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  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024

    Doryan woke up and felt something really strange. Her back was stretched out and felt like it was touching the wall on the other side of the room. She looked up. Her back was actually touching the other side of the room, because it now ended in a tail. The room, however, was not her bedroom. It was one of the big rooms inside the Fuchsia City library, where Doryan was working. That told her that she was now also huge. Huge and with a tail.

    "What on earth-" she said, but stopped herself. That was not her own voice.
    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!

    Misha had a bit of a start that morning. When he opened his eyes, he didn't see the white ceiling of his bedroom, nor did he see the television hung on the wall. He could only see the inside of his mattress. Not a fun experience.

    Missy futilely flailed around until he saw the light of day, his eyes poking out of the comforter on his bed. He turned about, and soon enough figured out how to levitate properly. Leaving his bed he screamed at his distinct lack of legs, then screamed at his ghostly voice.

    He needed a mirror.
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    Doryan got up on her feet. The ceiling cringed, before it completely broke open, and she found her head rising up above the building on the outside. Well, topside to be specific. And she generally preferred specifics. She noticed that she specifically stood on four limbs, and tried to instead stand up on two, like normal humans did. About 10 bookshelves slammed through the wall as she attempted to, and her balance was way off. In the end, she slammed her front limbs down to the floor again, admitting that they were now indeed feet and not hands. Anxiety rose.
    Ahh, another typical human morning, Steve thought. Time to get up and do typical human things. His tail waved happily behind him. He shrugged off this feeling, thinking he just hadn't woken up fully yet. But as he opened his eyes, he realized something... the world around him was so much bigger than it should be. Was he... smaller? No, that was impossible. But then he tried to get out of bed and stand up, only to fall on his face as he lost his balance. He cried in pain as his muzzle hit the ground hard.

    Something isn't right...
    "What is going on with me?" Doryan exclaimed, in a voice that sounded a lot, um, manlier than what she was used to. It sounded quite epic though, and actually gave her a bit of a pleased shudder. "What have I become?" she therefore roared again, and indeed gave herself another excited shiver. Yes, apparently she was utterly impressive to herself now, at least. She used to only half be so.

    Turning her now majestic neck around, she could finally see her huge tail and bulky legs. Sturdy. Massive. Legendary, even. But what a horrible mess the library was now!
    The first thing that Morton felt as he woke up was him suffocating on the prize comforter which he had recently bought with his boxing money. The second thing that Morton felt was that his hair was a huge mess, and somehow had reached his butt. The third thing that Morton felt was that his hair had also reached his face and almost his entire body. The fourth thing he felt was his hair moving out of the way as he flailed out of the blanket and into the sunlight.

    He looked down and he suddenly did not feel strong.​
    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!

    He screamed for a solid twenty seconds while staring at the mirror. He could've gone longer; didn't need to breathe or anything. Although, it took him even longer to get through the door. Thirty, maybe forty seconds. He was gonna have to pick up on this whole "phasing through walls" thing. It was bad enough that he didn't have legs to stand on anymore. What was he anyway? He looked kinda like a Misdreavus.

    ... Mismagius, that was it. Did that mean he had psychic powers? Misha tested it on the bathroom door.

    Open. Close.

    Okay, this might be kinda cool.
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    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!
    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!
    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!


    Anne blinked her dry eyes as she shut down her stream for the night. Tonight was only casual games night, there was no need to be as tired as she was.

    Well, that was fun. She thought to herself as she pushed away from the computer. She didn't make much tonight, but most people seemed to have fun and there were no scrubs ruining everything. Turning off the light, she slipped into bed.

    Hours later she woke up, feeling heavier than normal. Was the junk food catching up to her? No, she felt more garbage than usual, what was happening?

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    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!

    Alright, first order of business: figuring out how this happened. Or not. Misha's stomach growled. Did he even have a stomach? There was way too much to process.

    Nothing was stopping him from grabbing some breakfast, though, right? Misha floated the short distance to his kitchen, still wary of walls and doors. Next was a slow process, baked in routine. He lazily hovered to each cupboard, grasping with phantom limbs, and managed to get his cereal, milk and a bowl to the table.

    Staring down the filled bowl, though, a new problem came with it.

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    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!
    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!
    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!


    Throwing the blanket off herself, she noticed arms were now clumpy, but also thin in some places. Her body seemed to have grown in height and easily doubled in mass.What was wrong with her? Flipping on the lights, she noticed she was made out of.... Garbage?! Something was very wrong.

    A light blinked from her bedside table, a message on her phone she missed. I can call for help! Her body was a little sluggish moving across the room, slower to respond than normal. Reaching the table she found a new problem, how to dial with fat noodle fingers.

    Trying to clean the library mess up turned out to be a disastrous plan. Everywhere she turned, her huge feet or fat, long tail just bumped into shelves or walls and teared them down. Within minutes, there was no more library. Only a dusty mess of bricks and what had once been precious books.

    This upset Doryan the librarian a lot. Books were her life. And now she couldn't even lift them. She could only roar and make herself shudder in pleasure. Horrifying.

