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Lot's WiP comic and general talk

it was : D
i had vegi nuggets & chips & later had vanilla soft serve ice cream :3

& sorry about that... i forgot something ^^' you can like it again if you like :>

Sounds tasty!

And it's fine, no problem. :p

hmmm.... :hattremhuh:

i don't know why it would... it's my human-sona :3 we're the same person, me & lot :D .... but i guess most people don't know that : o

Because for a lot of people, their in-universe self is just themself, not a separate person. I'm not going to tell you not to, but don't be too surprised if someone asks you what the difference is.


i've been making a ref for my human-sona today :D

View attachment 157466
it's in progress :woop:

Awesome! But what if you decide you want to change outfits? That could get to be a lot of work if you draw too many.
Sounds tasty!
yeah, it was :D
i don't have vegi nuggets & chips too often over there :3
Spoiler: i don't usually do photos of me, but.... vegi nuggets & chips

And it's fine, no problem. :p
Because for a lot of people, their in-universe self is just themself, not a separate person. I'm not going to tell you not to,
that's true :>

my human-sona lives in the human-world over here & lot lives in the pmd world :D two sides of the same coin, if you will :>

but don't be too surprised if someone asks you what the difference is.
i'll look out for that, then :3
Awesome! But what if you decide you want to change outfits? That could get to be a lot of work if you draw too many.

then... if i decide that, i'll just paste the new outfit over it & do another version :woop:
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yeah, it was :D
i don't have vegi nuggets & chips too often over there :3
Spoiler: i don't usually do photos of me, but.... vegi nuggets & chips

I love how soft your coat looks!

that's true :>

my human-sona lives in the human-world over here & lot lives in the pmd world :D two sides of the same coin, if you will :>

That explination makes sense, though it might help further if you also say something like your human-sona lives in the anime or main game world. Most people should be able to understand the difference if you put something like that in with your explination. ^^

i'll look out for that, then :3


then... if i decide that, i'll just paste the new outfit over it & do another version :woop:

I see, then it shouldn't be too much work then after all. ^^
I love how soft your coat looks!
thanks :D
yeah, it is pretty soft :love:
That explanation makes sense, though it might help further if you also say something like your human-sona lives in the anime or main game world. Most people should be able to understand the difference if you put something like that in with your explanation. ^^
ok :D
my human-sona's both in the human world (outside of the anime or game world) AND in the main game :woop: i'm not sure about the anime... though i did do my team wiki fanon page that i showed before :3 - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wiki/The_Pokemon_Journey_of_charlotte

''the two sides of the same coin'' that i said before - i think is part of the reason why i want to try making the lucky ribbon as a scarf :3
I see, then it shouldn't be too much work then after all. ^^

also... i was just thinking about pokemon dash... where pikachu is the the racer - https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_Dash#Single_player
but for me, it'd be me, lot the pikachu... but i think i'd slow down a lot... cause i'm not a fast runner at all :hattremhuh: 😯 i wonder if i can implament that somewhere into the red rescue/dx/scarlet pmd one where I meet lot the pikachu somehow :hattremhuh: 😯 :woop:
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WOW... One thing is for absolutely certain. No one can ever accuse you of not researching the geography of the locations you want to use in your stories!
Though I must also admit that this kinda stuff goes waaaaay over my head. :p
do you remember heart & her pokemon? :woop: https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Heart's_pokemon_journey#her_pokemon

i made a 'what if she had pokemon based on animals that can lay eggs' heart's pokemon list :>
charmander as her starter...
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
ok :D
my human-sona's both in the human world (outside of the anime or game world) AND in the main game :woop: i'm not sure about the anime... though i did do my team wiki fanon page that i showed before :3 - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wiki/The_Pokemon_Journey_of_charlotte

''the two sides of the same coin'' that i said before - i think is part of the reason why i want to try making the lucky ribbon as a scarf :3

Wouldn't your human-sona being outside of the Pokemon world just be actual you though? :hattremhuh:

also... i was just thinking about pokemon dash... where pikachu is the the racer - https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_Dash#Single_player
but for me, it'd be me, lot the pikachu... but i think i'd slow down a lot... cause i'm not a fast runner at all :hattremhuh: 😯 i wonder if i can implament that somewhere into the red rescue/dx/scarlet pmd one where I meet lot the pikachu somehow :hattremhuh: 😯 :woop:

I've never even heard of that game before! I'm sure there's a way that you can include it, even if it's just as a 'side story' or something for the fun of it.

do you remember heart & her pokemon? :woop: https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Heart's_pokemon_journey#her_pokemon

i made a 'what if she had pokemon based on animals that can lay eggs' heart's pokemon list :>
charmander as her starter...
View attachment 157494

I do remember Heart! And where did you come up with the idea for a list of Pokemon teams of animals that can lay eggs?
You know what's funny? I don't recall them ever making a chicken Pokemon! How weird is that? XD
Wouldn't your human-sona being outside of the Pokemon world just be actual you though? :hattremhuh:
exactly :D
I've never even heard of that game before! I'm sure there's a way that you can include it, even if it's just as a 'side story' or something for the fun of it.


