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PokéCommunity Daily: Make-a-Mega 2 - Complete

  • 25,778

    We all know that there's a lot of Pokemon that just plain suck competitively. However, the introduction of mega-evolution as a mechanic allowed many Pokemon that would otherwise be very weak to suddenly become very usable. In the case of some Pokemon (ie. Lucario or Mawile), their mega-evolutions give them such a boost that they jump from lower tiers into Ubers.

    So, for the Daily series Make-a-Mega, we're going to take a Pokemon that is ordinarily quite weak and create a mega-evolution that will render it usable in a higher tier. In the Make-a-Mega just passed, we took Roserade and turned it into a powerful sweeper with a dashing design for its new Mega. Now it's time to do the same for another Pokemon. First we'll select which Pokemon we'll focus on, then as we develop its typing, ability and stats PC's dazzling artists over in Art & Design will develop a design.

    Week-by-week breakdown

    Week One: Pokemon is determined
    Week Two: A&D work begins, type change (if any) is determined.
    Week Three: Stat changes are determined.
    Week Four: Ability change (if any) is determined. Featured design is selected.

    Each week (excluding the artwork) is broken down into three days where ideas are suggested and then a four day poll to determine which idea we apply. The article is then written and published as the next polling process begins.


    1. The chosen Pokemon must be fully-evolved or have no evolutions.
    2. It should not already possess a mega-evolution.
    3. It must be from a tier below OU.

    Previous Selections
    1. Roserade

    Mismagius, until it is chosen. :P
    Zoroark has always been wasted potential. A better typing (e.g. Dark/Poison with poison-tipped hair and claws, it even learns Sludge Bomb) and defenses would help it take advantage of Illusion better. 90 Def / 150 SAtk / 90 SDef / 115 Spe or 100 Def / 150 SAtk / 100 SDef / 95 Spe are possible stats. As far as I know, nothing can tank a +2 Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, or Focus Blast well, so a slower Zoroark would be less overpowered.

    Rock-types are rare in OU. Kabutops would be an interesting choice. It arguably has a better chance than a lot of other Rock-types because it could be given high Speed to make up for its weaknesses.

    If I can only nominate one, I'd go with Zoroark.
    Torkoal. It is a very underrated pokémon which really need some attention to become a very nice physical wall, maybe a double type to have more resistances/recieve neutral damage to Stealth Rock ? Maybe an ability to let it tank more attacks (filter, regenerator) ? Or maybe more power ?
    From the suggestions above, I'd want to go with Zoroark. Mismagius (FAIRY GHOST) and Tentacruel would be good, too.

    I'd also like to see either Mega Luxray or Mega Dunsparce. Luxray looks very cool but is surprisingly useless and Dunsparce is... Dunsparce. Let's give it an ability that triples secondary effect chance. :)
    Tentacruel has an AMAZING typing and a very solid movepool. We could make it into a bulkier spinner or even go down a more offensive route with it. It has access to Swords Dance which is cute.
    We have recently had a water/fire typing added to ou. So was looking for some pokemon with typings like that.
    And ludicolo popped in front of me.Interested to see a mega of ludicolo
    I'd like to see either a Mega Snorlax or Mega Tentacruel...oh well, since so many people seem to want Tentacruel, I think I'll go with that for my selection.
    I would also like to suggest Weezing. It would be great if it became a really bulky Poison/Fire type Pokemon while retaining Levitate. Although it gains some weaknesses but now you can no longer burn it and it gets STAB on flamethrower and fire blast.

    Miltank is another Pokemon that should get a Mega since it has some cool abilities like Thick Fat and Sap Sipper that can let it easily switch into. Its move pool is also amazing with support moves like Stealth Rocks, Thunder Wave, Heal Bell and Milk Drink, while its offensive moves includes additions like Dynamic Punch, Power-up punch, earthquake, hammer arm, the elemental punches and all the flinching moves. Honestly a mega evolution could turn this NU beast into a top tier threat.
    Oh my! Two Poison-types as the top choices, and right after a Poison-type has been done before. (Granted, Roserade and Tentacruel are both secondary Poison, but...) I love it!

    Well, I loved James in the animé, so I guess I'll go with Weezing. It could raise its SpDef to be a better-rounded wall, and get a different ability, to compensate for his improved defenses.
    I'm completely on board with Dark/Poison Wheezing with Levitate. No weaknesses, lots of bulk. Haze. Super stall all the way!

    Kabutops would also be great. Give it an "ate" ability that turns normal type moves into water type moves (Hydrate?) and watch it destroy things in the rain. You'd keep the rain boost for the first turn because changes to turn order don't happen until next turn, and then annihilate everything with water stab rain boosted double edge. 65 points to speed to put it up to a good tier, 35 to attack to make it hit even harder. I see no problem here.

    Last one. Bulk up Furret, give it Friend Guard and it would become the best doubles support Pokémon. It gets the coveted Follow Me, but can't make any use of it because of its terrible defensive stats. Helping Hand/Friend Guard is a nasty combo, too. 25% less damage and 50% more attack - yes please!

    If you only pick one, pick Kabutops, though. Kabutops would be so good.
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