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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Just to check, because I can get Kakuna, Beedrill and Pikachu before the first gym I won't be able to use my starter for that gym? I presume it is the case that as soon as I can get a Pokemon of my colour I must stop using my starter?
Yes as soon as you can get a pokemon of the colour chosen you box the starter.
Sorry for not updateing for a long time again, but i have a new pc now so grinding will be a LOT easier. ^^ So, i try to re-do my game as i wrote it down and maybe post an update tomorrow. ^^
Username: or19937
Colour: Cream ;)
Game: Pokemon Crystal
Ultimate: No

Journal entry #1:

* Chose Cyndaquil as my starter. It's a male and I named it Badgex

* Caught a male Pidgey, named it Tweetbox.

* Badgex evolved.

* Defeated Falkner and the Bellsprout tower.

* Went through Union Cave and caught a Sandshrew. Will use it as a cut slave.

* Defeated team rocket at the Slowpoke Well.

* Tweetbox evolved.

* Defeated Bugsy and Silver.

* Got HM01 CUT and taught it to Sandshrew.

Current team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Badgex, lvl23 male.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Tweetbox, lvl19, male.
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Update to my team guys! I've decided that instead of using Bellossom, I will be using Sceptile. It just makes more sense to me, like durr, thats the starter pokemon. Anyways, here it is.

Journal Entry #1

Chose treecko as my starter, named it Speedy.
Defeated Rival, Speedy grew to Lv. 6
Grinded in wild grass on the way to Oldale town, Speedy grew to Level 7.
All in all, between the tutorials and wild pokemon Speedy reached level 10.
Made my way to Petalburg City after battling trainers on Route 103.
Did all that crap with your Dad and catching wally a pokemon, Ill spare you the details.
On route 104, caught a wurmple! Thought I was going to need to wait until Petalburg Woods, but I guess not. Nicknamed it Sulfuerox
Grinded with Sulfuerox and got it to Level 7. It evolved into Cascoon. YAY!
Grinded a bit more, Cascoon evolved into Dustox, Level 10!
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sulfuerox - Level 10

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Speedy - Level 14
Leaf Green Yellow Mono-Colour run - Update 1
It begins!

> Started with an unwanted Squirtle. Quickly progressed up to Viridian forest and caught a Weedle (nickname Hanzo). Deposited Squirtle to the eternal prison of the PC.
> Quickly evolved Weedle to the desired Beedrill, grinded for a while in preparation for the dreaded Pewter City gym.
> Challenged Brock with Hanzo at level 16. Managed to win first time by maxing defense with harden whilst facing Geodude, healing, then whittling down Geodude and then Onix by poisoning them and then whittling them down with Fury Attack (with boosted crit chance from Focus Energy). Claimed the Boulderbadge!
> After multiple trips back to the Pokemon center, made it through Mt Moon and arrived at Cerulean City
> Caught a Sandshrew on route 4. Nicknamed Bolin.

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hanzo (Beedrill ♂) - Lvl 27 - No Item
Moves: Twineedle, Focus Energy, Harden, Fury Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bolin (Sandshrew ♂) - Lvl 19 - No Item
Moves: Scratch, Defense Curl, Sand Attack, Poison Sting

The Manly Misadventure: Part 0.5

  • The E4 were a breeze! The only Pokemon that fainted was Mack the Porygon, a.k.a the weakest link on my team
  • Champion Red was a little harder. But with the help of some Hyper Potions, he was easy too. To be honest I am disappoint. Well, Kanto will be harder I suppose.
  • Nooope...
  • I arrive in Kanto, and every trainer is easy as heck to beat! Even the gyms are too.
  • Cruised through Kanto, getting me my badges. My Pokemon are so overleveled. I certainly hope the final Champion is harder than all these gym leaders.
  • After beating Brock, went to Mount Moon to catch a Clefairy! Before that, found Rival Omar and battled her again. Easy of course. Nicknamed the Clefairy Nice.
  • Spent the next two hours training Nice up to the level of the others. Also used Moon Stone to evolve him to Clefable.
  • Decided to box Mack. Honestly that Porygon has become useless compared to the rest of my team.
  • Presently have 15 badges. My very last one is within reach, if I could just find Gary mothereffin' Oak.


