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Pick My Pokes! - Pokemon Unbound

  • 59
    • Seen Sep 12, 2023
    Hey there! I'm new here so lets get it. I'm going to be playing the fan game pokemon unbound for some of you fine folks, but with a twist. In a style similar to nuzlockes I will only be picking up 1 pokemon per route/area and it will be you good people who decide which pokemon I get! I'm sure this has been done before but I've been inspired to try something like this way back since the TwitchPlaysPokemon days. I'm doing this because I thought it could be a fun way to get to know everyone in the community, creating discussions about which pokemon you guys think are the best! That and I think it will offer me an interesting way to play a game I've already played before, though a much MUCH older version of it admittedly. I'll create a ruleset for those of you that enjoy those types of things, though just know that I'll probably be editing it a few times as new ideas and such pop up.

    1.) Only one pokemon per route/area may be caught
    2.) Any pokemon may be claimed at any time, this is on a first come first serve basis
    3.) Feel free to give your picked pokemon nicknames
    4.) Anyone can contribute to which pokemon they want to see picked, both experts and casuals (like myself)
    5.) I am going to be trying this on the hardest difficulty so if you see me struggling (which I'm sure you will) you can always suggest an alternative solution/strategy for me to use. A goal for me here is to get better at pokemon!
    6.) Have fun with it!

    From what I've seen this game has changed a lot over the years, I may get completely brick walled coming into this as a novice while also playing at the highest difficulty and limiting the number of pokemon I can use. We will cross that bridge when we surely come to it.

    With that long explanation out of the way it's time to begin this little experiment! Although I have no screenshots/footage yet I know the starters you can choose from. They are Larvitar, Beldum and Gible. This may be the most important choice of the entire run given all 3 of them are pseudo legendaries, which one do you guys think would be the best pokemon for an insane difficulty run like this!?!

    The first video of the journey is here!

    -Currently Claimed Pokemon-
    Starter - Beldum - Alex_Among_Foxes
    Route 1 - Minior - Corveone
    Route 2 - Electrike - Alex_Among_Foxes
    Route 3 - Dewpider - Lavender
    Route 4 - Ralts - Fact Checking Gardevoir
    Route 6 - Eevee - Lavender
    Route 8 - Snowrunt - Explorer of Time
    Icicle Cave - Zubat - FeraligatrMaster
    Aron - SteCisGreendog
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    Well, nobody picked Route 1 so: Minior (actually one of the strongest Pokémon you can find early on)

    Not sure it's a good idea to do this kind of playthrough on Insane though. You might end up stuck forever in some battles depending on other players' choices.
    I was not expecting this, you guys seem to have created a better flow to this than I had envisioned myself! I'm pleasantly surprised that a lot of you seem to be familiar enough with unbound to know which pokemon inhabit their respective routes. Going forward we'll have it so anyone can claim any route/area in the game! This makes more sense to do for people who want me to pick up a specific pokemon so they won't have to wait until I progress to that part of the game. I'll change the ruleset to represent this as well as which pokemon/routes have already been claimed.

    This sounds exciting!
    For Unbound's Route 4, I suggest Ralts! ^^
    Route 4 - Ralts is claimed! Would you rather me catch a male or female? Ahaha just kidding, Gardevoir it is!

    Nice idea!
    I'd pick Beldum, I've always wanted a chance to use one in a playthrough, but they are usually pretty far into the game to be very worth it.
    Oh man I know how you feel, I remember finding a beldum in what I believe was gen 3's postgame. I'll probably be using that little shake weight turned monster all the way up until the end of the game.

    Aron from Frozen Heights.
    Aron has been claimed! I love pokemon with sturdy.

    Well, nobody picked Route 1 so: Minior (actually one of the strongest Pokémon you can find early on)

    Not sure it's a good idea to do this kind of playthrough on Insane though. You might end up stuck forever in some battles depending on other players' choices.
    Minior it is! Thanks for the tip about it being a strong early game poke, I honestly forgot it existed. What you said is true, I might end up stuck and being unable to continue! However I feel like that's the fun of doing this, to see if everyone picking their favorite pokemon is enough to get through this hard challenge. And like I mentioned in the op, if I really find myself stuck I'm sure we will find a workaround. Maybe something like catching an extra pokemon that someone thinks would really help out. If all else fails I suppose I could lower the difficulty, though I would want to keep that as truly a last ditch resort.

