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GT11 Pokemon Challenge

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didn't really want to edit my previous post...so thanks to Necrum xD (+bump) and so, without further ado, here's my final update:
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge


Used an emulator for this challenge and I actually started the game from the very beginning! However, I only did the challenge after the first E4 battle...those 44 hours were legit non-speedups tho. Now, for my feels in this challenge, I didn't expect Buggy to do so much...but vs Lance, lol, those rocks sure did blast. Ratty and Pidjooot! were just as expected but the most disappointing award goes to Sir Maquis! *smh* Could've probably been better if I EV trained just a bit. Ratty was unimpressive... but that's mainly just because this was very rushed to the deadline. Bad nature for offense, and zero EVs on attack. Pretty sure it would've downed more, especially Karen's frail Weavile, if it was trained properly.

and so, my adventure must end here. I'll have to take on Red another time, unfortunately. The challenge took more time from me than I thought, but it paid off with an epic experience. So I'll see y'all 'til the next challenge, mates! (visit us at the Challenge Forum, too!)
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So yesterday I finished grinding once everyone got up to level 68 and this morning I immediately took on the Elite Four and champion. Banette, Rotom, and Noivern took care of Wikstrom, Rotom single-handedly swept through Malva, Gothitelle and Noivern dealt with Drasna, and Pidgeot, Gothitelle, Umbreon, and Rotom took care of Siebold. None of the four were particularly difficult due to my team's high levels. Diantha was pretty easy to defeat, except for her Gardevoir. Pidgeot took care of Hawlucha, Noivern defeated Tyrantrum, and Gothitelle got in a couple of Calm Minds which allowed him/her to sweep through Aurorus, Goodra, and Gourgeist before falling to Mega Gardevoir. Eventually, Pidgeot was able to take down Diantha's Gardevoir with Return. Overall, I didn't have too many problems with the E4 + Champion, mainly due to my levels. Rotom, Gothitelle, and Noivern were my best team members, and Banette and Umbreon were my worst because they don't really work with my play style. I may post a picture later, but I'll make no promises since I have to go to work soon!

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Pidgeot / lv68 / Return, Fly, U-turn, Roost
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Gothitelle / lv69 / Psychic, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Rotom / lv69 / Rain Dance, Thunder, Hydro Pump, Shadow Ball
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Banette / lv68 / Knock Off, Protect, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Claw
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Umbreon / lv68 / Toxic, Protect, Moonlight, Dark Pulse
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Noivern / lv68 / Boomburst, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse
Mega mini update. I've been so busy at work and haven't had much time to play. But my team is all in the mid to upper 40's right now. I plan on finishing some time today. x
Soooo, this just happened while training my team!

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Now, I know my Cryogonal was supposed to be my dragon buster, but this is my very first non-scripted, non-chained, non-MM shiny ever, so I'm gonna do a last minute change to my team, if that's okay :)

[EDIT] I just realized that shiny Foongus aren't that uncommon in hordes, but this girl was completely REed, yay! Too bad that I have to change the one Pokemon I spent hours getting in the first place, but she doesn't fit any other role other than the wildcard {XD}
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Challenge complete !!!!!!!!!

#011: Mightyena crunch /howl / fire fang / sand-attack
Rivalry:zangoose x-scissors / slash / sword dance / detect
Weather: Torkoal sunny day / iron defense / lava plume / earthquake
Hoenn: Salamence crunch / dragon dance / dragon rush / dragon claw
Unity: rattata super fang / quick attack / endeavour / crunch
Wild card: Serperior mirror coat / leaf blade / glare / coil

Shauntal was a nightmare with her frosslass (ice shard) for my salamence.
Challenge complete! Finished it in the early hours of the morning, and immediately fell asleep afterwards. Difficult, but the whole process was a lot of fun!

Challenge complete !!!!!!!!!

#011: Mightyena crunch /howl / fire fang / sand-attack
Rivalry:zangoose x-scissors / slash / sword dance / detect
Weather: Torkoal sunny day / iron defense / lava plume / earthquake
Hoenn: Salamence crunch / dragon dance / dragon rush / dragon claw
Unity: rattata super fang / quick attack / endeavour / crunch
Wild card: Serperior mirror coat / leaf blade / glare / coil

Shauntal was a nightmare with her frosslass (ice shard) for my salamence.
hahaha look at that lovely Rattata~ good job!
OKAY, everyone's level 60 now ^^
I'm going to give the League another shot, and I also know what I should be leading with now :)

Also, you've got Mt. Silver for grinding so that kinda works.
I have had my final maths and french exams this week so I have had little time to play in all honesty.But my team is higher 40s-50 so Il bring a lot of full restores and revives and take on the league anyway :P
lmao at the rate I'm going now, I think I'll be going into the E4 underlevel. I managed to get sick earlier and stopped playing. :( I'll get back on track soon...
Update #2

I haven't been put on the Challengers' List, so hopefully my sign-up was alright as I finished the challenge.

