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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Ruby Red Mono-Color Challenge - Completed

I started this right after I completed Fire Red, got three badges in one night and came back to it after a while. I beat Flannery on Wednesday night, then Thursday I got the last four badges and yesterday I finished training, so today I took on the league. Once again, as with Y and Fire Red, I was refusing to use any healing items in battle and was on the Set battle style.

So here was my final team:

Final playing time: 22:58 - There were at least 3 1/2 hours in between Flannery and Norman. When I made it through Victory Road I had 19 hours. Then, three hours went into final training, and I had 24 Rare Candies because of Pickup. 20 minutes after that were backtracking and getting TMs.

I'd say overall I definitely enjoyed Fire Red more, but this one had some fun fights, Norman being my favorite battle in the game. I'll probably get started on White soon.
I got my first badge, but I was only using Snivy and I don't even know if I'm keeping him yet or not. So no big updates.
Username: Xilfer
Game: [Johto Legacy] Pokemon Christmas (Hack)
Ultimate: Still haven't mustered up the courage for that.
Props for using one of my favorite ROM hacks!
Update on Ultimate Blue Monocolor Challenge.

Final Update (#5) on Emerald!

  • Picked up in the Mossdeep Space Center, where I easily defeated Maxie for the third time.
  • Got the Dive HM from Steven, then used it to catch a Relicanth, then found the way into Sootopolis City.
  • Fished up a Wailmer with the Super Rod, evolved it into Wailord, then made my way to Pacifidlog Town.
  • When on the currents to unlock the Regis, then went to Route 105, where I caught Glacier the Regice.
  • Went underwater to defeat Team Aqua, and Titan finally evolved into Metagross!
  • Defeated Archie easily, then went to talk to Wallace in Sootopolis City.
  • Found Rayquaza in Sky Pillar, who calmed down Groudon and Kyogre, then took on the gym.
  • Juan wasn't difficult at all - Glacier soloed him with Thunderbolt and Ice Beam.
  • Went to Victory Road and defeated Wally, then made my way to the Pokémon League.
  • Did some grinding and Rare Candy-ing to get everyone to L55, finalized movesets, then took on the Elite Four.
  • First up was Sidney, who was soloed by Lagoon's Focus Punch and Ice Beam.
  • Titan barely broke a sweat against Pheobe after grabbing an Attack boost from Meteor Mash and sweeping with Shadow Ball.
  • Glacia was a little harder, but was handled with Tuba, Belle, and Glacier.
  • Drake was easily soloed by Glacier.
  • Finally Wallace was up. Here's a video and play-by-play of the fight:



Hall of Fame:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Team Blue (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Titan the Docile Metagross - L56 @ Sitrus Berry (poof!)
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Psychic, Shadow Ball
Final Stats: 181/184/167/129/125/102
Wallace co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lagoon the Sassy Swampert, ♂ - L56 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Surf, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Focus Punch
Final Stats: 199/157/128/130/122/73
Hoenn MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Swift the Adamant Swellow, ♀ - L55 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Guts
Moves: Return, Steel Wing, Quick Attack, Fly
Final Stats: 148/151/73/62/68/161
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Tuba the Mild Exploud, ♀ - L56 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Soundproof
Moves: Return, SolarBeam, Hyper Beam, Fire Blast
Final Stats: 206/124/81/152/95/123
Wallace co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Belle the Gentle Chimecho, ♀ - L55 @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Psychic, Psywave, Hidden Power (Electric), Calm Mind
Final Stats: 153/79/86/134/126/97
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Glacier the Regice - L56 @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Superpower
Final Stats: 187/80/145/144/257/72
Elite Four MVP

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Linoone - Pickup, Cut, Rock Smash, Strength [boxed]

Might as well post an update while I'm here.


