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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Sooooo hey! I haven't posted in here since the name change, but it's your old favorite Huggermugger!

And I did a thing.

Ultimate Blue Monocolor Challenge (Emerald) First and FINAL Update

Completed! Youtube playlist of all Gym/E4 battles here.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Greyjoy the Swampert, Lv. 53
-Focus Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Windshear the Swellow, Lv. 51
-Aerial Ace
-Double Team
-Secret Power

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Clegane the Exploud, Lv. 50
-Shadow Ball
-Brick Break

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Tonberry the Lanturn, Lv. 53
Volt Absorb
-Confuse Ray
-Thunder Wave

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bifrost the Regice, Lv. 50
Clear Body
-Ice Beam
-Zap Cannon
So I completed another part of my Blue Mono-Color last Friday, with Alpha Sapphire. Guess i'll do a rundown of the important fights.

Alpha Sapphire Blue Mono-Color - Full Summary


The final team:

Final playing time: 22:30 - A decent amount of time done here.

I think i'll get to another one very soon, I do want to get back to my Red Ultimate at some point.
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Sooooooooooo I didn't see this thread on the main Challenge page and I got really scared. I will die before I let this thread die. I'm not doing the challenge as frequently as I used to, and was going to wait until I beat the E4 before I made an update, but desperate times.....

Ultimate Blue Monocolor Challenge (HeartGold) Update #1

Badges: 8

I'm all trained up and sitting at the Elite 4 ready to take it on.

When I do end up playing this challenge I stream it here.

Youtube playlist of all Gym battles so far can be found here. (except Claire, I forgot to grab the highlight in time)


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Squirtle the Feraligatr, Lv. 42
-Focus Punch
-Ice Fang

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Oddish the Jumpluff, Lv. 40
-Leech Seed
-Sleep Powder
-Mega Drain

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pinsir the Heracross, Lv. 40
-Shadow Claw
-Aerial Ace
-Brick Break

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lapras the Lanturn, Lv. 40
Volt Absorb
-Confuse Ray
-Thunder Wave

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kangaskhan the Nidoqueen, Lv. 40
Poison Point
-Sludge Bomb
-Rock Tomb
A long time ago, I did this on my lime green gameboy color. i had meganium, politoed, tyranitar, scyther, xatu, and victreebel! Lime green dream team ftw
on crystal version
Finally finished this!

Update on Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge.

Final Update (#5) on HeartGold.

  • I don't really remember much about the Kanto Gym Leaders, but they weren't that hard to beat.
  • I beat the upgraded Elite Four a few times to train my team before rematching Sabrina like 30 times.
  • Used Rare Candies to get everyone to L75, then faced off against Red.
  • Here's the video and play-by=play of the battle, which ended up being somewhat anticlimatic:



Team Violet:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Flailer the Brave Granbull, ♂ - L75 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Quick Feet
Moves: Rock Climb, Earthquake, Low Kick, Payback
Final Stats: 256/256/133/113/116/88
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Vexi the Adamant Crobat, ♀ - L75 @ Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Cross Poison, Super Fang, Fly, Confuse Ray
Final Stats: 257/203/146/109/137/233
Johto co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Amethyst the Bashful Starmie - L75 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Psychic, Thunderbolt
Final Stats: 211/138/145/207/147/209
Lance MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shiver the Mild Gengar, ♀ - L75 @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast
Final Stats: 202/125/109/267/141/201
Johto co-MVP, Elite Four MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Walda the Sassy Forretress, ♀ - L75 @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Moves: Bug Bite, Payback, Gyro Ball, Toxic Spikes
Final Stats: 223/193/248/115/114/76
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sphynx the Timid Espeon, ♂ - L75 @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Psychic, Hidden Power (Fighting), Shadow Ball, Grass Knot
Final Stats: 206/96/115/254/170/141

I would like to do blue for Pokemon Gold please.

Username: acatfrommars
Ultimate: No
In Game Name: mars
Color: Blue
Game: Pokemon Gold
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Hey, long time no see! I've missed posting here. I decided to continue my monocolor runs on gen 6, so this will be my first update for Red on Y! Looking at my previous runs here, there are some I'd like to try my hand at again, especially yellow on HGSS, as I couldn't beat Lance the first time around. I might come around to doing that if I get tired of playing Y over and over.

Also, I'm playing in French in order to improve in that language. Hope it's ok.

