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[Other FULL] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

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Dustin Rhodes
Bounty Hunter
Level 1 Earth Mage

It was late afternoon, pre-evening. The sun was on its way down, but the sky hadn't started darkening yet. You know the time. Not much was going on. Dustin stood outside the general store, having recently resupplied. He absently takes a bite of the loaf of bread in his hand (a light snack. Capturing petty criminals is hard work!) as he heads back to the office. Another week with no progress on the James case would just annoy Janet, but she had to respect the three little fish he had taken out. And if not, the Sheriff would. The thought brings a smile to Dustin's face, and he considers trying to collect the bounty from both his boss and the local constabulary. Now that kind of thinking would make Janet happy. Make her laugh, at least.


"For the last time, I don't care how many minnows you catch, I sent you after the big fish!" A heavy cup full of an unidentifiable brown liquid crashes against the wall near Dustin's head. To the cup's credit, it doesn't break, but the liquid inside does splash all over Dustin. It's not entirely unlike coffee, but it has to much fermentation to be called as such.

Dustin absently wipes his face off with a handkerchief, pointedly ignoring the mystery substance. "Oh, come on, Janet. The world's a safer place with them out of the picture, and they did have bounties. Surely that's worth some compensation?"

Janet makes a sound, somewhere between a sigh and a growl. "We weren't hired to catch those Brownstone Boys. If we're not hired, I don't get paid. And if I don't get payed, you sure as cider don't get paid neither! Not only that, but you're no closer to catching Shady than you were before!"

Dustin nods, deciding that he won't win an argument with a woman. He folds his handkerchief up, mildly curious when the brown liquid makes it stick together. What was in that cup, anyway? His pondering is interrupted when Janet closes the drawer of her desk.

"Besides, I've got another job for you. You're off the Shady job. Trail's gone cold, anyway. You're going after Hillbilly Huck, one of the Culebra boys. You remember them? You failed to bring in Big Pete last month, he's one of them. Ol' Billy's even dumber than Pete, so maybe you'll stand a chance of catching this one. But be careful, he might be smarter than you. Prove me wrong, Dusty. Time to start pulling your weight." She shakes her head, trying not to grin. "Your considerable amount of weight." She hands Dustin a wanted poster.

Dustin looks over the poster, ignoring the jab at his girth. After a moment, he glances up. "...What was in that cup?"


"...Right. I'll get right on this." Dustin leaves quickly, leaving Janet in her office, fuming. He makes a quick stop at the Sheriff's, and is rewarded with a cool hundred for bringing one of the outlaws back alive. It's more than he expected, but less than he hoped.
[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Sophia Hartmann
Status - Outlaw - member of Culebra clan
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Air
Bounty - 400$


Alice in gun-derland

"The man back there... is he going to be okay?" the little girl asked, tightly clutching Sophia in fear of falling off the horse. She looked back at the burning opera house behind her.

Sophia smiled. "Yeah, he'll be fine. What the fuck happened back there anyway? I'm guessing that crazy bitch of your sister went ballistic and set fire to the whole building when she was trying to get out."

The girl shifted uncomfortably. "Don't call her that, she's -" she mumbled, but Sophia laughed.
"Come on, you completely agree with me, but you don't want to admit it."
"That's not true! She's my sister and I have to -"
"Yeah, yeah. That's what I thought about my step-brother before he got a knife in his chest."
"I swear, I tried to stop her! I told her that we could go away now, that we could - but she never listens! She got too close to the gunpowder barrels in the cellar! Now she's probably- probably-" the girl began sobbing again.

"Good god, do you ever stop fucking crying and moaning?" Sophia sighed. "You're damn lucky I even allowed you to come with me. Once we reach Larkin, I can drop you off and if you're so intent on finding your sister then we can worry about that. Right now I just don't want to cross paths with that asshole Jeffrey's gang."

They rode silently for a few minutes. "What's your name, anyway? Didn't hear your sister call you anything but 'brat' and 'little shit'." Sophia asked.
"I'm Alice. Alice Rylian. My sister's Scarlet." she mumbled.
"Rylian? Not a name I've heard in these parts. Judging from your fancy dress, you're definitely not from around here."
Alice adjusted herself on the saddle. "We're from the North - Aelham. Our dad's the mayor there, and we were on our way visiting family in Ironhaven when that man and his gang attacked us."
Oh, a girl from the North, eh? I got a feeling Antonio's going to like this. Sophia thought. "Well don't worry. Where I'm taking you, you'll be going home soon. Your sister too - assuming she's alive."
"Don't say things like that!"
Sophia shrugged. "Hey, just trying to help you out here. If you want to live in denial, go ahead."
"I'm not - forget it." Alice grumbled.

"Oi! wake up, you're falling off the horse!"

Alice woke up with a start. She quickly caught hold of Sophia's shoulder and hoisted herself back into position. "Mmmh... Are we there yet?" she yawned and rubbed her eye.
"Should be there soon. Just don't go dozing off again, last thing I want is your blood to dirty my clothes when you fall off."
"What?! What is wrong with you?" Alice gasped at Sophia's last remark. "A lady should never say things like that!"
Good god, she's reminding me of what 'pa used to tell me. Sophia sighed in frustration. Give me a fucking break. I came from the North too, alright - you fuckers get it easy. You start living your life here, then tell me if 'being a lady' matters."

At this moment Nico emerged from Sophia's belt pouch. The chameleon drowsily stared at the newcomer, then taking the freedom to crawl up her arm. Alice stared in horror at him, not daring to move.
"Wh-wh-what is th-that? G-get it off, off, off..." she muttered to Sophia.
Sophia laughed, putting her arm behind her back for Nico to climb on it. "Oh, he's awake? That's Nico, my chameleon. He doesn't bite or sting or anything, so you can calm your panties."
"Wh-why would anyone keep a pet chameleon?" Alice asked, relieved that the creature was getting off her.
"It's a - ehm - family tradition. You'll see when we get to my place." Sophia explained, allowing Nico to climb onto her shoulder. "Speaking of which, I can see Larkin in the distance."
Virginia Raine | Outlaw | Water | Level 1 | $250

A Pluvial Prelude

She lodged iron into the man's leg, emptying the revolver's chamber.

"It will benefit you to shut up and stay still."

He whimpered, biting his lower lip to prevent himself from crying out like a baby. A splotch of darkness began to grow at his pants. Men.

Rolling her eyes in disgust, Virginia turned her attention away to the cash register. She pushed the button, and with a rusty jingle, the machine stuck its tongue out, displaying a respectable amount of teeth and filling. Modest alone but wealthy in union, copper and silver coins jingled into her satchels. As for the paper notes, the slightly more modern unit of currency, they went into her purse.

As she was packing her loot up, she caught movement at the corner of her eye. The man had a belt in his hands, and was wobbling on his good leg, attempting to strike her from the back. He was quite daring, she had to give him that. But still very dull.

Her umbrella connected with his cheekbones with a resounding slap, and he was flung backwards to the floor, body still as a log. Tucking the last satchel into her shoulder bag, Virginia Blinked out of the shop, walking down the streets as if she had just made her last purchase and was on her way home.

At the outskirts of Fairbell, Virginia noticed a pair of horses attached to a carriage. A young man was busy unloading some crates. She approached him as he finished his laborious work, mentally activating her feminine charms.

"Oh good sir, could you do me a favour?"

The young man looked at her, bringing up his arm-sleeve to wipe off the sheen of sweat on his forehead, and smiled.

"What could I ever do for a beautiful lady like you?"

"I urgently need to pay a visit to my dear sister in Larkin."

Virginia was playing up her 'damsel in distress' card and the man was falling for it, fueled by a gentleman's instinct to save a hapless woman.

"It just so happens that I'm going back to Larkin after making my delivery here. I wouldn't mind giving you a ride."

"You mean it?"

"Why, it's nothing!" He insisted.

After many words of thanks and praises of how he was such a fine young man, and how he would definitely make a good husband, and that any sane woman should look no further than him, Virginia climbed into the carriage and the horses pulled away.​
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Emmett Holliday
Status - Outlaw - Lone wolf; Semi-professional joy rider
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Bounty - 17$

Bulls On Parade, Pt. 1

"Hello beautiful!" Said Emmett, as he slowly entered the gate to the ranch. He had seen a huge red-ish bull with huge horns. You could just see the muscles moving under his skin, as it was grazing in his own pen. Emmett didn't see any one around, but he wanted to make sure that his rodeo wouldn't be cut short. He walked up to the house, and grabbed a chair on the front porch. You could see the whole ranch from here. You could actually see it from anywhere, as it wasn't that big. There were two pens, one where around thirty cows were grazing, and another one, where they had put the bull. He suspected there would be a stable at the back of the house, as he saw horse tracks on the terrain, but there was no horse to be seen. It didn't look like anyone was home, so Emmett decided to check the bull out. He leaned on the fence and judged from which side he should try to jump on it. He had grown up on a ranch, so he was accustomed to bulls, and he knew how dangerous they were. And it was just that danger that made them so much fun. The bull raised his head and gave Emmett a stupid look, and went back to grazing again.
"I'm bored of planning this out", He said to himself, as he jumped over the fence. He ran towards the bull, and blinked on his back. The beast was shocked to find someone on his back, and in a second his peaceful grazing turned into aggressively kicking back and forth.
"C'man boy, don't just kick, I want you to run", Emmett yelled. "Give me a bloody challenge." He put his spiked boot in the bull's side and at that moment Emmett swore he saw steam coming out of the bull's nose. The horned beast started running towards the fence, without a second of doubt.
"Full sail ahead, you big bovine!" Emmett screamed, his voice filled with ecstasy. He was totally loving this. He was a bit afraid of what might happen if the bull would throw him off, but he felt like there was no fun in playing safe. Although now the fence was getting closer, he was overthinking if maybe he should've gotten a rope or anything to try and steer with. He grabbed the bull's horns and tried to push him out of the way of the fence, but the bull had no regard for Emmett anymore.
"You wanna go straight through?" Emmett yelled "Then we'll go straight through!" He stood up as he said that, but the bull's movement didn't allow for such things and he got smacked back onto the bovine's back.
The fence shattered into splinters, as the beast ran through, and in a matter of seconds he had walked into the pen of the cows.
"Don't even think about it big boy." Emmett said, as he smirked towards the bull. "Today you have date with me!" He tugged the horns up, to anger the bull, and it did just that. Shaking it's head, it started to charge towards the house.
"I feel ya, big boy," Emmett smiled, "Let's do some real property damage."
With a loud "Yahoo" he crashed through the wall of the house, and maybe five seconds later he came out of the other side. He couldn't contain his laugh. That was amazing! Emmett was right before, the other side of the house had indeed housed the stable, and he ran past a couple of horses. Outside of the stable, there was a young girl, galloping around on a huge white horse. She didn't seem to have noticed any of the commotion.
Emmett decided to yell: "Missy, that wouldn't be your house I just rampaged through, would it?"

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[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Sophia Hartmann
Status - Outlaw - member of Culebra clan
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Air
Bounty - 400$

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Colt Marshall
Status - Bounty Hunter
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Money - $500


Revenge is a dish best served "Colt"

A few minutes later, the two travelers had reached Larkin and were heading for the tavern. Once they had arrived, Sophia tied the horse to a post and gestured for Alice to wait there. Can't have the kid know about the Culebras - safer to have her wait there. she thought. She headed for the main entrance of the tavern. The place, which was usually filled with sounds of drunkards yelling and drinking was eerily quiet. Sophia pushed open the saloon's double doors, and gasped at the grisly sight.

Strewn across the room were dozens of dead bodies of her clanmates. Tables were smashed in half, chairs were upturned, and there were bullet holes in the walls - something that happened here while she was gone. She looked up as something dripped on her face. The walls, ceiling and floor were wet with cold water, as if it had rained inside the room.

Sophia ran out of the saloon. "Hey! Miss Sophia, everything alright?" Alice called, confused as to why she was in such a state of hurry. Sophia turned to the closest alleyway and knocked loudly on the wall of the tavern. "Psyduck! Jack, let me the psyduck in!" she hissed, rolling up her sleeve and slamming it against the hole that appeared.

"Fia, w-where were y-you? Ev-everyone's d-ownstairs-" Jack began as the wall slid open. Sophia violently pushed past him and ran downstairs to see what was happening. A few survivors were being tended to, apparently having been pierced all across their bodies by something small and sharp.

She rushed to the first of the wounded - a small, skinny man by the name of Derrick. An absolute idiot, but a good shot nonetheless. "What the psyduck happened to you guys? Charlatans attacked? Royal guard?"

Derrick winced, clutching his side. Despite his injuries, he looked embarassed. "No... t'was a single guy; one lone psyducker.... Bounty hunter... he- urgh!" he was interrupted by a small coughing fit. "Was looking for Pete... Didn't find 'im there, so the asshole did this." Derrick moved his hand to reveal the large number of tiny holes in his abdomen.

Pete? Sophia listened intently to the man's words, a frightened look on her face. What was that he said about needing a lighter earlier... Oh psyduck, he's going to get himself killed! she thought. The assailant was likely to be waiting at the tavern, and when Pete would return, he'd certainly get killed.

Sophia dashed for the exit, completely forgetting the reason she had initially come there for. Pete was too close to her to lose - he'd always had a bounty but the recent job had significantly increased his notoriety. The kid was going to have to wait, all that mattered right now was that she had to warn Pete.


Colt was on the brink of exhaustion. After the incident with the Culebras in the tavern and letting Big Pete escape, he had been searching every possible nook and cranny for the thug. Such a task should have been simple considering that the individual in question's size and intelligence. But that was not the case. It was as if the lumbering Culebra had vanished into thin air, and none of the local townspeople had seen him since.

"Must have some kind of hideout or somethin' around here." Colt muttered as he strode through the dusty Larkin streets. He was tired and hungry, but he refused to return to his camp on the edge of town until he had made some kind of progress.

Where could the big oaf have gone? He had only been less than a minute ahead of the hunter entering the tavern, yet somehow he had escaped. Frustrated, Colt headed for the scene from earlier. He just hoped that he would find something to help him pick up the trail again.

As he approached the aged saloon, he came upon a strange sight. A horse was tied up outside, and a little girl in a fancy summer dress standing nervously nearby. The horse's rider was nowhere to be seen.

Colt approached the girl, who seemed quite terrified, kept shifting her gaze around, looking from the entrance of the tavern, to the street, to a small alleyway close by.

The tired hunter started to trudge past the girl into the tavern, when he realized that she might have seen something of interest. He turned around, and the child's eyes widened as she realized he was looking at her.

