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- 12
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- behind you
- Seen Apr 21, 2023
Alpha 1.2.1
Pokemon - FIreRed Version (U) (V1.0)
Alpha 1 (Only goes to the first gym)
Pokemarts are now in Pokemon Centers
Updated Trainer Sprites for Youngster, Bug Catcher, Lass, Camper, Picnicker, Fisherman, Beauty, Swimmer [F], Black Belt, Scientist, Team Rocket Grunt [M], Team Rocket Grunt [F], Cool Trainer [M], Cool Trainer [F], Twins, Cool Couple, Pokemon Ranger [M], Pokemon Ranger [F], Lady, Painter, Psychic [M], Psychic [F], and Crush Kin
Renamed Painter to Artist, Lady to Rich Girl, Cooltrainer to Ace Trainer, Cool Couple to Ace Duo
Added Fairy Type
Added new Locations:
- Pallet Pass
- Pallet Graveyard
Renamed some Locations:
- Route 16 [Celadon Edge]
- Route 7 [West Saffron]
Pokemon from the Johto Region now appear in Kanto
Decapitalized all Pokemon names
Updated all Pokemon Sprites
Added Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Happiny, Tangrowth, Mime Jr., Electivire, Magmortar, Leafeon, Glaceon, Porygon-Z, Munchlax, Togekiss, Bonsly, Ambipom, Yanmega, Honchkrow, Mismagius, Gliscor, Weavile, Mamoswine, and Mantyke
The graves in the Pallet Graveyard are messed up
You are covered by the small grass path tile in Pallet Town
The old man is still on the ground. (He shouldn't be there since Route 2 doesn't exist)
Sudowoodo reappears
The girl won't stop you from entering Pallet Pass before getting your Pokedex (I need to change that)
Professor Oak walks through the trees and fences when stopping you (I haven't changed the script yet)
Eevee can not evolve into Leafeon or Glaceon
Fairy type doesn't look like
Alpha 1.1 First and Second Gym, a lot more features.
oh uh munchlax is dark type i need to fix that
Team Rocket is not in Silph Co. anymore
Silph Co. is closed (until I decide to do something with it)
Saffron Gym's levels have been lowered to the 20s
Sabrina's Kadabra and Venomoth have been replaced with Espeon and Slowking
Professor Oak gives you a Wailmer Pail to fight Sudowoodo
A Day Care has been added to Viridian City
Reusable TMs!
You can run inside buildings
You can get the National Pokedex at the start of the game
Eggs hatch at Level 1
Added Heartgold/Soulsilver Mountain Tiles
Remapped Saffron City Gym
Alpha 1.2
Some Wild Magnemite hold Metal Coats
Some Wild Male Nidoran hold King's Rock
A New Gym Leader replaces Sabrina
Doubleslap renamed to Double Slap, Vicegrip to Vice Grip, Sand-attack to Sand Attack, Double-edge to Double Edge, Sonicboom to Sonic Boom, Bubblebeam to Bubble Beam, Mud-slap to Mud Slap, Will-o-wisp to Will-O-Wisp
Unown can learn more moves than just Hidden Power! Try leveling it up!
