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How did you like Pokemon: Legends Arceus?

  • 823
    I'm currently playing it slowly, took a break for several months from it.

    I love how it's actually open-world (looking at you, Sw/Sh's non-DLC Wild Area!) and enjoy crafting my own Pokeballs and lure items. Though I was surprised that Heavy Balls come from Black Tumblestones as opposed to Black Apricorns.

    By the way, I haven't played S/V yet, and have heard many folks prefer Legends to S/V. I'm wondering why Feather Balls and the like don't exist in modern-day regions.
    I really like PLA and yes I prefer it over any Switch game, but I might be biased from the fact that gen 4 is my favorite generation of games.
    It's not completely open world, i have heard people calling it "open map", which is probably the right terme for this game. I don't mind it, but surely, after SV, I have to say that I would have loved an overall connected open world Hisui. In my opinion, PLA was the best in terms of using the environment because it's crucial for the Pokemon who live there (which is the main goal of the game) and also to kind of understand where you are compared to Sinnoh.
    I think this is the main reason why I prefer it compared to SV. Even in terms of cities: while it makes sense for PLA to have camps, SV obviously have cities with most of them being particularly forgettable and not special, in my opinion.
    About the pokeballs, i'm not sure why they're not in the modern games anymore. I guess they have evolved somehow lol
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    I loved the new evolutions for Ursaring, Stantler, Basculin & Scyther as well as the Hisuian forms especially Snealser, Overqwil, Braviary & Lilligant.

    Ursaluna, Wyrdeer, Kleavor & Basculegion are fantastic Pokemon and have excellent designs but I really didn't like Legends Arceus felt nothing like a Pokemon game and it strays way to far from the classic formula, the story line was rather boring and I think its the worst game in the franchise.

    I enjoyed Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl much more than Legends Arceus.
    I loved the new evolutions for Ursaring, Stantler, Basculin & Scyther as well as the Hisuian forms especially Snealser, Overqwil, Braviary & Lilligant.

    Ursaluna, Wyrdeer, Kleavor & Basculegion are fantastic Pokemon and have excellent designs but I really didn't like Legends Arceus felt nothing like a Pokemon game and it strays way to far from the classic formula, the story line was rather boring and I think its the worst game in the franchise.

    I enjoyed Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl much more than Legends Arceus.
    Interesting that you say that, a lot of folks thought BD/SP were TOO faithful remakes, and were worse than Platinum (Gen 4's third version).

    I'm assuming you also preferred Sw/Sh and Sc/Vi to PLA?
    In all honesty, I haven't touched PLA in months. For one, it wasn't all that memorable story wise. And also, I hated the fact that in order to move on with the story, you had to fill almost every condition in their version of the Pokedex. And truth be told, I preferred Sc/Vi over PLA. I think PLA was worse than BD/SP.
    I hated it the first time I tried playing it and didn't touch it for a while. I came back to it because it had pokémon not available in any other game, and I started liking it more and more as I played it more. I love collecting things, and going for all perfects ended up being a lot of fun to me.
    Up until PLA arrived, Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin was the best Pokémon game on the Switch and that says a lot. Even with S/V around, PLA shows how a lot of things in Pokémon should be done. I found it a pretty entertaining game in general for just goofing around spending time fighting various Pokémon, and I liked that for the most part you can go explore wherever if you are willing to be circuitous on how to get to a few (very-)hard to get to places.

    I oft hear complains about the storyline but let's be honest, Mainline Pokémon sets a pretty low bar on what a story of humans in a Pokémon world should be, and in comparison to that PLA more than delivers. It doesn't have to be as strongly anthropic as Mass Effect or as intrapersonal-drama heavy as Alan Wake to deliver a good story and that's good, because going the kind of storylines those games have would truly be counter to the general theme and tone of Pokémon.
    So, I grew up loving the Pokemon games, right from the start with Yellow. But I grew up rurally, without many local friends and with no reliable internet access. So for me, the Pokemon experience didn't include trading and battling with friends - it meant grinding and making the best of the self-contained world in my own game. I've since completed a Living Dex and now have perfectly fine internet access, so I can battle and trade to my heart's content.

    Legends Arceus scratched the itch of my childhood, and then some. I could complete the dex on my own, and still have plenty of challenging encounters in the game. It was a perfect way to reinterpret the franchise, and a great way to make good on that Arceus lore that had lain dormant since DPPt.

    The ancestral characters and regional forms were a lovely addition (although I'll never understand why Sneasel got a regional form and regional evolution when Weavile is technically a Sinnoh Pokemon… Why would Sneasel alone undergo such significant evolutionary changes between LA and DPPt?). It made for a fun Easter-egg hunt throughout the game.

    The fact that Ingo was excellent, although here we are, in a new generation and absolutely none the wiser as to why he was brought to the past or what it means for overarching continuity between games/generations. That'd be my primary complaint for the games as a whole; what kind of timeline are we looking at, and if it isn't as simple as one congruent timeline, can we just forget about it?

    In summary; excellent game, wonderful first attempt at a proper open-world Pokémon game, and wish we'd see more ancient-Pokemon region games.
    It had it's flaws, but it was a good game. The world while out in the wild felt a lot more vibrant than SV's open world does at any rate.

    I never finished it due to how I chose to play it: trying to perfect every Pokemons Dex entry by completing all of it's tasks, which is something that's far from necessary if you just wanna advance lol
    I was gonna go try and finish it off after I completed my shiny breed, but the second SV DLC is out now so I'll probably go do that first.
    Interesting that you say that, a lot of folks thought BD/SP were TOO faithful remakes, and were worse than Platinum (Gen 4's third version).

