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GT11 Pokemon Challenge

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Finally caught my full team, also including the ones that I couldn't catch yesterday evening.

Current team:
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Seabubble Junior the Wartortle, level 29
Got from Professor Oak in Pallet Town as reward for beating Red with Earthburst Senior. I trained him while switching into Earthburst Junior all the time on Mt. Silver, so they're both trained up and doing well.

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Earthburst Junior the Golem, level 45
>Rock Blast

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Rival the Growlithe, level 30

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Mr. Peertje the Spoink, level 6
We thought of a name too, which is based off a little joke that goes around in our school.

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Lon the Skiploom
We decided to name this one after another teacher, which fits her quite well...

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

(Yet to be named) the Absol
The only one we still have to name. We're thinking of another teacher to name him after :)
Still not sure if I should go for Brick Break or Rock Slide on Metagross...
There's an entire room weak to Fighting in the Unova E4. I'd go with Brick Break for that reason, but I'd weigh how much Rock Slide will help in the E4. Rock is strong on Bug, Flying, Fire, and Ice...and I don't think Unova's E4 has a lot of that (Psychic, Dark, Fighting, Ghost, and the Champion).
I have successfully assembled my entire team. here it is:

As I have been out lately I haven't had much time to train my party, but they're all at the LV40-45 mark
I'd go with Brick Break for that reason, but I'd weigh how much Rock Slide will help in the E4.

Yeah, in the end I decided on Brick Break :)

Woo! Finally finished the challenge, took my two tries to defeat Shauntal, but I eventually managed it! I'm glad I went with White version, as the only other game I have a post game available to is Y, and that would have been too easy, would have taken me about a day or two :P

So, for the last time, here is my team:

I can't post images just yet, so if I get past 15 posts, I'll update this post with a pic :)
Half my team is in the mid 60s and the other half is in the mid 50s thanks to different EXP thresholds. Their movesets are mostly complete at this point thankfully but there's more training left to go to get these guys... well, I guess the goal is to get them above level 60 before attempting the E4 at this point.
Second update, the team's basically done. Going to challenge the Elite Four later today and hopefully if all goes well, this'll be updated. :]


Wish me luck, everyone!
Guess I should update lol. Team Changed a ton from original thoughts, currently have Wooper, Staravia, Misdreavus, Snover, Meditite, Pichu. My only annoyance now is going to be evolution- by friendship is obnoxious and I have no idea if I have a Dusk Stone on Pearl haha. Not that I'm evolving Misdreavus till like level 42.

Lilian (Staravia) l52
Elanor (Snover) l35
Jennifer (Meditite) l36
Jerry (Wooper) l32
Clementine (Misdreavus) l28
Bess (Pichu) l13
Final update:

Despite having 2 level 70+ on my team, I got whacked around in my first E4 shot so I went back for 2 more rounds of Le Wow. And ended up way too overpowered. Funny how things work out sometimes. I had the most problem with Wilheim since Ludicolo wasn't really strong enough to defeat all his 'mon and got KOed in the process. The other 3 E4 members were flattened by Flygon and Floette pretty easily. Against Diantha, Malamar totally proved his worth with his Contrary ability. Superpower weakens your own stats but Malamar ended up being a complete wall against Diantha and not even her Mega Gardevoir could dent him. So, challenge complete!

Final Team:
GT challenge update 2

I can happily report that all of the grinding is done and I can now head to the e4. most of it was done at Le Wow, as it was relatively easy to press A the whole time. the only major setback I had was my sd card ejecting after and hour of straight grinding, it was overly frustrating o.O anyway, here is my team thus far:


on to the e4!
Username: AoTora
Game: FloraSky
Favorite Pokemon: Lucario :3
Favorite Color: Mauve

My team... It will be:

#11: Mightyena since this is a hack of Emerald

Bitter Rivalry: Nidoqueen (It has Nidoking as it's counterpart :3 )

Harsh Weather: Flygon

Hoenn Confirmed!: Swellow

Unity: Dragonite or Lucario, need to check on where can I get either of them and how to get them - I believe that lucario is only available after elite 4, I hope that dragonite is available before that.

Wild Card
Squirtle -I haven't used it in a while now so it should be fun to use^^
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Guess what? Most pokemon are not in a lvl compatible to fight the E4, so i had to do a bit of grinding. And by "bit", i mean getting a lvl 5 wurmple to lvl 70+ for the E4 rematch....
That is kind of my 2nd update LOL
I just read the OP again like I did before and I still cannot seem to see why my post was deleted.
There seems to have been some confusion. Apparently someone thought your game was invalid because you're playing a ROM hack, but this is incorrect due to the fact that ROM Hacks are allowed by the rules.
oh riiiight.. poor guy, i gave someone a rattata. xD

Short Update:
basically just revving up my team for the big battles. So far, i'm only missing Larvitar.
Rattata - Iron Tail, Flame Wheel, U-Turn, Thunder
Ekans - crap moves/Undecided
Gyarados - Waterfall, Avalanche, Hydro Pump, Undecided
Pidgeotto - Heat Wave, Fly, Steel Wing, Roost
Anorith - same as ekans
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If the favorite Pokemon is a Tyrunt, am I allowed to evolve it into Tyrantrum, or does it have to be a Tyrunt forever?
If an unevolved Pokemon is chosen, I would prefer that it be that specific Pokemon and not evolve, but I didn't really make that all too clear in the rules so if you absolutely can't deal with Tyrunt then whatever. I already gave the poor guy who got Tynamo permission to evolve, but that would be torture to use, seriously.
Just doing some training now.. whew. This is more time-consuming than I thought. Here are my updated levels!

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Forrest the Tropius ♂ [Hoenn Confirmed]
Lv. 60 | Hardy | Alert to sounds | Chlorophyll
Earthquake, Energy Ball, Return, Fly

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Pashmina the Patrat ♀ [#11]
Lv. 2 | Sassy | Good perseverance | Keen Eye
Tackle, Thunderbolt, Return

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Kiba the Axew ♂ [Rivalry]
Lv. 26 | Naive | Highly curious | Rivalry
Slash, False Swipe, Dragon Claw, Assurance

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Not Nemo the Finneon ♂ [Wild Card]
Lv. 40 | Relaxed | Good endurance | Swift Swim
Captivate, Safeguard, Aqua Ring, Surf

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

MintChoco the Vanillish ♂ [Weathermon]
Lv. 45 | Lax | Likes to run (lmao) | Ice Body
Mirror Shot, Acid Armor, Ice Beam, Hail

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Mansyd the Umbreon ♂ [Unity]
Lv. 31 | Sassy | Mischievous | Synchronize
Shadow Ball, Tackle, Bite, Return

Eevee just evolved a few minutes ago after our crazy tedious rebattle with Hugh. I'm planning to get everyone to lv. 60 (at the very least) before taking on the E4. [:​
team almost complete, currently breeding bagons, the last pokemon i need, then, after that, it's going to be hardcore training
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