    She lift her long neck and let out a tremendous roar over Fuchsia City. Did anybody hear?
    blood_skull_boi woke up and felt weird. Weirder than usual. He jumped off the bed, and realized that the bed wasn't even his own. The next thing he realized was that his feet weren't his own either. Nor was his body. "Psh" was his response. It was his response to most situations. Nothing phased him ever since the Shadow Battel.

    He noticed a mirror in the corner, and waddled over to examine himself. He felt weirdly at home in this body, as if this was the way it was always meant to be. He stared at himself.

    "I'm a hedgeheg?"
    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!

    Johnny Yates
    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!

    Johnny opened his eyes, he lost was in the bundle of clothes. He only saw green jersey. He crawled through the layers and popped his head up. He climbed out of his now over-sized pants. He looked down... yellow pudgy belly, he only had a thumb and his hand, which was also yellow. He tried to look at his feet but he ended up rolling forward over his head on to the floor. He righted himself. He felt his ears, pointy. A mirror sat on the floor. He was shown himself... a Pichu! He pulled funny faces in the mirror.​
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    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!

    "Pokémon are so freakin' weird," Misha grumbled to himself. He was able to move freely through anything he wanted, and for all intents and purposes he was a ghost, but as soon as he put a spoonful of cereal in his mouth he was able to chew and digest it like he would have as a human. It was suddenly a strange feeling to be doing something so normal.

    "GROOOOOOOOOOH!" Some kind of unholy abomination roared in the distance, rumbling through Misha's humble little home. How were his ears still inta... oh wait. He didn't have normal ears anymore. Right.
    I can't get up...

    Steve began to trot out of his bedroom on all fours, finding himself unable to get on what used to be his only two feet. So he crawled to the mirror in the other bedroom, and stared at it for about a good minute before he could comprehend what he saw.

    There was a Vaporeon looking back at him. That was him. He was a Vaporeon.

    Steve jumped back in shock, landing on his tail. That didn't feel too great. But if he could actually feel the tail, he was a Vaporeon for real, wasn't he?
    His new body was all pink and weird; it took Morton several moments to process that it looked vaguely like a Pokemon he had once seen in a device he had used to pummel a vending machine.

    He hopped off the bed and tried to remember as he semi-floated [to his irritation] down to the floor. Upon hitting the floor with an ABSOLUTEY ENRAGED, yet majestic tap, he looked into a mirror and saw that he'd become some flower thing. This only made him angrier! Why would some force of providence make him a FLOWER? He agonized over his condition.​
    [PokeCommunity.com] EVERYBODY IS A POKEMON (IC) - RP finished!

    As weird as they may have been to him, these psychic powers came in handy. At least, they certainly made up for Misha's newfound lack of limbs. That said, nothing could replace true tactile feedback.

    Cleaning up his breakfast, and putting the cereal and milk back where they belonged, Misha started to wonder absentmindedly. Who else was affected? He doubted his girlfriend would understand him if a Pokémon tried calling in sick to work. He needed to check on his own Pokémon, too. Perhaps it'd be smart to find the source of that blood-curdling howl; start looking for answers.

    ... Nah.
    When the incident happened, young nayR had been playing on their phone while preparing to eat an early breakfast consisting of a slice of reheated pizza and a glass of chocolate milk. After conquering the predicament of getting back to their meal atop the now gigantic table, thanks to the discovery of their new, superb climbing abilities, nayR decided to look at their locked phone screen to serve as an impromptu mirror. They immediately recognized the figure staring back at them. "Lol," they said entirely unironically, "I'm a Rattata." They wondered if they were top percentage, recalling a popular meme.​
    the kangasken​
    It was a few hours before Dad realized he had actually changed and since he lives alone nobody could tell him he had turned into a fat kangaroo but anyway when he transformed it looked amazing because it was the first time he had shaved in years so then dad stood up and got off his legendary armchair and decided to build a deck because that's what dad does and he got into his SUV and decided to drive to Walmart because he still didn't care about the giant bloody tail sticking out of his butthole because dad is a boss

    What will dad do next find out next episode
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    Chanel woke up and the first thing she noticed was that her eye pad was missing. But maybe one of the Chanels had taken it or at least seen it. She strolled out of her room, the top suite of the sorority house obviously, and journeyed down the parlor room where her minions would be waiting.

    "Good morning slits," she said with hauteur, her voice like a breath of perfume, compelling attention.

    What greeted her weren't her sisters. But pokemon. But they behaved and spoke like her sisters. They all started upon her entrance, voices upon voices each clamouring for her attention.

    "What in fresh hell is this?!" she screamed at them, and immediately the entire house went dead silent.

    "Chanel, you need to look in the mirror," Chanel #3 murmured fearfully.

    And so she did, wondering what was going. When she did, however, she let out another scream. What the freaking hell was going on? Why did she look like a pokemon? Why was she a ghost pokemon wearing a pikachu bag-thing over her head?

    "Chanel, we're gonna go home. For now. Until this weirdness goes away."

    "What?! What about me? You can't just leave me here alone!"

    But they ignored her, her minions. Those traitors! Those idiot hookers! Those brainless slutty coffee donkeys! How dare they!

    Chanel screamed again, the third time that morning.