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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

I haven't done either Gen IV game for my Red Monotype, but who's to say I can't start this in the meantime?

Username: Stargazer
Color: Blue
Game: *Leaf Green, *Soul Silver, Sapphire, Platinum, Black 2, X
Ultimate: Yes
* ones are subject to change if I so desire.

X Blue Mono-Color - Update #1


The team:

Also, quick question. I can get Glaceon in X, but not until after my sixth badge. If I were to get an Eevee (which can be obtained before the second badge), would it be legit if I were to trade it over to one of my other games and evolve it there? Would that be a usable choice, or substitution for the one hack/trade-in rule which would apply to version exclusives? Thanks!
Greetings, i'll be starting the Ultimate Mono-Color Challenge today, i haven't put the other games i'll be doing in the post because i'm not sure which ones i'll be playing.


Edit: I was going to do ultimate but not on yellow i wont, i ain't hardcore enough to do it on yellow.
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X Blue Mono-Color - Update #2


The team:
X Blue Mono-Color - Update #2


The team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ginourmous leak coming on, I am going to do ALL the colors eventually! I haven't finished the first game, which is Monocolor Red in White 2, but after that, I will move onto the second game, Monocolor Green in Sapphire. Third will be Monocolor Yellow in either Gold, Silver, HeartGold or Soulsilver (undecided which...). The order of the rest of the games is unknown, but it will be confirmed that once I get Pokémon X or Y, I will do 3 Monocolor Runs on it. Those will be Brown (as it is the only color available before the Santalune Gym, excluding those I haven't already planned.), Pink (Personal instinct after watching the progress on the other game), and Gray (Was planning on this a while ago.). The games for Black, Purple, White, and Blue are undecided, but are obviously not X/Y. Blue is too easy since all Water Starters are Blue, therefore, I will plan to speedrun the Monocolor Blue once I get there.

I just realized, no Yellow Pokemon in the Johto Dex can learn Surf, excluding those that require Surf to obtain. Not to mention, no acceptable Pink Pokemon can learn Fly at all. In addition, no Pokemon in the Kalos Dexes are Pink. If you can disprove me and name 6 Pink Pokemon in the Kalos Dexes, I'll be willing to do it. OFFICIAL COLORS REMIND YOU!

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ginourmous leak coming on, I am going to do ALL the colors eventually! I haven't finished the first game, which is Monocolor Red in White 2, but after that, I will move onto the second game, Monocolor Green in Sapphire. Third will be Monocolor Yellow in either Gold, Silver, HeartGold or Soulsilver (undecided which...). The order of the rest of the games is unknown, but it will be confirmed that once I get Pokémon X or Y, I will do 3 Monocolor Runs on it. Those will be Brown (as it is the only color available before the Santalune Gym, excluding those I haven't already planned.), Pink (Personal instinct after watching the progress on the other game), and Gray (Was planning on this a while ago.). The games for Black, Purple, White, and Blue are undecided, but are obviously not X/Y. Blue is too easy since all Water Starters are Blue, therefore, I will plan to speedrun the Monocolor Blue once I get there.

I just realized, no Yellow Pokemon in the Johto Dex can learn Surf, excluding those that require Surf to obtain. Not to mention, no acceptable Pink Pokemon can learn Fly at all. In addition, no Pokemon in the Kalos Dexes are Pink. If you can disprove me and name 6 Pink Pokemon in the Kalos Dexes, I'll be willing to do it. OFFICIAL COLORS REMIND YOU!

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Really you can't think of six! Here's a list then.
Skitty, Audino, Aromatisse, Hoppip, Whismur, Luvdisc, Snubble, Sylveon, Mr.Mime, Miltank, Slowbro, Slowking, Exeggcute, Corsola, Alomomola, Smoochum, Wigglytuff, Lickylicky.
Enough to chose from?
Uh, were those Team Rocket pictures necessary? Anyway, time for another update.

X Blue Mono-Color - Update #3


The team:
I'm going to do another Red one.
Username: Buzz Buzz
Color: Red
Game: Ruby
Ultimate: No
I honestly don't remember if I posted a sign up already. I'm just gonna assume I did, but just in case...

Username: KoboraX
Color: Blue
Game: X, White 2, Platinum, Sapphire, Silver, Red
Ultimate: Yes, but I'm going in reverse order because I'm weird like that :P

Anyway, as a short little update, I've gotten a nice start on my run of X with Frogger, my starter. To make things a bit harder, I'm banning my Froakie from reaching it's final evolution, mostly because Greninja absolutely bodies everything in the main story, so it would just make things too easy.

As for a team update, I had to spend 10 minutes in Santalune Forest, but I managed to snag myself a Panpour, and because I'm pretty bad with nicknames, I just nicknamed it Dat Hair...because Simipour's hair.

Team Ruby

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Frogger (Froakie) Lv. 10 ♂ @ Nothing
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Pound, Lick, Bubble, Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dat Hair (Panpour) Lv. 5 ♂ @ Nothing
Nature: Impish
Ability: Gluttony
Moves: Scratch, Play Nice, Leer​
Yay! Another XY challenger! Anyway, time to continue my story.