After the previous update, I trained the entire team up to Level 55 (except Moltres, which had ended up at Level 81 after using it with the EXP Share to train the newly bred team). By that time, I was a little tired of training of training, so I took on the League underleveled. Here's how it went:
  • Wikstrom was easy, thanks to how OP Moltres was. He took out Klefki, Scizor, and Aegislash. Lucario handled Probopass.
  • Malva was tougher, because my main weapon, Kabutops was underleveled and had an unimpressive moveset. He took out Pyroar, Mightyena somehow took out Torkoal, Mega Gardevoir OHKO'd her Talonflame, and Moltres finished off her Chandelure after Mightyena started it.
  • Siebold gave Meganium trouble. Meganium took out Clawitzer, but Barbaracle (which was suprisingly fast) took it out with X-Scissor. Lucario avenged its teammate and Mega Gardevoir handled Gyarados and Starmie.
  • Drasna was almost as easy as Wikstrom. Mega Gardevoir soloed her whole roster.

Afterwards, I battled Diantha, who wasn't too bad. Moltres handled Hawlucha and her Mega Gardevoir, Lucario beat Aurorus, and my Mega Gardevoir took out her Goodra, Tyrantum, and Gourgeist.

The Team:

Moltres Lv. 82 (Wildcard) @ Flame Plate
Air Slash
Sunny Day

Mightyena Lv. 55 (#11) @ Black Glasses
Take Down
Dark Pulse
Shadow Ball

Gardevoir Lv. 57 (Hoenn Confirmed!) @ Gardevoirite
Shadow Ball
Dazzling Gleam

Meganium Lv. 55 (Harsh Weather) @ Miracle Seed
Solar Beam
Energy Ball
Sunny Day

Kabutops Lv. 55 (Rivalry) @ Mystic Water
Ice Beam
Rock Slide

Lucario Lv. 55 (Unity) @ Black Belt
Flash Cannon
Aura Sphere
Rock Slide

Challenge Complete!
First and Last Update!

After a lot of grinding in Le Wow, I felt confident enough to challenge the E4. Wikstrom, Drasna, Malva and Diantha were easy enough. Siebold, on the other hand, knocked out 5 of my Pokémon. (Water Pulse confuse hax and DD Gyarados. :( ) After using almost all my revives I managed to beat the E4 and champion!

Here's my team at the end:

After spending 4 hours tonight training my team and taking on the Elite Four I managed to reach the last challenge: Gardevoir. After failing several times I have decided to end my challenge here (considering it is the early hours of the morning here and I have a paperound at 7AM). I managed to defeat the Elite Four but I fell at the champion.

Even though I failed I really enjoyed this challenge, some of my Pokemon somehow made some amazing plays in the Elite Four battles and considering their level deficit (my entire party was LV 50-55) I felt it was a great effort. This challenge gave me something to work towards and it was really fun as Pokemon X has no post game, thanks for organizing this challenge and I hope to take part in something similar next year :)
It's 3 AM here, and I'm finally done with my challenge, yay! Good thing it's the weekend, hehe.

I really enjoyed the challenge, pretty much everybody on my team were Pokemon I've never used before, so it was a lot of fun playing with them. Most of the training was done at the Battle Chateau and the Winding Woods, with most of the party holding Lucky Eggs, I made sure to rotate through my Pokemon so nobody was left out, well, except Butterfree, who stayed a Caterpie until right before the E4 challenge, oops.

Notes on the League battle in the spoiler, and then the team. As a side note, I actually have everybody in a different ball that matches each Pokemon: Butterfree is in a Premier Ball, Luxray is in a Quick Ball, Ninetales is in a Poke Ball, Camerupt is in a Repeat Ball, Gourgeist is in a Luxury Ball, and Amoonguss is in a Dusk Ball.

