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Forum Event: End of Year Fest

Tie Breaker Round- The Nature Club or Water Club?

  • Paradise: The Nature Club

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • The Water Type Club- A Place Where You Can Cool Down

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 9,829
    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest
    Club End of Year Fest

    I hope you have had a happy holiday season, and made merry for Christmas, Hannukah, Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa, Yalda, Yule and the many other celebrations this time of year. In keeping with the festive spirit The Clubhouse is holding an event. As the year of 2020 draws to a close I think it's time to lighten things up a bit, and do a little extra something special for the members that have dedicated so much of their time and have shown real love for their favorite hobbies and fandoms.

    You may have noticed that at the end of every month your resident Ninetales, Milotic and Sylveon browse clubs, and pick one that looks active and that through the efforts of the club owner and/or it's members has made a good niche in the house in our opinion. We showcase that club as our Club of the Month by pinging it and giving the owner a special ribbon.

    The Club of the Month winners for 2020 are the following:

    The Dream Weavers, Lunar Eclipse- The Dark Type Pokemon Club, Days Gone By- Memories and Nostalgia Club, The Book Club, The Fairy Club, The Animal Crossing Club, The Mental Health Club, The New LGBTQ+ Alliance, Paradise: The Nature Club, Delicious, Savory, Tasty- The Cooking Club and The Water Type Club.

    If you are the owner of one of these clubs you should have received a your golden ticket to this event by private message or discord to this holiday event.

    I wish we could include even more of this section's clubs, you guys are all winners to me.
    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest

    The clubhouse is currently offering members site-wide a chance to look at all clubs of the month and vote for a Club of the Year. Your votes are private, and you can select as many or as few as you want, including your own club if you so choose.

    Everyone is allowed to vote, whether you are an owner or member of 1 club, many clubs or no clubs at all. Clubhouse regulars and newcomers are all welcome to cast a ballot. Everybody means everybody! If any of these clubs peaks your interest, vote for them!

    The club with the most votes total will be Club of the Year, and gets stickied for the year 2021. Last year's Club of the Year winner was the
    Shiny Hunters Club. G-Money and his shiny hunters three cheers, and spread the love! They have been going strong since 2004.

    The club with the 2nd and 3rd most votes after Club of the Year will be our 1st and 2nd runner up. All 3 clubs will receive cool digital gift prizes.

    *The 1st place Club of the Year will receive a digital copy of their choice of either Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield + the expansion pass included in the copy of your choice.

    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest


    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest

    We are able to have this giveaway because of
    Firebolt, owner of the club Final Fantasy-Heroes of the Crystal, a community supporter and a treasured friend of mine. You may recognize Firebolt from their extensive work modding the Trade Corner previously. They have generously sponsored mythical, legendary and shiny Pokemon giveaways before, and volunteered to donate this special copy of Sword or a Shield to us as his parting gift to us. Give this awesome individual a round of sound and your many thanks.

    *The 2nd place club will receive a 20 dollar gift card to the Nintendo E-shop, sponsored by our wonderful site owner, administrator and moderator of Pokemon Anime

    Sheep. A big thank you to our guardian angel of Pokecommunity. Thanks also to anyone who has donated PC, and thus helping us to make this happen.

    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest

    * 3rd place Club will receive a community supporter status, which will be gifted by none other than yours truly.
    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest
    The top 3 clubs will also receive a fan art statuette to commemorate the occasion, sketched by the talented Fairy, moderator of The Clubhouse as well Meet & Greet, VPP and TCG.

    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest

    It may have crossed your notice that 2 of the clubs nominated for Club of the year are owned by Clubhouse staff, The Book Club and The Fairy Club. We clubhouse moderators will not personally collect any prizes. The Book and Fairy clubs won Club of the Month when their owners Ninetales and Fairy were not on staff officially. In the event that either of these clubs win 1st, 2nd or 3rd place we will be donating the digital prize right back to Clubhouse members.

    If you win but do not want or are unable to collect your prize then you are also free to offer it to members of your club, and we will pay it forward for ya.

