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I'll answer Honestly


  • 11,676
    Hey guys! My name's Dipu, I'm 19 years old, a college sophomore, and I've been on this forum for six and a half years wtf that's long. I moderate the lovely General Chat section of Pokecommunity, and as you might guess from the board I rule over, I like talking. I've honestly only recently come back into the swing of things after being absent for a rather large amount of time, and I feel like this thread would be an awesome way to touch base with the members here, especially the awesome people down in GC who became active during my hiatus. I don't bite, so ask away!


    [color=#95b4d4]ユービーゼロイチ パラサイト[/color]
  • 8,875
    Why did you pick your username?

    Where did you go, and why/how did you come back to such a high activity level?

    What do you think of General Chat as it is today as opposed to how it was, say, six months - a year ago? What is good about it now, and what needs to change?


  • 11,676
    Yay, questions :'D

    What are you studying? What do you want to do after college?
    I'm planning on majoring in Media Studies with a concentration in Emerging Media, as well as a minor in Computer Science. I love learning how to code stuff, and I also like web designing, despite my rather limited knowledge in the field). I just find it really fun, and I can see myself doing it in the long run.

    What's your favourite and least favourite thing about NYC?
    Most favorite thing would probably have to be the places to explore. It's so diverse, and there's always something to go do. Take the right person/people and you'll be having a lot of fun. Least favorite is definitely the transportation system. It's so so so bad. Weather also comes in at a very close second. Winter weather here is what will ultimately drive me out, real talk.

    Why did you pick your username?
    I got the name from a Yugioh card, but that's not the reason I picked it. I made Honest my username because honesty is the one trait that I hold closest to me. I value trust a lot, and for that reason, I figured it'd suit me.

    Where did you go, and why/how did you come back to such a high activity level?
    Two things drove me away from PC. One of them is rather personal, but to give a general idea, something was happening in real life that I consciously chose to give more attention to. There was also the fact that I didn't have a functioning computer, and the times I did go on PC were either on my phone, which sucks, or on a computer at campus, which isn't much better in the long run. The reason I'm back is because the latter reason for my absence has been remedied. The first... well, I'm still devoted to it. I guess I just figured me having my own laptop was just a good enough reason to come back.

    What do you think of General Chat as it is today as opposed to how it was, say, six months - a year ago? What is good about it now, and what needs to change?
    If I'm quite honest, about five or six months ago, I noticed a decline in how active GC was. I'm not sure what was going on, but it seemed rather dry. It still is a little, to an extent. The conversations tend to revolve around food or the weather, small talk in general. There isn't really much one can do about that, since there's a line between what belongs in GC and D&D, which actually has made me consider pitching forward the idea to combine the two. The only reason I haven't is because I feel in the long run, that would actually be a terrible idea. What's good about it now is that it has a healthy amount of activity with interesting topics, but topics get recycled often. Once again, that's due to what GC is limited to. I'd like it if people were a little more interesting with their topics, but that isn't the easiest thing to do. Let's see what can happen, moving forward.

    Also, I'm going to answer a question you've asked me before, shenanigans, and that was what does it mean "the brown struggle." I have no knowledge if this extends beyond America, honestly, although I imagine it does. In short, brown (which is slang; in general, it refers to Southeast Asian, although I have seen in extend to places like the Middle East at times) parents in America are immigrants, bringing in their culture from their homeland, and their culture is fraught with stuff like patriarchy and, in my experience, domestic violence. By that, I don't necessarily mean physical violence, emotional/verbal also count. It happens to girls more, but parents are superrrrrrrrrrr protective. Can't leave the house, can't talk to boys, have to be home by X o' clock. They're usually also incredibly socially dumb in regards to their children's social lives, to be extremely blunt. It varies in severity (as does anything), but for me, my life was all about studies. Oh, and religion. Loads of brown parents are also religious ones, and some are super religious, like my parents. That doesn't help often. But yeah, the dynamic becomes child versus parents, often. And in some cases, the parents will not be afraid to take drastic measures. One kid I knew got deported back to Asia for a couple months because his parents found out he smoked pot.


  • 0
    Have you ever been to any of the theaters in NYC? If not, is this something you'd consider doing in the future?

    What's your favourite film?

    What sort of things do you enjoy coding the most, and why?


  • 11,676
    What's something embarrassing you did lately?
    If you can't think of that, then what was the last thing you regretted doing?