X Blue Mono-Color - Update #4


The team:
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Update #1: Red - Ruby
The beginning isn't really that eventful, and I can't really use that many Pokémon yet. Luckily I remembered I could get a Goldeen or I would have solo'ed with Combusken for a while. I also ran into some trouble with my screens, so I only have the Brawly one for this update. Hopefully I'll get the rest of them right.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jack the Bashful Combusken (M) @ Lv.22
Ability: Blaze
Scratch, Peck, Double Kick, Ember
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cleo the Brave Goldeen (F) @ Lv.16
Ability: Swift Swim
Peck, Horn Attack, Water Sport, Supersonic
Guess you can throw me in for another one here! Also, i'm Crackle/Stargazer, so make sure to add that to the OP. Anyway...

X Blue Mono-Color - Final Update (#5)


My final team:


Final playing time: 25:55 - Around the same amount as my Red Mono-Color was. I'd say somewhere between an hour and a half or two went into final training. Very enjoyable, i'll attack the other parts of the Ultimate some other time.
Woohoo! The Champion is you! Kudos! PURGE KYUREM ZYGARDE!!!!!

The order in which I'll do the challenges has been leaked.

-Red: White 2 (Current Game)
-Green: Sapphire
-Yellow: Johto Game (Exact Game Unknown)

-Black, Purple, White, and Blue (Exact Order Undecided, Exact Games Unknown)

-Brown: X/Y
-Gray: X/Y
-Pink: X/Y

The Kalos-based Mono-Color Runs will be done last (Brown, then Gray, and finally Pink).

BTW, there would be problems if there are no Pokemon of the specified color capable of learning a required HM.
Man, it's been a month since my last update...thanks for keeping the thread going strong, guys! I am back into this!

Update on Ultimate Blue Monocolor Challenge.

Final Update (#3) on Black 2.

  • After defeating some more trainers on Route 13, I defeated Hugh in Undella Town, then went north to find my last team member.
  • As I approached Lacunosa Town, I found Cobalion waiting for me. Master Balled him and named him Turq.
  • I still need the Legend Badge before I can use him, so I continued on by easily defeating Zinzolin alongside Hugh.
  • Defeated all the trainers around Opelucid City to prepare for Drayden and went vitamin shopping at Shopping Mall Nine as well.
  • Took on the gym, and while Drayden was tough as usual, I was able to win in the end.
  • Before activating the Team Plasma cutscene, I withdrew Turq, and then off we went to save the world!
  • Turq obliterated Zinzolin with Sacred Sword, then I headed over to Humilau City, where I took on the gym.
  • Marlon was a little more difficult than I thought he would be, but I was able to get past him.
  • More Team Plasma shenanigans ensued, and I defeated Zinzolin on the Plasma Frigate this time.
  • Followed them to the Giant Chasm, where I defeated Zinzolin yet again, then also took out Colress.
  • Went inside the cave for the final showdown against Black Kyurem and then Ghetsis, who I took down rather easily.
  • Went through Route 23 to Victory Road, and after EV training, made my way through to the Pokémon League.
  • Moveset finalizing commenced, then used my Rare Candies to get everyone to L62 for the Elite Four.
  • Shauntal was up first, and took a team effort to beat.
  • Next was Caitlin, who was defeated by another team effort.
  • Grimsley was handled by Fulgora's Drain Punch mostly, with Zuzu taking out Bisharp at the end.
  • Marshall was yet another team effort, although Turq finished strong.
  • Finally Champion Iris was up. Here's a video and play-by-play of the battle.



Hall of Fame:

Team Skye (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zuzu the Hardy Azumarill, ♂ - L62 @ Splash Plate
Ability: Huge Power
Moves: Waterfall, Ice Punch, Superpower, Return
Final Stats: 221/112/130/68/115/99
Unova co-MVP, Ghetsis MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Glacier the Sassy Glaceon, ♂ - L62 @ Icicle Plate
Ability: Snow Cloak
Moves: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Mirror Coat
Final Stats: 185/95/161/206/158/79
Unova co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sal the Modest Swoobat, ♂ - L62 @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Simple
Moves: Air Slash, Calm Mind, Psychic, Energy Ball
Final Stats: 187/74/88/161/82/174
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Fulgora the Sassy Eelektross, ♀ - L62 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Levitate
Moves: ThunderPunch, Crunch, Rock Slide, Drain Punch
Final Stats: 209/200/120/153/146/61
Elite Four MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Gigalith the Adamant Gigalith, ♂ - L62 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Sturdy
Moves: Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Stealth Rock, Explosion
Final Stats: 217/244/193/81/106/51
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Turq the Adamant Cobalion, ♂ - L62 @ Fist Plate
Ability: Justified
Moves: Sacred Sword, X-Scissor, Iron Head, Swords Dance
Final Stats: 221/176/189/121/112/163
Iris MVP
Update #2: Red - Ruby
We've got a few new team members and it seems I remember more about Ruby than I thought I did.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jack the Bashful Combusken (M) @ Lv.29
Ability: Blaze
Bulk Up, Peck, Double Kick, Ember
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cleo the Brave Goldeen (F) @ Lv.28
Ability: Swift Swim
Peck, Horn Attack, Flail, Supersonic
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Volcano the Timid Numel (M) @ Lv.27
Ability: Oblivious
Item: Soft Sand
Focus Energy, Tackle, Ember, Magnitude
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Corona the Bold Solrock (/) @ Lv.29
Ability: Levitate
Tackle, Fire Spin, Confusion, Rock Throw
Start of Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge!

