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  • 2,149
    • Age 26
    • Seen Nov 13, 2019
    This is it PC. It's been a wild ride and 2 years of time well spent.
    I was not active much when I was a new member but in mid September I started posting like crazy in the welcome lounge.. And then I started posting in Pokemon clubs and pretty much everywhere.. PC is an awesome place <33
    I made some pretty awesome friends here and I am gonna miss you guys a lot :'( I love you guys. This forum will always be my favorite and I am glad I was a part of the "PC family" and keep up the good work mods. :)
    I hope I can back here. And I hope that when I do, you guys will be here, being as awesome as ever, and keeping this place as wonderful as it is.

    Love you guys and see you later.
    This hit me hard, you have been a friend of mine for almost my entire time here at PC... I'm really gonna miss having you as a friend and find someone who can fill that void.

    Farewell to the first Indian I ever got to meet on PC. Keep your fave Oshygirl named Hikari in your thoughts okay?

    And no surprise if you come back in years and I'm a staff member or something. I'm still the same old Hikari.
    Exams? Or is it like me? I'm leaving once this month is over to study for a year away from home. So I can get a good college next year.
    ommggg you're going :(. Whats gonna happen to gero?

    anyways it was nice having you as a friend. byeeeee ~!~

    i mean you are like one of my greatest friends here at pc and aside from ozzy, you were my first friend here.... i just hope you dont go ;-;
    Aww... Avishka, you'll be missed by everyone (especially Fritz). I hope you can come back, I'll be here when you're back. ;-;
    Nooo, you were always one of my favourite people here, especially in clubs :( I'll miss seeing you around, Avishka! I hope everything works out for you :)
    That's heartbreaking Avishka. You were one of the nicest members here and a good friend so I will miss you. See you around hopefully and good luck with your future. :) If you can ever come back, we will be waiting. Good bye for now.
    Ahhhh Avishka I remember when you were more active in Forum Games. :( I'm going to miss you and if you ever come back please stop by! I miss seeing you around there!
    What, nooooo :((( Who's gonna post cute pictures of Pokemon all around clubs now?! :((
    But, but, but.. what about your icontest entry? WHAT IF YOU WIN AND YOUR NOT HERE TO ACCEPT YOUR AWARD?! ;O;