"Excuse me Miss," Colt queried, as politely as he could manage. "You seem to be lost. Is every thing all right?"

Alice took a step back away from the stranger. "I-I'm not supposed to talk to strangers..." she mumbled, looking away.

The hunter groaned inwardly. It was always a pain to deal with people like this, even more so with kids. Not to mention the fact that his kind were exactly the reason parents told their children these things.

"Hey, I don't mean any harm, I'm just tryin' to see if you... need any help, is all." Colt forced a grin for good measure. "Now, I reckon this isn't your horse, unless your one heckuva rider for your size. Are your parents around?" As the words came out his mouth, he noticed a small creature perched on the back of the nearby horse. He hadn't seen it before, since it appeared to be the same color as the beast.

A chameleon. It didn't take more than a moment for Colt to realize what that meant.

After a few moments of hesitation, Alice answered the man. "It's not mine, it's for someone else. I'm waiting for them to come back. It's for - em - my sister. She told me to wait here, but I don't think I should talk to anyone I don't know."

"Your sister, eh?" The girl such a bad liar that it was almost painful. "Where is she? In there?" The hunter motioned to the tavern entrance.

Alice shot a furtive glance at the alleyway where Sophia had gone, before looking back at the man.

"She was in there just now... Why do you want to know, anyway? I won't tell you." she looked him in the face, trying to act stubborn.

You have got to be kidding me. Colt was beginning to wonder if this was even worth his time. For all he knew, this girl and her companion could know absolutely nothing, and he was losing valuable time. If he waited for much longer, Pete could be on a train to any of the nearby towns before he left the dust bowl of a town.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration. "You know, it's not safe for people to be in there. I heard that the other day, over half a dozen townsfolk got shot dead right in this very bar." Colt suppressed his grin as horror spread upon the girl's face.

Alice leaned sideways to peer into the saloon. It was creepily quiet, especially for a town as big as Larkin. She wasn't particularly fond on Sophia, but she didn't want to see her die. Her lips quivered. "Sh-she went in there first, then I saw her run out into the alley over there." she gestured towards the side of the building. "Please, mister, could you try to stop her getting hurt?"

"Really now, she went over there?" The whole thing was starting to become more clear. If the rider of the horse was a Culebra, it would make sense for them to have some kind of secret access to wherever Pete had disappeared to the other day.

"Let's go take a look then! Wouldn't want anything like that to happen to anybody out here, much less your sister." Colt, motioning for the girl to follow, began to walk toward the alley, letting his hands rest on his pistols, just in case.

Alice looked at the horse and back at the stranger. "I don't know if I should..." she began, but shook her head and followed him.

Both the kid and the hunter walked apprehensively toward where the former had pointed out earlier. As they approached, however, they were greeted by an empty pathway.

"Are you sure that she came this way?" Colt questioned, half wondering if this girl was just making up stories to mess with him. She looked just as confused, however.

Colt had had enough for one day. Just as he turned around to head back to leave, though, a door swung open behind him, knocking him to the ground. Stunned, he lay there as a petite feminine figure rushed out, looking frantically around.

Sophia did not notice that she had hit someone. She cursed at the rusty door for being broken. She was surprised when she saw Alice on the other side of the door, crouching next to a man.

"Hey, you little muk! Didn't I tell you to wait back there? You're gonna get hurt over here -" she hissed, but stopped when she looked at the man lying on the ground. He was rubbing his head and getting up. Sophia instantly noticed the glint of the badge on his jacket.

There's only once reason a bounty hunter would be waiting around these parts. she thought. Alice helped the man up, and looked at Sophia.

"That's my sister." she told him as he dusted his clothes.
Sister? Sophia leered at the girl, who gave her an almost unnoticeable apologetic shrug. Alice moved away from the man and next to Sophia.

Sophia slowly reached for her belt pocket where her gun was. "And who might you be?" she asked. She turned to Alice. "Why is he here?"

His ears still ringing, Colt picked himself up as he finished wiping the dust off of himself. "Name's Colt Marshall," he replied. He saw no point in lying about that, as his reputation as a bounty hunter was nonexistent at this point. The person who had knocked him over was apparently in her early twenties, quite short, and clutching her gun belt. She looked intensely hostile, despite having no knowledge of who he was.

Alice saw Sophia reaching for her gun, and fear appeared in her eyes. "He - he said there was a shooting here, and that it was dangerous, so I told him you were here..." she uttered.

"Alright then, Marshall. I think we need to have a little chat." Sophia said, pulling out her revolver and pointing it at the tall man. "You're not exactly meant to be here."

Colt let out a faint chuckle. "You're not the first Culebra to tell me that." In the blink of an eye, he finished the summoning spell he had been working on, pulling his guns into his waiting hands.

"Sophia, no!" Alice screamed, right before Sophia shoved her away from the bullet that instantly came out of Colt's gun, jumping to the side to avoid it.

A joint post of Foxrally and GreyBidoof
Emmett Holliday
Status - Outlaw - Lone wolf; Semi-professional joy rider
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Bounty - 17$

Bulls On Parade, Pt. 2

Emmett and his new bull buddy stormed by the girl on the white horse. When the bull passed her horse, he blinked onto the back of the roan. She gave a confused reaction to the furious bull passing by, and almost fell of the horse from shock, as Emmett put his hand on her shoulder. She screamed, and shoved him backwards, pushing him off.
"Ouch!" Said Emmett, as he hit the ground, "You're no fun at all, are ya?" The girl stopped the horse, and jumped off. It was in that moment that she saw the huge hole in the house, and caught a glimpse of the destruction behind it. She put her hands to her face, and fell on her knees crying. The horse walked up to her, and pushed his face against her.
"So, I guess it was your house, than." Said Emmett, he cracked an awkward smile. He decided to give the girl a good look. She was young, certainly no older than fifteen, and had long silver blond hair. Her hands were small, and her whole body was tiny and thin. She had a weird balance between looking beautiful, and ghostly. Emmett walked up to her, and put his hand on her head.
"All cheer ya up girl" He laughed, "no worries!" She looked up at him, and starting hitting him on his legs and in his stomach. There was a lack of power in the punches, but they felt angry. She knew Emmett was the one to destroy her home.
"C'mon girl, no need to act harsh," he said, as he pulled her up at her arm. She didn't want any of it, and fell down on her knees crying again. She looked up at Emmett, and with her eyes filled with said: "Why?" It sounded very awkward, and it was in that moment Emmett realized she was deaf, and that was why she hadn't heard the sounds of destruction, or reacted to his words. The sounds of the bull nearing become louder, and he realized that beast was still running around.
"I'll show ya," he yelled, "it's fun, believe me." He grabbed her, and blinked onto the back of the bull again. The deaf girl was still were Emmett just had been standing. "Okay then, I guess that doesn't work," He said, "I need you to grab my hand, missy!" The girl didn't react to him, and just looked in fright as the bull rampaged towards her. "Ugh, you're just like my dad," Emmett laughed, "You never listen." He tugged the bull's horns upwards and hoped that the beast would turn, or at least stop for a moment. It became very clear it didn't, as all the bull did was increase his pace. The girl jumped aside as the bull stormed towards her. She didn't jump far enough, though, and the one ton monster shattered her legs as he ran over them. A harrowing scream filled the air.
"I'm sorry!" Emmett yelled, as he tried to wave at her and put up his most charming smile. She'll get over it, he thought. He was busy destroying that house, and he felt like he should finish that job. He tried to steer the bull towards the support at the other side of the house, but the beast was just in an uncontrollable rage now. It ignored the tugs Emmett give or the kicks he got from Emmett's spiked shoes. All hope of destruction wasn't totally lost, as the bull went to a part of the house that was still standing. The wall didn't give much resistance, and Emmett heard the top floor cracking as he went through. "Owh man, this shit is gonna collapse soon," He yelled. He couldn't keep the smile from his face as he looked behind him and saw the building collapse in on itself. Everything started to drop, and a dust cloud arose from where moments ago had stood a house. Emmett started laughing, and tears shot into his eyes from pleasure. That was amazing! Their house got rampaged, by their own bull, and all he had to do was jump on his back. He loved this kind of chaos and destruction. The bull ran through the gates of the ranch, and took a turn right. The dust path followed closely to a mountain side, and the beast didn't have anywhere else to go but forwards. He heard hoofs approaching as he neared a turn.
"Out of the way, a house wrecker is coming through," he screamed at the top of his longs. The bull took a left and there were three people on horses that gave Emmett a shocked and confused look.
"Ah think that fellow is riding Brutus, daddy." Said the youngest of the three, a young looking guy whose face Emmett couldn't make out that well as he passed by.
"Sorry about the house!" Emmett said. The horse riders looked at each other for a moment, and then made their horses run as fast as they could. They're in for a surprise, Emmett thought, and he made himself giggle.
After ten minutes of riding further down the path, Emmett's body started to hurt from the bobbing up and getting slammed down again. He neared the town of Fairbell.
"Bye bye, Brutus, I think this is where we split up," He said, and he blinked of the bull and onto the dust road. The bull didn't seem to notice that Emmett had left him, and just kept raging on through towards Fairbell. "Man that was a quite the day." He checked his surroundings. He needed to find a good cave to sleep in.

"It was this afternoon that our lovely neighbors Jason and Adabelle were out to their friends with their son Amos. While they were gone, their daughter Agnes was horseback riding at the back of the house. It was at this moment that a madman stole their bull, and decided to wreck their property. In this process poor little Agnes, may God make her recover soon," The public repeated his last sentence, "got trampled, and her legs got shattered in the process. We don't know if she ever will walk again, and we can't imagine the pain she is going through. Our church is putting together money to put out a bounty on the madman that wounded her. And believe me as I say that the girl had a burned soul already." The pastor made a cross sign. "Never was it God's plan for a girl so sweet, so caring, and so strong to be damaged so badly. At the end of the sermon we will go 'round and everyone that wants to give their hard earned money to our cause to catching this madman called Emmett 'Handful' Holliday!"

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[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Sophia Hartmann
Status - Outlaw - member of Culebra clan
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Air
Bounty - 400$

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Colt Marshall
Status - Bounty Hunter
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Money - $500


Sweet, Colt Revenge - Part 2

How the fuck did he pull out that gun so fast? she thought, shocked. She fired a few shots in his direction, all of them apparently missing despite there being no cover.

The bounty hunter, feeling overly confident from his earlier victory in the tavern, taunted the woman. "A dozen of your friends couldn't beat me in a firefight, so how do you think you will?"

Just as he said those words, a small figure darted out of Alice's pocket, landing precisely on Sophia's forearm. Raising her arm like a gun, she smiled. "Say hello to my little friend."

A giant, purple blast of gas shot out of Nico's mouth. Infused with air energy, the chameleon could release gas at the rate of a steamboat.

Colt stumbled backwards, hacking and coughing from the smoke. Dropping his pistols, he desperately attempted to wipe the substance off his face, to no avail. He couldn't see a thing. The man cursed under his breath for letting himself underestimate the female Culebra.

Taking it as an opportunity, Sophia quickly raised her revolver and pressed the trigger.

Managing to scrape some of the gunk off of him, Colt looked up just in time to see the woman leveling her gun on him. Realizing that he needed to act before his brains decorated the surrounding street, he hurriedly ran through a quick freeze spell, directed in front of him. It was a crap shoot, he just hoped that it would be enough to spare him this time.

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)
After a second had passed, the hunter felt himself, not feeling any bullet holes. Huh, well I'll be damned. Taking a glance at his would-be assailant, he found that the barrel of the pistol had frozen solid, the bullet protruding from the muzzle.

"What the-" Sophia glanced the barrel of her revolver. It was clogged with ice. She desperately slammed it against the wall, attempting to break it. "Stupid- fucking- gun-" she muttered in between hits.

As much as Colt wanted to stay and find out where Pete had ran off to, he knew that he was in no position at all to continue the duel. It was also clear that this was Culebra turf, and reinforcements could be just a shout away.

Rising up off of his knees, the hunter half-ran out backwards out the already-dissipating smoke. His visibility was still impaired, and he couldn't sprint without the likelihood of tripping or running into any obstacles. As he did so, he let off a trio of shots towards the direction of the woman who had started the incident, just for good measure.

Sophia ducked, dodging the first two bullets. "Agh!" she screamed as the third hit her leg, causing her to drop her gun and fall to the ground. She clutched her wounded thigh. Ahh fuck fuck fuck. This is bad. she thought, her vision blurred by the impact.

Alice stared in horror as Sophia lied on the ground cursing and holding her leg. She quickly stood back up and slammed on the closed hidden door. "Someone, help! Someone's hurt here!" she yelled. She ran back to Sophia and tried to rest her head on her shoulder. "Help is coming, just hold still!"

Sophia looked up the girl's concerned face. "What the fuck did I- agh!" she hissed, before being interrupted by a sharp feeling of pain in her leg.

A few moments later a dozen of men emerged from the door, holding guns and looking around. Among them was Jack. His face turned from anger to shock when he saw Sophia on the ground, her leg bleeding profusely. He called for the other outlaws' attention, and ran to where she was. "S-sophia! Are you a-alright?" he asked, taking a look at the wound. He turned to Alice, who had been startled by the Culebras' sudden arrival. "W-who did this t-to her? I ought t-to p-put a bullet through their d-damn skull!"

"It- it was a man, he went that way! He came in here looking for Sophia and-" Alice began, flustered.

"Fucking - agh - bounty hunter. He was fucking around and I thought I could - agh- take care of it... I'm fine though." Sophia interrupted. Nico was on the ground near her, looking at her with a clearly concerned expression.

"First the incident at the tavern and now this?" said another outlaw, looking around for anyone.

"L-let's try to g-get you up, and get you d-downstairs with the others." Jack said. Along with the help of a few others, they managed to get Sophia downstairs, despite her protests of her needing no help.

"Hey! We got another one who's hurt!" one outlaw called. The elderly woman who was tending to the wounded turned her head. She slowly approached Sophia as the men set her on the table. She snickered quietly. Although she seemed helpless and weak, Valentina Culebra was not to be underestimated. Mother of Antonio Culebra, she was very skilled healer and spellcaster, and a master in the art of poisons and lethal substances.

She shook her head, tutting. "Tut tut. Young ones are so brash. Always getting hurt. Young ones cannot learn to wait."

Sophia winced as the elderly woman lifted her leg. "First time taking a direct shot? So reckless, so reckless." she chuckled. She placed her finger on the wound, and her hand began glowing white. Sophia screamed in pain as she felt something being pulled out of the hole in her leg. Once the bullet was out, however, she felt and extreme feeling of relief.

