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If you remember my post about getting a third job starting this summer, it turns out it was a pre-selection (not that they let me know about that), and my appliance has been rejected.
Their mistake my friend. Hopefully you can find something that is even better and will make you even happier ❤️
Gushing Adrenaline !!

I was waiting for the right moment to evolve Shadow Weepinbell which I caught last year, and that moment came yesterday during Victreebel Community Day. I was not having Pokedex Entry for it as well.

As soon as I evolved him, I went directly into battles along with Shadow Victreebel in the team, and began to tear through the opponents teams as Shadow Victreebel is very fearsome Pokemon if teams are not prepared, and now with the exclusive move, he got a different degree of play. And in the due course, I defeated 9-10 Lv. 50 Players, and I am only at Lv. 39.9 !! Let those max level players know that having access to easy gameplay due people with them is nothing when strategy from lone player comes into the act.

I've gotten randomly logged out of here a couple times, only to get immediately swamped with ads that my Chromebook can't handle because it's a low memory system.

It is a little annoying :c
Guilt. The emotion that has defined my life. Guilt for things both changeable and not.

I'll leave the reason for the most recent instance of this in spoilers below so people can skip that if they so wish.
