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~Make A Wish and have it horribly corrupted ~

Granted i hypnotize all cast to be there characters forever!

i wish i finish writing faster.
Granted, but it's unreadable!

I wish to wear cool clothes!
Granted, but you can no longer swim!!!

I wish for a reading nook!
Geschonken. Het is slechter dan Google Translate, begrijpt de context niet en bevat vaak grammaticale fouten, leestekenfouten, woordfouten en veel kevers. En je kunt het nooit uitzetten.

I wish I lived in the EU.
Granted, but every country in the EU suddenly decides to introduce absurd taxes specifically targeting you, and your favorite food gets banned in every single one of them.

I wish I could control time. (๑˘︶˘๑)
Granted but the weather is never safe enough for you!

I wish I could teleport!