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HG/SS Observations

Elite Overlord LeSabre™

On that 'Non stop road'
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 10,165
    No, I haven't had a chance to play the games yet, but so far, there are certain observations I've made that could make or break me purchasing it upon its US release.


    The Leaf factor.
    First Brawl, now HG/SS: Red gets in the game, but Leaf does not. Obviously a disappointment. I mean, for the final Mt. Silver battle, couldn't the Dual Slot with FR/LG be used to determine who it is and what team they use (with Red's team as a default for those with DSi and/or without FR/LG). That way, you at least have the choice of not going against someone stupid enough to raise a Pikachu into the 80's without evolving the thing...
    Lopunny used Fling!
    Lopunny threw Thunderstone at Foe Pikachu!
    What? Foe Pikachu is evolving!
    Pikachu evolved into Raichu!
    Red used Selfdestruct!
    I digress. Leaf should have graced HG/SS in one way or another, but she does not. Mark one against HG/SS.


    What is this I don't even
    WTF happened to the Persian sprite? It's like someone stuck it into the Neck Extender 5000™ and this was the fugly result. Yeah, thanks a lot, idiots. You completely ruined the look of my favorite Pokemon.

    Random Gym Leader/Elite 4 Observations
    In the original G/S/C, Chuck's wife was right. He is getting a bit chubby XD
    At least Koga's become a proper ninja, complete with stealth animated action!
    In G/S/C I often confused Karen and Clair because they look similar. That problem has been rectified, but why does Karen look unlike a Dark-type master now? Must be all the white and yellow.
    Sorry, Blaine, but without the lab coat, your coolness factor drops by 41%. You're a SCIENTIST, not a glorified Gentleman 0_o

    And now, the unknown:
    What is the fate of Lorelei? Will HG/SS finally reveal the secret?

    Well, overall, I'm still on the fence about getting this game, but the butt-ugly new Persian sprite is a major turn-off... Since it's guaranteed to be on my HG/SS team, I'm not so sure I can overlook it:/
    Sorry, but I like Persian's sprite. I like to call it the smiling cat. XD I don't know, but I don't think its neck is extended that much. If you want to see neck extension, check Code Geass. :P

    As for Karen, I missed her old Dark-type smexy look. Now she looks like a high school student sort of. D:
    You could think of it this way.. most of the time, you'll see Persian's backsprite. xD;
    Well, overall, I'm still on the fence about getting this game, but the butt-ugly new Persian sprite is a major turn-off... Since it's guaranteed to be on my HG/SS team, I'm not so sure I can overlook it:/
    Get HG/SS.

    No matter how bad one sprite may be, this game far outweighs the whole lot of the iffy ones.

    That and I haven't really cared too much for sprites and wouldn't let GS remakes get in the way of it, but despite that, get it. =P It ain't too bad in my opinion though and giving a HG/SS a miss because of that (especially as you'll mostly be seeing backsprites anyway) = SILLY. =P Plus, you can have a non-stretched version follow you around in the overworld! AWESOME.

    Be thankful the overworld sprites aren't like the MD ones... they get some things wrong, and make others truly bad - enough for me to notice and also think 'urrgh, what?' >_<

    On Leaf... might have been neat if she was in it too, but I guess they kept with the GSC route of keeping the same people in. (I also know people would have raged if Red was so mauch as being optionally allowed to be replaced. =P Ah, differing opinions...). XD
    I wholeheartedly agree with you about the Leaf thing, she happens to be my favourite female protagonist and knowing there's a lack of her in HG/SS actually disappointed me a lot. I remember randomly thinking it would be great that, if you picked Kotone as your character, you'd see Leaf instead of Red atop Mt. Silver, which would have been a pretty nifty idea to use, but...eh, let's just say this lack of her is my biggest disappointment of them all. XD;
    LMFAO at the Persian sprite! It looks like it was posting for a picture, then saw something interesting and extended its neck. Chuck's pose is hilarious. Blaine looks like a trying-to-be-hip Gentleman. I do hope they don't mess Lorelei up :P
    Actually, the world will never know since she AIN'T IN THE GAME!

    And anyone with an unevolved Pikachu at Lv80-something is just as big a tool as Ash. And we all know how much of a tool Ash is...