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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Alright, I'm going to take on the Ultimate Monocolor Challenge, Yellow style.

Username: Dr. Slavic
Color: Yellow
Game: All of them
Ultimate: I will
First and only update for my red challenge! :D

Why do you have a Krabby for the Brock fight? Charmander's available right from the start, meaning you didn't need/weren't permitted to hack anything in. Just sayin'

Anyways, (final) update time!

Ultimate Red Monocolor Challenge SoulSilver Update #6 (FINAL)

-Called up all the gym leaders about 5 times to get the XP, then grinded up the old fashioned way on Mt. Silver till everyone was around 70
-Red wasn`t as messy as it could have been. Pyke and Zed were the star players

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

The Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Umberto the Scizor ♀, Lv.69
Ability: Technician
-Wing Attack
-Iron Head
-Night Slash

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Stannis the Magmortar ♂, Lv.70 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Flame Body
-Sunny Day
-Focus Blast

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pyke the Red Gyarados ♂, Lv.70
Ability: Intimidate
-Ice Fang
-Dragon Dance

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ygritte the Jynx ♀, Lv.70 @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Oblivious
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
-Fake Tears

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zed the Porygon-Z, Lv.70 @ Magnet
Ability: Adaptability
-Conversion 2
-Tri Attack
-Shadow Ball

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-- UPDATE 1 --​

First update for the Monocolor Challenge, took down the first 3 gyms and caught my first 3 Pokemon.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

~-~ Team ~-~

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sgt. Sting - Level 25
Poison Sting
Fury Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wheeler - Level 25
Mega Punch
Thunder Wave
Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sandman - Level 25
Body Slam

~-~ HM Slaves ~-~

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge


I am quiting this challenge. I was just at the Elite 4 but then the game froze and my save file....I don't know what happened to it.
Finally another post! I've got a new computer, so I can continue with my challenges. I just took down Red on Pokémon Gold. Long story short, I had 4 team members and breezed through Johto and Kanto without any major problems.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rose the Butterfree, Lv 65 (♀)
Item: Miracle Seed
Psychic, Toxic, Gust, Giga Drain

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Starlight the Togetic, Lv 65 (♂)
Item: Quick Claw
Fly, Sweet Kiss, Shadow Ball, Double-Edge

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Helen the Smeargle, Lv 65 (♀)
Item: Soft Sand
Fire Punch, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Leech Seed

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Taylor the Dewgong, Lv 65 (♂)
Item: Leftovers
Surf, Headbutt, Ice Beam, Waterfall
Ultimate Red Monocolor Challenge Platinum Update #1

Name: Scarlet
Starter: Chimchar

-Got started, caught Copper the Kricketot right away on route 202
-Copper evolved into a Kircketune after the Barry fight on Route 203
-Roark was surprisingly easy, just used an X Defend then spammed Fury Cutter
-Gardenia was dead simple, due in no small portion to my overleveled-ness
-Got cut from Cynthia, went back to the Old Chateau and caught Casper the Rotom :)
-Took care of Team Galactic in That One Bad Guy Place
-Went to route 211 and caught Dhyana the Meditite
-Got the TM for Brick Break from Oreburgh Gate to teach to Dhyana
-Fantima was actually pretty tough, needed to be strategic for once
-Got to route 210 where we saw the return of Umberto the Scyther :D
-Caught Umberto up with everyone else super easily, then everyone had a hand at Maylene's demise, because they all had a type advantage over at least one of her pokemans.


The Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Casper the Rotom, Lv. 29 @ Spell Tag
Ability: Levitate
-Shock Wave
-Confuse Ray
-Ominous Wind

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dhyana the Meditite ♀, Lv. 30 @ Mind Plate
Ability: Pure Power
-Hidden Power (Ground)
-Calm Mind
-Brick Break

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Umberto the Scyther ♀, Lv. 31 @ Cleanse Tag
Ability: Technician
-Fury Cutter
-Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Copper the Kricketune ♀, Lv. 29
Ability: Swarm
-Fury Cutter
-Focus Energy

HM Slaves:
Chimchar: Cut, Rock Smash
Staravia: Defog
2 gyms of my Red Johto challenge complete! :D
Hey man, why are you using Slugma and Octilliry at the beginning? there are plenty of red pokemon before the first gym, and besides, when you hack in something, only one is allowed. Please read the rules completely before continuing, and you need to start over and do it correctly, please.