    I'm assuming you also preferred Sw/Sh and Sc/Vi to PLA?
    I did prefer Sword & Shield as well as Scarlet & Violet over Legends Arceus

    I didn't like Legends Arceus from the moment it was first announced I would never have bought the game at all until I found out it was the only way to unlock Arceus and the Azure Flute in BDSP and also the only way to evolve Ursaring, Stantler and Scyther.

    I hated how hard the Volo battle was and the difficulty goes up a notch when you face Arceus I finally defeated Volo on my 56th attempt and Arceus on my 30th attempt and as someone who has played Pokemon games since Red, Blue & Yellow I like how the games have become easier over the years its more fun for me I do not want Pokemon becoming harder.

    Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl were so much fun for me it was classic old school Pokemon and it was nice to play a game with no gimmick involved the Pokemon models in BDSP look amazing and I was so delighted to see Contests return I had so much doing the Super Contest Shows in BDSP and I would love Contests to return in future generations, I am looking forward to seeing the Musicals return in the Gen 5 remakes hopefully this time awarding you with Ribbons.

    The only thing I would take forward from Legends Arceus is the item the Linking Cord which really helped me to evolve trade evolution Pokemon when you had no one nearby to trade with although I found it strange how the evolution method for Espeon & Umbreon was not changed to the Sun Stone and Moon Stone in Gen 8 yet Leafeon & Glaceon evolve using the Leaf Stone & Ice Stone it would also have been nice if you could have used the Dawn Stone or Shiny Stone to evolve Eevee into Sylveon.

    I hated how fans were saying Legends Arceus was the game every Pokemon fan wanted no it wasn't because I never wanted Pokemon to go open world, Sword, Shield, Scarlet & Violet for me feels and plays more like the classic games, I have always considered Colosseum & XD: Gale of Darkness as main series games for me Legends Arceus is a spin off game and nothing more its certainly not main series I really hope we do not get another Legends game.
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    I enjoyed it. I thought it was really good and a nice change from what we usually got. But, it's also very difficult and I haven't beat Arceus, so I gave up.
    It is bar none my least favorite game of the franchise. Especially in relation to the other Switch games, it's at the bottom of the list, even below New Snap.

    While it's a cool idea and has some neat mechanics and concepts, it just doesn't work for me. Personally, Sword is my favorite of the Switch games, followed by Scarlet (Sword is actually just one of my all time favorites in general, but that's a whole other discussion) and I feel like Arceus is such a letdown when compared and I never understood the overwhelming warm reception it got as a result. While it's neat in theory, the whole being thrown back in time concept just isn't interesting, and while I did enjoy fighting the Alphas on each subsequent area of the map, overall the plot just didn't keep me invested. And that would be forgiveable if it weren't for the real damning issue in regards to the game, which is that it's essentially Pokemon Go but with NPCs giving you fetch quests. Filling out the Pokedex has always been a thing, I'm not even going to pretend that it wasn't. But in those instances, you were doing it for yourself. Because you wanted to. Now, in order to fill out this Pokedex, I need to catch 18 different Magikarp for an 8 year old so she understands the concept of a fish (alright, I'm being a little hyperbolic but you get the idea). It's tedium turned to 11. And I say this as someone who doesn't even mind repetition or anything, but my lord, there's a limit.

    The sad thing is, the game, as I said, does have some great ideas. The overall Alpha clearing, the semi open world is very well done even if its somehow emptier and less interesting than Scarlet's (and I say this as someone who hates open world games) and crafting, for once, isn't a detriment but actually works. Usually when a crafting mechanic gets introduced into a franchise that it's not only not necessary to have but also never been used in before, it's a sign of simply buying into a trend. But somehow I don't mind it here. It's perfectly fine, and honestly, it makes sense given the timeframe that the takes place in. You'd kind of HAVE to craft things in order to succeed at that point in time because, while there are vendors around, there's no real shops exactly as there are in the modern day games. Crafting potions and different kinds of balls is very cool, and that's something that did surprise me given my aversion to unnecessary crafting mechanics. So there's stuff to like here, but what it's wrapped up in is so bland, dull and uninteresting that it brings the whole package down. I also didn't mind the fetch quests for finding stuff other people had lost. I thought that was kind of fun, because it was something you could chose to do or not, it wasn't like the Pokedex, which literally locks you out of progression if you don't do it.

    For as much as I've never understood the love for this game, I've also never understood the hate for Scarlet and Sword and the other newer titles. Sword is perhaps the single most polished and perfect Pokemon game to date. My favorites are Silver, Black, Moon, X and Sword, and Sword beats them all just because it's such a perfect combination of everything that came before it. Arceus isn't a combination of anything other than half baked ideas from better made games, and even then they're doing poorly even by Pokemon's standards. While I do recognize Scarlet might've had some technical issues at launch, I personally have never run into them myself, and the game played fine for me, albeit some occasional lag here and there. Frankly, between Scarlet and Arceus, I much prefer the open world of Scarlet, simply because it has a real story tied to it and the world feels alive. The world of Arceus, sans the Pokemon who live in it, doesn't feel alive in the slightest.

    I got Arceus as a gift, and even without paying for it I was still disappointed lol
    Open-world and story elements were excellent. It was a refreshing spin-off game in the series. Side-quests could be bland at sometimes, but were good for the most part
    Amazing game. I miss it a lot already even though it's not very old, and wish I didn't get through everything possible (other than shiny hunting). The final battle was epic and I really liked the darker color scheme overall. Great addition to the Switch - one of the best Pokémon games in recent memory!
    I love Legends Arceus! It's the game that got me back into Pokemon. The gameplay loop is so strong that I was extremely addicted the whole way! It's the only game I've ever completed the Pokedex for (+a living dex) because of how fun and satisfying it was to catch Pokemon. Love the noble Pokemon fights too, they're fun and challenging. Just an all around fantastic game.