♦ Started off by picking the female character and naming her Rougela. I then did all that stuff in the beginning, and picked Fennekin as my starter. Named him Flamschazam.
♦ I went to Santalune City, where Flamschazam took care of Viola.
♦ After a quick stop and picking up Charmander in Lumiose, I continued to Camphrier Town. I caught a Scraggy on the way, named Salapants.
♦ Going to the Parfum Palace, I obtained my third member, Vilestria the Oddish.
♦ Chased the Furfrou and defeated Snorlax, then went through the Connecting Cave to Ambrette Town.
♦ Rode a Rhyhorn to the Glittering Cave, where I beat up some Flare grunts and got the Jaw Fossil, which I later resurrected to a Tyrunt. Named it Dino Might.
♦ Continued all the way to Cyllage City, where I took on the gym using Salapants. It was a close call against Grant, but I managed to pull it off.
♦ Walked to Geosenge Town and then Shalour City. In Shalour, I did the whole mega evolution tower thing and then battled Korrina. Her Hawlucha was scary with Hone Claws and Flying Press, but it eventually worked out.
♦ I dodged most of the trainers on Route 12 in order to reach Coumarine City, where I picked up the Good Rod. I used that to fish up my 5th member, Kaliente the Remoraid.
♦ Trained him up and then battled my rival outside the gym. My team has a rather big weakness to Meowstic (since it has Disarming Voice), but we pulled through.
♦ Flamschazam had just become a Delphox, so Ramos was quite an easy battle.
♦ Went south to the Power Plant, where I beat up Team Flare.
♦ Made my way to Lumiose and challenged the gym, mainly using Salapants and Vilestria. Clemont required a team effort, but Salapants evolving just before helped quite a bit.
♦ Currently saved in Lumiose.

Also, is the Exp. Share also banned when training? I've noticed that lag behind quite often since I don't have it on, but it would make grinding a lot easier if it was allowed.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Flamschazam the Delphox, Lv 37 (♂)
Item: None
Scratch, Psybeam, Mystical Fire, Howl

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Salapants the Scrafty, Lv 39 (♂)
Item: None
Hi Jump Kick, Brick Break, Chip Away, Crunch'

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Vilestria the Gloom, Lv 37 (♀)
Item: None
Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Venoshock, Sleep Powder

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dino Might the Tyrunt, Lv 36 (♂)
Item: Eviolite
Rock Tomb, Dragon Tail, Crunch, Charm

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kaliente the Octillery, Lv 35 (♂)
Item: None
Psybeam, Aurora Beam, Surf, Signal Beam
Also, is the Exp. Share also banned when training? I've noticed that lag behind quite often since I don't have it on, but it would make grinding a lot easier if it was allowed.
Currently banned, but make your case via PM as there haven't been very many Gen 6 challengers so far. The monotype challenge did unban it I believe so I might be convinced to do so as well.

So every time I try to go back to my Blue HeartGold run (usually about once a month or so) I get put off by it. I think it's because I'm not that proud of my team. So I'm restarting my Purple Ultimate! I was on Gen IV but I lost my save from 2 years ago, so I started fresh.

Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge (Platinum)

Started out with a Turtwig but immediately hacked in a (Diamond-exclusive) Stunky at Lv. 5.

Roark took forever, but I finally got lucky enough with the evasion hax.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mirien the Stunky♀, Lv. 14
Ability: Aftermath
-Fury Swipes
-Poison Gas

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wedge the Zubat♀, Lv. 10
Ability: Inner Focus
-Leech Life
Username: mrmoonbeam
Color: BROWN
Game: Fire Red
Ultimate: No

Can I use HM slaves in a non-fighting capacity?
Been playing for a few hours, Brown was probably an easy colour to pick. Team having just beaten Pokemon Tower:

Kadabra / Fearow / Primeape / Dugtrio / Raticate. Need a water-type however my only option is Staryu and that sucks!!! Suspect I will struggle vs Sabrina and Koga, Growlithe is an option but has a crappy moveset. Thoughts for 6th Pokemon???

Owned both Koga and Sabrina, turned over Silph Co. with ease. Toyed with Hitmonchan for a bit but decided not worth the grinding. Just left Cinnabar Mansion, but under-levelled, had to use Horsea as a Surf-slave but now I've acquired Kabuto I'm gonna have to grind for Blaine. (Didn't realise Staryu was LG exclusive).

Kadabra 40 / Fearow 42 / Primeape 42 / Dugtrio 40 / Raticate 39 / Kabuto 14
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Username: Darksword4773
Color: Black
Game: Yellow -> Crystal ->Emerald->Platinum-> Black
Is it okay if I just use Snorlax?
Since I am new I can't do any screen shots so I will just write stats :)
Level 5
Moves: Headbutt/Amnesia/Rest
Attack: 16
Defense: 11
Special: 11