Some Pokemon have new second Abilities:
Caterpie, Butterfree (Natural Cure)
Metapod, Kakuna (Sturdy)
Weedle, Beedrill (Poison Point)
Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot (Early Bird)
Spearow, Fearow (Intimidate)
Pikachu, Raichu (Volt Absorb)
NidoranF, Nidorina, Nidoqueen (Lightningrod)
NidoranM, Nidorino, Nidoking (Rough Skin)
Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff (Oblivious)
Paras, Parasect (Immunity)
Mankey, Primeape (Hustle)
Ponyta, Rapidash (Speed Boost)
Shellder, Cloyster (Battle Armor)
Gastly, Haunter, Gengar (Shadow Tag)
Exeggcute, Exeggutor (Natural Cure)
Kangaskhan (Huge Power)
Scyther (Hyper Cutter)
Magkarp, Gyarados (Drizzle)
Pichu (Cute Charm)
Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos (Lightningrod)
Unown (Wonder Guard)
Teddiursa, Ursaring (Thick Fat)
Phanpy, Donphan (Battle Armor)
Miltank (Huge Power)
Some Pokemon now evolve in different ways:
Kadabra -- Lvl 36 --> Alakazam
Haunter -- Lvl 35 --> Gengar
Machoke -- Lvl 38 --> Machamp
Graveler -- Lvl 35 --> Golem
Onix -- Metal Coat --> Steelix
Scyther -- Metal Coat --> Scizor
Poliwhirl -- King's Rock --> Politoed
Slowpoke -- King's Rock --> Slowking
Seadra -- Lvl 45 --> Kingdra
Porygon -- Lvl 20 --> Porygon2
Porygon2 -- Lvl 30 --> Porygon-Z
Electabuzz -- Thunder Stone --> Electivire
Magmar -- Fire Stone --> Magmortar
Rhydon -- Lvl 60 --> Rhyperior
Mime Jr. -- Happiness --> Mr. Mime
Magneton -- Level 45 --> Magnezone
Lickitung -- Level 35 --> Licklicky
Tangela -- Leaf Stone --> Tangrowth
Togetic -- Happiness --> Togekiss
Bonsly -- Happiness --> Sudowoodo
Aipom -- Lvl 30 --> Ambipom
Yanma -- Lvl 35 --> Yanmega
Murkrow -- Lvl 40 --> Honchkrow
Misdreavus -- Lvl 40 --> Mismagius
Gligar -- Lvl 35 --> Gliscor
Sneasel -- Lvl 40 --> Weavile
Piloswine -- Lvl 36 --> Mamoswine
Mantyke -- Lvl 36 --> Mantine
Happiny -- Happiness --> Chansey
Alpha 1.2.1
You can now decorate your room in the Celadon City Hotel! The decorations will go away though.
Headbutt Trees (Not all trees, only on Route 1 I think)
A Berry tree on Route 1 (Oran Berry)
I forgot the other stuff (I made the patch 2 months ago).
New Evolutions (Alpha 1.2 and up)
Kadabra -- Lvl 36 --> Alakazam
Haunter -- Lvl 35 --> Gengar
Machoke -- Lvl 38 --> Machamp
Graveler -- Lvl 35 --> Golem
Onix -- Metal Coat --> Steelix
Scyther -- Metal Coat --> Scizor
Poliwhirl -- King's Rock --> Politoed
Slowpoke -- King's Rock --> Slowking
Seadra -- Lvl 45 --> Kingdra
Porygon -- Lvl 20 --> Porygon2
Porygon2 -- Lvl 30 --> Porygon-Z
Electabuzz -- Thunder Stone --> Electivire
Magmar -- Fire Stone --> Magmortar
Rhydon -- Lvl 60 --> Rhyperior
Mime Jr. -- Happiness --> Mr. Mime
Magneton -- Level 45 --> Magnezone
Lickitung -- Level 35 --> Licklicky
Tangela -- Leaf Stone --> Tangrowth
Togetic -- Happiness --> Togekiss
Bonsly -- Happiness --> Sudowoodo
Aipom -- Lvl 30 --> Ambipom
Yanma -- Lvl 35 --> Yanmega
Murkrow -- Lvl 40 --> Honchkrow
Misdreavus -- Lvl 40 --> Mismagius
Gligar -- Lvl 35 --> Gliscor
Sneasel -- Lvl 40 --> Weavile
Piloswine -- Lvl 36 --> Mamoswine
Mantyke -- Lvl 36 --> Mantine
Happiny -- Happiness --> Chansey
Some Pokemon get a new Second Ability (Alpha 1.2 and up)
Caterpie, Butterfree (Natural Cure)
Metapod, Kakuna (Sturdy)
Weedle, Beedrill (Poison Point)
Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot (Early Bird)
Spearow, Fearow (Intimidate)
Pikachu, Raichu (Volt Absorb)
NidoranF, Nidorina, Nidoqueen (Lightningrod)
NidoranM, Nidorino, Nidoking (Rough Skin)
Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff (Oblivious)
Paras, Parasect (Immunity)
Mankey, Primeape (Hustle)
Ponyta, Rapidash (Speed Boost)
Shellder, Cloyster (Battle Armor)
Gastly, Haunter, Gengar (Shadow Tag)
Exeggcute, Exeggutor (Natural Cure)
Kangaskhan (Huge Power)
Scyther (Hyper Cutter)
Magkarp, Gyarados (Drizzle)
