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Lot's WiP comic and general talk

That's good! And one important thing you should know if you don't already, you need to have completed the main story in Paldea before you get to finish the second DLC story... So it's good you're working on doing some of that now. Though you can still do all of Teal Mask without doing much in Paldea at all.
i'm in kitakami now, & considering i only have 4 badges right now, the trainers pokemon that i battled, which was a couple at the moment... & wild pokemon are low level :o
i got my oshawott, deino, fennekin, hoppip *which was lv 7 from the start* & little passimian to lv 9, lv 8, lv 11, lv 8 & lv 10 respectively :3
oh, really? thanks for that :3

Of course! (y)

koraidon has all his powers back now, & i've gotten the grass knot, seed bomb, stomping tantrum, leaf storm, smart strike tms, so now i'm headed to kitakami :D

Awesome! I hope you have a good time exploring!

wow, that's big :love: i love! :love:

Me too! If I had the money for one I'd totally get it! ^^

here :3
it's in the corner :>
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

Neat! I get the inspiration now! Makes me wish those kinds of flowers grew in my area...

edit at 2:28 pm: also.... i drew a little oranguru today... he's grookey sized :>

i think simi the little passimian is cuter, though :3

I'd say that's because the base look of Oranguru isn't as cute as the base look of Passimian. Your drawing looks just fine to me! ^^

i'm in kitakami now, & considering i only have 4 badges right now, the trainers pokemon that i battled, which was a couple at the moment... & wild pokemon are low level :o
i got my oshawott, deino, fennekin, hoppip *which was lv 7 from the start* & little passimian to lv 9, lv 8, lv 11, lv 8 & lv 10 respectively :3

There are a few trainers there that have VERY high level end game Pokemon, so be careful which random trainers you challenge. The ones you've gotta look out for are wearing green and red 'Ogrepon' inspired masks.
Of course! (y)
Awesome! I hope you have a good time exploring!
i am :D
Me too! If I had the money for one I'd totally get it! ^^
Neat! I get the inspiration now! Makes me wish those kinds of flowers grew in my area...
I'd say that's because the base look of Oranguru isn't as cute as the base look of Passimian. Your drawing looks just fine to me! ^^
thanks :woop:
There are a few trainers there that have VERY high level end game Pokemon, so be careful which random trainers you challenge. The ones you've gotta look out for are wearing green and red 'Ogrepon' inspired masks.
green and red ogrepon mask wearing trainers? ok, got it :3

the lvs of my babies right now :>
i gave them a couple of rare candies & exp candy xs & s once i got to kitakami when they, minus papu were still lv 1 & then i battled a couple of low lv trainers & now they're these lvs :D
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

yeah, i changed lin the fennekin's name to ''kin'' you know, the kin i was gonna use in one of the pmd's :D

& i was thinking ''your dad taught you a really strong fire move, didn't he, kin? :o '' *heat wave, by the way :> *
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There are a few trainers there that have VERY high level end game Pokemon, so be careful which random trainers you challenge. The ones you've gotta look out for are wearing green and red 'Ogrepon' inspired masks.
speaking of which: i just found one, by the name of raikiri in a cave on oni mountain... i saved first.. but his raichu was so strong that my dewott got rekt *i never use that word :o * so i went back to the main screen of the switch & i went back into the game :> & then i ran away 😅

also, i made a new potle region yesterday :3
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
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speaking of which: i just found one, by the name of raikiri in a cave on oni mountain... i saved first.. but his raichu was so strong that my dewott got rekt *i never use that word :o * so i went back to the main screen of the switch & i went back into the game :> & then i ran away 😅

Haha! Yeah, I wasn't joking when I said how strong they are. :p But you should have no problem battling them after you finish the Indigo Disk storyline!

It looks really nice!

Wow! You've got a ton of plushies! It'll take you a while to finish your custom Dex it seems. :p
Haha! Yeah, I wasn't joking when I said how strong they are. :p But you should have no problem battling them after you finish the Indigo Disk storyline!
my babies will be fully evolved by then, minus sumi the little passimian & egu the ogrepon :D

samu's already a dewott, kin's already a braixen & papu's already a skiploom :3

... & samu's dad said that he won't teach him smart strike till he's fully grown : o *aka, he can't learn it till he's a samurott*
It looks really nice!
thanks :3
Wow! You've got a ton of plushies! It'll take you a while to finish your custom Dex it seems. :p
yeah, i do :D
& yeah, probably, at the slow pace i'm going at : o but as we know, i've already used quite a few of them for pokemon :D...
minus a couple of my pokemon plushes & my digimon plushes & my cappy plush from hamtaro... i won't use them ...

but my other cabbage patch kids dolls.... it seems reasonable to use them as gym leaders maybe :3

also.... sorry about my bucket in that one photo >.< i didn't fully realize it was in shot <.>
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my babies will be fully evolved by then, minus sumi the little passimian & egu the ogrepon :D

samu's already a dewott, kin's already a braixen & papu's already a skiploom :3

... & samu's dad that he won't teach him smart strike till he's fully grown : o *aka, he can't learn it till he's a samurott*

They'll need to be, ID isn't an easy DLC zone! :p

yeah, i do :D
& yeah, probably, at the slow pace i'm going at : o but as we know, i've already used quite a few of them for pokemon :D...
minus a couple of my pokemon plushes & my digimon plushes & my cappy plush from hamtaro... i won't use them ...

but my other cabbage patch kids dolls.... it seems reasonable to use them as gym leaders maybe :3

Yeah, it'd be weird for Digimon to randomly show up in a Pokemon world haha. :p

also.... sorry about my bucket in that one photo >.< i didn't fully realize it was in shot <.>

