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Obtain Your Pokémon!

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 34,101


    Welcome Trainers! To receive your Virtual Pokémon Pet all you need to do is reply to this thread with a filled out version of the form below then wait patiently until a VPP Mod can calculate your numbers! If you have any questions then you will probably find the answers in the Rules & Guides threads, but you can always ask for help in the DCC thread too if there's something you're still unsure about! It's time to begin your Pokémon adventure!​
    [PokeCommunity.com] Obtain Your Pokémon!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Obtain Your Pokémon!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Obtain Your Pokémon!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Obtain Your Pokémon!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Obtain Your Pokémon!

    Before you get started:

    ★ Read the info & guides found here!

    ★ You need a minimum of 10 posts before you can request your first VPP

    ★ Be specific about the VPP you want (regional variants, different forms, alphas, etc)! Staff will let you know if you'll need any items.

    ★ Tell us if you're in an affiliated Pokémon Club for the Type you are requesting.

    ★ If you're applying for a Legendary Pokémon / Ultra Beast - always list the Pokémon you're using to obtain them.
    Example #1: "I want Virizion, so I'll be using Bayleef, Simisage, & Bewear as requirements!"
    Example #2: "I want Ultra Beast Celesteela, so I'll be using Alolan Sandslash, Probopass, & Lugia to summon it!"​
    ★ If you're applying for a Legendary Pokémon / Ultra Beast - always list the last 10 VPPs you completed since your last Legendary.
    Example #1: "I want Articuno, my last 10 VPPs were Delcatty, Klink, Magby, Tropius, Empoleon, Mismagius, Whirlipede, GMax Machamp, Spoink, & Crobat."​
    ★ If you're asking for a Type Medal, remember to post the VPPs that apply!
    Example #1: "I'm ready for my Bronze Fairy Medal. These are my 5 Fairy VPPs: Sylveon, Klefki, Slurpuff, Dedenne, & Shiinotic."
    Example #2: "I'm ready for my Silver Ice Medal. These are my 10 Ice VPPs: Beartic, Mamoswine, Froslass, Dewgong, Mega Glalie, Lapras, Glaceon, Alolan Ninetales, Eiscue, & Weavile."​
    ★ If you're asking for a Master VPP, remember to post the 10 VPPs that apply!
    Example #2: "I've completed another Master Challenge! Here's my 10 VPPs: Porygon2, Mega Tyranitar, Miltank, Roserade, Zygarde, Woobat, Venomoth, Sawk, Dragonair, & Luxray."​
    ★ When doing a Tag-Team Pokémon, make sure your partner posts a confirmation form too.


    Individual Form:

    Fully Evolving:
    Post Count:
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere:
    Own a Rainbow Stone:

    Tag-Team Form:

    Fully Evolving:
    Post Count:
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere:
    Own a Rainbow Stone:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Obtain Your Pokémon!

    Last edited:
    Kicks off the new thread with new rewards. Qualifies for a free Virtual Pet Pokemon for the 1250-5000 post milestone. Requests a Kanto Ninetales for that. Passed the threshold for the 5 Ribbon Ribbon too (Best Friend Ribbon, Collected 5 VPPs, First Shiny, Birthday Ribbon, First Legendary, and Tag-Team).

    Name: Devalue
    Partner: ReKoil
    Pokémon: Meowstic
    Fully Evolving: Yes
    Post Count: 2746
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes

    Not a new seasonal tag-team, but oh well.
    Been looking through the new stuff and I think I can claim some stuff:
    -I atm fall in Posting Milestone (10,000 - 25,000); I'd like a Bergmite =D

    About the ribbons... some of them seem to have been renamed or received a new image. For example, the image I have in my stats for the Collect 100 VPP's ribbon now seems to be used for the 'Just the way you are' Ribbon. For the image changes I reckon I just swap the new ones in right?
    What about the eeveelution ribbon though? The old Eeveelution Ribbon just had you obtain every Eevee evolution. The new Eeveelution Ribbon is for obtaining every Eevee evolution + every shiny evolution. Is my ribbon still valid or do I remove it from stats and wait till I have every eeveelution shiny as well?

    Each Ribbon earns you 500 points unless stated otherwise.