Valentina studied the bullet. "Ice-coated bullet. Severe vasodilation. Wound should be gone in a few hours. Try to rest." she told her, lowering Sophia's leg.

"I'll be fine, I just need to-"

"Sleep." Valentina commanded, and as if obeying her order, Sophia's body fell limp back onto the table, and she was fast asleep.

Alice quitely sat at a table near the one Sophia was laid on, anxiously looking at the old woman work. Her heart thumped loudly - she had no idea where she was, who those men were, why Sophia had attacked the stranger - and how on earth could a Chameleon shoot out so much gas? Jack noticed her anxiety and smiled, ruffling her head.

"D-don't worry, kid. She'll p-pull through fine. You n-need rest t-too anyway. Tomorrow you can t-talk about all this with h-her, alright?" he told her reassuringly.


By the time Colt had dragged himself back to his camp, the sun was nearly setting. He was sore, and dead tired, but foremost on his mind was his bruised ego. How could I have let her get the drop on me like that? he thought . Damn. This was supposed to be a simple job. The man chuckled in spite of himself. "Guess there's more to this bounty hunting stuff than I expected." With that, he felt his eyelids growing heavy, so he pulled his hat over them, and drifted off.

A joint post of Foxrally and GreyBidoof

Owen Wright
Element - Electricity
Outlaw - Unaffiliated
Sorcery Level - 1
Bounty: $50

BANG! The bullet flew past the tin can, missing it by inches. Owen bit his lip. He aimed one more time, hands fighting to keep steady. He closed one eye, aligned his sight and held his breath. Steady…steady… BANG! Another miss. Not even close this time. "Damn it!" he shouted. He was at a clearing south of Wrench, surrounded by red-orange rocks and sand. He decided that he needed practice with the gun. The pocket revolver was newly stolen. He recently received a bounty of $50 on his head, which isn't really all that big, but he wanted to be careful. Petty bounty hunters go for petty bounties all the time. Not that there was a need. Owen was confident in his ability to outrun and outmaneuver any and all bounty hunters. It didn't matter if they had the same ability he did, because he could do it better. At least that's what he believes. Anyway, he stole the pocket revolver from a man in a bar back at Wrench. He figured he could use a ranged weapon. He couldn't rely on his knife for that, and he wants to reserve his "trick" for the challenging chases. Problem was, he couldn't shoot if his life depended on it. He's never used a gun before. He's only ever seen a gun fired by other outlaws, or bounty hunters chasing him.

"Ah, psyduck it," he finally said. He thrust his arm in front of him and felt the familiar surge of electricity flowing through his vein. White hot electricity arced from his fingertips to the tin can atop a giant rock. Crackles echoed through the desert and the can flew, fried and smoking. The smell of ozone lingered in the air. Owen smirked. Bad aim, but only with the gun.

He squinted his eyes and looked around. Still alone. The desert heat is making him thirsty though. He needed a drink. He cast a spell on his pocket revolver and it shrank down to a blue cube, around 1 inch on all sides. He'll have a hard time turning it back into a gun in an emergency, but it's not like he'd turn to using it when he's in risk. He pocketed the revolver cube in his pocket and brought out a silver cube. It glowed white in his palm and in a few seconds, it turned into the 5" bowie knife that Owen is very familiar with. He sheathed the knife inside his vest. He put on his purple cloak and started walking towards Wrench.


The bar's atmosphere was boisterous, just as Owen had left it. Miners who were on break were there, recuperating energy from half of the day's work. All tables were occupied. He walked through the crowd of drunk miners. Most people ignored the cloaked newcomer, but some stared at him with queried looks. Owen finally reached the counter. He kept his cloak on. The person he stole the revolver from could still be in here.

"Oi, serve me a drink here, will ya?" he shouted at the bartender, who in turn, just raised an eyebrow at him.

"You old enough to be here, kid?"

That got on Owen's nerve. He's already gotten used to people mistaking him for a minor, but now wasn't really the time. He fished his pocket for a brown cube and held it in his fist. When he opened it, it was already a satchel filled with recently "acquired" gems. He poured half of the contents of the bag onto the counter and presented it to the bartender.

"Did I say drink? I meant drinks," Owen repeated. The skeptical bartender looked at the gems then back to the young-looking man. His brows furrowed, but he shrugged shortly after. He took a beer mug from the shelf behind him and filled it with alcohol. He slid the mug over to Owen and took the gems from the counter.

"Enjoy your drink, kid."

Owen let it slide. He took the mug and chugged the beer down.The cool liquid quenched the outlaw's thirst. He had already drank half of it before he set it down. He wasn't too crazy about alcohol, but it gets the job done. Someone's told him he doesn't have the stomach for beer, but Owen begs to differ. Just then, a man sat to the right of him. The man was wearing a brown leather vest on top of a cream-colored buttoned shirt. He has a worn-out cowboy hat on top of his head, barely covering his hair that connected with his sideburns and beard.

"Who the hell wears cloaks 'round these parts?" the man said. He wasn't looking at Owen, but Owen was damn sure who the man was talking to. He looked at the man with furrowed brows.

"What's it to ya?" he said. He chugged down the rest of his drink and called to the bartender. His mug was refilled shortly after that. The man laughed. He took two silver coins from his pocket. "The usual, Jack," the man told the bartender, who nodded at him and took a green bottle from under the counter. He poured it in a mug and handed it to the man. The man tossed the coins to the bartender and tipped his hat to him.

"Fair enough," he finally told Owen. He drank his drink and slammed the mug down. "You're catching attention with that cloak of yours, y'know that?"

Owen shrugged then drank more beer. "I make an impression," he said. Alarm bells were starting to ring in the outlaw's head. He set his mug down and prepared for action. It didn't help that he was a bit drunk. I can handle this, he told himself. He started casting a spell. Just a simple one. If he was wrong, he'd be able to laugh this one off. If he was right, things are about to get interesting. He looked forwards, trying to avoid the looks of the man. The man was still drinking. He looked at Owen occasionally, but never too long.

The outlaw drank the rest of his drink and set the mug down. He stood up and patted the man on the back. "I'll be on my way," he told the man, who looked at him with a smirk. "Oh no you're not, Owen Wright," the man said, hands quickly flying to the guns holstered to the side of his pants. But as he pulled his weapons up, he clumsily dropped both and it clattered on the floor. Owen gripped his shoulder and charged up another spell. He looked around to see if anyone had noticed them. No one has. Yet. The room was filled with burly miners. He could take them on, but he'd rather not. Not right now. He turned his attention to the bounty hunter in his grip.

"$50? Really?" he asked sarcastically. "You ran out of booze money or something?"

The man shuffled in his seat and tried to break away from the outlaw's grip, but Owen made a show of making the electricity crackle around his hand. The man looked at him with gritted teeth. "You think you're the only one with tricks, bastard?" The man raised his hands and they started to smoke. That's when Owen delivered the electric shock to the bounty hunter. It was charged up enough to fry some of the man's insides. The man bellowed. His head involuntarily snapped back as his eyes rolled up. His mouth started foaming until finally, he slumped forward. Dead. His head hit the drink that he was drinking and the mug fell to the floor. Owen patted the corpse's pants, looking for things to loot. He found a few silver coins and pocketed them. He patted down the vest of the bounty hunter. He opened it, searched the pockets inside and pulled out what he was looking for. It was a small book that looks like it meant nothing special, but he knew how much power is stored inside these books. It was the bounty hunter's spellbook.

"Died for $50," Owen said as he put the spellbook in his vest. "How pathetic."

He turned around and saw that he had caught everyone's attention. He hadn't noticed how silent it had become while he was looting the bounty hunter's corpse. Every eye in the bar was on him. Owen smiled. He pulled the hood of his cloak down and revealed his face to everyone in the room. He might as well make the trouble worth it. He hopped onto the counter and stood in front of the crowd like a performer.

"Owen Wright. $50," he announced, presenting himself like he's for sale. If some people had been sitting down, none of them were now. They were alert. After all, they were about to get $50 for taking down a measly kid. The crowd started murmuring. They were moving slowly, like a pack of wolves already enjoying their would-be prey. The outlaw just smiled. He opened his vest and unsheathed his bowie knife. Electricity ran down his arm and started crackling. He looked at his nearest escape path, a wall to his left. He was surrounded by miners, and judging by the fact that no one had shot him yet, they were not armed. Lucky for him.

He looked at the crowd one last time, nodded, and said, "Come at me." That's when the bartender cocked a shotgun.
[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Sophia Hartmann
Status - Outlaw - member of Culebra clan
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Air
Bounty - 400$

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Colt Marshall
Status - Bounty Hunter
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Money - $500


Revenge is a dish best served "Colt" Part 3

As the sun rose over the horizon the next morning, all was quiet in Larkin. On the outskirts of town, a lone figure was eating an early morning breakfast, cooked over a small campfire.

He had decided that even though he had not found his missing Culebra, he would be leaving town. As much as it he wanted to chase Pete, it wasn't worth getting killed by an angry mob of fellow gang members over.

Finishing the last of his grits, he poured a pail of water on the fire, extinguishing it. The tent and rest of his gear had already been folded up and packed away in his saddlebags. He decided to take the road through Larkin, as to avoid any possble Culebra ambushes. He knew now that one could never be too careful when dealing with outlaws such as the ones he had tangled with.

Mounting his horse, Blaze, the hunter set off. It wouldn't be long before it was fully light outside, and he wanted to be far, far away by then.

As he entered Larkin, Colt looked around disappointedly. He had expected his first bounty to be an easy one, but he had been sorely mistaken. Blaze seemed to pick up on his melancholy attitude, turning to look at him, letting out a questioning whinny.

"Don't worry, it's not the end of the world." he reassured his steed. "We'll get the next bounty, and I'll make sure to put a bullet through their head before they can give us any trouble." Even as he said this though, he wasn't looking forward to returning empty handed to Janet. He hadn't liked the old hag from the moment he met her, and her having this over him would just make things much worse.

As they rode on though, Colt noticed out of the corner of his eye a shadowy figure moving through the alleyways. It was had a huge, hulking figure, but moved slowly, almost clumsily.

No, it can't be. Colt was stunned. I can't believe it. he's really still here, and just when I decide I'm leaving, he comes right to me.

Snapping himself out the disbelief, he mentally steeled himself. "He is NOT getting away again." Colt muttered. Casually slowing Blaze to a slower walk, he gripped the reins with one hand, his right pistol with the other. The dark figure continued to follow him.

Suddenly and without warning, the horse stopped, and Colt, whipping his torso around to face the shadows behind him, fired off a potshot in at his pursuer.

"Do you honestly think you could sneak up on me like that? I've been chasing you all over this damn city, and you think you can just come up and take me on? "

He coldn't help but taunt the man further, despite thinking better of it

"News flash, buddy. I've shot more of your Culebras than the number of biscuits you must have to eat to maintain that figure."

A roar of rage erupted from the Big Pete, who lost no time in charging out from where he had been not-so-stealthily lurking. He raised a a huge fist in the air, and swung for the man on the horse.

Colt hopped off of Blaze as quickly as he could, not wanting it to be harmed by the raging giant. Pete's fist narrowly missed the hunter as he dodged as second uppercut. Unholstering his pistols, Colt fired several shots at his opponent, who continued to attempt to pummel him, despite the obvious pain.

"This has taken too much of my time. And you know what they say, time is money." The bounty hunter grinned at Pete. "Fitting that you're going down the same way your friends did back at the tavern." With that, Colt prepared a hail shot spell.

Out of nowhere, a gunshot cracked through the eerie early morning air. Colt winced as he felt something sink itself deep into his arm. How did he...?

The young hunter cursed under breath. Of course the Culebra had a gun, and the monolgue he had just given the thug provided plenty of time for even an imbecile like him to realize the opportunity. Now Colt was injured, and Pete was rapidly approaching.

"You... You think you're so smart." the behemoth sneered at him. "I may not be smart, but I know how to handle pests like you." Pete lifted Colt off of the ground by the front of his shirt, preparing to knock the living daylights out of him.

"You're gonna pay for what you did to the boys and 'fia." Pete growled.

Colt was completely silent. "Nothing else to say, then? Good." The thug balled up his fist.

The blow never came. Only a slight moan from Pete, who realized far too late that blood was running down his shirt, a small survival knife protruding from it. 'Big' Pete sank to his knees, and his hand loosened it's grip on Colt, dropping him to the ground.

Picking himself up, the hunter was still silent. For now, he wasn't going to say anything until he had finished the job.

"You won't last long out here, hunter." Pete wheezed, working hard to fill his lungs with air. "We'll hunt you down, and you'll pay for what you done."

A gunshot followed, and all was silent.

A joint post of Foxrally and GreyBidoof
Last edited:
[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Sophia Hartmann
Status - Outlaw - member of Culebra clan
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Air
Bounty - 400$

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Colt Marshall
Status - Bounty Hunter
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Money - $500


Revenge is a dish best served 'Colt' - Part 4

Sophia awoke to the sound of men arguing and angry shouts. She had been placed in a bunker bed in one of the rooms, which had not helped her aching back from earlier. Her thigh still felt limp from the impact of the bullet - at least her head wasn't throbbing as much as yesterday.

Sophia slowly managed to get up. She shook her leg to test if it was suitable to walk with. She felt no pain so, so she deemed it safe enough. Half-limping to the main room, she opened the door of the sleeping quarters. She found half a dozen men sitting around a table, apparently arguing over something and almost coming to blows. One of the outlaws noticed her and nudged another one, whispering something to him, all the while cautiously eyeing Sophia.

Sophia walked towards the group of men, pushing aside the ones in her way and getting to the table where the two main speakers were. She slammed her fist on the table, which got their attention.

"What the fuck is going on here?" she demanded, looking at both their faces.

The two men suddenly stopped their dispute and looked at each other. The one on the right, a large, muscular man with a beard that covered more than half of his face, then looked at her. "It's..." he began hesitantly. "It's Pete. He's dead."

"What the fuck are you-" she began, confused, but suddenly she remembered the previous day's events. Slowly, her face turned from anger to blank disbelief.

Next thing she knew, Sophia had blasted away every person around her with an air shield and had quickly retreated to her room, not wanting any of the men to see her reaction. She slammed the door behind her so violently the entire room shook, and stayed in silence for a few seconds.

"Shit, man... You had to put it that way?" one of the outlaws said, rubbing his head as everyone who had been pushed away got blasted off.