    If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask here. This thread is our banquet, where we will celebrate the end of the year together. Have fun voting. It also will be a special place to chit chat and mingle like our dcc thread the coffee lounge, but just for the holidays.

    Good luck to all of the Clubs of the Month. Voting begins now!

    Last edited:
    When result will be out?

    Hiiiii, hey, hey! :)

    Thanks for asking a good question! The poll will close on January the 7th. If there is a tie, then I will make a new poll for the 3 clubs with the most votes on that date.

    So if the water Pokemon club, the Nature Club and the Mental Health club are tied with 5 votes each still on January 7th, then those three clubs would become the finalists and have a special poll just for them to decide 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

    This poll would be for only 3 days, and not allow for multiple choices. Voters would only be able to chose just 1 this time to make it fiercely competitive, though all 3 will win something.

    Good luck to you and all of the clubs!

    I hope that my co-owned club emerges as a winner.
    I voted for the Mental Health club.

    It's nice seeing a place that people can feel comfortable enough to vent and share issues.
    I voted for all the clubs since it was the very beginning of the poll and I wanted each one to have a start! Personally though I also think the Mental Health Club should win for the reasons Zeo mentioned. <3
    I voted for more than one club too. There were many good options.

    I have reset the poll to just 2 options, the Water type Pokemon club and Paradise: The Nature Club. Both were tied with 5 votes each. It's up to members to break the tie over the next few days with your votes. Have fun!
    Last edited:
    Updated: Hi guys this an update to inform everybody that I have been contacted by DJ Allen and The KillerRedSkull, owners of the Water Type Club. Currently the Water Club and Paradise: The Nature Club are tied for second place. My original plan was to have a 2nd voting round to break the tie and decide who gets the gift card, however, after speaking with the owners of water type club they have informed me they are content with a tie, and would prefer to have community supporter status than a gift card. Which I think is cool.

    So there has been a decision to share the second place spot this year in a compromise. Below is the final vote tally was. The club with the most votes is The Mental Health club at **6 votes, and the next runners up with **5 votes are Paradise: The Nature Club and The Water Type Club- A Place Where You Can Cool Down. Woohoo! /Claps for everyone/ 👍

    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest

    Let's congratulate Hyzenthlay and Icycatelf, owner and co-owner of Paradise: The Nature Club.

    Thank you both for your dedication. You have created a lively club, with a beautiful theme and visuals, informative content about nature and your journeys. Thanks for bringing home a little of excitement and magic of nature to our house and your many interactions with members. It really has been a breath of fresh air to walk with you all in the garden. You have earned 2nd place, and have won the Silver Sylveon statue to display in your club to commemorate the occasion, and also may redeem a Nintendo E-shop gift card for your personal use.

    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest

    Congratulations also to DJ Allen and TheKillerRedSkull, owner and co-owner of The Water Type Club- A Place Where You Can Cool Down.

    Thank you for making a splash with your colorful personalities and all sorts of engaging and fun questions, frequent participation and great taste in water Pokemon. Your club is a well deserved fan favorite. You are also in 2nd place, and win an upgraded status to community supporter. You will receive the Silver Sylveon Award too.

    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest

    I am happy to congratulate The Mental Health Club owner, Greninja Use Water Shuriken!

    Thank you for having the courage to share your personal experiences growing and healing, and for giving others a platform to tell their stories in this significant and thoughtful intimate health club. This club has been part of our community for years, and I hope will continue to help others in the years to come. Thanks to all of your members for keeping this club active. You have won 1st place for your great idea. The Mental Health Club will be stickied for 2021 as the top club, you will also win a Golden Milotic award and a digital copy of your choice of Pokemon Sword or Shield + dlc. If you are unable to redeem your copy you can gift it to one of the runners up, a member of your club or a friend.

    I am proud to be members of all three of the winning clubs, these are all great clubs that I love participating in. I also want to extend my appreciation to all of the clubs that were Club of the Month in 2020, it was a close race with many wonderful clubs with owners and members who have helped make this a special part of the community.

    I hope you enjoyed this winter festival! See you at the clubhouse!

    [PokeCommunity.com] End of Year Fest