    Is this retroactive? =o

    At any rate, I can claim several Ribbons:
    -Ribbon Ribbon - Obtain 5 Ribbons:
    1) Best Friend Ribbon
    2) Collected 5 VPPs Ribbon
    3) First Shiny Ribbon
    4) First Legendary Ribbon
    5) Eeveelution Ribbon
    6) Birthday Ribbon
    7) Tag-Team Ribbon
    8) 5 Master challenges Ribbon (Obtain 50 VPPs)
    9) Collect 100 VPPs Ribbon
    This will be my 10th ribbon if the eeveelution ribbon is still valid. I'd like a Snover for my free every 5 ribbons VPP.
    If the eeveelution ribbon is no longer valid, I guess the ribbon below will be my 10th.

    -Compulsive Shopper Ribbon - Spend 10,000 points in the Mart. Not sure what the format for this is, so I'll just copy paste Mart purchases from my stats.
    - May 18th 2021: -600 Points for a Rainbow Stone
    - June 3rd 2021: -600 Points for an Alola Stone
    - August 27th 2021: -1.200 Points for a Gigantamax Band
    - August 27th 2021: -1.500 Points for a Trade Cable
    - September 27th 2021: -600 Points for a Galar Stone
    - September 27th 2021: -500 Points for a Gigantamax Candy
    - October 23rd 2021: -600 Points for 1 Alola Stone
    - October 23rd 2021: -1.200 Points for 2 Galar Stones
    - November 20th 2021: -500 Points for a Gigantamax Candy
    - December 8th 2021: -900 Points for a Mega Ring
    - December 8th 2021: -1.912 Points for Abomasite, Diancite, Glalitite & Medichamite
    - December 20th 2021: -413 Points for Banettite
    - February 23rd 2022: -600 Points for a Regional Stone
    - February 23rd 2022: -500 Points for a Gigantamax Candy
    - February 23rd 2022: -500 Points for a Lopunnite
    - February 23rd 2022: -600 Points for a Gardevoirite
    - March 29th 2022: -1.100 for an Absolite and an Altarianite
    Which totals to: 13.825 points spent in the Mart so far =3

    -Shiny Collector Ribbon - A Ribbon given to those luck enough to have 15 shiny Pokémon! I got 24 shinies that I turned in for the Shine Bright Like a Diamond challenges alone =D
    Aurorus, Vivillon (Monsoon), Vivillon (Sun), Vivillon (Marine), Vivillon (River), Ribombee, Metagross, Abomasnow, Hydreigon, Garchomp, Eiscue (Ice face), Gorebyss, Kingdra, Haxorus, Golisopod, Jynx, Dottler, Milotic, Delphox, Pyroar, Sableye, Golurk, Masquerain, Lucario.

    -Just the way you are Ribbon - Obtain 10 NFE (not fully evolved) VPPs:
    Amaura, Wimpod, Surskit, Dottler, Mantyke, Vanillish, Eevee, Golett = 8.
    The Bergmite and Snover requested earlier in this post will bring the total to 10 =D

    Mythic Ribbon - Obtain 10 Legendary Pokémon or Ultra Beasts (not including all Arceus forms):
    Celebi, Mew, Glastrier, Regice, Articuno, Calyrex, Ice Rider Calyrex, Spectrier, Shadow Rider Calyrex, Diancie


    Also confirming the tag team up =D

    Name: ReKoil
    Partner: Devalue
    Pokémon: Meowstic
    Fully Evolving: Yes
    Post Count: 14.450
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes
    Last edited:
    Kicks off the new thread with new rewards. Qualifies for a free Virtual Pet Pokemon for the 1250-5000 post milestone. Requests a Kanto Ninetales for that. Passed the threshold for the 5 Ribbon Ribbon too (Best Friend Ribbon, Collected 5 VPPs, First Shiny, Birthday Ribbon, First Legendary, and Tag-Team).

    Name: Devalue
    Partner: ReKoil
    Pokémon: Meowstic
    Fully Evolving: Yes
    Post Count: 2746
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes

    Not a new seasonal tag-team, but oh well.
    Non shiny Kanto Ninetales + 500 points for your Ribbon Ribbon~ Meowstic provided below for both of u guys
    Been looking through the new stuff and I think I can claim some stuff:
    -I atm fall in Posting Milestone (10,000 - 25,000); I'd like a Bergmite =D

    About the ribbons... some of them seem to have been renamed or received a new image. For example, the image I have in my stats for the Collect 100 VPP's ribbon now seems to be used for the 'Just the way you are' Ribbon. For the image changes I reckon I just swap the new ones in right?
    What about the eeveelution ribbon though? The old Eeveelution Ribbon just had you obtain every Eevee evolution. The new Eeveelution Ribbon is for obtaining every Eevee evolution + every shiny evolution. Is my ribbon still valid or do I remove it from stats and wait till I have every eeveelution shiny as well?


