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GT11 Pokemon Challenge

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Gonna update mkay? Thanks by the way Necrum, what you suggested helped me start up the game!
BTW There are no Nidoran-Female OR Nidoran-Male in my white forest, which means i need some Unova pokemon for "Unity". Necrum if you can give it to me or the person who was last to sign up, that'll be great.
Gonna update mkay? Thanks by the way Necrum, what you suggested helped me start up the game!
BTW There are no Nidoran-Female OR Nidoran-Male in my white forest, which means i need some Unova pokemon for "Unity". Necrum if you can give it to me or the person who was last to sign up, that'll be great.
Ask Janp for a favorite in your game.
Sure, I don't know how those things work either. So let's see, a Johto favorite? Take Jumpluff ♥

That seems fair. It's easy to get and I don't have any Grass or Flying Pokémon right now. Thanks!
Gonna train again! I decided to get them all to level 45 before giving the League a chance. I shouldn't forget to catch Absol and Spoink tomorrow, though...


Making this right now, but I will probably update while I do more.

Current team:
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Gonna update mkay? Thanks by the way Necrum, what you suggested helped me start up the game!
BTW There are no Nidoran-Female OR Nidoran-Male in my white forest, which means i need some Unova pokemon for "Unity". Necrum if you can give it to me or the person who was last to sign up, that'll be great.

Ok, so my favourite from Unova is Audino... I know you will hate me for this, but afetr all, I'm Audino master ;)
Ok, so my favourite from Unova is Audino... I know you will hate me for this, but afetr all, I'm Audino master ;)
Really? First time I've heard that title. :P

I prey on Audino in the Friend Safari. I know what they hate. ;)
First team update
So far, my team is as follows
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Mal the Malamar
lvl 31

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Lumen the Luxray
lvl 33

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Evan the Tynamo
lvl 28

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Alex the Metang
lvl 28

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

Tyler the Tyrunt
lvl 31

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

King the Larvitar
lvl 11
GT challenge update 1

I have all of the pokemon for the challenge, the most notible thing was that it took me forever to get a tynamo to breed o_o gts was mean to me today haha. all I need to do now is get them e4 ready.


my next update will be right before I attempt to beat the e4
Welp, finally started the challenge and I've decided on my 6th to be Flabebe. I had to breed for Scyther, Larvitar, and Trapinch and somehow caught the other 3 with critical captures. Encountered Zapdos twice too. Welp, time to hatch some eggs!
Alright, got things done, so let's tear into how it turned out.

White 2 GT11 Challenge - Elite Four + Champion

After training my entire team to Level 70, throwing some EVs around for them, I adjusted their moves and went to the Pokémon League, ready for some action. Also, I played on Set battle style, which kept me from switching out immediately after killing the opponent, like I usually do in my challenges.


So here was my final team:

And that's that! I enjoyed using this team, it was fun, there was a bit of strategy involved to the fights but I still liked it nonetheless. Great time here.
[Update #2:

I actually beat this 2 days ago, but I've been too busy to make a post. Anyway, here is my hall of fame pic.

Basically I led with MegaAggron to set up Stealth Rocks and potentially get a KO or two. Electabuzz handled water-guy pretty easily, but the rest took a team effort. My teams levels ranged from the upper 40s to the early 60s, so my team was a bit underleveled and there were a few close calls, but it all worked out in the end. I had fun, thanks Necrum.
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Alright, got things done, so let's tear into how it turned out.

White 2 GT11 Challenge - Elite Four + Champion

After training my entire team to Level 70, throwing some EVs around for them, I adjusted their moves and went to the Pokémon League, ready for some action. Also, I played on Set battle style, which kept me from switching out immediately after killing the opponent, like I usually do in my challenges.


So here was my final team:

And that's that! I enjoyed using this team, it was fun, there was a bit of strategy involved to the fights but I still liked it nonetheless. Great time here.

[Update #2:

I actually beat this 3 days ago, but I've been too busy to make a post. Anyway, here is my hall of fame pic.

Basically I led with MegaAggron to set up Stealth Rocks and potentially get a KO or two. Electabuzz handled water-guy pretty easily, but the rest took a team effort. My teams levels ranged from the upper 40s to the early 60s, so my team was a bit underleveled and there were a few close calls, but it all worked out in the end. I had fun, thanks Necrum.
Congrats to the next 2 champions of this challenge!
After beating up more Audino and some more daily battles, Larvesta as well as Rufflet finally evolved. Now I have my party assembled.

The team so far:


I promise I'll make the next update my final one.
GT11 Pokemon Challenge Progress Report

Day 2:
I decided it was time to EV TRAIN HARDER, because I totally screwed up my special attackers' EVs. So I slaughtered a ton of sheep and seagulls for the sake of STATS once I got the reset bags to clear their stats. One seagull was shiny, even.
Once I got everything trained, the rest of the play time was spent grinding in Victory Road.

What do you mean, they all shouldn't all be +spa +spd? D:
how do I play Pokemon

Day 3:
Started off with 2 rounds of Le Wow for money (using my lv100 Lucario/Gardevoir pair, as my team wasn't ready yet). Then, more grinding in Victory Road! Grumpig leveled super quick, and Diggersby liked to die. A lot.