Bear, the man with the beard, shook his head. "Kid's gonna get through it eventually. Doesn't change anything though. We need to do something about this - can't let Pete die like that!"

While the events unfolded before her, Alice had been sitting in the other end of the room. The barkeep had nothing else to give her but a bottle of grape juice (unfermented wine), and she was quietly sipping on a cup of it.

It appeared to her that there were two main parties in this argument - the ones that wanted immediate revenge, and the ones who wanted to bide their time. The bearded man who had spoken to sophia was apparently part of the first group. The other man, a slim, tall outlaw, was in favor of the second.

"We can't afford to act foolishly!" he said. "If we band up and go for him, there's a chance it might trigger another federal search! You want to have the sheriff's men on our asses?"

"No, but if we don't do it now, the guy's probably going to be out of the area soon! No guy half as smart as Huck back there would fuck with us and stick around here. He's probably going to that old hag Janet. We can catch him on the way there."

"And then what? We end up like the guys who attacked the carriage a couple days ago? Have you ever considered the possibility that this could be a trap? My god, you're as fucking dumb as you look, Bear."

Bear stood up angrily, knocking his chair over in the process. "Oh, you'll see how fucking smart you'll look when I-"

Alice noticed a man emerge from a roof near where she was sitting. He was tall, with a black formal jacket and a small, golden pair of glasses. He seemed to emit a blazing, imposing aura. She gasped, spat out a mouthful of her drink and almost fell off her chair when she saw the creature that was following him - it looked like a giant cross between a snake and a lizard, with fanged teeth, spiky skin, and an extremely long tail.

The man approached the men, who had not noticed him yet. He snapped his fingers, and everyone quieted down. "Enough of this useless talk. Pete was a loyal and good member to the group, however we shall not squander our efforts for his sake." he commanded. A few men began muttering in protest. Antonio Culebra raised his hand to restore silence. "I understand you all want to make the attacker pay, but we cannot have more of us killed, especially since the attack on the tavern yesterday." he explained.

"Where is Sophia?" he asked.

"She - ah - came in a moment ago, but freaked out a bit when we gave her the news." Bar rubbed the back of his neck apologetically.

Antonio sighed. "Watch over her, make sure she does nothing foolish." he said, adressing the group. He turned his head and looked at where Alice was sitting. The young girl cowered in her seat, staring at her cup and occasionally lifting her eyes to take a quick glance. He slightly raised his eyebrows inquisitively.

Alice watched as he walked up the stairs in silence and exited the room.


It was a long ride back to Spider's Hollow, but it seemed like an eternity to Colt. Blaze wasn't faring much better, having to support the weight of both his rider and the oversized Culebra. It would be quite accurate too say that both the horse and the hunter were anxious to turn over the bounty.

After a few more hours of riding along the dusty, barren roads of the chasm, they finally reached the entrance to their destination. The small town didn't have much to offer, but Colt was only concerned with two things: getting his money, and finding a place to sit down and have a drink.


Alice knocked on the door of the room Sophia had gone in. "Sophia? Are you in there?" she asked.

"No chance she's going to let you in, kid. If you like your head, you better stay over here." an outlaw called to her, glancing in her direction.

She knocked again. No response. Alice knocked once more, this time more loudly. "I need to tell you something!"

Still no response. Breathing out strongly through her nose, Alice mustered herself and opened the door. She found Sophia sitting in the corner of the room, still dressed in her nightgown, her head in between her knees. She made absolutely no sound or movement whatsoever. For a second Alice thought she was asleep, until she heard her voice whisper. "Close the fucking door." she said, without moving an inch.

Alice obeyed, and carefully closed the door behind her. She had only known Sophia for a couple of days, but she could tell whoever the person named Pete was, they meant a lot to her. She thought of her own sister - why was she not as sad as she should have? She felt a pang of guilt at that thought - she was being inconsiderate to both her sister and Sophia.

Alice slowly approached Sophia and sat next to her, back against the wall and legs crossed. She looked around the room. "So, I-"

"Fuck off." Sophia muttered, still not moving.

Alice smiled. At least she had that part of her intact. "This Pete person, the men over there were talking about him. They're arguing over him."

She paused to see what Sophia's reaction would be. Seeing that she didn't respond, she continued. "They say a man killed him, and some want to have revenge right now, but some others are saying that they shouldn't."

Alice had no knowledge of who Pete was or who the men arguing were - she hoped that what she was saying would at least comfort the grieving Sophia.

"Then a man came in, I think he's their leader. I think he was agreeing with the second group, I'm not sure."

At this last sentence Alice noticed Sophia slightly lift her head, and look a her. Her eyes were red from crying - Alice couldn't bring herself to visualizing that - and her face was much paler than usual. "I fucking knew it... As smart as he is, boss' got no guts." she muttered.

"They say it was the same man who caused the 'tavern incident'. Their words, not mine. Who do you reckon would kill so many like that, anyway? Probably some no-good bleeding outlaw, deserves to be hang-"

"I'm going after him." Sophia said, standing up.

"You're- what?" Alice asked, surprised. "He's a killer! Do you want to get hurt again like
yesterday? Plus, nobody knows where he's gone! How do you expect find him?"

"Oh, I know where he is."

A joint post of Foxrally and GreyBidoof


Jebediah Sanders - Bounty Hunter
Level 1 Air User

The midnight rain washes away all troubles of yesterday

"Jeffrey! What the hell did you do? Where are you you fat bastard? Answer me god dammit I'm calling for you! Jeffrey?"

Jeb's mind was more or less empty, disregarding the rather loud and annoying shouting of the woman that was ringing in his ears. His eyes were plastered shut and he didn't even feel like opening them. His mouth was dry, and his face felt like tanned leather. His ribs hurt like all hell, and he couldn't move his arm. He could tell it was somewhat reattached where it had once been dislocated, but it wasn't moving. He wasn't moving. He shifted slightly and felt something heavy push down into his stomach. "Ungh." Better not move then he thought.

"Jeffrey? My god, where are you? Please tell me you're okay." The woman's voice was getting closer and Jeb could hear the breaking of wood with each step that she took.

Only now did he realize that he was outside. He felt the cool night wind on his face and the smell of a snuffed fire lingered. A horse neighed off in the distance a little as the footsteps seemed to come right on top of him.

"Where are you... Jeffrey?" The woman sighed and from what Jeb could tell, she was standing right on top of him. Whatever was pressing on his stomach pushed even further into his gut, but he quieted himself and managed not to make any noise as he listened in. She was breathing so lightly, maybe she was a dancer? She seemed light, maybe a brunette?

The pressure left his stomach and he heard her step over next to him. "Jeffrey... " a soft whisper, "wait... Jeffrey? Is that... oh my god. No, please. No." The footsteps rushed off a little to his left, though they stopped before they were out of his hearing distance. "My god, what happened to you? Who did this?" She started choking on her words as the sounds of wood being moved and broken echoed through the silence of the night. "Why? Why? Oh god why did this have to happen now?" The wood was creaking beneath her, and she sounded to be rocking herself.

The woman's perfume finally hit Jebediah, the air she had displaced from moving about finally resettled and the smell filled his nostrils. "Lilac," He whispered.

"Jeffrey? Did you say something? Oh my god, you're still alive?" Her words sounded hopeful, but Jeb could tell she was just trying to comfort herself. She was clearly forcing herself to hold back her own tears and not break down. "Please, say something else. Talk to me, tell me about that future we were working towards together. Remember? The little cottage on the hill, the farm, the kids and the orchard. Please Jeffrey, remember and talk to me. Don't leave me here alone." Her voice became muffled and Jeb managed to peel his eyes open.

The light from the moon was almost too bright for him to see, it stung his eyes but he could make out the figure of a woman and she seemed to be holding something. She was facing towards Jebediah and once the clouds had parted, the moonlight shone down on her and he could see them. The other half of the duo he had been sent out to capture, Tiffany Bella was sitting there with her knees beneath her and sobbing into what was left of Jeffrey James.

The fat bastard lost some weight Jeb laughed to himself. His right arm was still there, and half of his chest and up was for the most part still intact, but other than that there was nothing left. Half of his face had been burned off, but from what Jeb saw, that didn't matter much to Bella. She leaned over and kissed him anyways as she muttered utter nonsense to herself. She was starting to go insane, and this is why Jebediah never wanted to fall in love. There's just too much pain. He stared at them a while longer, he still couldn't move his body so it didn't matter much. And he didn't want to call out because she'd most likely kill him out of anger or sadness.

The woman's face was still somewhat hidden, but the tears streaming down her face were visible as she pulled the gun from her holster. "I'll be with you soon my love." She leaned over and gave him one final kiss. The moonlight finally shone on her face.

"A blonde," Jebediah whispered as she put the gun to her head and closed her eyes. Jeb turned away and gave her privacy as she pulled the trigger, putting a bullet through her head and reuniting her with the love of her life.

Jeb was used to hearing the sound of gunfire, but this particular time it sounded much sadder than the rest. There was no hesitation as there usually is when people decide to kill themselves. He almost felt bad about not stopping her. It was too late now though, she'd dyed her hair and had hopefully found peace. It was sad, but he needed to move on. He looked around trying to see if there was any way to pull himself out. Nothing. Maybe he could use some magic now that he'd had some rest.

He closed his eyes and concentrated for a few minutes. The wood around him began cracking and then in an instant flew out from him in all directions. "About timed." He coughed and started pulling himself up. "FUCK!" He screamed out in pain as he leaned himself up. "Fuckin' ribs are shattered," he moaned as he fell back into the place he had been laying in. He sat around and waited for a few more minutes before trying to get up again.

This time he managed to lean himself up without falling back in pain. He looked around and took a few more deep breaths before rolling over onto his knees to get more leverage. He pulled one leg up and planted his foot on the ground as the rain started to fall. A light drizzle now, but by the smell of it this was going to be a pretty big storm. He pulled himself as the thunder and lightning began rolling in. He shuffled over to where Bella and James were laying, holding his side the whole way.

The rain had started to clean their faces, but the tears the woman had been crying were still stained against her soft white skin. He laughed to himself as he looked down at her; she was smiling in her final moments. He could only hope that she could find the happiness she was seeking in the afterlife. He looked over to where the neighing had been coming from earlier and the rain started to pour down on him. "Just my god damn luck." He sighed and walked off out of the debris of the now decimated opera house.

He hadn't taken but a few steps toward the horse when his leg fell through something. "God dammit what is it now?" He was so angry that he himself was almost on the verge of tears. He looked down below to where his foot had fallen in and saw the cellar he pulled the two girls from, and then... "Oh shit! I wonder if that mean bitch is still in there." He didn't have to worry about that though, through the hole that his foot had made a, a blackened hand reached through and a face filled in the rest. The eyes seemed out of place as they bulged from the thing's melted face. The teeth and bones were visible, most of the muscles and tendons had been burned away but there was no mistaking it; this was that annoying bitch Scarlet.

"My god, I can't believe you're still alive! The hell happened? Were you the one that started the fire you crazy psycho bitch?" He almost stomped her crusty face in but her jaw moved and a coarse whisper escaped her.

"ait. Iv ih oo i iter. aie." The hand and face retreated and in it's place a book appeared.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Jeb reached down and took it, flipped it open and saw that she had scribbled out her name and put her sister's in there along with a short message. The edges of the book were burnt, but it was for the most part unscathed. She had put the wellbeing of the book higher than her own life. "You want me to take this to your sister?"

The face reappeared in the hole and shook in a yes motion. The arm came out and pointed at Jeb's gun, some of the fingers crumbling and falling off as the hand changed into a pointing gesture.

"What? You want my gun?"

The face shook no. The thumb on the hand moved up turning the hand into the shape of a gun, and then the thumb fell back down and crumbled off the hand which then turned to point at what would have been the forehead before the fire.

"You want me.... to kill you?" Jeb looked at her, there must be something else he could do for her. Sure she was an annoying bitch, but she did have a sister and he was actually planning to come get her out once all was said and done.

The eyes in the head looked down as if the girl was contemplating life and death, and then after a few seconds she looked back at Jeb and shook her head yes.

"I'm sorry, I'll make sure this gets to your sister. Rest peacefully." He took the gun from his holster and pointed it at the face. If the girl could have smiled, she probably would have been. But what happened instead was the jaw opened and then cumbled, swiftly being followed by a bullet through the skull which caused it all to fall apart. "She was surviving on will alone." Jeb tilted his hat to cover his face and went back to finding the horse.

"Wait a minuter, where is my horse? Sonuvabitch, that woman had better not have taken it. That's what I get. Fuck- fuck- fuck- fuck." He kept kicking the soggy charcoals that were left from the building. He sighed and walked away. "Sure hope there's some rope or something with this horse, otherwise I'm..." he started shuffling through the saddlebag that was on the horse. "Ah! There we go! Things are looking up now." He pulled out a rather long bundle of rope and tied it to his waist before mounting the horse and riding back to the two he was meant to bring back with him.

He slid off the horse; seeing that a proper dismount would probably cause too much pain, he had been riding side saddle. He put the book in the bag and removed his charred clothing. "Now, how to do this. There's rope, but I don't know that it'll be enough for both of you. Hmm. Ah, an idea." He pulled out his sword and began hacking away at Bella's midsection. "I only need to be able to identify the body, and you won't be walking anywhere so you don't need those legs right? Right. This is perfectly fine." After finishing up the job, he tied the two halves together and then went to get on his horse. Something caught his eye though.

Something shiny was melted to a piece of wood where he had initially been laying. He looked down towards it and tried to move it about with his boot. "A metal plate for a gun and.... what's that?" He looked down at the wood that the plate was melted to and saw some kind of symbol. "Seems familiar but my mind's all jumbled as is. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure it out later. The lightnin's right behind us, so we better get goin' eh?" He looked back at the bodies that were connected to him by the rope around his own waist. "Not a very lively bunch are you?" He got up on the horse and headed off in the direction of Janet's so he could get this nightmare over with.

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Alex Rose
[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Home, Sweet Home

The sky was getting progressively darker as Alex rode towards Spider's Hollow, the body of The Clown tied to the back of his horse and winds blowing sand up furiously.
"Looks like there's going to be a storm judging by the wind and those clouds" Alex said to himself, understanding very well that a storm in the Barren Lands was both a blessing and a curse. The rain was always needed in the Barren Lands; it staved of thirst and was needed to support farms. However, when storms came up they were often fierce, blowing sand up in terrifying winds that caused a nightmarish hybrid between sand and thunderstorms. Alex did not want to be out in the middle of that with no shelter, so he spurred his steed on to a gallop. He was close enough now that the animal would be fine so long as it got a drink upon returning to Spider's Hollow.

