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FireRed hack: Pokémon Gaia Version

Hello. This my first experience with a fan hack. I was looking for servicable walthrough that has any general mention of EV training locations. I spent a few minutes resetting my chimchar to get decent IVs and I dont want to ruin it by random training. Are the IV stats the same as vanilla pokemon? Poochyena gives atk EVs and so on. Thanks for any reply.

Yes as far i know from experience it's using the format of gen 6
Absolute joy to play this game. I just finished it a moment ago and enjoyed every moment of it. Gamed wasn't too hard or too easy, it was the right amount. Fantastic job, I wish Nintendo learned from this game. 10/10, can't wait for the next version.
Well I just finished the game and gotta say wow! Like seriously I think I enjoyed this more than I did playing most of the official games and all the romhacks I've played. My final team ended up being my starter Emperor the Empolion, Gracy the Garchomp she was sadly a late addition to the team, Hestia the Charizard, Carp the Gyrados, Slash the Duoblade, and my favorite Zilla the Tyranitar. Btw has anyone else noticed in the hall of Fame screen Duoblade's sprite is a Piloswine for some reason?
wow, this page is amazing, I really want to the try it now after seeing those pics and awards, thanks everyone for doing this!
After ages of wondering whether I shouldn't play one of the good old Pokémon games for the GBA again, I finally got around to it. Instead of a classic game, however, I wanted to play a ROM hack because I think they are super interesting. Confused as the ROM hack jungle is, I found my way to Pokémon Gaia through various forum posts and YouTube videos... and man, did I enjoy it!

I was completely torn out of my everyday life and sucked into the game over two days. The story was incredibly good and captivating. If you had put this game in my hands and told me it was developed by GameFreak themselves, I would have believed it until the final dialogue with the professor, "Homeboy." ;-)

All in all, I had a huge amount of fun and felt transported back to my childhood. I just wanted to say thank you for that. I realise that there hasn't been an update for a long time and that the four years have already passed, but nevertheless I would be very happy about an update with post-game content, as I'm sure many people here would be. I would love to finally use up my master ball for a legendary Regi-whatever!
Well I'm sad that the game seems to be dead in all but name but I will forever keep up my hope that one day V4 will launch with some endgame content enabled. I will return every month to check until either we get an update or Spherical officially pulls the plug because by god this Hack is amazing and I want it to finish and am willing to wait.
So I cannot remember if I've asked this before so I apologize in advance if I have, but what games pickup table is used here. Based on what I have seen be dropped in the lowest level bracket, my best guess is emerald, but a more precise answer would be greatly appreciated. Love this game and have been along for quite a while, glad that this game ended up getting so much love, as it absolutely deserves it
I am just wondering if it would be possible to find an already patched version of the game to download to help those who are technologically challenged
Beat the game not too long ago and it was a nuzlocke too. Actually beat it twice actually, first time was a few years ago and it was the 2nd romhack i played, 1st was Unbound. Just as fun as I remembered lol
Beat it with
Darmanitan the star player of my team lol. Sheer force with life orb hella op
hi, i just beat the game and finished elite 4, when i saw 2 of my teammates were replaced in the hall of fame with other pokemon. My party was fine but the hall of fame has 2 different pokemon. idk if that's a glitch or bug
i appreciate this hack so much, it is a real creative achievement!
are there any notable news on discord concerning v4?
the last piece of information i remember reading was that a quite high percentage (dont remember exactly) was already finished on decomp.
looking at the history of romhacks, one can only hope that spherical ice will somehow stay motivated enough for gaia to receive a final release.

financial motivation might help:
hi, i just beat the game and finished elite 4, when i saw 2 of my teammates were replaced in the hall of fame with other pokemon. My party was fine but the hall of fame has 2 different pokemon. idk if that's a glitch or bug

A month too late but that's a well-known bug, that was addressed by the developers. I even witnessed this thing too. I remember using Excadrill on one of my runs and in the Hall of Fame screenshot the game claimed it to be Victreebel. Possibly the game screws up the mons who entered the Hall of Fame that has the dex number higher than around 460 or something.