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Tool: [Gen III]: Jambo51's Tool Showcase

To all of you who were having issues, I tracked down the problem, and included the relevant files in the BSP download. I also fixed a minor compiling bug.

Update, and decompile/compile to your heart's content!

To all of you who were having issues, I tracked down the problem, and included the relevant files in the BSP download. I also fixed a minor compiling bug.

Update, and decompile/compile to your heart's content!


Thanks Jambo! Great work. I've been playing with it for awhile now and it is just awesome!
Ugh, now it doesn't even launch for me. ;_; As soon as I execute it this wild crash message shows up:

Log, (in French sorry): https://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=RcKcTMBa
OK, all you guys should re-download, and I have rebuilt the executable to version
This version includes some extra decompiling options, and is, to the best of my knowledge, free of these bugs.

The entire programme, data and all will need updated, since I've added a lot of new stuff. If you have edited your ini in any way, back it up, and after the update, merge it with the new one.
I still get the same previous issue (Crash). After several tries I figured that it happens only when I update the BattleScriptPro.ini file.

EDIT: Ok, it was apparently caused by the font setting to 9.75!!!
I still get the same previous issue (Crash). After several tries I figured that it happens only when I update the BattleScriptPro.ini file.

EDIT: Ok, it was apparently caused by the font setting to 9.75!!!

Odd. Mines is set to precisely the same thing, and I get absolutely no problems with it. Well, glad you worked it out.
My luck is poop. :(
I still can't use BSP yet. ;_; I am now getting this handled error:

Could it be because I have VS2010 installed?
Do you have both the X86 AND X64 folders in the folder with BSP, as well as the 2 DLLs?
Do the folders contain the DLL named in that error message?

If you literally extract the entire folder as is from the zip, it should work. If it doesn't, I can't help, because literally everything you need to run the thing is there.
It's a setting for ROMs which have my custom code added. That is, the EVs will have no effect without the code, which I haven't released yet.
I JUST discovered this thread.

I am so glad I did! The ability to edit the INI for the Trainer Editor is amazing! Now I can have opponents use custom moves more easily, rather than doing it through hex! Thanks Jambo :)

EDIT: Some minor glitches I noticed:
-It will automatically change the class of the first trainer listed to 'PKMN TRAINER'
-Editing a Pokemon's levels doesn't seem to save
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Question: No checkbox/feature for double battles in your Trainer Editor?
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Nice tools... If I may ask though Jambo you seem to be the only one with the knowledge to create such complex tools. What would it take to Rebuild XSE and Advance map? I know there are great tools but there is a problem with XSE it seems after awhile for no reason that I can find just starts compiling things into my script that I did not put there and then my rom will end up unable to run any scripts at all. I have to delete it and then re-extract it from a .rar file I have saved... I don't want to discredit Hackmew or Lu-oh in any way or in any form, I just would really like to see a new script editor like XSE but more up to date along with a new map editor. I have personally been learning Programming from a site called Computerscienceforeveryone.com, it uses C to teach all the fundamentals I am bearly on lesson 7. But once I have the logic down then I will do what ever it takes to take all the tools the pokemon gba games and turn them into one tool that does it all....
My question is for you Jambo is what will it take to make this wonder tool happen? I don't want to do it alone, I want it to be a community thing and "Open Source" so if we ever disappear it can be updated even with out us.... Any Ideas or advice will be much help
Question: No checkbox/feature for double battles in your Trainer Editor?

It has no effect on the game, apart from, maybe doubling the cash amount. Actual Double Battles are handled in scripting.

Huh, apparently you can force double battle using that too. Odd. Well, I shall endeavour to add it soon.

And it's now added and working. I also tweaked a couple of money related things and they seem to work significantly better now!

Nice tools... If I may ask though Jambo you seem to be the only one with the knowledge to create such complex tools. What would it take to Rebuild XSE and Advance map? I know there are great tools but there is a problem with XSE it seems after awhile for no reason that I can find just starts compiling things into my script that I did not put there and then my rom will end up unable to run any scripts at all. I have to delete it and then re-extract it from a .rar file I have saved... I don't want to discredit Hackmew or Lu-oh in any way or in any form, I just would really like to see a new script editor like XSE but more up to date along with a new map editor. I have personally been learning Programming from a site called Computerscienceforeveryone.com, it uses C to teach all the fundamentals I am bearly on lesson 7. But once I have the logic down then I will do what ever it takes to take all the tools the pokemon gba games and turn them into one tool that does it all....
My question is for you Jambo is what will it take to make this wonder tool happen? I don't want to do it alone, I want it to be a community thing and "Open Source" so if we ever disappear it can be updated even with out us.... Any Ideas or advice will be much help

Please, please, punctuate your posts. Break them up into paragraphs, it makes them so much easier to read.

Anyway, people, in my experience, tend not to want a "Do it all" tool, besides which, it would be incredibly complex to code.

There's nothing wrong with XSE to my knowledge, so I see no good reason to make a new script compiler. Having said that, I could fairly easily build one off the framework of BSP, since scripting languages are all fairly similar at heart.

I'm making a map editor, but it's an incredibly complex programme to make. Give Lu-Ho a little slack, it may be a buggy tool, but at least it works!
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Please, please, punctuate your posts. Break them up into paragraphs, it makes them so much easier to read.

Anyway, people, in my experience, tend not to want a "Do it all" tool, besides which, it would be incredibly complex to code.

There's nothing wrong with XSE to my knowledge, so I see no good reason to make a new script compiler. Having said that, I could fairly easily build one off the framework of BSP, since scripting languages are all fairly similar at heart.

I'm making a map editor, but it's an incredibly complex programme to make. Give Lu-Ho a little slack, it may be a buggy tool, but at least it works!

Sorry about that....

I think I get it, when I really think about it if there was just one tool that did it all then I don't think I would be learning about programming an computer science.

I have nothing at all against XSE or Advance Map as I hope to one day create such tools, I aspire to be able to program like Hackmew, Lu-Ho and your self not to mention a few others on here. I wish Hackmew and Lu-Ho would come back and update all their tools or at least released their source code like Pksv so the tools always get the love they deserve...

I can only imagine how much work and time it takes to make such a great program. I have sat here for a hour just looking at the source code for Pksv trying to get a understanding of how a program like gba modding tools are made. I do see that is uses C and Asm but I am still just learning the basics of C and the syntax is still very foreign to me so Asm is by far alien to me still.

I do promise though that one day I will come out will a tool so I can show my appreciation to the Modding community.
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