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FireRed hack: Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

  • 417
    • Seen Nov 20, 2016
    That isn't a clever name. I legitimately have not come up with a name for this.

    A while back, I had an idea for a super duper awesome hack with fresh new ideas that allowed the player to play Pokemon like never before. This is not even close to it :P But I decided that I may as well post the engine in progress. This little hack is essentially an upgraded FireRed game. Few scripts have been changed and the plot is mostly the same except that the Sevii Islands are now purely post game and have a little more to offer. Anyways, they're 99.99% of the hack, so on to the features!

    - Physical/Special Split which is essentially a requirement nowadays, right?
    - Gen IV - VI Attacks, Abilities, and Items (thank MrDollSteak for almost all of these)
    - Mega Evolutions
    - Removed those badge stat boosts because they aren't at all fair

    - Expanded dex, every non-legendary Pokemon obtainable in some way
    - Proper forms for Pokemon like Kyurem, Arceus, Burmy, and even Unown
    - Hidden abilities along with a conscientious distribution of crazy ones like Ninetales'
    - ORAS level-up movesets, except for non-existent moves
    - 120 TMs

    - Added Pokemon generation methods saves Kanto from feeling crowded - Hidden Grottos, pedometer-based Honey Trees, Swarms
    - Field effects for abilities such as Synchronize, Magnet Pull, Cute Charm, Compound Eyes, Flame Body, and the other abilities that you don't care about yet I added for completeness sake
    - Dynamic dex areas to indicate swarms, roaming, and other stuff
    - For lack of a better description, "wild triggers" such as babies automagically have 3 perfect IV
    - Updated non-berry oriented Pickup table
    - A very cheap phone system - I haven't decided how I want to handle this yet, so it currently exists only for the essentials

    - Two Day-cares (and I don't mean that dude south of Cerulean City)
    - "Phone" notifications when the Day-Care Man finds an egg
    - Destiny Knot, Power items, 100% Everstone, 80% slotted ability inheritance, pokeball inheritance, and all those other future gen niceties
    - Move tutors & TMs can both be inherited from either parent; this is mostly because many of the better TMs and tutors cannot be accessed until the late game
    - Lamarckism :)

    - Use TMs an infinite number of times
    - Minor trolling (you may not even notice)
    - Gigantic pockets
    - Oval Charm, Shiny Charm
    - Shiny rates match the (presumed) Gen VI rate
    - You are not required to grind to beat the game
    - You cannot run indoors
    - Random words in the game ARE CapITALIZED. They add CHARACTER to NPCs. They're 100% intentional, but tell me if you find them :D

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nameless FireRed Project [Alpha 1.02 Released]

    Release Plans
    This game, although fully playable, does not include everything I have planned. Except for bug fixes, I intend to release relatively large feature additions with each new update. For example, my plans for the next version is to include a Battle Tower & possibly other facilities. What I will release soon, however, is almost done. I created this thread because all that remains are tedious things like Pokedex entries and image insertion. I won't fall into the trap of giving myself a deadline, but expect it in the near future :)

    Bela: New Pokeball Images
    Chaos Rush: 64x64 Sprite Resource
    colcostyles: habitat pages
    daniils: Burmy ASM, Pokeball Hacking
    Darthatron: BW2 Repel System
    DoesntKnowHowToPlay: Physical/Special split, Pokedex expansion tutorial, Trainer EV
    FBI Agent: Explaining C for GBA, ASM tutorials & resources, scrolling multichoice boxes
    Jambo51: Move Expansion, Battle Script, Pokedex research
    JPAN: Save data structure research (gave me a ton of ram), battle script research
    karatekid552: Flags, Vars, & Script Tiles
    KDS: battle script research and development, enter battlefield hooking
    kleenexfeu: battle script research and development, stance change
    Knizz: A gigantic amount of FireRed research & documentation (cannot be understated how crucial this is)
    MrDollSteak: Rombase, battle script research and development, 64x64 Gen VI sprites, Gen VI Icons
    Navenatox: Dynamic Overworld Palettes
    Nex: FRLG style dive tiles
    Shiny Quagsire: item selection bag exit hack
    Taの境界: TM expansion
    tayub121: Gen V Icons
    Touched: C Environment for the GBA, Mega Evolutions, Hidden ability hooks, patient ASM explanations
    874521: Gen IV Icons

    Fu So Ya Niche: Lunar IPS
    karatekid552: G3HS
    link12552: Nameless Sprite Editor
    LU-HO: Advanced Map
    Nintenlord: GBA Graphics Editor
    ridiculousfish: HexFiend
    Spherical Ice: Mass Compatibility Editor
    Wichu: Advanced Series
    wntrmute: devkitPro

    Reported Bugs/Annoyances
    -Encore doesn't fail even if used before a move.
    -Trainers mentioning Pokemon they don't have in their dialogue.
    -Can't nickname a Pokemon that has already been caught before
    -Discharge targets in double battle
    -Tailwind doing nothing
    -Seafoam Island boulders disappearing

    Fixed Bugs From Initial Release

    Nameless FireRed Project Alpha 1.02 (read README!)
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    waiting to download :D
    I'm not into putting so much 'mons into a small region like Kanto...
    ...but you got my attention with all these new things. I can't wait for it.
    Seems nice , let's hope he can add joto and make a story line for it because one region is just too small
    Wow looks really cool. That's a neat list of features.

