recognition. Here's something else that you can do, move everything from the tips section into a spoiler. Like this:

So those who wanna see the tips can see it.

If this seems too hard for you are you're to busy with something else then PM me, I'll remake your 1st post if you want. But please don't try to justify breaking the rules of the Forum and please please do not try to justify why you're not giving credits.

PS. I didn't find any Credits on your Facebook
Tools have never been a requirement to credit, it's nice if you do, but everyone knows you used A-Map and XSE.

Graphical, musical, code assets etc does need to be credited, in game is a great start but of course editing the OP to reflect those credits is important as well!

I personally found the hacks thread and thought it needed to be showcased, so I do apologize if I jumped the gun on moving it, however this crusade going on does need to stop, thanks :)
Where are Guru and Elder Kai located? Or are they post game? I'm currently doing a let's play of the game for YouTube and I was wonder if they're available during main game or post game.
How do you fix the "1m sub-circuit board not installed" error on the chromeOS emulator GPemu? bc the game won't let me progress until it's fixed.
How do you fix the "1m sub-circuit board not installed" error on the chromeOS emulator GPemu? bc the game won't let me progress until it's fixed.

You need to change the save type to 128KB from either 64KB or Auto. I don't know a lot about that emulator, but it will be under settings and then once you change that, restart the emulator and you'll be able to save.
As per V8, turning in the Gold Teeth to the Warden and receiving Strength corrupts yer save file and causes the game to crash the next time you check any fighter's moves. Tested it by saving the game prior to speaking to him.

Checked moves, all fine, turned in the Gold Teeth, checked moves, crashed.
Checked moves, all fine, turned in the Gold Teeth, tried teaching a new move instead of checking moves, still crashed.
Quicksaved before turning in the Gold Teeth, turned 'em in, saved the game, hardrebooted the core, reloaded the game, checked moves, still crashed.

Accessing the moves list in any way crashes the game and permanently corrupts yer save file, which effectively makes the game unbeatable since you can't use Strength (unless there's a fighter out there that naturally learns it?).

Using the mGBA (default) core on Bizhawk 2.5.1 (latest version)

EDIT: Whelps, it happened anyway after I beat Babidi and went to teach one of my fighters Teleport. Guess there's either multiple triggers, or the save file just gets corrupted at random

EDIT 2 : After a bit more testing, I've found that it's not actually linked to the TMs and HMs you get, it's actually being inside of certain buildings that makes the game not able to handle characters, since I could teach one of my fighters Strength after exiting the building. And it's not just checking moves; the trainer memo and abilities also get corrupted, so it's just checking fighters in general that crashes the game. Seems like a memory overload issue, of sorts
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anyone know how to get the pilaf badge? i tried getting to victory road and i got stopped by the guard saying i was missing it, i beat master roshi on the island
anyone know how to get the pilaf badge? i tried getting to victory road and i got stopped by the guard saying i was missing it, i beat master roshi on the island

Pilaf is in Aru Village, go to the gym to earn the badge. You have to finish the event with Pilaf in Capsule Corp. (if you didn't) to be able to enter the gym.
@UberDunsparce are you done crying?It's a damn romhack and in the first room there's credits.Who really cares about credits anyway?Do you think anyone really read credits?
You are looking for an arguement.Maybe have a personal grudge or whatever your reason.Bruh Build a bridge and get over it my gawd.

PS:Loves hit hack as i am a huge DBZ fan <3.Maybe next do a Naruto 1 :)