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Early bird or Late Riser?

It depends.

I usually wake up around 5:30-7:00 on school days.
When I stay up late during holiday...I wake up about 11:00 or 12:00 PM, even if I set the alarm. ಠ_ಠ
I go to sleep late so I wake up at like 6(I have to wake up at tha on week days) and if itisa weekend, I go to slepp until 12 I mightwake up a couple times or get out of bed at least by 12ish
I'm a late riser these days. I go to bed late, and it's a pain to get up at 8:30 in the morning. D: If it's the weekend, depending on when I get to bed, I could sleep anywhere from 11AM-3PM. I tend to be out of bed before 1, though.
I'm definitely a late riser. I like staying up late at night, until at least six or seven in the morning, if I don't have an early class. Then I don't wake up until four in the afternoon.

I can't sleep at night, so even when I go to bed early, I'm still wide awake. And when I tried to go to bed early and wake up early, I still couldn't crawl out of bed.

So definitely a late riser.
I'm a late riser. On school days I tend to wake at around 8AM and just be in time to get to school. Weekends I get up around 10-11, depending on how late I got to bed on the previous night.
I'm a chronic late riser :) Like you wouldn't beleive.

I go to bed at about three-four am, and wake up between 12-2pm.
The life of a teenager :P
Hopefully i'll break this horrible habit soon :)
Ironically, I'm an early bird when it rains... I wake at around 5 am... Though usually I wake at around 9-10 am... So I'm a late riser...
I'm definitely the late riser. I can't be bothered to wake up till 10 or 11 in the morning. I stay up late evryday. On weekdays, it's kind of different. I try to wake up as early as I can, like 6-7am.
I'm sure people who know me should know I'm an early riser. WAY early. I usually sleep late, but I wake up around 4 A.M. on weekends. On weekdays I'm forced to wake up at 6:00 AM.
Depends on when I go to sleep, I have such an odd sleeping schedule that it's never the same for too long. I almost always have to get the same amount of sleep though, so there are times when I wake up at 8PM and that just sucks. I've been trying to get myself on track and have been waking up at around 7AM the last few weeks.
On Monday - Friday I am an early bird as I wake up at 6:20 - 6:30 (Need to wake up early for school)

The weekends are a totally different, I sometimes stay up as late as 4:30 AM and I wake up at 12:00 - 1:00 PM.
I'm quite a lazy type, so I tend to sleep late(9:30 to 11:00) and wake up late in the morning. But all will change when the summer's gone.
^ Funnily enough I was much like this guy staying up at ridiculous times doing internet stuff.

I am a natural late riser, I can go to bed at 10pm but I'll still be awake at 1am. I just prefer to be up at night and sleep in during the day. However, my partner gets up early and doesn't understand that unlike him I am not an early riser. He thus has to ring me every day and sometimes four/five times a day as I just can't seem to get up. Even when the phone calls do wake me up. I am falling asleep again. Its really annoying but I'm trying to set up a better sleeping pattern so on certain days am trying my best to get to bed early and hopefully get a sleeping pattern where I wake up early. I don't think it will be too successful but I'll try.
I don't like to sleep any later than 10, but try to be up by 9 if I can. Weekdays it's by 7.

As for birds singing... they're usually up by around 2 in the morning.
Ohhh god, devious question. I guess it really depends, but if I had a preference, I actually prefer to wake up early.

Preferences aside, I'm 100% totally without question... a late riser. >>; I usually get caught up reading FanFiction, talking to friends on MSN, and floating around PC until early in the morning (anywhere from 3am to 6am, usually no later than that I go to bed) and then don't wake up until 11:30 or so. It kinda sucks, but at the same time I love being online at night when I'm not bothered.

Downside to this is that doing schoolwork (I'm homeschooled) tends to be put off unless I do it early. I haaaate starting it late in the day, and when I sleep until nearly noon, I feel like my whole day is just ruined. It really sucks. ~__~;


I'm pretty much the exact same way. Before online home school and PC, I woke up early every day, usually around 6 or 5. Though these days, my schedule gets so mixed up I could wake up at 1AM, I could wake up a 4PM. Sheesh...

I really prefer to be an early riser and get back on track though. So yeah, it really depends for me. I'm usually an early bird though.
On weekdays I'm pretty much an early bird waking up at 5:30 (I tend to spend around 20 min. in the shower plus I have to make my breakfast and lunch.) On weekends I wake up at 8:30~9:30 a.m. If I have plans for that day; If I don't I tend to sleep at 4:00 a.m. and wake up at 11:30~1:00 p.m.
Strangely enough, I sleep quite late on weekdays; thinking about waking to a morning of school has the amazing effect of instantly putting me to sleep again <_<; But on weekends, I wake up at like... 7:00-ish? Probably because I'm waking up to TEMPORARY freedom and a chance to catch up with friends. :3