The Manly Misadventure: Part 0.2

  • Went and grinded The Wiggs up to Marley's level. Decided to refrain from evolving her until she learns Double Edge.
  • Reached Ecruteak City. Upon grinding some more, just so happened to come across a wild Miltank. Caught it ofc. Name: Double L. (Well, I minimized my emulator while on the name screen to write a message to my friend and when I opened it up again she was named LL. Guess I forgot that the window's still running when inactive. For convenience's sake, went back to the Name Rater and named her Double L) Stupid I know.
  • Grinded Double L up a lot before heading to the gym. Sudden realization: Morty has ghosts and the majority of my Pokemon are Normal typed.
  • I go back to Goldenrod City and pick up TMs Ice Punch and Fire Punch; teach them to Wiggs and Double L respectively.
  • Obliterated Morty who could barely even touch my Normals.
  • Had a change of heart. I decided that considering the low amount of possible team members in the Johto area, I should go back and at least get Porygon.
  • Heaved a sigh of relief as Porygon joined my team. Name: Mack.
  • After grinding Double L up to my team's level, went to the Burned Tower to train Mack. There, I met the game's ROM hacker Mateo. He's a bro. We went and had some coffee before parting ways. Also I beat him in a Pokemon battle.
  • Now let's see who there is to beat up here...
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
  • k no im done
  • Marley tried to evolve abandon her manliness. The B button knows better.
  • Went ahead to Olivine City, training against trainers along the way, and went up the Lighthouse, triggering the event with Amphy. Currently on the way to Cianwood City, saved in the middle of the ocean.
  • On a side note, I have been carrying the HM Slaves Totodile and Growlithe around with me for Surf and Flame Ball.


Current Team

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
With the downtime on my Heart Gold Wedlocke, guess i'll hop into the next leg of my Ultimate here.

White Red Mono-Color Challenge - Update #1

Team Autumn:

So yeah, that's it for now.

The Manly Misadventure: Part 0.3

  • So after reaching Cianwood, tried to challenge the gym there, but almost got my ass handed to me by the first trainer. Realized I needed to level a bit first.
  • Que rigorous sea training montage. Such manliness.
  • Defeated the Cianwood gym with relative ease. Chuck probably had a training montage of his own after that.
  • Healed Amphy and got around to challenging the Olivine Gym. Admittedly, Steelix had me going there for a sec. My entire team technically got annihilated by him, but I found a Revive in my bag at the last minute and used it to revive a fainted Double L. Steelix beats Mack, but Double L revenge kills him with Fire Punch.
  • Decide that it's finally time to evolve Wiggs. He didn't get to learn Double Edge, but I'm sick of him being just a Jigglypuff. Now he's a Guildmaster!
  • Backtracked to get to Mahogany Town, where the Lake of Rage event initiated. Surprisingly, Red was there instead of Lance! That's pretty neat.
  • Red & Xilfer team up to kick Rocket's ass once more at the radio tower.
  • After another short training montage, went to beat Pryce. He was easy as heck. Thundershock and Fire Punch took care of the whole thing.
  • Currently saved in Mahogany Town, intending on travelling to the Battle Tower, because apparently Rocket's invading it. New event, much excite.

Current Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Update on Ultimate Blue Monocolor Challenge.

Update #1 on Platinum.

Name: Skye
Rival: Barry
Starter: Piplup

  • Started with Trident the Piplup, then caught Xavier the Shinx on Route 202.
  • Made my way to Oreburgh City, where I defeated Roark pretty easily, although Xavier was needed to finish off Cranidos.
  • After the battle, Trident evolved into Prinplup!
  • Continued on to Florama Town, and Xavier evolved into Luxio!
  • Defeated Team Galactic at the Valley Windworks, where I beat Mars.
  • Went through Eterna Forest to Eterna City, and defeated Gardenia with a team effort after 1 loss.
  • Battled Team Galactic again in the TG Eterna Building, and easily defeated Jupiter with Xavier.
  • It took me a few visits to the Underground, but I eventually found a Skull Fossil, which was revived into Basher the Cranidos.
  • Went to the secret part of Wayward Cave, where I caught Gratch the Gible (yay for SoT ref).
  • I am now saved in the large part of Wayward Cave after meeting up with Mira.