Funny enough, I didn't even notice it until you mentioned it.
They'll need to be, ID isn't an easy DLC zone! :p
i made a new potle region pokemon yesterday :D

the evolved form of chiffrin

[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

edit at 10:55 pm: also... i caught ogerpon & named her ''midori'' the japanese word for green... basic, i know, but eh... i suits her so much :D
she's lonely nature... i found out that's fixed... she takes plenty of siestas it seems & she's lv 20 :>

i'll bet you she'll be lonely nature in my mellow, topaz scarlet pmd, too.... :3
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Nice! My mother actually had an old plush dog that looked kinda like that! Really neat.

edit at 10:55 pm: also... i caught ogerpon & named her ''midori'' the japanese word for green... basic, i know, but eh... i suits her so much :D
she's lonely nature... i found out that's fixed... she takes plenty of siestas it seems & she's lv 20 :>

i'll bet you she'll be lonely nature in my mellow, topaz scarlet pmd, too.... :3

You've gotta admit though that having a lonely nature does fit with her story in the DLC though. :p And Midori's a nice name! I called her Elliepon myself. ^^
Nice! My mother actually had an old plush dog that looked kinda like that! Really neat.
i made a new pokemon for my pokemon region that is a combo of the kyou region & the awaniko region today :D
*with a little of hokkaido, Kasai, honshu & tokyo... & a little of shikoku, which is near honshu & a little of the Kansai region*

the region's called ''the kyoawa region'' by the way :3
kyou means ''today'' & awa means ''bubble'' or ''foam'' in japanese :>

umm... well... the first stage, this one was slightly seen in the anime... 😅 but i put it in this region :>
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

i'm still in progress of putting the pokemon that i have so far that i want to put in it in place, though :3

here's what i have in there so far :>

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i made a new pokemon for my pokemon region that is a combo of the kyou region & the awaniko region today :D
*with a little of hokkaido, Kasai, honshu & tokyo... & a little of shikoku, which is near honshu & a little of the Kansai region*

the region's called ''the kyoawa region'' by the way :3
kyou means ''today'' & awa means ''bubble'' or ''foam'' in japanese :>

Cool! Why did you choose that name out of curiosity?

It's nice! I also really like moths!

i'm still in progress of putting the pokemon that i have so far that i want to put in it in place, though :3

here's what i have in there so far :>

That is a very long list 0_0 (lots of blank white area under the list of Pokemon) did you make it that way so you wouldn't run out of room if you wanted to add a whole bunch of Pokemon?
Cool! Why did you choose that name out of curiosity?

well... the ''kyo'' is just a shortened version of the ''kyou'' region... & the ''awa'' just comes from the ''awaniko'' region which is ''okinawa'' backwards :D
so that's why :>
also, cause it sounds cute :love:
It's nice! I also really like moths!
i'm glad you like it :3
i think kyoawan mothim came out so cute :love:
That is a very long list 0_0 (lots of blank white area under the list of Pokemon) did you make it that way so you wouldn't run out of room if you wanted to add a whole bunch of Pokemon?
that's right:woop:
do you like what's in there so far, i wonder? :D

personally, i feel glad for kyoawan paras & parasect, cause they don't get mushrooms growing on their backs in that region :3
i love normal paras, too, though ^^
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well... the ''kyo'' is just a shortened version of the ''kyou'' region... & the ''awa'' just comes from the ''awaniko'' region which is ''okinawa'' backwards :D
so that's why :>

I kinda get it. :p

also, cause it sounds cute :love:

Haha! Yeah, that's true. ^^

i'm glad you like it :3
i think kyoawan mothim came out so cute :love:

I agree! Very cute indeed!

that's right:woop:
do you like what's in there so far, i wonder? :D

personally, i feel glad for kyoawan paras & parasect, cause they don't get mushrooms growing on their backs in that region :3
i love normal paras, too, though ^^

I do indeed! I should have said so earlier haha. Just got destracted by how much more list space there was. 😅

Paras is a cool Pokemon. ^^

i redesigned the speech for na & alo today :D
& had tsuki the teddiursa the one who'll meet them instead :3

Neat! But why switch out Fen for Tsuki I wonder?
I kinda get it. :p
Haha! Yeah, that's true. ^^
I agree! Very cute indeed!
I do indeed! I should have said so earlier haha. Just got distracted by how much more list space there was. 😅

Paras is a cool Pokemon. ^^
Neat! But why switch out Fen for Tsuki I wonder?

cause how are they gonna tie their defense scarfs around their necks if na & alo can't stand up like other meowth can.... they'll need help to do that... :>

they're gonna recruit fen anyway :D

& tsuki was originally gonna be in the comic that i made this thread for, so i thought why not :D

i'm thinking of making tsuki part fairy type, with the help of skytemple, by the way, cause she can learn a few fairy type moves *charm, baby doll eyes, play rough*
:love: :coolrim:

also... i did this today :D
with what i'm wearing right now :3
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
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cause how are they gonna tie their defense scarfs around their necks if na & alo can't stand up like other meowth can.... they'll need help to do that... :>

they're gonna recruit fen anyway :D

& tsuki was originally gonna be in the comic that i made this thread for, so i thought why not :D

Those are all very good reasons! ^^ Especially the first one haha, I didn't think of that. :p

i'm thinking of making tsuki part fairy type, with the help of skytemple, by the way, cause she can learn a few fairy type moves *charm, baby doll eyes, play rough*
:love: :coolrim:

Do you mean that's actually a mechanic of the game, something you're just going to do for the comic, or are you going to draw a custom Teddiursa character like you have for your own regions? Never played the game, so I don't know haha. :p

also... i did this today :D
with what i'm wearing right now :3
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Very nice! ^^