    I pick Snorunt as your Pokemon from Route 1. I suggest evolving it into Froslass!
    Snorunt and Minior on route 1! Speaking of catching an extra pokemon I'll bend the rules this time since they are still being established, would you like to nickname the snorunt?

    It just occurred to me that I completely forgot about nicknames, any of you who have already chosen pokes feel free to give them a nickname. Or maybe I should nickname them all after the people that picked them, what do you guys think? Anyway other than that I want to thank you all for participating, the pokemon you've picked for me will let me finally start the game and make some progress! The next post I make will have updates with actual gameplay in the form of either screenshots or video, I haven't decided yet. Either way the pokes you all picked will be ready for action very soon, stay tuned!
    For Route 6, You Should get a Eevee! Vaporeon is quite a bulky pokemon and would be good for a nuzlocke! as for the name, I'd name Him/Her Thistle, I love pokemon that are named after flowers!
    Whatever you nickname my blessed beast is up to you. Apart from that, I've not tried Ubound so I cannot give you much direction.
    Snorunt and Minior on route 1! Speaking of catching an extra pokemon I'll bend the rules this time since they are still being established, would you like to nickname the snorunt?

    D'oh! I got ninja'd by Corveone while I was looking up Unbound's routes. Snorunt and Minior are both on Route 8, too, so feel free to wait until then to catch it, if you want.

    I don't usually nickname my Pokemon, so I don't have any suggestions and it's completely up to you.
    Oh man I know how you feel, I remember finding a beldum in what I believe was gen 3's postgame. I'll probably be using that little shake weight turned monster all the way up until the end of the game.

    It just occurred to me that I completely forgot about nicknames, any of you who have already chosen pokes feel free to give them a nickname. Or maybe I should nickname them all after the people that picked them, what do you guys think? Anyway other than that I want to thank you all for participating, the pokemon you've picked for me will let me finally start the game and make some progress! The next post I make will have updates with actual gameplay in the form of either screenshots or video, I haven't decided yet. Either way the pokes you all picked will be ready for action very soon, stay tuned!

    "shake weight" Hahahahaha XD

    As for the nickname, go ahead and name it whatever you think sounds cool! I'd prefer it if it wasn't named after me though, as I'm not particularly fond of things like that 👍.
    Hey people! I decided to go with a regular recording rather than a screenshot LP (they are more work than I thought!) So here we are with the first video of the journey, and it's quite a long one at that! Let me know if there is anything you would like have tweaked as I haven't used OBS in years and I'm pretty sure none of my settings were saved. Other than that, I want to thank you all for your picks as this is turning out to be pretty fun!

    For Route 6, You Should get a Eevee! Vaporeon is quite a bulky pokemon and would be good for a nuzlocke! as for the name, I'd name Him/Her Thistle, I love pokemon that are named after flowers!
    My favorite eeveelution, nice! I'll even try to make it a shiny to match your profile pic. I'm actually not doing a nuzlocke, this is just a little experiment to see if I can beat the game using the community choices. That's not to say it won't be tough though, as I imagine insane mode will definitely provide a challenge!

    Aron from Frozen Heights.
    I mentioned this in the video but there is no aron located in frozen heights to my knowledge. But don't worry I will simply catch the first aron I see so your blessed beast will join the fight soon!

    D'oh! I got ninja'd by Corveone while I was looking up Unbound's routes. Snorunt and Minior are both on Route 8, too, so feel free to wait until then to catch it, if you want.

    I don't usually nickname my Pokemon, so I don't have any suggestions and it's completely up to you.
    No problem, plenty of pokemon to go around! I'll definitely be getting snorunt on route 8, thank you for your input.