Pichu (Cute Charm)
Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos (Lightningrod)
Unown (Wonder Guard)
Teddiursa, Ursaring (Thick Fat)
Phanpy, Donphan (Battle Armor)
Miltank (Huge Power)
Pokemon - FIreRed Version (U) (V1.0)
Hey everyone! It's me Wobb! I always thought Kanto's routes and cities were boring and they weren't very interesting. That is why I started this ROM Hack. This is Pokemon FireRed 2, it happens 5 years after Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. The Kanto and Johto governments decided that Kanto & Johto would become one region. They also made it so a Pokemon region can only have 8 Gyms, no more than 8. Because Johto and Kanto together had 16 Gyms, they had to choose which gyms would no longer be gyms. They chose the Viridian, Pewter, Fuchsia, Cinnabar, Mahogany, Blackthorn, Violet, and Azalea Gyms. The Gym Leaders of those gyms lost their jobs and had to go somewhere else if they wanted to have the fun battles they always wanted.
Many areas in Kanto have been changed by humans and by the weather. Mahogany Town is not a town anymore because of all the flooding it has gotten from its storms. Some people have planted more trees to make their towns look nicer. Johto and Kanto Pokemon have started to live in both regions instead of only one. Now you can find Pokemon from Johto in Kanto, and more Kanto Pokemon in Johto!
Many areas in Kanto have been changed by humans and by the weather. Mahogany Town is not a town anymore because of all the flooding it has gotten from its storms. Some people have planted more trees to make their towns look nicer. Johto and Kanto Pokemon have started to live in both regions instead of only one. Now you can find Pokemon from Johto in Kanto, and more Kanto Pokemon in Johto!
*bulbagarden.net image removed* Features
Fairy Type
Johto Pokemon in Kanto!
Pokemarts in Pokemon Centers!
Eggs Hatching at Level 1
Running Indoors
Reusable TMs
Decorate your Room! (Celadon Hotel)
Johto Region!
Decapitalization Some things are decapitalized, but not everything.
Green - Already in
Yellow - Not done
Blue - In the next version
Johto Pokemon in Kanto!
Pokemarts in Pokemon Centers!
Eggs Hatching at Level 1
Running Indoors
Reusable TMs
Decorate your Room! (Celadon Hotel)
Johto Region!
Decapitalization Some things are decapitalized, but not everything.
Green - Already in
Yellow - Not done
Blue - In the next version
*image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed*
*bulbagarden.net image removed* Credits
Everyone who contributed to Chaos Rush's The DS-style 64x64 Pokémon Sprite Resource
And MrDollSteak's The DS-Style 64x64 Trainer Sprite Resource
The_learner - TL's Quick Enhancer
Tools Used: AdvanceMap, XSE, Free Space Finder, PGE (Pokemon Game Editor), HxD, TL's Quick Enhancer, LSA - Complete Multi-Choice Box Editor. Hopeless Trainer Editor, Day & Night Tool
And MrDollSteak's The DS-Style 64x64 Trainer Sprite Resource
The_learner - TL's Quick Enhancer
Tools Used: AdvanceMap, XSE, Free Space Finder, PGE (Pokemon Game Editor), HxD, TL's Quick Enhancer, LSA - Complete Multi-Choice Box Editor. Hopeless Trainer Editor, Day & Night Tool
*bulbagarden.net image removed* Downloads
Alpha 1 (Only goes to the first gym)
Pokemarts are now in Pokemon Centers
Updated Trainer Sprites for Youngster, Bug Catcher, Lass, Camper, Picnicker, Fisherman, Beauty, Swimmer [F], Black Belt, Scientist, Team Rocket Grunt [M], Team Rocket Grunt [F], Cool Trainer [M], Cool Trainer [F], Twins, Cool Couple, Pokemon Ranger [M], Pokemon Ranger [F], Lady, Painter, Psychic [M], Psychic [F], and Crush Kin
Renamed Painter to Artist, Lady to Rich Girl, Cooltrainer to Ace Trainer, Cool Couple to Ace Duo
Added Fairy Type
Added new Locations:
- Pallet Pass
- Pallet Graveyard
Renamed some Locations:
- Route 16 [Celadon Edge]