Once everyone hit level 64, I decided to take on the Elite Four.

Blazing Chamber - Nidoking soloed the first three with Stone Edge or Earthquake, then fainted against Chandelure; Diggersby managed to OHKO it. Yawn. Next?
Flood Chamber - Whimsicott swept without even getting hit. OHKO'd all but Gyrados; locked it into Dragon Dance via Encore and used Energy Ball. Yawn. Next?
Dragonmark Chamber - Got a little full of myself and thought Slurpuff could lead, even against Dragalge. Nope. Nidoking ended up KO'ing it. Had to do some swapping around to revive/heal Pokemon, but Slurpuff did manage to KO the rest of the team. Eventually. I actually had to pay attention to that battle. Next?
Ironworks Chamber - Probopass takes awhile to KO, but Ninetales still soloed it with the help of Hyper Potions. Yawn. Next?
Diantha - Wait, an excuse to use that Grumpig?? Grumpig KO'd Hawlucha and Gorgeist and fainted against Tyrantrum; Nidoking KO'd Tyrantrum, Aurorus, Goodra, and promptly died to Mega Gardevoir; Ninetales finished it off.

Aaand game.

Final team's stats below the spoiler. Stupid names ftw.
I got to start my challenge earlier today, so I'll go ahead and post an update!

First, I caught as much as my team as I could:
- Caught Rotom at Lv38
- Caught Pidgey at Lv4
- Caught Eevee at Lv19
- Caught Noibat at Lv45
- Caught Gothorita at Lv49

Unfortunately, I can't catch Banette until Thursday, so I'll have to wait to catch and train it until then. Once I had all but one of my team members, I began training using the Lucky Egg combined with the switch method and my Charizard. In order:
- Pidgey evolved into Pidgeotto
- Gothorita evolved into Gothitelle
- Pidgeotto evolved into Pidgeot
- Noibat evolved into Noivern
- Rotom changed into Wash Rotom

Right now, my team is as follows:
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Pidgeot / lv49 / Tackle, Twister, Wing Attack, Quick Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Gothitelle / lv55 / Future Sight, Heal Block, Psychic, Telekinesis
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Rotom / lv47 / Hydro Pump, Shock Wave, Ominous Wind, Electro Ball
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Eevee / lv46 / Covet, Swift, Double-Edge, Bite
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
Noivern / lv52 / Razor Wind, Tailwind, Air Slash, Super Fang

As I'm typing, I am still working on training up my team. Once everyone gets around level 55, I'll be enhancing their movesets and taking Charizard out of my party to let them train on their own. Also, Eevee is happy and ready to evolve, but for some reason my 3DS is set to two hours behind the current time, so it isn't yet 8:00 in Kalos.. As soon as it is, I will evolve Eevee into Umbreon and go find Banettite. Of course, I will be catching and training Banette with the rest of my team as soon as I can! Also, once I catch Banette I will finish determining my Pokemon's nicknames and rename them all at once.
Went out and caught the Pokemon for my team today. Well, all of the Pokemon but Feebas. I spent at least an hour looking for him, but no luck yet. Hopefully, I can catch that booger tomorrow. Anyways, my current team is:

[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] GT11 Pokemon Challenge

He was #011!- Mightyena (Poochpie)
Bitter Rivalry- Lunatone (Moonpie)
Harsh Weather- Walrein (Hailpie)
Hoenn Confirmed- Meagross (Belpie)
Unity- Milotic (Feebpie)
Wild Card- Sableye (Ghostpie)

Tomorrow I will be training my team to get ready for the Elite Four, and hopefully I can catch a Feebas as well.
Cyclone the Emolga was grabbed at Dragonspiral Tower, and OneOneFour the Seviper at Village Bridge.
Wait, what?

I'm honoured. :)

(Yeah, I realized I picked that and that's probably the reference.)
just a small update on my side: training snivy and rattata while breeding the rest of my team.
First update on the team status:
I did some changes to the pokemon i wanted on my team-
-Started the game, Skippy the Watchog acquired! (he was #11)
-Joy the Audino acquired! (Unity)
-Caught Ronda the Dousion! (Bitter Rivalry)
-Candice the Wurmple acquired (Hoenn confirmed)
-420BlazeIt the Darmanitan Acquired! (Wildcard)
-Bonnie the Krokorok acquired (Harsh weather)

So my team consists of:
Watchog (he was #11!)
Dousion-> Reuncilus (Bitter Rivalry)
Krokorok-> Krookodile (Harsh weather)
Wurmple-> Silcoon\cascoon-> Beautifly/Dustox (Hoenn confirmed!)
Audino (Unity)
Darmanitan (Wildcard)

Thanks for the opprtunity, may post again soon, maybe not.
Hooray for second update!
So I managed to get some grinding in, just slaughtering some innocent Audino at Giant Chasm, occasionally taking breaks at the Stadiums. Gonna try and get everyone up to at least Lv. 70 before hunting down some Heart Scales, TMs and get some held items from the Battle Subway, but you can quickly be BP from the institute just like in XY, right?


Still not sure if I should go for Brick Break or Rock Slide on Metagross...
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