    Is this retroactive? =o

    At any rate, I can claim several Ribbons:
    -Ribbon Ribbon - Obtain 5 Ribbons:
    1) Best Friend Ribbon
    2) Collected 5 VPPs Ribbon
    3) First Shiny Ribbon
    4) First Legendary Ribbon
    5) Eeveelution Ribbon
    6) Birthday Ribbon
    7) Tag-Team Ribbon
    8) 5 Master challenges Ribbon (Obtain 50 VPPs)
    9) Collect 100 VPPs Ribbon
    This will be my 10th ribbon if the eeveelution ribbon is still valid. I'd like a Snover for my free every 5 ribbons VPP.
    If the eeveelution ribbon is no longer valid, I guess the ribbon below will be my 10th.

    -Compulsive Shopper Ribbon - Spend 10,000 points in the Mart. Not sure what the format for this is, so I'll just copy paste Mart purchases from my stats.
    - May 18th 2021: -600 Points for a Rainbow Stone
    - June 3rd 2021: -600 Points for an Alola Stone
    - August 27th 2021: -1.200 Points for a Gigantamax Band
    - August 27th 2021: -1.500 Points for a Trade Cable
    - September 27th 2021: -600 Points for a Galar Stone
    - September 27th 2021: -500 Points for a Gigantamax Candy
    - October 23rd 2021: -600 Points for 1 Alola Stone
    - October 23rd 2021: -1.200 Points for 2 Galar Stones
    - November 20th 2021: -500 Points for a Gigantamax Candy
    - December 8th 2021: -900 Points for a Mega Ring
    - December 8th 2021: -1.912 Points for Abomasite, Diancite, Glalitite & Medichamite
    - December 20th 2021: -413 Points for Banettite
    - February 23rd 2022: -600 Points for a Regional Stone
    - February 23rd 2022: -500 Points for a Gigantamax Candy
    - February 23rd 2022: -500 Points for a Lopunnite
    - February 23rd 2022: -600 Points for a Gardevoirite
    - March 29th 2022: -1.100 for an Absolite and an Altarianite
    Which totals to: 13.825 points spent in the Mart so far =3

    -Shiny Collector Ribbon - A Ribbon given to those luck enough to have 15 shiny Pokémon! I got 24 shinies that I turned in for the Shine Bright Like a Diamond challenges alone =D
    Aurorus, Vivillon (Monsoon), Vivillon (Sun), Vivillon (Marine), Vivillon (River), Ribombee, Metagross, Abomasnow, Hydreigon, Garchomp, Eiscue (Ice face), Gorebyss, Kingdra, Haxorus, Golisopod, Jynx, Dottler, Milotic, Delphox, Pyroar, Sableye, Golurk, Masquerain, Lucario.

    -Just the way you are Ribbon - Obtain 10 NFE (not fully evolved) VPPs:
    Amaura, Wimpod, Surskit, Dottler, Mantyke, Vanillish, Eevee, Golett = 8.
    The Bergmite and Snover requested earlier in this post will bring the total to 10 =D

    Mythic Ribbon - Obtain 10 Legendary Pokémon or Ultra Beasts (not including all Arceus forms):
    Celebi, Mew, Glastrier, Regice, Articuno, Calyrex, Ice Rider Calyrex, Spectrier, Shadow Rider Calyrex, Diancie


    Also confirming the tag team up =D

    Name: ReKoil
    Partner: Devalue
    Pokémon: Meowstic
    Fully Evolving: Yes
    Post Count: 14.450
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes
    For your concerns: Yes feel free to change the ribbon images in your stats for the new ones, and I'll get back to you on the Eeveelution Ribbon bcs I forgot to clear that up (I have that too lol) and the retroactivity of things. Regardless, you still qualify for a free VPP, so you get a Shiny Snover + 2500 points in total for the Ribbon Ribbon, Compulsive Shopper Ribbon, Shiny Collector Ribbon, Just the Way You Are Ribbon, and Mythic Ribbon~

    Aand here's that Tag Team Meowstic

    Espurr: Devalue @ 2,746 / ReKoil @ 14,450
    Hatch: Devalue @ 2761 / ReKoil @ 14,465
    Meowstic @ Lv 100: Devalue @ 2,946 / ReKoil @ 14,650
    Shiny: No
    Points: 100
    About the ribbons... some of them seem to have been renamed or received a new image. For example, the image I have in my stats for the Collect 100 VPP's ribbon now seems to be used for the 'Just the way you are' Ribbon. For the image changes I reckon I just swap the new ones in right?
    What about the eeveelution ribbon though? The old Eeveelution Ribbon just had you obtain every Eevee evolution. The new Eeveelution Ribbon is for obtaining every Eevee evolution + every shiny evolution. Is my ribbon still valid or do I remove it from stats and wait till I have every eeveelution shiny as well?