    I'll be sure play this as soon as it's released.

    Just one thing: How did you managed to expand the TM list?
    Thank you everyone ^_^ To address the crowded thing - I'm not a fan of cramming Pokemon either, but between hidden grottos (which have 3 or 4 families of Pokemon each) and swarms, I think it "feels" less crowded than you might expect. In fact, the Kanto regional dex is only 300 Pokemon, with a lot more of the variety occurring post game with more of the aforementioned swarms/ on the Sevii Islands (because they are strictly post E4, even 1-3 island can have more variety).
    Wow looks really cool. That's a neat list of features.

    I'll be sure play this as soon as it's released.

    Just one thing: How did you managed to expand the TM list?
    I *think* that version is complete. If it isn't, let me know and I'll bump the thread with whatever fixes are missing. There's one weird graphical thing with the positioning of the TM for those past 50 that I'd like to fix, but there is no longer anything game breaking as far as I'm aware.
    Just asking is this gonna be a base rom? Because from what I can piece together it's rom base with a few other features. If it isn't is there gonna be an expanded or new story? Cause I always find Fire Red very short.
    Now THIS is the kind of hacks that make me leave my study table even though I have an exam tomorrow! :p
    This is everything that I wanted basically. So a HUGE thank you for making this (and sharing it with us)! :D

    I have a few queries though
    - Mega Evolutions
    Will this have the legit mega stones evolutions like in Pokemon Gaia hack?
    - Removed those badge stat boosts because they aren't at all fair
    What does this mean?
    - Added Pokemon generation methods saves Kanto from feeling crowded - Hidden Grottos, pedometer-based Honey Trees, Swarms
    OOH I love Hidden Grottos! So happy to hear this! XD
    - For lack of a better description, "wild triggers" such as babies automagically have 3 perfect IV
    Can you explain this better? I don't understand what you mean by "wild triggers".
    - You are not required to grind to beat the game.
    I do hope that this doesn't mean the game is easy though. I (and many others I beleive) would LOVE a challenging game where trainers are tough and smart.
    - You cannot run indoors.
    I wish we could but no problem XD

    What if you name it Fire Red Plus or Fire Red Advanced? I know I suck at creativity :P

    Also since I see story and gameplay wise it will be more or less Fire Red (unless you haven't showcased everything) I really do suggest to increase the difficulty of the game a bit.
    Hi people, I've been plugging away at finishing the remaining pokedex data/dex sorting, adding new item images, tweaking wild pokemon data, realizing that half of my old asm files said .equ oshwott, stuff like that… I haven't even gotten to footprints and size comparisons. Respect to those who have inserted all of that stuff in the past because it is more tedious than I could possibly have imagined, even while simultaneously watching TV.
    Just asking is this gonna be a base rom? Because from what I can piece together it's rom base with a few other features. If it isn't is there gonna be an expanded or new story? Cause I always find Fire Red very short.
    It would not be feasible because it is incompatible with a number of tools that would be used by anyone who would want this to be a rom base. With the way I've changed some data structures, pokemon editors such as PGE/G3HS and trainer editors like UTE/HTE cannot handle the data no matter what you do to the ini. Last I checked, A-Map wasn't even reading my new script pointers or wild pokemon data. That's not even getting into the reasons why I don't think it should be a base to begin with. But no, the story will pretty much be the same. If it were a new story, I'd be placing it in Progressing Hacks. Sideshow seems like a pretty normal place for this?
    Now THIS is the kind of hacks that make me leave my study table even though I have an exam tomorrow! :p
    This is everything that I wanted basically. So a HUGE thank you for making this (and sharing it with us)! :D
    I have a few queries though
    - Mega Evolutions
    Will this have the legit mega stones evolutions like in Pokemon Gaia hack?
    Yep, this one: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/348182
    - Removed those badge stat boosts because they aren't at all fair
    What does this mean?
    These things: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Badge#Stat_boost
    The player already has enough of an advantage as is, I don't think they also need to have their pokemon do 10% more / take 10% less for flimsy reasons.
    - Added Pokemon generation methods saves Kanto from feeling crowded - Hidden Grottos, pedometer-based Honey Trees, Swarms
    OOH I love Hidden Grottos! So happy to hear this! XD
    - For lack of a better description, "wild triggers" such as babies automagically have 3 perfect IV
    Can you explain this better? I don't understand what you mean by "wild triggers".
    Things that occur before a battle starts. I suppose Synchronize and Cute Charm effects would also fall under this umbrella. Hidden ability pokemon only appearing on certain maps would be another example. I'm not sure what else to say without giving away all of the triggers :p
    - You are not required to grind to beat the game.
    I do hope that this doesn't mean the game is easy though. I (and many others I beleive) would LOVE a challenging game where trainers are tough and smart.
    I merely meant that it doesn't have the type of "difficulty" in which the hacker gives crazy ten level jumps after each event. To get an idea of the level curve, here are (at the current moment) the levels for the gym leader and E4 teams:
    It is harder than regular games, but still manageable without running back and forth in a patch of grass in super speed pressing the A button for five minutes. That said, in a future update, I'll likely be adding a more difficult mode (like in Black 2) for the player to select with a steeper (but still consistent) curve. I haven't started on that because I haven't even solidified the trainers for the normal version. Even the gym levels I just gave you are still in flux
    - You cannot run indoors.
    I wish we could but no problem XD
    That's mostly a joke because of all of the hacks that add it in their features section. I may end up adding it anyways while stealthily removing that line ;)
    What if you name it Fire Red Plus or Fire Red Advanced? I know I suck at creativity :P