It was truly night when Alex finally arrived back at the small town; Spider's Hollow looking no different than before. Still, Alex had to finish his work before he could return home so he slowed his horse to a comfortable trot as he headed towards Janet's. The agency itself would be closed, however Janet's residence was behind the building that was the place of employment of many of the Chasm's bounty hunters. It was a good deal working out of Janet's, she took a cut of the bounty but her employees always had what they required to get onto their work and often got the drop on freelancers when it came to new bounties. Alex turned down the alleyway next to Janet's business and dismounted his horse by a door.

Alex knocked on the door, hearing clanking noises from behind it and then the familiar footsteps of the old woman.
"Who the hell is it this time!" the woman yelled through the door "I keep tellin' ya that you can keep ya fuckin' bodies yourselves if you don't make it back before I close up!" a slit on the old wooden door slid open suddenly, revealing only Janet's brown eyes and the wrinkles around them. Her eyes alone gave off a commanding air that made it clear that she might be an old woman, but she was not to be trifled with "Alex Rose, and here I was thinking you were one of the marginally less annoying ones. You better have brought it something good if you're keepin' me up."

Soon after the slit slammed shut numerous bolts could be heard being slid about before the door was pulled open with surprising strength considering Janet's age and appearance.
"Well don't stand there gawkin' at me like I'm some hooker on the streetside, get your ass inside and bring that body with you." Alex, remaining silent, untied the Clown's body from the horse and hefted it up, slinging it over his shoulder as he stepped into Janet's living room. The door slammed shut behind Alex, momentarily encasing him in darkness aside from Janet's fireplace before several flames suddenly flickered into existence over simple white candles found throughout the room.

"It's nobody worth too much I'm afraid" Alex said as Janet begun to unwrap the corpse he had brought her "but you know I don't have nearly enough space to store a body."
"Yeah I know, I bloody got you the room didn't I?" Janet said, her demeanour as gruff as ever "the Clown I see. Well his antics were beginning to be a pain so it's about time someone brought him in. Here's your cash." Janet continued to say, seeming to be holding out an empty hand to Alex when suddenly a small pile of cash appeared there. Alex thanked the woman for the money as she levitated the corpse and had it follow her into a mysterious room visible at the end of a hall. Alex had heard plenty of rumours, but nobody had a clue what Janet did with the bodies there.

Alex left before Janet could return, mounting his horse and heading away to his residence. It was only a few minutes later that he was stepping through the door of a simple wooden house having returned the chestnut horse he had taken to the stable behind the building. A fire could be seen flickering to Alex's right where a balding man and his wife sat in armchairs.
"Welcome back Alex" the woman said "Sienna was determined to wait for you but we sent her to bed not long ago."
"Lord knows why she likes you so much, you hardly ever say a word" the beer-bellied man said with a chuckle. Alex rented a small bedroom from the couple, Burke and Lily Crowley. Burke was a former bounty hunter who had been relatively successful despite having no magic, however when their daughter had been born he had left Janet's agency and started up a tavern with his savings. Sienna, their daughter, was twelve and was fascinated with her father's stories of his bounty hunter days and, as an extension of that, with Alex.

"She should stop doing that" Alex said with a sigh
"You can hardly blame the girl" her mother said with a yawn "In your profession we never know if you'll ever make it back in time… we don't really even know if you'll make it back."
"It's not like I'm family, I just pay to live here. Besides, Janet won't let me after anyone I can't handle you should know that."
"You keep saying you're not family but how long have you been living here since the old crone brought you to us? You might as well be so knock it off already. On top of that you know Janet won't be sending you after small-timers forever." Burke lectured Alex once again
"I pay to live here. I like you guys but don't encourage her."
"Oh for God's sake, stop the bull and go to bed already" Burke said, half-irritably and half with amusement.

Alex bade his landlords goodnight and headed back into the hall and up a flight of stairs to a second. Soon after he was opening his door at the end of the hall and stepping into his room. The room being the smallest in the house occupied only by a single bed and an old and weathered chest of drawers. All around the room wanted posters of various criminals and related articles could be seen nailed into the wall or strewn across the bed and drawers. Alex removed his guns, boots and jacket before collapsing onto the bed.
No, I won't be hunting small timers forever. They're starting to get easy already. I'm looking forward to a greater thrill.

Spoiler: Janet
[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Just generally in more badass-looking clothes.

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Sophia Hartmann
Status - Outlaw - member of Culebra clan
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Air
Bounty - 400$

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Colt Marshall
Status - Bounty Hunter
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Money - $500

Spider's Hollow

Revenge is a dish best served "Colt" Part 5

As he drew closer to the agency, the hunter hesitated. Just the thought of having to endure another conversation with the old fart made him groan. However, the thought of not getting paid for the trouble he had went to for his current bounty finally overcame any doubts he had. Colt tied up his horse, slung Big Pete halfway over his shoulder, and pushed open the doors.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Sharpshot!" Janet made something that could have been a smile as he trudged in. "Didn't expect you back so soon! It only took you what, three days? How many bullets you have to use on 'im?"

Colt grimaced. Maybe if he hadn't told the hag anything beforehand, this would have been easier. It definitely would have been better if he hadn't boasted on planning to use one bullet.

"Here he is. When do I get my money?" The faster he could get out of here and go buy a drink, the better.

"Hold your horses, big shot," the old woman cackled. "Gotta make sure you're bringing in the right man."

She was succeeding on getting on his nerves. "Whaddya talking about, you old hag?" Colt annoyedly asked. "Anyone with eyes could see this is Big Pete, who else is this size? Stop fooling around and just pay me already."

Janet shot the hunter a sharp look. "You watch that tongue of yours, or I may just cut it out. I've got plenty of hunters lookin' for work here, and I certainly don't need some smartass giving me crap."

Colt stared back at her, unwilling to budge. What does she expect, an apology?

After a long moment, the old woman broke the staring match and reached for a thin stack of bills on the desk where she was sitting. Taking a few off the top, she held them out towards the waiting hunter.

He stepped forward, and took the money from Janet's outstretched hand. Glancing down at the bills, something didn't feel right.

That was enough to send him over the edge. Colt had had enough of the old bat's screwing with him.

"What in the freaking world are you trying to pull here?!!" Colt screamed at her. "This is only fifty dollars! I just killed a five-hundred dollar bounty, dragged him all the way here, and you try and give me FIFTY DOLLARS!"

Janet laughed a croaky laugh, delighted to see the young man lose his cool. "Here's the rest. Don't blow it all on booze, cause if you want another bounty yer gonna have to grab one soon. Seems like everyone and their brother decided to catch them some outlaws these days."


Drop off the kid, kill the bastard, try not to get killed, get out. Simple. Sophia thought as she and Alice finally reached Spider's Hollow. The place was sure to be teeming with bounty hunters, but at this time in the morning, not many would be awake aside from the common drunkards.

Sophia hopped off her horse and tied it to the signpost saying 'Spider's Hollow'. She began heading for the biggest building in town - the tavern. Alice quitely followed behind.


Embarrassed at his outbreak, Colt grabbed the rest of his cash and promptly left the room. Damn, how does she do that to me? He then swore to himself that someday he would go freelance, after he gained some reputation with the authorities.

The hunter then headed over to The Web, Spider Hollow's other main attraction. The Web was a bar, a place for hunters and townsfolk to relax, grab a drink, and tell the tales of their hunts. This sounded like the perfect thing to Colt.

Sitting down at the bar, he called out to the barkeep for a mug of beer. Colt couldn't help but remember that the last time he was in a tavern, the barkeep tried to serve him a shotgun blast rather than a drink. Good times.

As he sat there, he couldn't help but wonder what had become of the Culebra girl and her "sister". It had certainly been a strange encounter, all right, and it made him wonder what the deal was.

All of a sudden, Colt perceived a metallic glint moving through the air, out of the corner of his eye. He had just enough time to move his head to the right before a knife embedded iteself in his former position.

Scanning the room, he quickly found it's owner. He wasn't surprised.

"I didn't think you were stupid enough to follow me this far," he retorted. "You Culebras may be dumb, but you're persistent, I'll give you that."

"Stay outside. This is going to get fucking messy." Sophia mouthed to Alice. The girl nodded gingerly and got out the room. Sophia pulled out her gun.

A joint post of Foxrally and GreyBidoof
Emmett Holliday
Status - Outlaw - Jackass; Home wrecker
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Bounty - 300$

The repent of a sinner, Pt.1

Emmett woke up. His back hurt from the bull ride, but he felt that the pain was worth it. Luckily he also knew a healing spell, so the sore muscles would be gone in a minute. He got up. It was cold in the cave where he had slept, and he liked that. He got used to it after having to regularly being made to sleep in the freezing basement of his parental home. His father always used to make him sleep there when he did something that wasn't allowed, such as killing the neighbor's dog, stealing money from his grandparents, or not getting his father bottle of moonshine on time. He adapted to the cold after a while, to the point where he actually preferred it, and doing bad things became more of a good thing than a bad thing. He looked outside the cave, at the desert in front of him. He could see Fairbell in the distance. He figured that Brutus the bull hadn't made it to there, but he wondered where he would have ran off to. He decided he would see if there was anything fun happening in Fairbell, as his cave started to bore him a bit. He jumped from rock to rock, till he had found the dirt road. The travel was always the most boring part of the day. He didn't feel like running, and he didn't want to blink to go faster, as he would be exhausted when arrived. The town was very empty. Nobody seemed to be out today, as if they had better things to do. Although the town was empty, he felt watched, and when he looked at windows, he saw people staring at him. Every stare was filled with disgust.
"Awh, Jesus, it's Sunday, isn't it?" Emmett exclaimed. "And I was hoping to have fun here." He decided to wander around a bit. He still had to eat today, and he was hoping to find something to fill him up. He walked up closer to a window, and looked inside. There was a family silently eating soup at a table. Next to the soup was lying a small bread. Looks good enough, he thought, as he blinked into the house.
"Don't mind me," He said, as he picked up the bread, and ran to the next room. The mother screamed, and the father cursed as they saw Emmett pick up their meal. Emmett was heavily chewing and gulping down the bread, as he had to eat fast.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" Said the father as he ran towards Emmett. Emmett tore the bread apart and stuffed his mouth so full that he's cheeks were stretching out.
I'm off again, was what Emmett wanted to say, but what came out were some pieces of bread and spit, combined with some low mumbling. He ran back to the dinner table, and jumped on it. In a blink he was outside again, in front of the window. He threw a last look inside, and waved at the kids, as he ran off. He tried to chew the ball of bread he had in his mouth, but it was so big that it was very uncomfortable. The food he got this way wasn't the best, as he mostly stole it from poor families, but he felt it was the most fun. He really enjoyed the squeals the wives, or sometimes the husbands, of the families gave as he blinked in. He decided to leave, and just be bored in the mountains. Maybe he could find some desert rats to chase down, or something. It wouldn't be the most fun afternoon, but it could be worse, he could be with his parents.

It was getting late, and Emmett decided to go back to the cave he had spent the last night in. It was raining, and the wind howled through the Barren Lands. He would go back to Fairbell tomorrow, hoping to get some action when the people were a bit more playful. Out of nowhere, a fireball flew past his head.
"Emmet Holliday, I am here to end your reign of sin!" A strong voice said. Emmett turned around and could make out a silhouette through the rain. "You shall repent your sins against Agnes Cielo."
He seems like he could be fun, Emmett thought. He walked closer to him, and gave him a good look. The man was wearing a black jacket that went down to his knees. A white collar could be seen sticking out from it. A goat-like beard grew from his chin. He wore a big hat with a bigger brim, and the rain dripped of it. "You a priest?" Emmett asked. He blinked to the man, grabbed his hat and threw it away. He was back to his original position in less than a second.
"I'm the Lords' hand," The man said, "my task is to make sinners against the church of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ repent for their sins." Thunder struck. "What you did to that burdened soul of an Agnes will not be accepted, and I'm here to make sure your sinners soul will repent for its misdeeds." He threw another fireball at Emmett's head. "That girl has heard the angels sing you know," he said.
"So that's why she's deaf," joked Emmett. "I'll repent if you catch me!" Emmett put in the run. The priest put on a chase, and he was way faster than Emmett had expected. He was keeping up with no problem, and was even gaining distance.
"The wage of sin is death," said the priest, as he threw what seemed like a black ball of energy at Emmett. Emmett fell down on the ground, screaming in pain. The priest towered above him. "But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord," he said. His hand lit up hot red, and he put his hand on Emmett's face. "If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive your sins, and I am here to cleanse you from all unrighteousness." The man sniffed. "I expected you to put up a better chase." Emmett passed out as he felt flames engulf his face

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Jebediah Sanders - Bounty Hunter
Level 1 Air User

Broken but not defeated

Jeb had been riding for hours and the storm hadn't let up at all. "Damn storms, they know just when to come that is most inconvenient." He tipped his hat and looked up to the sky. "Nothin' I can do about it though. Y'all alright back there?" He turned around to face the two halves that were being dragged through the mud with him. "Shit, you're dirty but I'd say you're fine. Not too much longer now and we'll be home and we can get you all cleaned up."

Spider's hollow was coming in to view and the storm was finally letting up. "'Bout damn time." He whispered under his breath as he entered the town which was more dead than usual. Who knows how long he had been out, but here he was again doing the same old thing. He almost couldn't stand it. In the back of his head his mind was itching for him to go after someone bigger than these toys that Janet had been sending him after. The last one was a close call, but that was only because he was trying to restrain himself for the sake of that stupid girl. She ended up saving his life, but still. If she hadn't been there then his job would have went much smoother.

"No use bitchin' about it now. Just go get the money from Janet and see what I need to do next." He rode up to the little building she lived in and slid off his saddle. He walked up to the door and knocked a few times.

"The hell do you want?" She called, grumpy as ever.

"It's Jeb, I got those two you wanted me to go after."

"Jeb? Shit, I thought they would've killed you for sure. Hold on, I'll get the door."

Jeb sat there and waited, inside he could hear crumpling paper and the occasional curse. After a few seconds he was greeted by her eyes through her little peep slot. "Where are they?"

"Well, I would show them to you. But some of my ribs are broken so it kinda hurts to do much of anything right now." He chuckled.

"God dammit Jeb, it's bad enough that I've got all these useless little shits running around doing errands for me and getting hurt. Do I really have to watch over you too now? God.... just get inside. We'll fix you up and get business taken care of." The locks on the door started clicking and falling from place, and then the door creaked open.