- Route 7 [West Saffron]
Pokemon from the Johto Region now appear in Kanto
Decapitalized all Pokemon names
Updated all Pokemon Sprites
Added Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Happiny, Tangrowth, Mime Jr., Electivire, Magmortar, Leafeon, Glaceon, Porygon-Z, Munchlax, Togekiss, Bonsly, Ambipom, Yanmega, Honchkrow, Mismagius, Gliscor, Weavile, Mamoswine, and Mantyke
You are covered by the small grass path tile in Pallet Town
The old man is still on the ground. (He shouldn't be there since Route 2 doesn't exist)
Sudowoodo reappears
The girl won't stop you from entering Pallet Pass before getting your Pokedex (I need to change that)
Professor Oak walks through the trees and fences when stopping you (I haven't changed the script yet)
Eevee can not evolve into Leafeon or Glaceon
Alpha 1.1 First and Second Gym, a lot more features.
oh uh munchlax is dark type i need to fix that
Team Rocket is not in Silph Co. anymore
Silph Co. is closed (until I decide to do something with it)
Saffron Gym's levels have been lowered to the 20s
Sabrina's Kadabra and Venomoth have been replaced with Espeon and Slowking
Professor Oak gives you a Wailmer Pail to fight Sudowoodo
A Day Care has been added to Viridian City
Reusable TMs!
You can run inside buildings
You can get the National Pokedex at the start of the game
Eggs hatch at Level 1
Added Heartgold/Soulsilver Mountain Tiles
Remapped Saffron City Gym
Alpha 1.2
Some Wild Magnemite hold Metal Coats
Some Wild Male Nidoran hold King's Rock
A New Gym Leader replaces Sabrina
Doubleslap renamed to Double Slap, Vicegrip to Vice Grip, Sand-attack to Sand Attack, Double-edge to Double Edge, Sonicboom to Sonic Boom, Bubblebeam to Bubble Beam, Mud-slap to Mud Slap, Will-o-wisp to Will-O-Wisp
Unown can learn more moves than just Hidden Power! Try leveling it up!
Some Pokemon have new second Abilities:
Caterpie, Butterfree (Natural Cure)
Metapod, Kakuna (Sturdy)
Weedle, Beedrill (Poison Point)
Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot (Early Bird)
Spearow, Fearow (Intimidate)
Pikachu, Raichu (Volt Absorb)
NidoranF, Nidorina, Nidoqueen (Lightningrod)
NidoranM, Nidorino, Nidoking (Rough Skin)
Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff (Oblivious)
Paras, Parasect (Immunity)
Mankey, Primeape (Hustle)
Ponyta, Rapidash (Speed Boost)
Shellder, Cloyster (Battle Armor)
Gastly, Haunter, Gengar (Shadow Tag)
Exeggcute, Exeggutor (Natural Cure)
Kangaskhan (Huge Power)
Scyther (Hyper Cutter)
Magkarp, Gyarados (Drizzle)
Pichu (Cute Charm)
Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos (Lightningrod)
Unown (Wonder Guard)
Teddiursa, Ursaring (Thick Fat)
Phanpy, Donphan (Battle Armor)
Miltank (Huge Power)
Some Pokemon now evolve in different ways:
Kadabra -- Lvl 36 --> Alakazam
Haunter -- Lvl 35 --> Gengar
Machoke -- Lvl 38 --> Machamp
Graveler -- Lvl 35 --> Golem
Onix -- Metal Coat --> Steelix
Scyther -- Metal Coat --> Scizor
Poliwhirl -- King's Rock --> Politoed
Slowpoke -- King's Rock --> Slowking
Seadra -- Lvl 45 --> Kingdra
Porygon -- Lvl 20 --> Porygon2
Porygon2 -- Lvl 30 --> Porygon-Z
Electabuzz -- Thunder Stone --> Electivire
Magmar -- Fire Stone --> Magmortar
Rhydon -- Lvl 60 --> Rhyperior
Mime Jr. -- Happiness --> Mr. Mime
Magneton -- Level 45 --> Magnezone
Lickitung -- Level 35 --> Licklicky
Tangela -- Leaf Stone --> Tangrowth
Togetic -- Happiness --> Togekiss
Bonsly -- Happiness --> Sudowoodo
Aipom -- Lvl 30 --> Ambipom
Yanma -- Lvl 35 --> Yanmega
Murkrow -- Lvl 40 --> Honchkrow
Misdreavus -- Lvl 40 --> Mismagius
Gligar -- Lvl 35 --> Gliscor
Sneasel -- Lvl 40 --> Weavile
Piloswine -- Lvl 36 --> Mamoswine
Mantyke -- Lvl 36 --> Mantine
Happiny -- Happiness --> Chansey
Alpha 1.2.1
You can now decorate your room in the Celadon City Hotel! The decorations will go away though.
