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GT11 Pokemon Challenge

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Well, looks like i failed this challenge so hard... I only got to Virbank City and after getting stuck in that movie area, unable to save and refusing to start whole challenge again, I gave up...
There seems to have been some confusion. Apparently someone thought your game was invalid because you're playing a ROM hack, but this is incorrect due to the fact that ROM Hacks are allowed by the rules.

Thankyou for bringing back my previous post. I was in the middle of the game and about to update when I saw that it was deleted - I nearly quit playing without saving after that - but I should be able to make an update post in few hours when I am done with some more game~
So I had some problems catching Banette yesterday, so I had to trade for a Shuppet which I then bred. I've also updated my team's movesets and done some more grinding since my last update. As soon as Shuppet evolves and catches up with the rest of the team in level, I should be ready to take on the Elite Four!

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Pidgeot / lv64 / Return, Fly, U-turn, Roost
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Gothitelle / lv64 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Future Sight, Heal Block
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Rotom / lv64 / Rain Dance, Thunder, Hydro Pump, Ominous Wind
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Banette / lv51 / Knock Off, Protect, Will-O-Wisp, Screech
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Umbreon / lv63 / Toxic, Protect, Moonlight, Dark Pulse
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Noivern / lv64 / Boomburst, Dragon Pulse, Air Slash, Super Fang

Edit: Shuppet evolved and everyone's gained a few levels!
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GT challenge final update (3)

nothing went my way in the ladder half of the e4, and by that I mean absolutely nothing xD I was able to easily knock out Malva, Drasna and Siebold. the trouble started when Wikstrom's Aegilslash kept fooling me with kings shield, I could not predict at all what move he was going to use. luckily, i was able to take it out with Dewgong's shear cold after a couple revives.

but... i wasn't out of the hot water yet. after battleing my way through Diantha's mons, she was only left with her gardevoir. I was expecting it to be relatively easy, but man was I wrong. I had forgotten to give my gardevoir its mega stone, and since all of my other mons were weak to her gardevoir's plethora of attacks, all I could use was my gardevoir o.o it ended up being a revive fest that lasted about 15/20 minutes.

I was finally able to win when its Shadow Ball ran out of PP. thus bringing an end to my challenge.

final team:


Challenge: Complete
Hmm, the only working computer was gone today and yesterday, so I hope I'll be able to finish this in time...

Current team:
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Seabubble Junior the Blastoise, level 45
Also fully trained now, with a final moveset:
>Rain Dance
>Rock Slide

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Earthburst Junior the Golem, level 45
>Rock Blast

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Rival the Arcanine, level 45
Being trained right now using Exp. Share. I evolved him right after he learned Flamethrower and ExtremeSpeed will be a thing too.
(Semi-)Final moveset:
>Fire Fang

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Mr. Peertje the Grumpig, level 46
Also being trained up with the Exp. Share, and currently has a Rest-Snore combination.
Final moveset:

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Lon the Jumpluff, level 41
As you can see, everyone is fully evolved now. This one only has Grass moves up until now but that will be changed later.

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Dani the Absol, level 48
Just something else, since I couldn't think of anything with a deep meaning.

Tomorrow, I will raise Lon's level up to 45 and go to the Elite Four. It should actually be finished until the day is over. See you guys then!
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I was able to complete my team, hope I still have time to complete the challenge. By the way, is there a limit of ítems that can be used agaisnt the elite 4 or are ítems not allowed? like fullrestore and revives
I was able to complete my team, hope I still have time to complete the challenge. By the way, is there a limit of ítems that can be used agaisnt the elite 4 or are ítems not allowed? like fullrestore and revives
There's no rules on items. Use whatever you need to.
I won't be able to finish this in time sadly D: But I will finish the game because I enjoy playing with this team x3 It was a fun challenge though ^^
I won't be able to finish this in time sadly D: But I will finish the game because I enjoy playing with this team x3 It was a fun challenge though ^^
Well ya still got today and tomorrow, so either way. At the least you qualify for participation haha!
I finally have my team! I decided to use Butterfree for #11, since Mightyena seems way too similar to Luxray. I caught an easy Caterpie in Santalune Forest, and I hunted Cryogonal for a couple of hours in the Frost Cavern. Bred a Drought Vulpix with four egg moves, and a Numel with Growth to take advantage of the sun. Luxio and Pumpkaboo were caught in the FS. This is what they look like untouched, so I have a long training session scheduled for tomorrow, hehe.