Jeb pulled the door open and dragged the two corpses through the door. "They're kinda messy, but I didn't really have a good way of gettin' 'em back here and it was pouring down rain for a while." He looked around after getting inside, there were new posters and there was writing all over the walls. There was always writing on the walls, but this was different. She had drawn up a map of Jeimas and was making markings all over it.

"Ah, don't worry about all that," she said as she put all of the locks back in place. "I've been following some information on Jess Wilcox, but I don't think it's legit. Too many stupid and otherwise pointless movements. Trust me, I'd love to expedite this thing just as much as you do." She squeezed by Jeb -who was standing right in the middle of the entry room and taking up most of the space- and shook her head as she spoke. "So tell me, why are there only two halves here and not two wholes?"

"Darlin' that's much too long of a story. Suffice to say I was lucky enough to get this much of Jeffrey, and then the other one was just too much effort to keep whole and drag all the way back here."

"You could have just dragged the half and laid the girl over the back of your horse. But whatever. Half a body, half the pay."

"Oh come on Janet, don't be like that."

"You're lucky I'm giving you this much. I'll give you full pay on James, but the girl you're only getting half for since you deliberately left half of her wherever you picked her up." She flipped open a book and ripped out two pages. "We're making progress, just make sure you bring full bodies next time." She pulled out an envelope and took out half of the bills in it. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven for Jeffrey. And then, let's see." She glanced over at the half of a girl that was tied off of Jeb's waist. "Three for the girl."

"Really? That's even less than half. Come on Janet, you're bustin' my balls here. I'm going to have to go to the doctor and get a new jacket, I need all the money I can get."

"Well you should think of that next time before you fuck up my bodies. I'm not exactly in the best of moods today as is, and then I've got you here acting like some jackass rookie. Your father would be disappointed."

"Hey!" He pointed his finger at her, "Don't you talk about my father." His cheeks were flushed and he was shaking with anger.

"Tch, whatever. Just untie those two and get the hell outta here. I don't have time to fuck around with men who don't even know what they hell they're doing."

"Fuck you too. You're usually a bitch, but this is a totally new level. I'll come back tomorrow when you get off your period."

A gunshot rang through the air as Jeb was going to unlock the first of the locks. He looked behind him and Janet was there with a gun in her hand, pointing it at Jeb.

"I don't like to be called names Jeb, yes we made a deal, but there's plenty more bounty hunters out there. You're nothing special, easily replaced muscle. You're lucky that I put up with your shit." She put the gun back in it's holster. "I'll see you tomorrow Jeb, and maybe then we'll both be in better moods." She forced a smile and started taking the bodies away.

"Whatever. I don't have time for this." Jeb whispered under his breath as he finished unlocking the door. "A doctor, doctor, doctor. Hmm. Cheap. Yeah, a doctor and a drink, that sounds great." He started heading over to the saloon which is where most people in this shitty town went to waste away their lives and earnings. And that's where the doctor did most of his business.

"Well, well, well, what have we got here? Jebediah. I haven't seen you in ages." The pudgy little man in the dirty white doctor's coat called out to him from behind the bar right when he entered the door.

"Godfried, perfect timing."

"What can I do ya for son? A drink? Or maybe some company?" He motioned over to the girls that were sitting in the back of the saloon.

"None of that quite yet. I need some medical assistance before I get totally shit faced." He chuckled a little too much and a sharp pain shot up his side. He cringed and then looked to the bartender.

"Well, you know how it is. $50 for the regular checkup, $100 for anything serious."

"I'm gonna need somethin' serious Godfried. Got a few broken ribs and uh... a fucked up arm."

"Let me take a look, let me take a look. Just sit down for a minute and get comfortable." He motioned over to a plush red armchair which Jeb wasted no time in falling into. "Let's see what we've got here." He put on some tiny glasses and began running his hands over Jeb's body. Every time his hand's got near the messed up shoulder or ran over the ribs Jeb jerked up in pain.

"Fuck! Take it easy will ya? I'm fragile."

"Yeah, and I'm a fuckin' ballerina. Just shut up and let me do my job." He pushed Jeb's head back and tried to straighten out his body.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say. Probably just tryin' to kill me so you can take all my money." He relaxed his body.

"I don't have to kill ya' to do that. You spend all your free time in here anyways." He finished going over the body and then pulled out a book. "All right, two broken ribs, one fractured and a shoddily healed arm. Looks like the muscles and tendons exploded off of the bone causing it to dislocate, and then some unskilled dipshit tried to heal it back together with a beginner's spell. You're lucky I'm a professional, otherwise I'd say you're fucked. But you know how it is, money up front." He held out his hand.

"Yeah yeah, here. $115, bring me a pitcher when you're done so I can just forget about these past couple of days."

"Whatever you say Jeb." The man took the money and then muttered some words under his breath. His hands started to glow a deep black color and he pressed down hard on Jeb's abdomen causing him to howl out in pain.

"Ffffuck! God dammit! Take it easy! That fuckin' hurts man."

"Am I going to have to knock you out to do this or are you going to be a big boy and just sit there and take it?"

"Fuck you. I'll deal with it."

"Good." The man shook his head as he muttered the words again and then pushed his hands against Jeb's shoulder. Jeb started balling up, trying to withstand the pain that he was going through. "There, all done. Now just don't try to do anything too extensive for a while. It's going to take a while for everything to fully heal, so just take a load off and drink a little."

"What do you think I planned to do? I'm no amateur."

"Alright Jeb. Alright." The man went back behind the bar and filled a pitcher with a thick black goop and slid it across to where Jeb was now sitting. "The strongest we've got. Drink up and enjoy."

Jeb looked into the pitcher and smelt it. The odor was akin to the smell of rotting flesh and boot polish. "Bottoms up." Jeb shrugged as he poured the liquid down his throat.


Owen Wright
Element - Electricity
Outlaw - Unaffiliated
Sorcery Level - 1
Bounty: $50

Owen turned just in time to see the barkeep level a double-barrel shotgun at him. He cast his charged electric shock at him as the man shot. The outlaw instinctively sidestepped to dodge the bullet, but the spread had caught the side of his right leg. The shock caught the bartender square in the chest. He flew back, hit the shelves filled with bottles of alcohol and, with a grunt, passed out on the wooden floor. "Muk!" Owen shouted as he fell to the barkeep's side of the counter.

He lay sprawled on the floor with the barkeep. The man, Jack, if Owen remembered his name correctly, was unconscious but still breathing. The shock was neither charged nor sustained enough to deliver a kill. Neither was an option either. The outlaw did not have the luxury of time. He quickly rolled towards the counter and ducked. He cast a spell on himself and stopped moving. The miners moved towards the counter to check on their prize. Seven heads peered over it and saw the unconscious bartender. Four of them walked around the counter. Owen held his breath.

"Where is he?" one of the men said, scratching his head. He was tall, then again, everyone was, compared to Owen. His skin was dark brown due to the hours he worked under the sun, mining for ores in the Great Chasm. The man's hair had grown shoulder-length long. He wore a raggedy white shirt and brown vest. Golden bangles hung around his hairy forearm. The man walked towards the bartender and knelt down.

"Is $50 really worth the trouble, chief?" one of the other men asked Mr. Golden Bangles. Now that he was near, Owen could make out his facial features more clearly. His jaw was prominent, dotted with a messy stubble. He had a broken nose and a scar on his upper lip. He turned to the man who asked him. "That's about how much we make in a day, Nolan," he said, then he spat to the side.

"But the kid's a sorcerer, chief," the other man, Nolan, started saying. "You saw what he did to ol' Zacharius. Probably fried his psyducking brains out."

Mr. Bangles turned his attention back to the bartender. Then he noticed drops of blood that went towards the counter and stopped abruptly. He narrowed his eyes. Crap, Owen thought to himself. He glanced at his shot leg, careful not to move too much. It was still bleeding, and now that he's aware of the wound, it had begun to sting. He tried to conceal the growing pool of blood beneath his foot. Please be dumbpsyducks. Please be dumbpsyducks.

"Garr-" Nolan started to say, but Mr. Bangles brought his finger up to silence him. He crept closer to the blood, following it like a bloodhound. He was an arm's length away from the camouflaged outlaw. Owen gripped the knife in his hand, ready to strike if he needs to. Closer...closer...

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

"Garret," another man said as he touched Mr. Bangles by the shoulder. This man did not look like he was a miner at all. He sported black formal wear, complete with a long tattered cape. A top hat sat on his head. His hand was gloved and he carried around a wooden cane. A big-time the outlaw noted. Looks the type to keep valuable things at home. Mr. Bangles, or Garret, sighed, stood up and faced the new arrival.

"I heard a gun fire inside and went quick as I could," the man said, then he motioned towards the unconscious barkeep still holding the shotgun he fired. "What happened here?"

Garret's gaze moved from the formal man to the dead bounty hunter. The formal man promptly followed his gaze. From behind, he looked like he just passed out from drinking too much, but with closer inspection, his rolled-up eyes and locked jaw made it obvious that he was dead. "A kid with a bounty on his head," he started saying, "he went and killed Zacharius."

The formal man walked over to the bounty hunter's body. His muscles had contracted due to the shock that he died from. "Electricity, huh?" he said, poking at the corpse. "A sorcerer?"

"Yes, Doc," Garret replied. "Me and my boys were about to get 'im, but Jack here shot. Kid shocked him in the process, messed up his aim. Bullet hit three of my people, but I reckon the kid got hit too. He fell behind the counter and disappeared." He turned back to the drops of blood on the floor. "Not without a trace though."

The man pushed Garret away and knelt down near the drops of blood. Dangerously close to Owen. The outlaw's head started to feel woozy. Goddamit, I'm losing too much blood. "Doc" sniffed the air, looking for clues. "Must've escaped with magic," Owen heard the man mutter. "Alright, Garret. Bar's closed. Tell your men to head home. Storm's coming any minute now." The crowd of miners grumbled complaints, saying it was too early to call it a day. "I'll treat your injured men back at my clinic," the man continued as he stood up and walked away from the camouflaged Owen. "Garret, you come with me too. I need the whole story."

Owen heard the miners march out of the bar. "Doc" aimed his palm towards the barkeep and he started glowing an eerie purple. He lifted up off the ground and hovered towards the sorcerer. He did the same to the bounty hunter. The man summoned a gust of wind around the room that blew all the lamps off before finally walking out of the bar himself, two bodies floating behind with him. The outlaw breathed a sigh of relief and stopped the spell. He heard the sound of rumbling thunder in the distance. The storm that "Doc" had mentioned. He tried standing up, but it only caused his right leg to buckle under the stinging pain from the gunshot.

"Well, psyduck," he said with disappointment. The bullet was still inside his leg. There's a good chance that his leg will be infected and have to be cut off if not treated soon. He sheathed his bowie knife back inside his vest. The outlaw wanted to have at least slit a throat or two with it when he had challenged to whole bar, but the bastard bartender ruined it. "After I generously paid him half of my gems too, that son-of-a-rattata."

Owen lay on his back on the wooden floor, trying to ignore the pain in his leg. His eyes gazed at the shelf of alcohol to his left. Some of the bottles had fallen when the bartender flew back into it, but most of it was intact. He wished that he could at least grab a bottle or two until...well, something, anything happens. It has already gotten dark. Owen entered the bar when the miners were having their break and now it was dusk. Time flies when you're in a heap, I guess Then suddenly, a hole appeared three feet to the right from where the outlaw lay and a woman started climbing up.

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)
A head slowly poked out at first. Owen noticed the red hair that was held back by a light-brown bandana. It seemed...foreign to him. He couldn't quite place it. She wore a green scarf around her neck. Her arms were covered with sleeves, proceeded by bandages wrapped around half of her forearm. She wore brown gloves with steel spikes dotted along the wrist part and steel tips on the knuckles. The woman was...not very modestly dressed. Her chest was only covered by brown cloths that showed off her cleavage, held up by a tangle of belts that connected around her back. She lifted herself up inside the bar and the hole closed. She wore skinfit fatigue-colored pants, with knives hanging in sheaths from each side, and heeled boots.

The woman either didn't see Owen lying on the floor or she disregarded him, because she immediately pulled out a brown bag from between her bosom and worked on looting the alcohol left on the shelf. She picked off the bottles one by one, stopping every now and then to read the labels. After a while, she took one of the bottles from the shelf and drank from it. She gave a satisfied "ahhh" and threw the bottle aside, hitting the lying outlaw behind her.

"Oof!" Owen winced as the bottle hit his stomach. The woman quickly turned around and drew her knives. She assumed a fighting stance. "Whoa there, sweet cheeks," Owen said, still lying on the floor, unable to move too much. "I'm injured here," he motioned to his shot leg. "See?" The woman was not convinced. She pointed the knife on her right hand at the lying outlaw and electricity started to crackle around it.

"Hey! I can do that-" Owen Wright was cut off by the electric shock the woman had cast on him and fainted.
Emmett Holliday
Status - Outlaw - Unwilling born-again Christian; Ex-sinner
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Bounty - 300$

Let the fire purge your soul, Pt.2

"Owh, Lord, who art in heaven, forgive the sin of this man. Forgive his misdeeds to young Agnes, forgive his misdeeds to Jason and Adabelle, and forgive his sins against mankind. Make thy fire purge his soul of the intention of misdeed, may your light open his eyes to the beauty of this world, and resent of his sins. May Christ's light stop this man from ever turning back to a life of sin."