Update #1 on FireRed.

Name: Violet
Rival: Blue
Starter: Charmander

  • Picked Charmander as my starter, then caught Raya the Rattata on Route 22.
  • After defeating some trainers in Viridian Forest, I beat Blue on Route 22.
  • Had to grind a little to get Raya to L13 for Hyper Fang, then used it to beat Brock with help from Potions.
  • Went to the grass on Route 4 and caught my first real team member, Rex the Nidoran♂.
  • Went through Mt. Moon, and Rex evolved into Nidorino!
  • Beat the Super Nerd and reached Cerulean City, where I used a Moon Stone to evolve Rex into Nidoking!
  • Defeated Blue easily with Thrash, then beat Nugget Road and got the SS Ticket from Bill.
  • Took on the gym, and Misty was taken out easily enough by Thrash.
  • Continued on to Vermilion City and boarded the SS Anne, where I beat Blue again, then got the Cut HM.
  • Surge was a complete pushover with Rex's Dig.
  • Got the Bicycle, then went through Rock Tunnel to Lavendar Town.
  • Went straight to Celadon City and into the Rocket Hideout in the Game Corner, where I beat Giovanni easily.
  • Silph Scope in hand, I went back to Lavendar Town and into the Pokémon Tower, where I wiped the floor with Blue.
  • Finally I was able to catch my next team member, Shiver the Gastly.
  • It didn't take long for Shiver to evolve thanks to some trainers, and now I had a Haunter!
  • Cleared Pokémon Tower easily and got the Poké Flute from Mr. Fuji, then went down Route 12 to grab the Super Rod.
  • Fished up Shellack the Shellder in Vermilion City, then stealthily went down Cycling Road to Fuschia City.
  • Caught Toxy the Venonat on Route 15, and grabbed the Surf HM for Shellack in the Safari Zone.
  • Saved up money to buy some Coins and then got a jackpot on the slots to get enough to buy Ice Beam, which I taught to Shellack.
  • Challenged the Celadon Gym finally, and after Toxy took down most of Erika's team, Shellack finished off Vileplume for the win.
  • Directly after the battle, Toxy evolved into Venomoth!
  • I am now saved in Celadon City.

Team Violet:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Toxy the Sassy Venomoth, ♀ - L31 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Shield Dust
Moves: Confusion, PoisonPowder, Leech Life, Gust
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shellack the Modest Shellder, ♂ - L29 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Shell Armor
Moves: Surf, Tackle, Ice Beam, Supersonic
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shiver the Lax Haunter, ♀ - L34 @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Shadow Punch, Night Shade, Hidden Power (Grass), Confuse Ray
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rex the Bashful Nidoking, ♂ - L46 @ Leftovers
Ability: Poison Point
Moves: Strength, Megahorn, Dig, Double Kick

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Meowth - Cut, Flash, Pickup
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Fearow - Fly

I accidentally deleted my save, which is surprising because I don't even use emulators (it was my Save Dongle, accidentally over wrote without backing it up). So my challenge will have to restart. Still using green on White version.
Username: Rarevalo92
Color: Brown, Green, Gray, Blue, White
Game: Fire Red, Soul Silver, Emerald, Platinum, Black 2
Ultimate: No (Don't have 3ds)
Username: Thunder Pikachu
Color: Yellow
Game: Black 2
Ultimate: Eventually.

Chapter 1
So, I started up the game, and went through all of the pre-game button mashing. After meeting up with Bianca, I got Swagleaf the Snivy. Because of his color, he wasn't a permanent member. I beat Hugh in the rival battle and did all of the tutorial stuff. After getting the running shoes, I left for Floccessy Ranch, where my first and second pokemon were waiting. Once at Floccessy Ranch, Derpy the Psyduck and Ampera the Mareep joind my team! (I didn't realize that Ampera was male, so I'll have to rename him Amperio later) After the events at Floccessy, I went back to Aspertia City and battled Cheren to win the first badge!

Chapter 2
I went back to route 20 to catch two more pokemon. I ran around in dark grass for a while, and finally Sewy the Sewaddle and Flowah the Sunkern joined my team! I did a bit of training, and went to Virbank city, where I challenged Roxie to a battle, and Ampera became a Flaffy!
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