Oh, and you get a cookie for guessing the naming theme, hehe.

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Pokemon Trainer Miau Trained: 0/6 League: 0/4

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Allegretto ♂ Lv. 2
Shield Dust
Timid and takes plenty of siestas
Tackle · String Shot
n/a · n/a
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Bluebell ♀ Lv. 30
Adamant and alert to sounds
Spark · Bite
Roar · Swagger
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Belladonna ♀ Lv. 1
Timid and capable of taking hits
Feint Attack · Heat Wave
Hex · Hypnosis

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Ellipsis ♂ Lv. 1
Relaxed, but likes to thrash about?!
Growl · Tackle
Growth · n/a
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Frilly ♂ Lv. 30
Adamant, also likes to thrash about
Razor Leaf · Leech Seed
Bullet Seed · Shadow Sneak
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Aquarelle Lv. 40
Timid and very finicky
Acid Armor · Ice Beam
Light Screen · Reflect

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I've got a free day tommorrow so I'll try and speed run this thing.

Username: Orrefan8888
Game: Pokemon Y
Favorite Pokemon: Dragonite
Favorite Color: Mauve

Planned Team:

#011 - Staraptor
Rivalry - Kabutops
Harsh Weather - Meganium for a Sunny Day, Synthesis, Leech Seed, and Solarbeam combo. Siebold
better watch out!
Hoenn Confirmed! - Gardevoir
Unity - Lucario (AoTora's fav, I believe he was the last one up)
Wild Card - Zygarde (haven't caught it yet!)

EDIT: Since Zygarde is banned (totally forgot about that part of the rules), I'll make my Wild Card Moltres and change Staraptor to Mightyena.
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I've got a free day tommorrow so I'll try and speed run this thing.

Username: Orrefan8888
Game: Pokemon Y
Favorite Pokemon: Dragonite
Favorite Color: Mauve

Planned Team:

#011 - Staraptor
Rivalry - Kabutops
Harsh Weather - Meganium for a Sunny Day, Synthesis, Leech Seed, and Solarbeam combo. Siebold
better watch out!
Hoenn Confirmed! - Gardevoir
Unity - Lucario (AoTora's fav, I believe he was the last one up)
Wild Card - Zygarde (haven't caught it yet!)
All Pokémon on this list are banned from use in this challenge: Banned Pokémon in Battle Maison

Sorry, Zygarde is banned from the challenge.
Yeah, sorry I managed to miss that. I went ahead and edited the post above with a couple resulting team member changes.
Here's a quick first update:

I've got my team together and am currently grinding on Victory Road with Moltres in the lead and the EXP Share on. Movesets are a work in progress, so I won't bother posting them.

Here they are (all were bred today except Moltres which I caught this afternoon) :

Moltres Lv. 71(Hasty Nature, Met in Sea Spirit's Den at Level 70)
Bayleef Lv. 27 (Brave Nature)
Lucario Lv. 27 (Docile Nature)
Kabuto Lv. 25 (Lax Nature)
Mightyena Lv. 25 (Quiet Nature)
Kirlia Lv. 22 (Brave Nature)
We're all trained up and ready to go!

Current team:
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Seabubble Junior the Blastoise, level 45 @Quick Claw
>Rain Dance
>Rock Slide

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Earthburst Junior the Golem, level 45 @Silk Scarf
>Rock Blast
>Stealth Rock

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Rival the Arcanine, level 45 @Focus Sash
>Dragon Pulse

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Mr. Peertje the Grumpig, level 46 @Shell Bell

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Lon the Jumpluff, level 41 @Rose Incense
>Stun Spore
>Giga Drain
>Leech Seed

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Dani the Absol, level 48 @Expert Belt
>Shadow Claw
>Future Sight
>Sucker Punch

It's finally time to go and beat the League! I'll edit this post once I get further.