Headbutt Trees (Not all trees, only on Route 1 I think)
A Berry tree on Route 1 (Oran Berry)
I forgot the other stuff (I made the patch 2 months ago).
New Evolutions (Alpha 1.2 and up)
Kadabra -- Lvl 36 --> Alakazam
Haunter -- Lvl 35 --> Gengar
Machoke -- Lvl 38 --> Machamp
Graveler -- Lvl 35 --> Golem
Onix -- Metal Coat --> Steelix
Scyther -- Metal Coat --> Scizor
Poliwhirl -- King's Rock --> Politoed
Slowpoke -- King's Rock --> Slowking
Seadra -- Lvl 45 --> Kingdra
Porygon -- Lvl 20 --> Porygon2
Porygon2 -- Lvl 30 --> Porygon-Z
Electabuzz -- Thunder Stone --> Electivire
Magmar -- Fire Stone --> Magmortar
Rhydon -- Lvl 60 --> Rhyperior
Mime Jr. -- Happiness --> Mr. Mime
Magneton -- Level 45 --> Magnezone
Lickitung -- Level 35 --> Licklicky
Tangela -- Leaf Stone --> Tangrowth
Togetic -- Happiness --> Togekiss
Bonsly -- Happiness --> Sudowoodo
Aipom -- Lvl 30 --> Ambipom
Yanma -- Lvl 35 --> Yanmega
Murkrow -- Lvl 40 --> Honchkrow
Misdreavus -- Lvl 40 --> Mismagius
Gligar -- Lvl 35 --> Gliscor
Sneasel -- Lvl 40 --> Weavile
Piloswine -- Lvl 36 --> Mamoswine
Mantyke -- Lvl 36 --> Mantine
Happiny -- Happiness --> Chansey
Some Pokemon get a new Second Ability (Alpha 1.2 and up)
Caterpie, Butterfree (Natural Cure)
Metapod, Kakuna (Sturdy)
Weedle, Beedrill (Poison Point)
Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot (Early Bird)
Spearow, Fearow (Intimidate)
Pikachu, Raichu (Volt Absorb)
NidoranF, Nidorina, Nidoqueen (Lightningrod)
NidoranM, Nidorino, Nidoking (Rough Skin)
Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff (Oblivious)
Paras, Parasect (Immunity)
Mankey, Primeape (Hustle)
Ponyta, Rapidash (Speed Boost)
Shellder, Cloyster (Battle Armor)
Gastly, Haunter, Gengar (Shadow Tag)
Exeggcute, Exeggutor (Natural Cure)
Kangaskhan (Huge Power)
Scyther (Hyper Cutter)
Magkarp, Gyarados (Drizzle)
Pichu (Cute Charm)
Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos (Lightningrod)
Unown (Wonder Guard)
Teddiursa, Ursaring (Thick Fat)
Phanpy, Donphan (Battle Armor)
Miltank (Huge Power)
You thought I already won something? I didn't.
But I'm going to :)
But I'm going to :)
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