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Favorite Animal?

Cow. And Taurus. I don't really know why, cows are just so cute and lovely :)
Definitely a tie between wolves and dogs. Wolves are beautiful animals and dogs are just amazing companions. I can't imagine life without a dog in it!
i'm a fan of otters and any and all birds myself (especially owls and unique foreign birds i might never see in the flesh in my lifetime)
I've always loved birds, squirrels, seals, and certain puppies! They're just too cute omg. :3
My favorite animals are sheep and wolves.

i like sheep because they are cute and fluffy and derpy lol.

I like wolves because of how beautiful they look, and because of how smart they are. It is so cool how they work together to hunt and stuff.
I like cats, even if most of cats are assholes. I work around them constantly. There are at least 5 of them moving around at where I work and they're still in the same places! Well... mostly... I can see them moving from time to time to another position.

They're kinda weird because some of them like to scratch rocks, some of them even dig! Some of them play with safety sheets we use around railtracks, or some play with rubber mats.

They're quite big, at least 4 of them are really huge and fifth one is small cutie. Two of them even chase our cars a lot!
I would take them home, but that's kinda impossible since they kind belong to this terrain.

Those cat's look similar though, like they are from the same mother. They look kinda like this:


And the smaller cutie looks like this:

I like otters, I like owls, I like...oh gosh, what animals do I even still really like now. Cats I suppose. But there's one kind of animal I definitely love, and that's parrots. Doesn't matter what kind, although I do have some preference towards macaws and cockatoos. Budgies are adorable too. And then there are these cuties that I adore:


Kakapos, so cute. :') And very very endangered sadly, but still.