    Also since I see story and gameplay wise it will be more or less Fire Red (unless you haven't showcased everything) I really do suggest to increase the difficulty of the game a bit.
    I thought of the FireRed Plus as well, but then I realized it may be too similar to Red++ sooo :/ I believe FireRed Advanced is literally the name of another hack on the first page. Yeah, I can't think of a name either :( But I'm exactly putting much effort into coming up with one, either.
    Man... That features are really amazing for a fire red hack... Good luck on this one... Cant wait for the release... (Just one question.) Do the Mega Evolution Pokemons will also have there Mega Cries and proper abilities too?
    Looking forward to this. Any chance of getting special pokemon with moves they can't otherwise learn?
    In Gen 1, you could get a Pikachu that knew Surf via Nintendo events or through Pokemon Stadium and you could also get a Psyduck that knew Amnesia.
    In Gen 2, you could get a Gligar that knew Earthquake, Counter, and Wing Attack from Pokemon Stadium 2 and a Farfetch'd that knew Baton Pass. There was also the Extremespeed Dratini and odd-egg pokemon that knew Dizzy Punch.
    Hey everyone. I want to prove that I'm still doing stuff, so I've updated a few of the screenshots. I'm not particularly excited about the Red & Leaf dive sprites. I based their poses and skin palettes on RSE dive sprites, but I don't love them. If anyone has a link to nicer Red/Leaf dive sprites, that'd be great, because I cannot pixel art to save my life. I also stole kleenexfeu's Emerald Stance Change and created Illusion to make sure I don't have to give any Pokemon abilities they shouldn't have.
    Man... That features are really amazing for a fire red hack... Good luck on this one... Cant wait for the release... (Just one question.) Do the Mega Evolution Pokemons will also have there Mega Cries and proper abilities too?
    Abilities: Yes.
    Cries: No. In fact, I should admit now that non-megas don't have their updated cries either. The reason for this is that I found out from Spherical that the high quality cries took a lot of space in Gaia :/ Lower quality would take less space, but I'm not really sold on doing low quality cries. I may add them later, but at the moment, I'm not going to add new ones.
    will enemy trainers mega?
    At the moment sparingly. I've run into a few bugs with them though, and I'm trying to separate out which ones come from the actual mega code and which may have come from new battle stuff I added.
    Looking forward to this. Any chance of getting special pokemon with moves they can't otherwise learn?
    In Gen 1, you could get a Pikachu that knew Surf via Nintendo events or through Pokemon Stadium and you could also get a Psyduck that knew Amnesia.
    In Gen 2, you could get a Gligar that knew Earthquake, Counter, and Wing Attack from Pokemon Stadium 2 and a Farfetch'd that knew Baton Pass. There was also the Extremespeed Dratini and odd-egg pokemon that knew Dizzy Punch.
    Yeah good question. I've been pondering on that too. To start with, every Pokemon will have their ORAS level up moves, ORAS egg moves, ORAS TM/MT compatibility (except for old TMs that no longer exist in future gens for which I've added compatibility for future gen pokemon that I think would obviously be compatible with the TM if it still existed). For attacks like surf pikachu, amnesia psyduck, baton pass all of those XD pokemon, all of those other Pokemon you mentioned - I'll probably be adding special move tutors in the post game, but it won't be a part of their natural level up or TM/Move Tutor compatibility as I don't think that feels natural.
    Yeah good question. I've been pondering on that too. To start with, every Pokemon will have their ORAS level up moves, ORAS egg moves, ORAS TM/MT compatibility (except for old TMs that no longer exist in future gens for which I've added compatibility for future gen pokemon that I think would obviously be compatible with the TM if it still existed). For attacks like surf pikachu, amnesia psyduck, baton pass all of those XD pokemon, all of those other Pokemon you mentioned - I'll probably be adding special move tutors in the post game, but it won't be a part of their natural level up or TM/Move Tutor compatibility as I don't think that feels natural.

    Good answer. If you got the Surfing Pikachu from Pokemon Stadium, it was done in a move-tutor way. I would love a way to get a Surfing Pichu egg, but that seems like too much to ask for. Besides, if it's a special move tutor, you may be able to get more than one depending on your plans.
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