Emmett woke up. He lay in a small wooden house on a bed, with his clothes still on. He didn't expect to wake up when he saw the flames near his face. The priest was sitting on a wooden chair next to him, reading.
"I never could get through the bible," Emmett said, his voice sore of the unnatural sleep. "Way too many pages."
"You think you're a funny one, don't ya?" The priest hissed. He closed his bible. "The Lord put you onto this world, you should be grateful." Emmett gave an awkward smile, and sat up straight. "My father put me on this world, and he's closer to Satan, I can tell you."
"Don't you say that name in this house!' The priest screamed. "I did not save you from eternal damnation to let you speak disgraceful of our creator."
"You didn't have to you know, I don't think God would like me," Emmett said. "Next time, mister hand of God, you can just ask and then I'll friendly decline. I don't need you and you're goddamn- Aaaah" Emmett felt a terrible, crippling pain surging through his body. His legs started to twitch, and his forehead felt like it was on fire. Never had he felt such an awful feeling. A small red Christian cross burned on his forehead.
"Don't you take the Lords name in vain," the priest exclaimed. "I have saved you in Christ's name. You will feel your soul burn for every sin you commit." He grabbed Emmett by his poncho and pulled him up to his face. "Murder is a sin, but I guess we can just forgive the bounty hunters." He threw Emmett on the ground. "Make haste kid. Live your life a better man, and hope you'll never see me again."
"You really are no fun, are you?" Emmett said, as he stood up and limped out of the door. The wooden shack was next to the church, and he stood on the central square of Fairbell. It was rowdy, but as he set a foot outside, everybody's eyes turned his way, and all the sound disappeared. He limped further along, and gave a filthy look to the people around him.
"You guys wanna chase me?" He smiled. He wanted to know if he still could outrun people with his limp. A guy came running from an alley between two houses and jumped towards him. Emmett readied his feet, and waited. The guy flew closer to him, and just before he was about to hit him, he blinked and reappeared a meter higher. He fell down on his attacker, the nails on the bottom on his shoes digging in the man's back. Both he and the guy beneath him screamed out in pain. A cross ignited on Emmett's forehead, and he felt the excruciating pain from before, coursing through his body. He fell down on the ground twitching. The guy that attacked him screamed, and stayed down on the ground, softly weeping.
"Jeesz… You're… quite the wimp," Emmett had to force those words out. Two other guys ran towards Emmett.
"You're Handful, aren't ya," they grinned. "How did a handicapped kid get a $300 bounty?" They both grabbed an arm, and pulled Emmett up. One of the man kicked him in the shin. Emmett screamed.
"Do they call me handful? That name is awful." Emmett said. Tears were in his eyes. He didn't like his situation now, but at least it was better than throwing rocks at rats.
"Juan, you hold Handful, I'mma get Jason, so he can teach him a lesson." His left arm was released, and Emmett took his chance. He grabbed his flask and popped the cap off, and threw the contents in his captures face. He then blew his freezing breath in his face, freezing the water on the man's face. Again, Emmett felt the crippling pain. He tried to keep standing, while the pain pushed him down. The cross appeared on his forehead again.
"The pow-Aaaah-er of Christ compels you," he exclaimed in pain. He twitched and limped while he tried to get away. He blinked forward a couple of times, creating distance, but using that power again and again exhausted him. He saw Juan calling for help, and pointing towards Emmett. A woman grabbed Juan, and started taking care of him. Bystanders grouped around the frostbitten man. They looked at him, and a couple of them started running towards him. Emmett wanted to see if he could take them on, but he knew he was in no state to fight right now. Not to mention that every act of violence apparently was a sin. This was the first time in his life he wished he had actually read the bible. Just blinking away 'till he fell down was the best plan now. He chained his blinks together, slowly increasing the distance between him and Fairbell. He couldn't keep this up long enough, though. He was getting away from the villagers, but he didn't have enough strength left to keep blinking before they would catch up. The cross the priest had burned in him, had basically made it unable for him to do anything. He had just hexed Emmett to get him killed, without needing to do it himself. He rubbed his forehead. "How do I get rid of you?" He saw horses nearing, from the right. It weren't villagers, they didn't came from Fairbell's direction. He saw his last resort nearing. Those people might want to kill him as well, but there was at least a small chance they wouldn't. The horse riders neared, and he blinked on the back of one of the horse.
"Hi, my name is Emmett, how are you?"

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[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Sophia Hartmann
Status - Outlaw - member of Culebra clan
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Air
Bounty - $400

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Colt Marshall
Status - Bounty Hunter
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Money - $500

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Jebediah Sanders
Status - Bounty Hunter
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Air
Money - $1300

Spider's Hollow

Sweet, Colt Revenge - Finale

"So what is it this time? Or do you need a reason to be angry, shorty?"

Despite having a gun with her, Sophia ran at Colt and lunged at him. "I'LL FUCKING RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!" she screamed manically. She reached for his neck, attempting to lock him into a choke hold.

As the girl attempted to strangle him, Colt went into combat mode. He concentrated, freezing the girl's arm in place, and pushed her away towards the bar. She smashed into a section with a loud crash.

Sophia was unfazed by the impact. She quickly picked herself up and took cover behind the counter. "YOU FUCKING KILLED PETE!" she screamed, firing three shots at the bounty hunter

The bullets missed their intended targets, as if steered away by some magnetic force. One hit the back wall, another rattled around in a nearby spitoon, and the third went right through the hat of the drunk sitting in the corner.

"I did the laundry yesterday, hun..." the drunkard muttered, half asleep. He opened his eyes, noticing his hat was missing. "I said I alred-" his eyes grew wide when he noticed the two individuals. "I'M GOIN', I'M GOIN'!" he called, hurriedly getting off his chair. Tripping on one of its legs, he fell on the ground and lay there unconcious.

Taking opportunity of the bounty hunter's distraction, Sophia jumped to the side and fired a few more shots aimed at Colt's head. "I'll bash that fucking nose of yours so far through your face you'll-" she hissed.

"Sophia, watch out!" she heard Alice cry from outside. The child was anxiously watching through the window.

Now it was the hunter's turn to take advantage of his opponent's distraction. Sophia's bullets continued to fly off course, and now Colt was able to take aim at his attacker, both guns drawn and ready.Pulling the triggers, he fired rapidly them at the outlaw.

Sophia cast the air shield just in time for the bullets to be stopped, followed up with an air blast. She ran to where her dagger had embedded itself into the wall, and pulled it out.

"You're fucking dead!" she screamed, throwing the dagger in his direction again. Using the chair and table in front of her as a staircase, she leaped off the table and attempted to take him down. Unfortunately for her, she was much too small to take down the tall bounty hunter. Colt caught her right as she slammed herself into him.

"You fucking dare to touch me?! Do you- even- realize- what you- fucking- did to me?!" she began yelling and kicking like a child, tears welling up in her eyes.

Realizing his master was in trouble, Nico came to her rescue. He bit down hard on the hunter's hand, causing Sophia to fall to the floor. Colt, still rubbing his hand, was beginning to grow impatient. Charging his guns with what moisture he could draw out of the air around him, he prepared for a hail shot.

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

Picking herself just in time to see the hail shot fire into the air, Sophia rolled to side to avoid the downpour of icy shards that fell where hs epreviosuly was. Luckily the cloud was not big enough to reach anywhere else, and quickly disspated. She stood back up and pointed a gun at his head. "You're running out of steam, eh? Can't cast any more spells, so my bullet's going to get you right in the fuckin' brain."

"Sophia, eh? Pretty name for an outlaw like you," Colt replied, his guns already pointed at his opponent's skull.

"An... Outlaw?" Sophia could hear Alice whisper to herself from the window.

The standoff continued. "Why don't you just lay the gun down like a good girl, and I won't kill you this time. You're a Culebra, right? Got a bounty for me, sweetheart?"

She ignored the comment. "If there's one thing I'm putting down, it's you."

Colt smiled at her. "I'm sure you'd love to. In fact, it seems that every Culebra thug in town has it out for me. But you're not going to win this fight."

"Thugs....?" Alice continued to echo the bounty hunter's words.

Sophia gritted her teeth. The girl had found out the truth. She'd probably start to scream her head off and call the authorities.

Alice clutched the windowsill. She had traveled with an outlaw. She had talked to an outlaw. She had helped an outlaw. she had actually cared for an outlaw.

Her grip tightened, and the wood began to crack. She had slept with a group of outlaws. She had talked to them. She had felt... safe with them.

Visible cracks began to spread across the entire windowsill, and Alice began trembling. Had Sophia killed the man at the opera house? She hadn't seen him come out. Had Alice helped her? Was Alice an outlaw as well? Was she like the ones that had killed her father? Had she helped her in killing her sister too?

Yes. a voice echoed through her mind.

Sophia turned her head, just in time to see a grey figure tear off a section of the wall where the window was. The creature let out a defeaning roar, knocking over all the chairs and tables around it.

"What the...?" Both Colt and Sophia's eyes were fixed on the creature, which was moving towards both of them.

"...Alice?" Sophia murmured, squinting at the creature's face. It certainly did not like the eleven year old girl that was standing where it was a few seconds ago. It seemed to made purely of glowing light matter. It still had the height and silhouette of the young girl. However with its oversized arms and hands, it looked more like the steam monster Sophia had fought the previous day than a person.

The following events happened so quickly, Sophia could not discern what had happened exactly. In the blink of an eye, the creature grabbed Sophia by the leg and threw her across the room. Letting out another roar, It lunged at Colt, pinning him to the ground.

"Hey you! Uh.. Sophia!" Colt yelled frantically, trying to hold the monster off of him. "She's YOUR sister, do something!"

There was no response, however, and Colt came to realize that he would get no help. He couldn't reach his pistols, which had slid across the floor when he had been knocked down.

I can't believe this. Colt thought to himself. All I wanted was a drink. Yet here he was, hunted by some deranged Culebra assassin, and her monstrous little sister.

Reaching down as deep as he could, he used whatever magic reserves he had left in him to repulse the girl - if she could be called that - off of him. She flew through the air, and went through the front window of the tavern. He quickly scrambled to his feet, picking up his guns.

Sophia was out cold in a corner. The hunter glanced in her direction making sure she wasn't up to anything. Outside, Alice was still slumped over. A small piece of glass was stuck in her cheek, a small trickle of blood running down.

Jeb was sitting up in the balcony of the bar talking to one of the doc's girls and drinking heavily when he heard the sound of glass breaking and a lot of yelling. He got up and shuffled over to the railing to see what was going on. He leaned over the railing when he saw Sophia in the corner. "You bitch, I'll get you for stealing my horse!" He shouted at Sophia. In his drunken mindset what he was about to do seemed like a great idea. He started climbing up on the railing and once he was stradling the rail, he leaned over and fell down from the second level of the bar. He would have landed straight on his face had he not been saved by a small burst of air beneath him.

He stood up and stumbled towards the man in front of him, grabbing a glass of beer from the nearest table along the way. He took a big drink as his eyes lazily focused on the one who seemed to be making the ruckus. "Shit, uh, whattya think yer doin' with my girls? You just, you you you just uh, back off man before this gets messy." Jeb pulled Mr. Truth from it's holster and fired off four rounds into the wall next to where Colt was standing.

Bewildered, Colt stared at the drunk man, who was pointing his guns at him from across the room. Who the hell is it now?!

"Look buddy, I don't have a problem with you or your girls. That one," he motioned to Sophia's unconcious form, "came here tryin to put a bullet in me.

Jeb cut him off, "I don't wanna hear none of ya sassss, you tryin' to mess with my girls and that's jus', jus' no." He fired off another round to the ground in front of Colt. "You best just be gettin on out of here and uh, uh, what was I gonna say. Uh, just get on outta here and there won't be no trouble ya hear?" He took a big swig from the mug he had taken from the table.

Colt gritted his teeth. Normally he just would have left and spared himself the trouble, but today had been a rough day. He wasn't about to let some gun-waving drunk run him out of town.

"Listen here, mister. I've had just about enough of people telling me where I don't belong. Now, you're gonna point those guns somewhere other than at me,or so help me God I will put a hole in the back or your skull."

"Now, now now you listen her son. You can try all you like, but that's not gonna happen." He took another big gulp from the mug in his hand. "Either you're uh, going to pick your fancy britches up and waltz right on outta here, or poor Mr. bartender is gonna be cleanin' you up off the ceilin' and the walls for the, for the next uh week. *hic*" At this point he was swaying rather violently and his words were really starting to slur together, now only barely making sense.

Meanwhile, the two men had not noticed that the figure outside had began to get back up. The monster Alice had turned into snarled, and leaped back into the room. It studied the two men momentarily before letting out another enraged roar and leaping at Jeb, whose back had been turned to it.

Jeb felt something akin to a wild boar ram him in the back before he fell to the ground. He managed to not spill his beer and roll over to see a monster that slightly resembled a girl. His vision was even foggier than before and now his chest was soaked with spilt beer. "Now the hell's this?" He said as he broke the beer glass against the side of the monster's head trying to get it off of him.

The monstrosity that was Alice rolled off of him at the impact of the glass and backed into the corner where Sophia was laying. She looked at jeb, and as she was snarling and getting ready to strike once more at him she had a moment of clarity. She looked him straight into the eyes, and as she did she paused.

This man... I thought he was dead... I- He- she thougt. The creature let out a roar again, holding its head and writhing on the ground, as if fighting against an invisible force. Slowly, Alice began turning back to her normal - and sane - form. She suddenly stopped, and opened her eyes.

"What in the..." she murmured, slowly trying to get up. Her muscles ached horribly, and her head throbbed like crazy. She feebly raised her hand and touched her face. She seemed to have something in her cheek.

Jeb tensed his muscles, ready to rush the beast and wrestle it into submission when he noticed that it had curled up into the fetal position and was screaming. He cocked his head and stared, slackjawed as the creatures started taking on a more human figure. When all was said and done he realized that it was Scarlet's sister.

"Oh shit, I was about to kill you." He said as he walked towards her. "Don't scare me like that, you're crispy's sister right? Yeah she told me to bring this-" Jeb had started to reach into his pocket when he saw a bullet fly past his face. Alice crawled backwards, shocked.

Colt wasn't sure if the other man was going to act on his drunken threats, but he prepared for the worst. All of a sudden, something small had leapt into the room, slamming right into his would-be opponent. The younger hunter didn't know what was going on, but continued to watch on as the two faced each other, the little monster poised to strike.

After what unfolded next though, Colt was even more confused. That creature was really the girl's sister? What in the...

As he continued to observe the encounter, he noticed the man walking towards the girl who had attacked him, mumbling something about killing her.

Colt didn't need to do anything, in fact, the smart thing to do would be to leave while the angry drunk was distracted. However, he felt sorry for the girl, who was clearly mixed up in something that was way over her head. For him, this is what he did- go around shooting people for a living. It was an occupational hazard. But someone like this girl desrved to live longer, deserved a chance to die somewhere other than in a sleazy cantina.

In the second that he had processed all of this, he reacted. Pulling out his guns, he shot a warning shot past the drunk man's face. As the man spun around, enraged, he fired off another round into his wrist in an attempt to disarm the man.

Jeb looked down at the floor after following the bullet into the wall and staring at it for a few seconds. He rolled his head around and then twisted his body to look back at the person who had fired at him. As he turned his body he was met with another bullet which penetrated and left the wrist of the hand which was holding the gun. At the sight of his own blood Jeb's faced turned bright red and the foggyness in his vision cleared. He was pissed.