EDIT: Crap. I didn't know the levels of the League Pokémon were boosted in the rematch! I'll have to get everyone to level 60 if I really want to beat them...
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I wanted to complete the challenge, but I am terrible at setting up strategies so I have to resort to leveling. But I don't have time to grind, mostly because I sleep most of the day and awake most of the night (at a time when my mother keeps on pestering me to sleep, and she can detect whether I'm actually sleeping or not), and I... don't like master-training. I hate beating up the league over and over again for training. I never did that in any of my playthroughs at all.

So I'll just post my final team before GT11 ends, 'cause I know I won't make it in time. :'D
Please excuse my terrible move choices.


Also, let me laugh at the fact that Braviary, Volcarona and Absol all have natures that decreases their best attacking stat. Also, Absol's nature increases his Defense, which is useless considering how low of a defense he has and that even training won't help it at all.

I will complete this challenge though, but not within the GT11 timeframe. The fastest would be the day after GT11 if I really want to defeat the league multiple times, but it's tiring. :'D
I started training in the Winding Woods with Aquarelle in the lead, Exp Share turned on, most of the team holding Lucky Eggs. After everybody was level 20+, I went to the Battle Chateau. Activated a Red Writ (+10 levels increase), and that's when the fun began. I'm trying to let everybody battle, well, except Allegretto since he's still a Caterpie, as I'm keeping all of them unevolved to boost the exp gain. My favorite part was mooching 10k+ exp off each lv. 55 Audino with an untouchable Frilly in the lead ♥

I'm going out for lunch for now, so here are the team's levels and moves as of right now:

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Allegretto | Lv. 34 | Tackle · String Shot · Bug Bite · n/a
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Bluebell| Lv. 43 | Thunder Fang · Bite · Thunder Wave · Roar
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Belladonna | Lv. 35 | Feint Attack · Heat Wave · Hex · Hypnosis
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Ellipsis | Lv. 34 | Earth Power · Earthquake · Flamethrower · Growth
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Frilly | Lv. 46 | Trick-or-Treat · Leech Seed · Bullet Seed · Shadow Sneak
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Aquarelle | Lv. 48 | Ice Beam · Flash Cannon · Light Screen · Reflect

Oh, and I need to trade-evolve Pumpkaboo, if anyone feels like they could help, please let me know :)
'kay, so my team is finally bulked up and ready for the league. Later on, I also hope I could manage to beat Red with the few levels I'd be gaining..and in time before the event ends.

#11 Pidgeot (Pidjooot!) - Lv68 / Heat Wave / Fly / Roost / Steel Wing
Hoenn Armaldo (Buggy) - Lv72 / Rock Blast / Brick Break / X-Scissor / Aqua Tail
Wild Card Rattata (Ratty) - Lv69 / Dig / Crunch / Hyper Fang / Iron Tail
Rival Arbok (Ahas) - Lv72 / Gunk Shot / Glare / Thunder Fang / Poison Jab
Weatherman Tyranitar (Sir Maquis) - Lv71 / Stone Edge / Earthquake / Crunch / Dragon Claw
Unity Gyarados (GT11:Arc)- Lv71 / Giga Impact / Avalanche / Aqua Tail / Dragon Dance

tried to make every move different and one poke be able to cover another's weaknesses. The battle style is also set to...'SET' and Rattata is always my brave little front =3 lazy naming ftw!
Today is the last day to submit a completion post to qualify for the completion emblem. After midnight, Pacific Daylight Time, the challenge will be closed to new champions, however you are free to post here after that if you finish later, it just won't count.
EDIT: Crap. I didn't know the levels of the League Pokémon were boosted in the rematch! I'll have to get everyone to level 60 if I really want to beat them...
Yeah, they get new Pokemon in HeartGold when you collect all 8 badges in Kanto. Best of luck, I know Johto is not the best when it comes to grinding. You will get an emblem though whether you manage to complete it or not, so don't stress yourself out too much, it is for fun after all. :3
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