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Champion Miau Party: 6/6

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Allegretto ♂ Lv. 65
Compound Eyes
Timid and takes plenty of siestas
Stun Spore · Sleep Powder
Whirlwind · U-turn
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Bluebell ♀ Lv. 65
Adamant and alert to sounds
Wild Charge · Bite
Thunder Wave · Roar

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Belladonna ♀ Lv. 66
Timid and capable of taking hits
Solar Beam · Heat Wave
Hex · Hypnosis

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Ellipsis ♂ Lv. 67
Solid Rock
Relaxed, but likes to thrash about?!
Earth Power · Earthquake
Flamethrower · Growth
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Frilly ♂ Lv. 67
Adamant, also likes to thrash about
Seed Bomb · Leech Seed
Trick-or-Treat · Shadow Sneak
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Zelleri ♀ Lv. 64
Effect Spore
Calm and very finicky
Solar Beam · Synthesis
Toxic · Venoshock

I actually finished the challenge a few days ago, just been too lazy to update, haha. Anyways, my team was composed of:


Lilligant here was easily the MVP of this run. Sleep Powder + Quiver Dance + Own Tempo is too strong for the E4 apparently, haha. Also, anyone gets a cookie if they realize where all of my nicknames came from.
Update #2

Wow am I cutting it close. I ended up taking each of my six members through the Pokemon League 4-5 times per Pokemon before I finally deemed them strong enough. As a result, my Espeon (which was part of my main team) gained like 24 or so levels, maxing out at level 100. Anyway, I wasn't sure if I only had to defeat Red or if I still had to defeat the Pokemon League, so I decided to do both! Started with Red because he was easier, then took on the Pokemon League. Even wrote a log somewhat detailing my battles (warning, it is long):


My final team:

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Final Update #2 on Black 2.
  • Pics of evolutions and battles are in the spoiler, including the Elite Four.
  • Here's a video and play-by-play of the Iris battle:



Hall of Fame:

Team Roxy (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Riveon the Calm Latios, ♂ - L74 @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Psychic, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Ice Beam
Final Stats: 226/134/135/232/205/209
Iris MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Sol the Lax Ninetales, ♂ - L74 @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
Moves: Fire Blast, Psyshock, SolarBeam, Calm Mind
Final Stats: 238/130/145/165/149/187
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Cyclone the Timid Emolga, ♂ - L74 @ Zap Plate
Ability: Static
Moves: Thunderbolt, Roost, Discharge, Signal Beam
Final Stats: 175/123/116/139/124/211
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

OneOneFour the Bashful Seviper, ♀ - L73 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Poison Jab, Crunch, Earthquake, Coil
Final Stats: 223/191/111/161/115/134
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Juichi the Sassy Mightyena, ♀ - L74 @ Dread Plate
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Crunch, Super Fang, Ice Fang, Sucker Punch
Final Stats: 219/186/131/105/135/130
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Rex the Hasty Nidoking - L75 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Sheer Force
Moves: Earth Power, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, Thunderbolt
Final Stats: 250/165/133/170/142/177
Elite Four MVP
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I'm entering the Elite 4 with everyone at level 63 or 64. It's also one of the rare times that, while facing the Elite Four, I have Serebii and Bulbapedia up to help with type match-ups and to know the enemy team/move rosters. I feel like I need the handicap since this team will struggle if I'm careless.

Ironworks Chamber
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

I lead with Toxicroak and finish off Klefki with 2 Earthquakes. I use my other frog against Probopass, since unlike its cousin, Politoed can stomach incoming super effective moves. He managed to paralyze me, crit me, and use several Full Restores, but with my rain up, there was no stopping this train. I also sent in my Malamar to play with Aegislash. He used King's Shield, and Contrary's increased the attack sharply. Malamar sweeps the rest of Wilkstrom's team.

Blazing Chamber
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Oh baby, it's getting hot in here. I'll let Politoed kick off this one. Oh oh oh Pyroar begins with Noble Roar, lowering my Special Attack, so it actually survives Surf. I predict the Full Restore and order Hydro Pump. Kitty got wet. I send out Crustle to deal with Talonflame, which tries to squeeze in a Brave Bird that takes about 25% of my health. I had equipped a Shell Bell on this beauty, so I heal up a bit after unleashing Rock Slide on the enemy. I'm not liking anticipating the Torkoal's Earthquake, so I use Banette for this match-up. I have some trouble with pulling off a 3OHKO. Hmm. I had to use a Hyper Potion. I forgo using Sucker Punch for the Shadow Claw, yet failed to outspeed Chandelure so Banette fainted. Politoed is able to clean up the damage.

