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FireRed hack: Pokémon Kanlara Ultimate (21/01/2020 - New Patch Out)

Hello, Sakakii! I just want to say that I really like your hack. The story and leveling curve is really good. Quick question though, is sap sipper ability in this hack? Thanks!
So how do I get passed the two sleeping snolaxes near Florina city, to get into Florina city. Cause if thats the only option inside then I'm screwed any help?
I really need surf. Im playing the updated version BTW, so all the other things happening I can't seem to find a updated video on this game
20/01 Update: Early look at patch notes here. Patch is likely out in the next day or so. Just need to do a playthrough of my own to, then I'll be good to release it here. Won't be a big update or anything like I mentioned.

PATCH NOTES (Subject to change until patch is out)


Planning on doing a very minor update to the hack, likely won't be any new content but here are some things I want to do:

* Make the 'selfie girls' blocking the west gate in Highlife Path go away after the mini-event with Team Rocket there, essentially making the 2nd Gym optional. You'll still want to do it at some point to unlock the ability
to use HM Fly outside of battle, but you won't have to tackle the very difficult gym battle so early in the game.
* Nerfs to Demon Pokemon. Currently thinking of just trimming the base stats down a bit, could also potentially touch the typing itself but that might prove harder to do. In essence I want Demon Pokemon to just be a bit weaker in general.
* Minor bug fixes such as movement errors, etc.

That's about what I have for now. No ETA on patch release or anything like that just yet.

So how do I get passed the two sleeping snolaxes near Florina city, to get into Florina city. Cause if thats the only option inside then I'm screwed any help?
Talk to Misty who is standing on the bridge in Kanja Boulevard, if you beat her she will give you the poke flute so you can get past the Snorlax.
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New patch is out, available in the attachments at the bottom of the first post.

Patch notes:



[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Kanlara Ultimate (21/01/2020 - New Patch Out)[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Kanlara Ultimate (21/01/2020 - New Patch Out)[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Kanlara Ultimate (21/01/2020 - New Patch Out)
It seems that youngster Tyler has become a legend! Now I am willing to go the edge of the world to battle him again!!
New patch is out, available in the attachments at the bottom of the first post.

Patch notes:



[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Kanlara Ultimate (21/01/2020 - New Patch Out)[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Kanlara Ultimate (21/01/2020 - New Patch Out)[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Kanlara Ultimate (21/01/2020 - New Patch Out)
Nvm I found Landorous But I still can't find Raikou. Thats the only legendary I missed. I even have heatran. Also what am I supposed to do after going to the glitched version of Kanto? I faced Red and he flew off of somewhere am I supposed to find him? And do I go tell Archie about Maxie or is that just it with them?
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Hello, Sakakii! I just want to say that I really like your hack. The story and leveling curve is really good. Quick question though, is sap sipper ability in this hack? Thanks!
Hi! Sorry, it is not. No new abilities are in this hack.
Nvm I found Landorous But I still can't find Raikou. Thats the only legendary I missed. I even have heatran.
Raikou will be in the Power Plant, but if you didn't complete Lt. Surge's sidequest, it will not spawn. The dogs are all released after beating Agatha, but for some reason I decided to make Raikou only spawn if Lt. Surge's sidequest had been completed. Probably because Lt. Surge will hint towards a legendary appearing in the PP in his dialogue.

And yeah, there is no more content with those characters you mentioned - it seems you've completed those sidequests, so good job :)
Hi! Sorry, it is not. No new abilities are in this hack.

Raikou will be in the Power Plant, but if you didn't complete Lt. Surge's sidequest, it will not spawn. The dogs are all released after beating Agatha, but for some reason I decided to make Raikou only spawn if Lt. Surge's sidequest had been completed. Probably because Lt. Surge will hint towards a legendary appearing in the PP in his dialogue.

And yeah, there is no more content with those characters you mentioned - it seems you've completed those sidequests, so good job :)

So I already helped it surge with the whole missing key thing and he said there was a legend supposedly supposed to be there but Raikou has yet to show up. Mind you I did that way before I went to the league and stuff. So was I supposed to wait or did I do something wrong? I searched for him and he still not there. I guess I messed up or I'm supposed to find it surge again
So I already helped it surge with the whole missing key thing and he said there was a legend supposedly supposed to be there but Raikou has yet to show up. Mind you I did that way before I went to the league and stuff. So was I supposed to wait or did I do something wrong? I searched for him and he still not there. I guess I messed up or I'm supposed to find it surge again

Yeah so if you did the Lt. Surge sidequest (the key thing) before beating Agatha you should be good if not I don't think there is a way for Raikou to ever appear, unless there's another trigger somewhere in the game that I put in which if there is I can't remember right now.
Yeah so if you did the Lt. Surge sidequest (the key thing) before beating Agatha you should be good if not I don't think there is a way for Raikou to ever appear, unless there's another trigger somewhere in the game that I put in which if there is I can't remember right now.

Okay thank for the help anyway😊. Great game BTW, do you have any other games?
Okay thank for the help anyway😊. Great game BTW, do you have any other games?
Can I get Aegislash blade form in this hack?
You can but it's not easy. You need a Doublade with a higher attack stat than defense stat, then when it evolves it will evolve into Aegislash Blade. If it has more defense then it evolves into Aegislash Shield. I think there is also a trade in the Kaji City fan club where you can trade a Shield form for a Blade form.
My Breloom can't learn Ice Punch, it can learn that move in R/S/E. And why Fletchinder used it Japanese name?
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You can but it's not easy. You need a Doublade with a higher attack stat than defense stat, then when it evolves it will evolve into Aegislash Blade. If it has more defense then it evolves into Aegislash Shield. I think there is also a trade in the Kaji City fan club where you can trade a Shield form for a Blade form.

i appreciate the patch you did. i got a question. are you done hacking? because i thought your last patch was the final one but either way thank you for your dedication.