    Embarrassing thing? Probably sit through a whole class before realizing I was in the wrong class. Happened a week and a half ago. ;--;
    Have you ever been to any of the theaters in NYC? If not, is this something you'd consider doing in the future?
    As in live theatre? I sure have! Last one I went to was last year, and it was a rendition on the Salem Witch Trials, mixed with a little bit of SciFi. It was really well done, and I wish I had the time to go again. The venue was called The Flea in Tribeca, if anyone's interested!

    What's your favourite film?
    Perks of Being a Wallflower has always been on of my favorites.

    What sort of things do you enjoy coding the most, and why?
    Right now, anything really, but I have a soft spot for anything design related, because it reminds me of CSS here on PC back when I first started PC =P
  • 3,105
    • she/her
    • Seen May 23, 2023
    Hey Dipu!

    What trait do you value the most after honesty and why?

    Would you consider yourself a social butterfly or not?

    Where did you get that avatar of yours? :]
  • 50,218
    Of the usernames you've used not named Bloodex, which one would you go back to if you were forced to?

    This year (in fact, your modversary happens to be next month iirc) marks 2 years since you were appointed General Chat mod. Looking back on said career, do you think you did a good job and what would you want to improve?

    What has been the stickiest situation you ever found yourself in, PC or not?


  • 8,284
    If you could moderate any other section on top of General Chat, what would it be and why? Or would you rather stick to just GC?

    What's your favorite color? Explain way in a minimum of 4 sentences.


  • 11,676
    6 years in PC is a lot of time, what do you would change about it if you could?
    I assume you mean what would I change about my time here? Ideally, probably not have been a snobby little brat of a kid for the first couple of years. It's embarrassing, but I guess it also counts as a learning experience. What matters is that I grew out of that behavior.
    And, you found the whole thing of your nude pics funny?. I did it as a joke, on my side at least.
    I did! I see no reason to take insult to it, lord knows I do take a lot of pictures of myself. And between you and me, there are actually some... questionable photos on PC of me lmao.
    Hey Dipu!

    What trait do you value the most after honesty and why?
    Hey Sophie! After honestly, I deem loyalty the most important, although I guess they do go hand in hand. Reason being is because, well, it directly relates to honesty. A loyal person is an honest person.

    Would you consider yourself a social butterfly or not?
    Not anymore. I used to, when I just wanted friends, but now I look at people differently. I've become increasingly judgmental of the people I know, and as a result, stepped back from the social circle I was a part of. Many people still know me, but I've opted out of the circle of friends I was once a part. Mostly because I found flaws I disliked about some of them, and just couldn't bring myself to attempt to try to be friends with the others. I realized I'd much rather have 3 close friends who would bail me out of jail than 10 fake ones.

    Where did you get that avatar of yours? :]
    Matt/elherooscuro tagged me in it, and I stole it =P

    Of the usernames you've used not named Bloodex, which one would you go back to if you were forced to?
    Ugh, I really hope that never happens. If I HAD to, and couldn't make a new one? Probably Dakota. It's just a nice name.

    This year (in fact, your modversary happens to be next month iirc) marks 2 years since you were appointed General Chat mod. Looking back on said career, do you think you did a good job and what would you want to improve?
    Actually, I should correct you, I quit around May(?) of last year. Might have been earlier, I don't quite remember. I asked for my position late summer, though, and eventually got it back. Something came up right as I got it back, though, so I was still pretty inactive till recently. So, for that reason, I still consider myself to have only actually been a mod for roughly a year. And to answer the question, well, not to toot my own horn, but I would like to think I did a decent job. I'm not going to pretend that I made sweeping changes or anything like that, because I didn't. There's only so much you can do for a section who's sole purpose is small talk and hypotheticals. But I want to believe that I've committed a lot to making sure said small talk and hypotheticals were fun and interesting. If there's one thing I would want to improve on, it's getting to know the member base more. Aside from small talk and hypotheticals, General Chat is the perfect place to better know your fellow members on topics that aren't too heavy, albeit sections like Media & Culture do remove potential discussion topics, but that doesn't change my point. I feel like I could have done a better job actually talking and getting to know members, and I hope that, in my future as a moderator, I become acquainted to more and more members. So yeah, hit me up, people. =]

    What has been the stickiest situation you ever found yourself in, PC or not?
    Erm, on PC, I'd have to say it was the whole fiasco with a few rowdy members who I shall not name. The situation was that I was, allegedly, being rude about something, when in reality I was simply giving my opinion on a matter, which I guess didn't appeal to the dude. At least, I think that's what happened. To be honest, I don't remember.