Flood Chamber
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Let's see what Luxray is capable of with Wild Charge. He OHKO's Clawitzer, haha. Gyarados scares me away so I switch in for Malamar. Gyarados's Intimidate sharply increases my attack. Two Night Slashes take care of that behemoth. I decide to keep my squid in against Barbaracle and unleash my Superpower.
:O! Barbaracle survived with like 15 HP! OH NO X-SCISSOR NO Malamar survived with 2 HP. Welp. I know my favorite team player now. He uses a Full Restore so my Night Slash doesn't kill. Oops, He uses a second Full Restore that I predict and go straight in for the Superpower, which ends that one. Incoming Starmie! I ask the folks if I should stick with Malamar or switch to Luxray. Decided to stay in. I have to heal my bae up, but Starmie fights on with Dazzling Gleam. Aww. No good, I'm in the yellow already. #tradecorner has failed me!
I switch in Luxray, which gets hit by a soft Dazzling Gleam. On the next turn, my Quick Claw activates and Luxray rekts Starmie.

Dragonmark Chamber
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

I miss my Toxicroak, so out he goes! I hear Dragalge doesn't like EQs, so there it goes! Her Pokemon is in the red, which triggers an unfortunate Full Restore loop. Stay down, you kelp dragon. Oh jeez, here comes in the Noivern. Taste the Ice Beam. Surprisingly, it survived that. Altaria also survives my Ice Beam. Hey, I know I caught a random Poliwhirl, but c'mon! I push through with more icicles to obliterate Altaria and Druddigon.
Oh, Druddy used Dragon Tail and brought out frog cousin! If you insist.. Oh bother, Toxicroak didn't finish it off and got hit with another Dragon Tail, which brought out.... frog cousin! I guess I'm just going to have to end Drasna with Politoed like I planned, huh, you crazy old lady. You don't even deserve an Ice Beam; you get a measly Echoed Voice. Shall we move on?

Radiant Chamber
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

I begin with Mega-Evolving Banette, but Hawlucha poisons me with Poison Jab. I either resist or am immune to its attacks, so I don't mind. Shadow Claw ends Hawlucha and Gourgeist easily. I use Politoed against Tyrantrum, but Ice Beam doesn't OHKO it. Tyrantrum faints itself from the recoil of its Head Smash, which left quite a dent.
I think Crustle needs to get in the action, and Aurorus is the perfect set-up Pokemon haha. I use Shell Smash while it uses Reflect, gosh. Aurorus avoids my Rock Slide and I avoid its Blizzard, yeah. I use Rock Slide and a flinched Aurorus can't move. OH YEAH. My Rock Slide ends Aurorus. Sammi must have blessed my Unity Pokemon. :D
I use a weakened Politoed against Goodra, but I manage to survive a Dragon Pulse. I sure do leave it up to the RNG gods to help me! I use another Hyper Potion so I'm able to unleash a chain of Ice Beam.
Malamar, Politoed, Toxicroak, and Banette can't handle Mega Gardevoir, so I'm trying Luxray. Luxray can't finish it in one hit and I keep having to heal it. Sadly, I switched in Banette to take a killing blow. Hm. I'm stumped.
I send in Politoed again and try a Surf, but Thunderbolt connects first. It doesn't matter because Politoed survives like a champ and finishes off Gardevoir with Surf. :D

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Kiss of Death
Mega Banette
Lv. 67
Nature: Adamant
Type: Ghost

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Make It Rain
Lv. 66
Nature: Hardy
Type: Water

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Lv. 65
Nature: Impish
Type: Bug | Rock

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Lv. 67
Nature: Adamant
Type: Dark | Psychic

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Storm Front
Lv. 66
Nature: Adamant
Type: Electric

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Lv. 66
Nature: Naive
Type: Poison | Fighting
And so my challenge has come to a close. I trained all my team into the 60s, and then took on the Elite 4. I started with Malva because she seemed like the easiest one for my team, and I was right, she was really easy. Wikstrom wasn't too hard but not too easy either. Drasna was about the same as Wikstrom. Siebold though, Siebold was the bane of my existence. He was even harder than Diantha. His Clawitzer was surprisingly my biggest hurdle, as I really didn't have much to use against it. Diantha was great, I was able to use one of each of my Pokemon for each of her team mates, and it worked out great. Mega vs Mega, I won.

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Final Team:

Stay tuned for a special preview of a future event coming to the Challenges Forum...
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