On a side note, next time you post an image that big, use a spoiler tag so it doesn't take up so much space on the page, please.
Hey man, why are you using Slugma and Octilliry at the beginning? there are plenty of red pokemon before the first gym, and besides, when you hack in something, only one is allowed. Please read the rules completely before continuing, and you need to start over and do it correctly, please.

On a side note, next time you post an image that big, use a spoiler tag so it doesn't take up so much space on the page, please.

Didn't notice the 1 only but it shouldn't really matter too much that I hacked them in.

Also, there are no red pokemon before the first gym? I think Paras might appear.
There's Ledyba and Spinarak available (Ariados is considered red). It's tough, but it's what I had to do myself, so its only fair?
There's Ledyba and Spinarak available (Ariados is considered red). It's tough, but it's what I had to do myself, so its only fair?

I didn't know you could get those 2 before the first gym, I tell you what when I complete the challenge I will start again and rebeat the first gym with a spinarak and Ledyba
I didn't know you could get those 2 before the first gym, I tell you what when I complete the challenge I will start again and rebeat the first gym with a spinarak and Ledyba
Not the way it works, man. Nice try. Sorry, but you need to restart and play through the game correctly, other wise I won't count it.
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Happy now? I started again.

Gold Challenge Completed. Red was beaten, all 16 badges.
I didn't hack in 1 pokemon I did everything legitly. (Apart from the speed button).

Here is the proof:
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Gold Challenge Completed. Red was beaten, all 16 badges.
I didn't hack in 1 pokemon I did everything legitly. (Apart from the speed button).

I hate to point this out, I really do, but Ho-oh isn't allowed in the challenge. Only legendaries under a BST of 600 are permitted. It's right there in the rules, dude.
I hate to point this out, I really do, but Ho-oh isn't allowed in the challenge. Only legendaries under a BST of 600 are permitted. It's right there in the rules, dude.

You have to be kidding me? I didn't even notice...

Well if that run isn't going to count I am not doing it anymore, I already restarted once, then I got glitched when I got to brock and had to restart from the E4. I was up all night playing it.
Ruby finished! Began by catching Marilyn the Ralts, and later on added Ricky the Zangoose, Stache the Castform and Skull the Absol. The whole game was a piece of cake, honestly, and Castform was so much more useful than I thought it would be. It didn't really do anything in the Elite Four challenge, but other than that, it was awesome.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Marilyn the Gardevoir, Lv 51 (♀)
Item: Lax Incense
Psychic, Calm Mind, Toxic, Thunderbolt

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ricky the Zangoose, Lv 54 (♂)
Item: Soft Sand
Return, Brick Break, Swords Dance, Dig

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Stache the Castform, Lv 50 (♂)
Item: None
Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Facade, Thunder

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Skull the Absol, Lv 51 (♂)
Item: Charcoal
Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance
Hey, I'm playing FireRed, and I want Jynx in my party. But in order to do that, I gotta trade a Poliwhirl that is level at least level 25. Can I use Poliwag and level it up until 25 so I could get Jynx? Or I'm not allowed, since it's color is blue?
Hey, I'm playing FireRed, and I want Jynx in my party. But in order to do that, I gotta trade a Poliwhirl that is level at least level 25. Can I use Poliwag and level it up until 25 so I could get Jynx? Or I'm not allowed, since it's color is blue?
Yeah, just on wilds though, although you can get Poliwhirl in Viridian City with the Super Rod, which is easy to get, and I always get it before Fuchsia City, where the Good Rod is.