Team Skye:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Gratch the Lonely Gible, ♂ - L20
Ability: Sand Veil
Moves: Earthquake, Dragon Rage, Sandstorm, Cut
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Basher the Hasty Cranidos, ♂ - L24 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Mold Breaker
Moves: Rock Tomb, Assurance, Take Down, Scary Face
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Xavier the Brave Luxio, ♂ - L27 @ Dread Plate
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Spark, Bite, Tackle, Charge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Trident the Gentle Prinplup, ♂ - L27 @ Splash Plate
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Bubblebeam, Metal Claw, Pluck, Bide

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Psyduck - Rock Smash, Flash

So it has been awhile since I updated but I haven't made that much progress with my laptop breaking permanently(My reaction = {D:} >:( ;-;) and me spending most of my time studying for exams and my g1 drivers license that I passed today.^^

Update 2:
- Without a ride to Castelia City I decided to go to Pokestar Studio's to make a film
- On my way back to Virbank I saw some neo-Team Plasma grunts that needed a beating
- Flushed the neo Plasma grunt out of the sewers in Castelia
- I caught a Timburr and named him Chip for some HM's
- Baconator just charged though Burgh's gym
- I beat Colress on Route whatever it is
- I caught a Sandile named Ray (Krookodile is red plus not sure if I'm gonna use him yet)
- I caught a Dwebble that I named PB (short for Peanut Butter look at Crustle's shell)
- Taxxon evolved into Scolipede
- After getting swept by a f**king double teaming Emolga I put Ray into my party and ground everyone up to lvl 36
- Baconator evolved into Emboar, PB evolved into Crustle, Ray evolved into Krokorok
- Ray moxie swept Elesa with Dig and Rock Tomb

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Gym Leaders:
It's high time I did another Mono Color.
Username: Buzz Buzz
Color: Yellow
Game: White 2
Ultimate: No
It's high time I did another Mono Color.
Username: Buzz Buzz
Color: Yellow
Game: White 2
Ultimate: No

I was thinking of doing a Mono-Color Yellow, however, not the same game. It'll be after Mono-Color Green, which is after Mono-Color Red.

Anyway, big news, my Pawniard is fully attack EV trained, and has evolved into a Bisharp. However, that Modest nature is still getting the best of her...
Can I get some clarification? Based on the fact Pokemon XY has access to the Pokemon Bank, are we allowed to use any pokemon we wish or only the ones that appear naturally in Kalos? Doesn't make a difference to my starter but it's more of a clarification so I know when planning my team.
Can I get some clarification? Based on the fact Pokemon XY has access to the Pokemon Bank, are we allowed to use any pokemon we wish or only the ones that appear naturally in Kalos? Doesn't make a difference to my starter but it's more of a clarification so I know when planning my team.
Only the ones that appear naturally, unless you are playing a color that allows for the trade rule to apply, and even then you still need to use Pokémon that are in the regional dex.
Really don't feel like posting a big update right now. Too lazy. I'll just summarize what happened I guess.

So I went through the event with Team Rocket at the battle tower and beat 'em once and for all, yada yada yada. After that, there remained only one gym: Claire's. Getting through Ice Path was a pain. Training to beat Claire was also a pain. And so was actually beating Claire. But ultimately I beat her, got the Dragon Fang thingy, got my badge, and set off for the league.

At Tohjo Falls, happened to run into a Slowpoke. Finally. Caught it and named it Kirby. Backtracked to go find a King's Rock, in hopes of evolving it into Slowking. Found King's Rock, and discovered a crapton of Slowpokes already available in said cave's water. Even some wild Slowbros. After feeling stupid for missing all that, picked up the King's Rock, but remembered that in this game you cannot trade. Dreams ruined. Just go to grind and eventually level Kirby up into a Slowbro instead.

Currently saved at the league, trained and ready to take on the Johto E4 and Champion. From what I've heard, apparently Red is already the champ in this hack.

Present Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Username: SuperEspeon
Color: Green
Game: Sapphire
Ultimate: Sure

Heres the team:
Last edited:
Username: Absolus
Colour: Yellow
Game: Leaf Green
Ultimate: No

Just to check, because I can get Kakuna, Beedrill and Pikachu before the first gym I won't be able to use my starter for that gym? I presume it is the case that as soon as I can get a Pokemon of my colour I must stop using my starter?