    I'll be honest I didn't realise that any of ribbons had changed to other designs, I thought we had just added to them! Sorry about that ReKoil! We'll look into it!

    As for the Eeveelution ribbon etc. Again I wasn't aware of the new requirements for that either but I can assure you if you already own a ribbon / medal / challenge etc and the requirements change then you still have them. You earned them based on the requirements at the time. We certainly wouldn't remove them retroactively 😊
    I think I swapped 3 or 4 images out in my stats for new ones. honestly not that big of a deal, although it was a bit confusing seeing different images all of a sudden while browsing through the updated ribbons xD

    Mainly brought those points up for the sake of transparency and preventing potential issues further down the line =3

    Been looking through the new stuff and I think I can claim some stuff:
    -I atm fall in Posting Milestone (10,000 - 25,000); I'd like a Bergmite =D


    I would like to cash in my Audinite this time please!

    Name: Starlight
    Pokémon: Mega Audino
    Fully Evolving: Yes
    Post Count: 27,498
    Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes!

    Tia fam <3
    I would like to cash in my Audinite this time please!

    Name: Starlight
    Pokémon: Mega Audino
    Fully Evolving: Yes
    Post Count: 27,498
    Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes!

    Tia fam <3
    Another Mega coming for you!

    Audino @ 27,498
    Hatch @ 27,513
    Mega Audino @ Level 100: 27,698
    Shiny: Yes
    Points: 85
    Gonna do a seasonal Fighting type for my next VPP =3

    Name: ReKoil
    Pokémon: Heracross
    Fully Evolving: N/A
    Post Count: 14.585
    Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes
    Gonna do a seasonal Fighting type for my next VPP =3

    Name: ReKoil
    Pokémon: Heracross
    Fully Evolving: N/A
    Post Count: 14.585
    Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes
    A seasonal for you. Take good care of it! :)

    Heracross @ 14,585
    Hatch @ 14,600
    Level 100: 14,745
    Shiny: Yes
    Points: 70
    Name: Sheep
    Pokémon: Furret
    Fully Evolving: Yes
    Post Count: 36,306
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Southern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: yes ~
    Take good care of it! :D

    Sentret @ 36,306
    Hatch @ 36,321
    Furret @ Level 100: 36,481
    Shiny: No
    Points: 70
    Hello :)
    So Megan and I have completed our last VPP (Jumpluff); we would like another tag-team:

    Name: StCooler
    Partner: Megan
    Pokémon: Bronzong
    Fully Evolving: yes
    Post Count: 4 873
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes
    Confirming! :D

    Name: Megan
    Partner: StCooler
    Pokémon: Bronzong
    Post Count: 11,648
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes
    Hello :)
    So Megan and I have completed our last VPP (Jumpluff); we would like another tag-team:

    Name: StCooler
    Partner: Megan
    Pokémon: Bronzong
    Fully Evolving: yes
    Post Count: 4 873
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes

    Confirming! :D

    Name: Megan
    Partner: StCooler
    Pokémon: Bronzong
    Post Count: 11,648
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes

    Here ya go~ (as per usual just lemme know if i made a mistake lol)

    Bronzor: StCooler @ 4,873 / Megan @ 11,648
    Hatch: StCooler @ 4,888 / Megan @ 11,663
    Bronzong @ Lv 100: StCooler @ 5,073 / Megan @ 11,848
    Shiny: No
    Points: 100
    Should work towards a challenge sometime. ...Maybe later.

    Name: Devalue
    Pokémon: Palossand
    Fully Evolving: Yes
    Post Count: 2862
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes
    Should work towards a challenge sometime. ...Maybe later.

    Name: Devalue
    Pokémon: Palossand
    Fully Evolving: Yes
    Post Count: 2862
    Northern or Southern Hemisphere: Northern
    Own a Rainbow Stone: Yes
    Take good care of it! :D

    Sandygast @ 2,862
    Hatch @ 2,877
    Palossand @ Level 100: 3,022
    Shiny: No
    Points: 70