Current Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Er, not sure what you are doing here, but "Cream" isn't a Pokedex color. Typhlosion is Yellow, and Pidgeot is Brown. You need to follow the rules. Check the OP for the color list.
So it has to be a Pokedex color... Bleh. Whatever i'll start over with another. Thanks for the heads-up :)
Update #1: Yellow - White 2
Wow, I really have to get used to using a full team again, or at least I'm working towards having a full team. I'm so used to doing solo runs all the time. I like the variety this challenge (and others) give. The only downside is I get annoyed really fast if I can't OHKO a Pokémon :) I always plan my teams out for these kind of challenges and I begin my playthrough with some expectations (or none) for Pokémon I've never used before (or rarely used). So far I'm quite disappointed with Elekid and I hope it gets better when it evolves, but Sewaddle makes up for it big time. I don't really like the way Leavanny looks, but if it keeps this upward trend Sewaddle's got going, then it's sure to get used in future teams.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Poppins the Bashful Sewaddle (F) @ Lv.16
Ability: Swarm
Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Razor Leaf
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Phare the Hasty Flaaffy (M) @ Lv.16
Ability: Static
Tackle, Charge, Thunder Wave, ThunderShock
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Voltaire the Relaxed Elekid (M) @ Lv.17
Ability: Static
Leer, Shockwave, Low Kick, Swift
Username: or19937
Color: Yellow
Game: Randomized Light Platinum
Ultimate: No.
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Leaf Green Yellow Mono-Colour run - Update 2

> Challenged and defeated Misty, winning the Cascadebadge.
> Bolin evolved into Sandslash.
> Traveled down to Vermillion city, caught a Meowth and Drowzee on route 11. Nicknamed Leo and Sheba respectively.
> Grinded for a while. Evolved Leo into Persian and Sheba into Hypno
> Boarded the SS. Anne. Defeated my rival and got Cut HM
> Caught another Meowth and taught it Flash and Cut. Nicknamed HM Master.
> Returned to Cerulean City and made my way to Rock Tunnel
> Made it through Rock Tunnel reasonably unharmed and arrived in Lavender Town.
> Caught a Vulpix on route 8, nicknamed Jenna.
> Trained Jenna for a while until she learned Flamethrower. Bought a Fire Stone in the Celadon department store and evolved her into a Ninetales.
>Realised I had forgotten to beat Lt. Surge and proceeded back to Vermillion city. My team was nearly 10 levels higher than him by this point so he presented no challenge. Won the Thunderbadge!

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hanzo (Beedrill ♂) - Lvl 33 - No Item
Moves: Twineedle, Pursuit, Harden, Fury Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bolin (Sandslash ♂) - Lvl 34 - No Item
Moves: Slash, Swift, Rock Slide, Poison Sting
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jenna (Ninetales ♀) - Lvl 33 - No Item
Moves: Flamethrower, Confuse Ray, Will-O-Wisp, Quick Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sheba (Hypno ♀) - Lvl 34 - No Item
Moves: Headbutt, Hypnosis, Poison Gas, Confusion
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Leo (Persian ♂) - Lvl 33 - Durin Berry
Moves: Pay Day, Bite, Growl, Faint Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

HM Master (Meowth ♂) - Lvl 10 - Rawst Berry
Moves: Scratch, Flash, Bite, Cut
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The Manly Misadventure: Final (0.6)

  • So after an hour of stupidly looking around for Gary, realized it's just Giovanni and he was in the gym the whole time. Dammit
  • Finally a gym leader who was actually tough. All his Pokemon were up to par with the levels of mine, so beating him was tougher than most.
  • With Giovanni down, went back to Prof. Oak and gained access to Cerulean Cave. This time I actually did my research; I should find the final trainer Leaf at the end.
  • Tried to fight Leaf. Failed miserably. Remembered the final trainer has Pokemon in the Level 80s and went to do training
  • There was no way I had enough patience to get my Pokemon up to par with hers. They were in their 50s-60s and it would take ages.
  • In the end, trained only my most useful team members to 60s - early 70s
  • Felt like completing my team to get 6 Pokemon, but couldn't find any other useful pink Pokemon around. In the end, just withdrew Mack from the PC because wynaut
  • Vs. Trainer Leaf. The only team members actually useful in this fight were Kirby, Double L (the biggest help of all), and Nice. Honorable mention to Marley, who took out Lapras. Mack was utterly useless, and The Wiggs took a crit to the face and ended up dying right off the bat.
  • Beat her by the skin of my teeth. Creditrollpls!
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
  • And... well, yeah, that's it. CHALLENGE FINISHED!

