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News: Leaked key visual shows new Ash design as well as new character (Confirmed)

The art style is better than SM, but still looks very childish. I think they are trying way too hard to make it purely a child's show. I have seen better art styles in other shows aimed at kids. I just don't like the art style. It is too flat I guess.... I don't know.

I can't say much right now, but if it is a reboot, I am going to be super annoyed and may not watch it like SM.

The outfit he wears, tells me they are just going to put Galar on the back burner, because Galar is a colder region. But we will just have to wait and see.

It isn't completely confirmed yet and a bit of me hopes it is fake. But there is nothing that indicates it is fake. The only thing that might indicate it is fake is the time. Pokemon doesn't come on at 5:30 I don't think.
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I'm not mad about it lol. Character does have more of a rival aesthetic than companion, though? So I wonder abt that. I'm not going rush in w/ speculations or opinions just yet. The art style's pretty cute, but I tend to care more abt the actual animations than the style of art. :)
I will say this, if it isn't a reboot and he re-travels all the regions. Perhaps it will give him time to finally evolve all his other pokemon. Perhaps this is him training to become Champion and deciding what region he wants to become a Champion of.

There are so many different ways they could take this, but a reboot is not the way to go. Unless it is a complete reboot and he catches different pokemon and actually evolves them. That type of reboot I can get behind.
I love it, actually! I'm a huge fan of the Sun & Moon art style, and this definitely feels like a natural progression.

I've seen the rumor re: Ash traveling all the regions, but I just don't see how that makes sense from a narrative perspective. I guess we'll see. I do hope this is all real tho~
I love it, actually! I'm a huge fan of the Sun & Moon art style, and this definitely feels like a natural progression.

I've seen the rumor re: Ash traveling all the regions, but I just don't see how that makes sense from a narrative perspective. I guess we'll see. I do hope this is all real tho~

Yeah the only way I can see it is if he in training to become champion or a complete reboot. But it has been confirmed that it is all regions. I don't know exactly where, but that has been confirmed. However, we don't know if it is him traveling to all the regions, or if it is different character similar to Alain.
All I can think is that Twitter is going to be flooded with "Youngster Ash" memes soon enough. It only took him over 20 years to realise shorts are comfy and easy to wear.

The art style has improved, and I guess I'll give it a chance...probably. Curious-ish about the new person. Not expecting much, because it's the Pokemon anime.
i don't like ash's look but i can get used to it. i mean, i didn't like SuMo Ash's art style but I still got used to it. I hope the story makes up for it like how sun and moon did it
I love this art style and i feel it complements Pokemon Sun-Moon. Ash looks good and so does the companion, but the hat looks a bit weird, in my opinion. Though not confirmed, it looks real enough. If it is fake, though, its good trickery, has to be the work of a Smeargle-Zoroark partnership.
I really like the art now that I'm more used to it from S/M, and I also dig the new character!

Time to watch the new anime to make up for not seeing much of Sun and Moon...
I really liked SM artstyle, and this looks like a progress version of it. Ash looks really cute and the partern looks decent. I hope story go well just like SM, but I hope they don't make some character's development feel slow as Sophocles or Mallow did, but, as always, I'll watch the new anime!
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i like the new outfit ash has & the possible travel companion/rival that's shown next to him.

But, I highly doubt this is fake, though. It's only a day before the reveal, to be fair.
I love everything i see so far and im very much looking forward to hearing more information tomorrow! I think Ash looks just fine and the other character's design is really good aaaaaaa.
Also, Scorbunny is off the table for Ash if this is real (which it likely is).
Well... the art is clearly better than that S/M Yo Kai Watch ripoff atrocity. So I'll give it that at least.

Also... I never actually said I wanted a reboot. I just said it points to that because there's absolutely no reason to have him finally win a league unless that's what they were planning on doing.

I mean, there's never been a reason that winning a league would mean he has to stop travelling? His nebulous goal of "Pokémon Master" doesn't necessarily mean "Champion of a Single Regional League". Honestly if that is what the writers determine "Pokémon Master" to mean, I feel like that's a hell of a cop-out lmao. They probably just got sick of having the throw in a deus ex machina every league and have people be mad abt it.

Anyway, I saw someone else point out somewhere that the games' protagonists don't stop travelling after winning leagues. And ya boi Ash turned down Frontier Brain to keep working toward his own personal goals so who's to say beating a league is gonna stop his journey?
I like this style! Looks pretty fun and vibrant.

I was probably in the minority opinion to where I really enjoyed S/M's art style, but this feels like a step-up.