i own the game.. but i haven't played it in donkey's years 😯

I do remember Heart! And where did you come up with the idea for a list of Pokemon teams of animals that can lay eggs?
i just thought of it randomly one time & then again today :3 i mean, dogs laying eggs? never 😯 *joking of course, i love growlithe :love:*

what'd you think of it, i wonder? :woop:
You know what's funny? I don't recall them ever making a chicken Pokemon! How weird is that? XD
torchic is the rooster zodiac... that's kinda like a chicken :3
i own the game.. but i haven't played it in donkey's years 😯

Did you enjoy it when you played it last?

i just thought of it randomly one time & then again today :3 i mean, dogs laying eggs? never 😯 *joking of course, i love growlithe :love:*
what'd you think of it, i wonder? :woop:

I thought it was neat, and a very interesting concept for building a Pokemon team. Would make for an interesting challenge run idea.

torchic is the rooster zodiac... that's kinda like a chicken :3

*Shrug* I don't know anything about zodiacs to say. :p
I do remember Heart! And where did you come up with the idea for a list of Pokemon teams of animals that can lay eggs?
i kinda want her teams to be that list actually :3
& have kadi the growlithe as heart's house pet & have her stay at home with heart's mum :3

i'm glad you like her teams :D

her charmander, fairi .. she won't be evolving beyond charmeleon... :> & she doesn't have mantine anymore

also... i updated it a bit :3 i may be biased with johto... i want her to have been born in ''Happy Town'' It is located between Cherrygrove City and Violet City.
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
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I do remember Heart! And where did you come up with the idea for a list of Pokemon teams of animals that can lay eggs?
i think i actually want her to be from hoenn *basically for better chances of not leveling up in the nursery/daycare* & i'd like her to be from foothill town :3 - https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Foothill_Town

& i updated my teams for that :3
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

& her previous pokemon are now her mum's pokemon :3
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
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yeah, but when torchic evolves fully into blaziken, he will be :3

Regardless if Game Freak ment for Blaziken to be a chicken or not, it certainly doesn't look like one to me.

i think i've almost finished my human-sona ref :D

View attachment 157523

That's great!

i kinda want her teams to be that list actually :3
& have kadi the growlithe as heart's house pet & have her stay at home with heart's mum :3

i'm glad you like her teams :D

her charmander, fairi .. she won't be evolving beyond charmeleon... :> & she doesn't have mantine anymore

also... i updated it a bit :3 i may be biased with johto... i want her to have been born in ''Happy Town'' It is located between Cherrygrove City and Violet City.
View attachment 157519

It's a good list of teammates. Lots of iconic Pokemon on it!

i think i actually want her to be from hoenn *basically for better chances of not leveling up in the nursery/daycare* & i'd like her to be from foothill town :3 - https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Foothill_Town

& i updated my teams for that :3
View attachment 157569

& her previous pokemon are now her mum's pokemon :3
View attachment 157570

I see. Less common choices, but that also helps her stand out among Pokemon trainers. It's also cool because it lets those less common ones have some spotlight as well!

i made this today :3

View attachment 157578
i'm not too good at drawing charmanders... but i think i did well with this one :3
Spoiler: backpack ver

I think you did a good job drawing Charmander! You also did a good job showing how much Heart cares for her!
Regardless if Game Freak ment for Blaziken to be a chicken or not, it certainly doesn't look like one to me.
yeah.... i kinda get that :o

That's great!
which expression do you like/is your favourite, i wonder? :D
It's a good list of teammates. Lots of iconic Pokemon on it!
I see. Less common choices, but that also helps her stand out among Pokemon trainers. It's also cool because it lets those less common ones have some spotlight as well!

:love: i still need to choose a 6th & final pokemon for galar :>

& her ''before pokemon'' are her mum's pokemon now :> all of them :D

heart's from foothill town in the anime https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Foothill_Town, but in the games... Verdanturf Town which is also near foothill town :3 https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Verdanturf_Town#In_the_anime

whether it's the game or the anime, it's not all that far from littleroot town :3 : heart just goes through Rusturf Tunnel , then walk down Route 116 till she gets to rustburo city, then walk through Petalburg Woods & down Route 104 till she gets to Petalburg City , then walk on down Route 102 till she gets to Oldale Town & then after that, she goes down Route 101 & then it's littleroot town, if she were to go get a starter from birch :>
I think you did a good job drawing Charmander! You also did a good job showing how much Heart cares for her!
:D :love:
yeah, she really does ^^ she gave her a silk scarf too that also acts as the everstone :D
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I see. Less common choices, but that also helps her stand out among Pokemon trainers. It's also cool because it lets those less common ones have some spotlight as well!
i forgot that dogs like poochyena & rockruff don't lay eggs... so i gave them to heart's mum to have :3
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

so i gave heart back her oricorio in alola & her mudkip in hoenn :3
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
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Regardless if Game Freak ment for Blaziken to be a chicken or not, it certainly doesn't look like one to me.

i made the shiny dex for the potle region :3

i have 20 shinies in the shiny dex so far :> the blanks of the other ones i've done so far are the ones i still need to make shinies of :woop:
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

also, i inverted the colours & remade pibabi's shiny :3
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

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