    If you could moderate any other section on top of General Chat, what would it be and why? Or would you rather stick to just GC?
    None others. One of my flaws as a member in general is that I stuck to one section for, well, forever (GC, duh). As of right now, I don't really know enough about the other places to really be devoted to them. If I HAD to, it would probably be The Welcome Lounge, but that's only if I had to. I am trying to spread my activity across the board, though, so ask me again in half a year, and maybe my answer will have changed.

    What's your favorite color? Explain way in a minimum of 4 sentences.
    Red. The color read is associated with both anger and love, two emotions which interest me the most. It also looks amazing on a lady's lips, and it also just seems to be a color that has a sharp impact on my mind when I look at it. I guess it's a fiery color. Or am I cheating my using that as an explanation? Heh.


    the princess has awoken while the prince sleeps on
  • 3,065
    • Seen Apr 27, 2020
    hi!! what did you miss the most about pc when you were gone?


    [color=#95b4d4]ユービーゼロイチ パラサイト[/color]
  • 8,875
    That's a simple one: the people. The community has always been PC's redeeming feature, and it is always what I miss whenever I end up taking a leave of absence.

    It's interesting that you say "redeeming" feature here - what do you think are PC's downfalls?


  • 11,676
    It's interesting that you say "redeeming" feature here - what do you think are PC's downfalls?
    This is a more subjective answer, but to me, it can get boring at times. As a moderator of a place like GC, I'd be lying if I didn't say that recurrence of topics like food or the weather didn't get dull after a while. Usually that isn't the case, but when my irl life becomes hectic, I guess I just turn off to material like that. It's not a major flaw, but it's one that can become a little bothersome at times. Inherently, I don't think there are any major flaws, though. At least, not any that aren't being fixed/going to hopefully be fixed. The division between staff and members has lessened recently I think, but that was a big one roughly a year or so ago? It's unfortunate that there will always be a few people who will look at moderators and decry us, or at least not like us. That's not something we can control, though. Maybe I'm still slightly bitter at the situation that occurred with me and a certain member who's now banned, but it's never fun. Especially when you know you didn't do anything wrong.


    take me ☆ take you
  • 5,188
    I see you a lot in General Chat obviously, but not so much in the Pokemon sections. Are you still super interested in the games? I assume you played them at one point, so which one is your favorite if you have one? :)


  • 3,816
    Is Dipu your real name or just a nickname? Hey, not like I know anything about this haha

    Also, do you not have plans on a signature? Looks pretty blank as it is.
    If you do have plans, will it be banana-related? :P


  • 11,676
    I see you a lot in General Chat obviously, but not so much in the Pokemon sections. Are you still super interested in the games? I assume you played them at one point, so which one is your favorite if you have one? :)

    Sadly, I hate to admit that my interest in the game has waned immensely over the last few years. It isn't that I've gotten bored of the games. I'm sure that if you handed me a 3DS and a copy of ORAS right now, I'd lose about 5 nights of sleep, no doubt. But without the means to play it, and the fact that playing them is nowhere near my list of priorities, my interest ultimately fell. That being said, I'm sure it'd pick right up if I ever did decide to play. Will I? I can safely say not anytime soon, I'm simply too busy to be find the time. But if my schedule ever lightens up significantly, I may or may not consider it. I say that cause there are also other things I've held of, like kickboxing and such, that I want to do, and they would probably take priority.

    I have played them though! I adored the games, and Emerald was and always will be my favorite. The Battle Frontier was something I always loved, especially the Pike. Luck was always my thing ahaha. I actually have a ROM on my computer I was playing early last year. Last I remember, I had an EVed Gardevoir and... Breloom I think?

    Is Dipu your real name or just a nickname? Hey, not like I know anything about this haha

    Also, do you not have plans on a signature? Looks pretty blank as it is.
    If you do have plans, will it be banana-related? :P
    Dipu's a nickname! But it's the name literally everyone calls me, school professors and the like included. As for my signature, at the moment no, but I do wanna throw something in there soon! My profile is also pretty bland, but I'll dabble with it when I'm able to. Just not sure what I would want for theme. That being said, no, no banana signature =P Althoughhhh I did have a banana banner set a while ago. I never got around to working with it, though.


    The Storm of Friendship
  • 2,107
    IF you are said you can have superpowers of a Superhero, which one will be it?


    [cd=font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; backgro
  • 4,815
    Hey Dipu! I remember seeing you as Dekota around way back before I left.

    Has there ever been a time where you've done something against your morals, and what was the outcome if you have?

    Did you play Yu-Gi-Oh! a lot? Do you still play?

    How did you integrate yourself into PC's community when you came back?