    I'm not particularly fond of things like that
    Oops... a little too late

    That leaves us with the newest area of pokemon to choose from in the icicle cave and they are zubat makuhita spheal smoochum bergmite roggenrola or swinub. Feel free to pick any one of these even if you've already picked a pokemon for me to use! Until then, hope you're all enjoying this as much as I am!
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    Since this thread has slowed a little, I'll go again. I don't know what route comes next, cause I've never played Unbound, but in the event it's route 2, I say catch an Electrike and name it Vegeta! I mean just look at Manectric's hair lol!
    Hey people! New progress for you all today.

    This video is a lot shorter than the intro video, I hope you guys enjoy it. Though I guess I should give a little summary of how we're doing so far for those of you that don't. We started our journey last time and picked up our starter beldum and well as a minior! In the latest video we pick up a zubat and have our rival challenge us again. So far I've gotten 3 of your chosen pokemon!

    From the Icicle Cave, I shall pick Zubat. You may need a Flying type later on.
    Zubat has been claimed as well as caught! Yes a flying type will definitely be nice to have, thanks!

    Hi guys
    Sure! "Your blessed beast deserves a name that truly reflects its majestic nature and unique personality.
    Hi Amelia11, welcome to the thread! I haven't found an his aron yet, so feel free to come up with a nickname yourself if you can think of one haha

    Since this thread has slowed a little, I'll go again. I don't know what route comes next, cause I've never played Unbound, but in the event it's route 2, I say catch an Electrike and name it Vegeta! I mean just look at Manectric's hair lol!
    Yeah I think the nature of this thread is going to be slow, since only one person can pick a pokemon at a time unless they do a little research on what routes there are in the game. Speaking of, you guessed right (who knew 2 would come after 1!?!) and I will pick up an Electrike! And can I just say that nickname is absolutely perfect lmao, I can't believe I never made that connection before myself.
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    Moved this thread over to Travel Journals. (Apologies for another thread move.) Suits the Travel Journals subforum better. Dedicates that section to Pokemon Let's Plays.

    Pinged everyone contributing. Hates for someone to miss where it went.

    Good luck on the playthrough, also.
    A special update for you all today

    We caught an Electrike and aptly named him Vegeta. We also entered the first gym, but who knows if we beat it or not!!... The pokemon you all can choose from this time are wingull bidoof slowpoke shellos cherubi dewpider buizel poliwag or surskit

    I just want to take a moment to thank those of you who are actually watching the videos, I checked the analytics earlier today because I was surprised how many views they are getting and it was nice to see that a couple people are following along so far, so thanks!
    Moved this thread over to Travel Journals. (Apologies for another thread move.) Suits the Travel Journals subforum better. Dedicates that section to Pokemon Let's Plays.

    Pinged everyone contributing. Hates for someone to miss where it went.

    Good luck on the playthrough, also.
    No worries my man, I had this bookmarked so I never even noticed it was moved the first time. Thanks for the luck! Do you mind if I ask you how to properly embed youtube videos? I can't seem to get it right no matter how much I mess with it
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    A special update for you all today


    We caught an Electrike and aptly named him Vegeta. We also entered the first gym, but who knows if we beat it or not!!... The pokemon you all can choose from this time are wingull bidoof slowpoke shellos cherubi dewpider buizel poliwag or surskit

    I just want to take a moment to thank those of you who are actually watching the videos, I checked the analytics earlier today because I was surprised how many views they are getting and it was nice to see that a couple people are following along so far, so thanks!

    No worries my man, I had this bookmarked so I never even noticed it was moved the first time. Thanks for the luck! Do you mind if I ask you how to properly embed youtube videos? I can't seem to get it right no matter how much I mess with it

    I mentioned this on your video, but eevee is at the game corner so youll have to get it there😅
    Pinged everyone contributing. Hates for someone to miss where it went.

    I uh... Think you missed one lol.

    Edit: I loved the Final Flash theme during Vege's set up process lol! I'm watching the series as well, and I think it's going really well! I'd like and comment and such, but don't (and wont ever get) a Youtube account, so you'll just have to have my likes here instead. 👍
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