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (IC)

"You have the gall. No, no no no." He was staring at the ground and wagged his finger in the air. "No, no more talking. You're finished, kid. I tried to give you a chance, but now it's too late." The walls and floor of the building began cracking and shaking, his face became strained and the veins in his neck and face started pulsating rapidly. Bullets and other small pieces of metal such as nails and screws started coming out of the wood which held the building together.

After a few moments a wall of spent bullets and shrapnel was formed in front of Jeb. He looked up and faced the man in front of him as blood started dripping from his nose and running from his eyes. "I tried to give you a chance." He was visibly shaking and he chuckled slightly. "I gave you a chance and you just screwed it, now I'm going to screw you." He held up his finger. "Bye." The wall started flying at the man; piece by little piece, tearing through his clothes and the furniture of the room. Though Jeb's mind was clear, his body was still intoxicated so his aim swayed against his will.

Staring down a massive wall of floating bullets, Colt expressed the only thought on his mind: "What. The. Fuck."

The intoxicated figure, now bleeding from what seemed to be the effort of conjuring such a feat, continued his rant. After he had finished though, the bullets began to fly at the young hunter, who had no idea how to react.

Luckily for him, instinct took over. Making sure what was left of his repulsion spell was active, he leapt as far as he could to te side, taking a few more shots at his opponent while he did so. Diving behind a nearby upturned table, he reloaded his pistols, readying himself to try to escape alive.

Jeb watched as the little man ducked and weaved past his fire. "Run run run, that's all you can do. Fight me like a man you little shit. Shoot me in my wrist when I'm trying to console a child, I'll rip your fuckin' head off." The man fired off a few more rounds at Jeb, which he took and redirected back at their owner. "You better try better than that, kid, a couple o' little scraps like them ain't gonna save ye'."

This guy was starting to get on Colt's nerves. Instead of just finishing him, he continued to gloat, even mentioning something about trying to "console the child"

"Well, if that's how you console children, I 'd hate to see how you..."

One of the bullets he sent back at Colt ripped through the table he was hiding behind and grazed his face, taking a chunk of his ear with it. "Hit me with all ya' got kid. If you're gonna go down you better be flashy about it else I'll just bring you back to life when I'm done and do this all over again. Again and again until you beg for mercy, and when you beg I will give you none. I will bash your head through the floor until the sense gets into you to remember not to fuck with me."

Colt was interrupted as he felt a searing sensation rip across the side of his face. Warm blood began to collect along the thin line the drunk had cut with his bullet.

As the man continued his speech of degrading insults, the combination of pain and anger overcame the hunter. He leapt up, eyes wild, and unleashed a powerful shock of frigid energy across the room at his assailant.

Jeb saw the small man jump up and started to fire off something. He couldn't tell what it was, but he wasn't in the mood to take anymore shit. These past couple of days had been pretty crappy, so instead of taking whatever the kid was trying to dish out he filled his body with the swiftness of the wind and directed what remained of the wall at the kid before taking off towards the kid.

All the while, Alice had been in the corner of the room with Sophia, cowering and trying to avoid whatever the man she had seen at the opera house was throwing at the one Sophia had tried to kill.

Gazing across the room, Colt let out a breath of relief. The spot his oppnent had stood in seconds ago was covered in a layer of ice. Out of nowhere, he felt something strike him in the face,and he fell to the ground.

Jeb punched the kid in the face, catching him unaware and knocking him off his feet. He spat next to where the boy was laying before grabbing him by his neck with the hand that didn't have the bullet wound in it. He went to slam the kid into the ground in what would have been the Coup de grâce when something cold came across his face which chilled the blood and plastered his eyes shut.

As the older man lifter him into the air, preparing to slam him to the ground, Colt had a final thought, upon which he acted, just before what would have been a knockout blow. Summoning what little bits of magic he left, he froze the man's face.

He felt the kid get free from his grip and heard his footsteps running across the wood floor to the exit. With what strength he still had he managed to move his face just enough to get a few final lines out before the kid was out of there. "You sonuvabitch, you better hope I never see you again, because if I do I'll make sure you don't have legs to get away on or arms to pull yourself across the floor with."

Taking this opportunity to remove himself from his assailant's grasp, the hunter moved toward the door. Before he left, he took one last look around the inside of the tavern.

The drunk, still enraged, was spewing more death threats at him. Despite the knowledge that doing so would not help him in any way, Colt could not help but respond.

"Yeah, whatever. Shut up, Frost Face."

As he turned around to leave, he saw Alice cowering in the corner, terrified. He nodded at her, mumbling as he left-

"Good luck, kid."

A joint post of Foxrally GreyBidoof and Sonata
Virginia Raine | Outlaw | Water | Level 1 | $250

Saving for a Rainy Day

Several hours had flew by and the sun was setting by the time the carriage rolled into Larkin, painting the sky in wavy strokes of mellow amber.

Virginia thanked the young man one last time, with a peck on the cheek that cause a flush of blood to redden his face. Biding farewell, she strolled down the roads of Larkin. It was her first time in Larkin and every sight was fully absorbed by her, processed and stored away into the recesses of her mind. She walked with no purpose, forging her trail in several detours and loops, as a subtle check to ensure that she was not being followed. Larkin was known to house the Culebra clan, whose members have been and still are wanted by bounty hunters. Coming to this place was almost like painting a great bullseye target on one's back for a criminal. There was sure to be numerous hunters policing the area, attempting to weed out the darkness from civilization's crevices. Once Virginia had settled her paranoia, she casually turned into the doorway of a bank.

It was a humble bank, not grand enough to attract the greedy gleams of crime bosses, yet small enough to generate a steady flow of income for its employees. Warm light spilled through facets of glass bulbs, their radiance effusing throughout the bank house.

"Welcome! How may I help you, miss?" A soothing voice greeted Virginia as she headed towards one of the many counters manned by the staff.

The owner of the voice was a petite lady by the counter, whose keen eyes seemed to have analyzed the entirety of Virginia.

She smiled, "I'd like to open an account."

"May I have your name, please?"

"Lisa Nebelle." She said it in almost a practiced manner, observing the receptionist's face.

Nebelle was her mother's second family name; Nebelle Corporation used to manufacture spell books of a high grade, until a scandal exposed by a rival manufacturer put them out of business and caused the company to shut down. Ashamed and ostracized by the elite, House Nebelle shied away from the world and was forgotten by the public as time flew by.

It seemed that the lady had not heard of the name that was in the papers over five decades ago, from the nonchalant look she gave as she helped Virginia out with all the necessary paperwork. Blending into this society would not require that much effort after all, it seems.

She deposited all the money that she had robbed over the week, which amounted to quite a generous sum with figures hovering somewhat near the four-digit mark. Virginia would not be surprised if the bounty on her name would increase. Once her crimes were reported to or discovered by Bounty Hunter organizations of course. It usually took a day or two before someone started to make a deal about losing some cash or shop wares to the authorities, which benefitted her work by allowing her to lay a trail through the region that would leave Janet scratching her head.

Virginia walked out of the bank a few minutes later. She was feeling a little tired and decided to pay a visit to one of the nearby taverns. She might as well grab a drink while reconnoitering and picking up any town gossip.​
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Emmett Holliday
Status - Outlaw – Liar; demon
Sorcery Level - 1
Element - Water
Bounty - 300$

Let the fire purge your soul, Pt.3

Antonio Culebra was a busy man. It hadn't even been a day since a bounty hunter massacred his gang, and he was already on the road again. He had just visited a big ranch on the outskirts of Fairbell, to exert some pressure. The Culebra's were mostly active in the area of Larkin, but for this rancher had a lot of trade with the Larkin market. And Antonio didn't want to just control the area of Larkin, he wanted to control the market. He had taken four of his surviving man with him. He was a very capable fighter on his own, but he didn't want to rely solely on his own ability to protect himself. He had a family name to protect. One of the man he had taken with him was Hillbilly huck. That man was an idiot, and a great shooter. Suddenly, he felt two arms wrap around his waist.
"Hi, my name is Emmett, how are you?" A voice said. "And before you ask, I'm doing terrible."

Emmett got pushed off the horse, fell on the ground, and hit his head hard. He heard a gun cock.
"I give ya ten seconds to explain yaself, boy," a crackling voice said. "And otherwise, this bullet will be put in ya brain." The statement was followed by a laugh that could only come from an idiot. Emmett took a huge breath, and spoke as fast as he could:
"I did something that people didn't like and now this creepy priest dude hexed me and the villagers want to kill me and I'm exhausted and you guys were my only chance of getting away and I hope you don't shoot me and if you don't I can make you rich I swear I have connections so if I-"
"Rich?" The idiot asked. "How much we talking 'bout?"
"Ten thousand dollars!" Emmett exclaimed. He had no money, nor did he know where to get that much, but he hoped the big number would dazzle the numb-brainer long enough to come up with a better explanation.
"That's a lot. That's like one…" The man scratched his head with his gun. "Two…" Emmett started to get uncomfortable with the long pauses. "Three… Three? I think three robberies."
"Huck, that's normal thousand. He's talking about ten times a normal thousand." Said one of the other horsemen. Huck's eyes opened wide up.
"He's bluffing. You can see it in his clothes," said the leader of the group. "This is just a poor boy, that's in trouble with the law, and he has nowhere to go. Just leave him behind."
Goddammit , thought Emmett. The cross on his forehead ignited again, and Emmett started twitching and turning on the ground. He wasn't even allowed to think sins.
The horses jumped aside. Huck's jaw dropped, as he saw the cross appear on Emmett's forehead.
"The boy's a demon! He got the cross of Jesus Christ on his head." Huck and the three grunts looked in awe and terror as Emmett lay there twitching. The leader didn't seem to be phased. Emmett regained control over his body, but the pain was still there.
"That's right, I'm a demon. A mighty demon from hell!" He screamed, with the raspiest voice he could put on. "And when you leave me to die here, all my brothers and sisters, who are also demons, will torment you for the rest of your life."
"We'll leave him here," said the leader, "He's lying. We're not discussing this." Emmett stood up and ran towards Huck's horse, and grabbed Huck's leg, trying to bite it. "If you leave me here, Huck is staying too. I will need a slave when I go back to hell." He put on a maniacal laugh. He knew he wouldn't convince the leader of the group, but this Huck guy seemed so stupid that he would've believed it if Emmett said he was a desert rat that learned to speak. He liked putting on this act, and he loved fooling the idiot. He should act as if he was possessed more often. Huck screamed, and a tear rolled down his cheek.
"Don't leave him here, boss, I don't want go to hell." The leader sighed. Emmett saw that he didn't agree, but was just done with this situation.
"Kid, get on the back of Huck's horse," Huck shivered when he heard this, "and will take you with us. When you get back though, you will give me ten thousand dollars. I will also not permit you to speak during this trip, nor do we take a break when you have to piss." He whipped his reins, and his horse started galloping again. The other three followed him. Emmett jumped on the back of Huck's horse. He heard Huck breathing very nervously.
"Did they leave us behind? Are we going back to hell?" Emmett whispered into his ear, and he giggled. Huck gave a frightened moan, and whipped his reins, to get back to the others.

The ride was long, and Emmett found it awfully boring. The men spoke about nothing of interest, and he knew their leader was serious when he said Emmett shouldn't talk. That man did not play games. The conversation shifted around a lot. Had they started talking about the business with the ranch dealer, they were now talking about recruitment. Emmett had quickly learned that these people were criminals. After a while they stopped talking. The silence went on for a couple of minutes, and then Huck said: "I miss Pete." They started reminiscing about this man, how they had robbed together, had drank together, and killed together.
"Do you think 'fia killed that ice dude already?" Asked one of the grunts. Huck answered: "Of course. Sophia's pro, and she loved Pete, she wouldn't let him go un… un…" He couldn't find the right word. You're searching for unavenged, idiot, Emmett thought. "She will kill that ice dude, because he killed Pete." Emmett got curious, hearing about this 'ice dude'. He knew that his ice magic wasn't exclusive to him, but that didn't mean he ever saw someone use ice spells. Most people in the Barren Lands hadn't even seen ice, let alone used it in their magic. The conversation continued in further, and it boiled down to insulting the ice sorcerer, and praising Sophia. There was a very clear bias in the men's thinking.

After six hours of horseback riding they entered Larkin. They stopped before a tavern. The group got off their horses, and the leader walked up to Emmett and very roughly pulled him off the horse.
"I still don't want to hear a word coming out of your mouth," he said. He walked up to the door and knocked. "Jack, I'm back," he said. A section of the wooden wall shifted, and part of the face of a man appeared.
"I-I can't let you in like th-that, sir," said the man behind the door. The leader sighed. "Why is everybody I employ a goddamn idiot," he mumbled. Emmett felt his heart beat in his forehead as he heard the blasphemous words. The door opened, and Emmett got pushed inside.
"H-he still needs to show i-identification, sir." The doorman stuttered. The leader gave him a death stare, and continued to walk on. They went through a hidden section, and ended up in a basement.
"Mother, I have something for you." He said. They had left behind Huck and the other three grunts. An elderly woman appeared. She seemed frail, and fragile. Her eyes gave Emmett a quick look. "Young one doesn't need anything. Don't try to fool me, Antonio." Antonio laughed. "Kid, show her what's wrong with you."
A cross lit up on Emmett's forehead, as he filled his head with blasphemous thoughts. He fell down on the ground, and opened up his knee. He twitched and turned, as the pain waved through his body.
"Ezekiel," said the elderly lady. "Young one got hexed by Ezekiel." She slowly shook her head. "Young one has been a sinner. Ezekiel's very powerful." She looked Emmett straight in the eyes. "Young one will scream in pain." The woman surprised Emmett with her speed, as she pressed her thumb onto his forehead, and he fell down on the ground. An immense pain surged through his body. The hex itself seemed bleak compared to what the woman was doing to him. He felt like his head was on fire, and his body wasn't under his control anymore. His arms and legs jerked, and his whole body shook. Fire seemed to rise up from his forehead, towards the hand of the woman. A small ball of fire collected between her index finger and thumb. The stream of fire from his forehead to the ball ended, and she squeezed it together. Emmett's pain disappeared, and he was left panting on the floor.
"I would kiss you if you looked better." He said. The woman looked at him. "Young one shouldn't fool around with Ezekiel. Ezekiel is guard dog of church. Magic almost impossible to remove." Antonio walked up to Emmett. "You got lucky my mother is around," he said. "That cross of yours is why we don't mess with the church. Now get up and kiss my mother's feet." Emmett laughed. "What's so funny?" Asked Antonio. "She helped you, and you should be thankful." He grabbed Emmett by his collar and threw him towards the older lady. "And after you're done, I want you to think of a way to make that ten thousand dollar claim come true."

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