Final Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Leaf Green Yellow Mono-Colour run - Update 3

> Traveled back to Celadon. Destroyed Erika with Jenna's flamethrower and won the Rainbowbadge
> Acquired Eevee and evolved him to Jolteon with a thunderstone. Nicknamedd Cortez
> Defeated Giovanni in the rocket hideout
> Traveled back to Lavender town, cleared Pokemon tower.
> Made the long journey to Fuchsia city. Cleared the safari zone & picked up the two HMs.
> Defeated Koga in the Fuchsia city gym, won the Soul Badge
> Returned to Saffron city. Cleared Silph Co.
> Defeated Sabrina in the Saffron city gym, won the Marsh badge
> Decided to stop leveling Hanzo, swapped him out temporarily for a surf HM Slave seeing as there are no yellow water users in Leaf Green.
> Traveled to Cinnabar Island, cleared Pokemon Mansion.
> Defeated Blaine in the Cinnabar gym and won the Volcano badge.
> Traveled to One Island. Finished the mission you get given there.

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cortez (Jolteon ♂) - Lvl 50 - Quick Claw
Moves: Shock Wave, Shadow Ball, Double Kick, Thunder Wave
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bolin (Sandslash ♂) - Lvl 49 - No Item
Moves: Slash, Swift, Rock Slide, Strength
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jenna (Ninetales ♀) - Lvl 49 - No Item
Moves: Flamethrower, Confuse Ray, Will-O-Wisp, Quick Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sheba (Hypno ♀) - Lvl 49 - No Item
Moves: Headbutt, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Confusion
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Leo (Persian ♂) - Lvl 49 - Blackglasses
Moves: Pay Day, Bite, Cut, Slash

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hanzo (Beedrill ♂) - Lvl 40 - No Item
Moves: Twineedle, Pursuit, Harden, Fury Attack
Hi! Until such a time where I either a) figure out a way to pick up where I left off in Platinum for my purlpe monocolor or b) start it over, I'm gonna get going on a Blue monocolor, starting with LeafGreen

And hey, i'm gonna stream whenever I play it, cause why not? You can find my twitch here.

Ultimate Blue Monocolor Challenge (LeafGreen) Update #1

Saved in Vermillion, about to take on the SS Anne.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cooper the Wartortle ♂, Lv. 24
Ability: Torrent
-Mega Punch
-Tail Whip
-Water Pulse

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Nidoqueen ♀, Lv. 23
Ability: Poison Point
-Body Slam
-Poison Sting
-Double Kick
Username: LilJz
Color: Black
Game: Red
Ultimate: No

I got a question, since the minimum Pokemon is two, but for Kanto there's only Snorlax as a black colored Pokemon, am I allowed to use Snorlax only?
Username: LilJz
Color: Black
Game: Red
Ultimate: No

I got a question, since the minimum Pokemon is two, but for Kanto there's only Snorlax as a black colored Pokemon, am I allowed to use Snorlax only?
Right, that is one of the only exceptions to the minimum rule. You can count it as a Solo Challenge too! :)
Username: KoboraX
Color: Blue
Game: Red, Silver, Sapphire, Platinum, White 2, X
Ultimate: Yes. I'm gonna start with Sapphire since I'm also working on netting points for the Stadium Arcadium event, so ye.
Update #2: Yellow - White 2
I caught a Yamask and a Sandshrew at the Desert Resort. Sandshrew evolved pretty fast and Sewaddle evolved too (even more than once).


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Poppins the Bashful Leavanny (F) @ Lv.26
Ability: Swarm
Item: Miracle Seed
Tackle, Protect, Bug Bite, Razor Leaf
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Phare the Hasty Flaaffy (M) @ Lv.27
Ability: Static
Item: Leftovers
Tackle, Take Down, Thunder Wave, ThunderShock
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Voltaire the Relaxed Elekid (M) @ Lv.27
Ability: Static
Thunder Wave, Shockwave, Low Kick, Swift
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ramesses the Sassy Yamask (M) @ Lv.27
Ability: Mummy
Ominous Wind, Will-o-wisp, Night Shade, Hex
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rufus the Serious Sandslash (M) @ Lv.28
Ability: Sand Veil
Item: Soft Sand
Rapid Spin, Crush Claw, Fury Cutter, Magnitude
Finally back with more of this, after almost a month, haha.

White Red Mono-Color - Update #2


With that, here's my team: