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[PKMN FULL] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)


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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)

    A Pokemon RP rated T.
    Credits for inspiration goes to: Ray Maverik's Into the Great Open Blue, and references from One Piece.

    It was about 50 years ago, where the Great Outlaw, Gyuken N. Masamune the Lucario, known for his great fame, power and wealth, was executed. His final words before his death however rang to this very day: "if you want to have the greatest fortune of all, seek the Wishmaker across the seas... your wishes will be granted."

    To this day, no Pokémon has ever seen the Wishmaker, nor do they know what they look like, but according to the Great Outlaw, it has the power to grant any wish for those who have stumble upon it. So, every upcoming explorer has the same dream set in their lives of one day finding this Wishmaker treasure, and naming themselves as the greatest explorer in the world.

    However, this rumor also increased a number of outlaws to become pirates and sail toward the Wishmaker treasure, beginning the Great Age of the PokéPirates. This is the tale of one such pirate crew, The Frozen Roses...

    The Frozen Roses Crew

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    The Captain: Anne D'arc played by Dragon (Froslass, ♀)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    The Quartermaster: Baryon played by Aquacorde (Krookodile, ♂)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Navigator: Vylantiremnosta played by Turnip (Mismagius, ♀)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Boatswain: Seron played by Firesnow (Poliwrath, ♂)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Gunner: "Mad" Hartley Holt played by gimmepie (Blastoise, ♂), Dedan Fawkes played by Cubism (Braixen, ♂)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Striker: Quinn played by Stinging Bea (Rowlet ♀) & Hannah Delmare played by Pumpkin Spice Lucario (Noivern ♀)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Doctor: Dr. Thorsten Fungele played by Murkmire (Amoonguss, ♂)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Cook: Hal played by Groc (Salandit, ♂)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Cabin Pokémon: Seraphina played by Sapphire Rose (*shiny* Eevee, ♀), Skip Maxwell played by Ninetales

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Pilot: Whitney Delmar played by Fen-kun (Floatzel, ♀)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Bard: "Anton" played by Nakuzami (Thievul, ♂)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)

    Moon Port Town, Black Sea
    Early Morning

    Moon Port Town got this name because of an old tale. Long ago, it's said that a large meteorite created a landscape where pokemon eventually created structures for shops, and many forms of entertainment. It became a highly popular land of tourists who are looking to shop, and to relax from their travels. For example, there is a shop owned by a middle-aged Swanna who sells different antiques, an old veteran warrior - a Shelgon - sells different types of items for battle like spikes, gravelrocks, or other useful items...

    ...There's even the fabled Black Market, who you will only find more information about in dark alleys.

    Most notably, there is a tavern near the heart of town where it is owned by a fairly hardy Swalot. Pokemon from all over gather there to mingle, drink and eat to their heart's content, and its even a place for rumor floating - the pokemon gossip about new mystery dungeons formed, and even some other tidbits.

    The Frozen Roses has docked here, to unwind and go about their their own business for the day, and planned to meet up again later on the evening. Think of this as a small introductory chapter for your character. You can do anything in this town, and structure it however you like!​
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    Meet the Doctor

    Somewhere, tucked deep in the bustling, hustling streets of Moon Port Town, was a somewhat quiet bar in the darker alleyways. The music that seemed to float on the breeze was a calming piano jazz, the interior was soft and welcoming. The barkeep, a Dusclops, was polishing off some glasses while Duskull servers floated to and from the bar. His eye, merely on the glass as it reflected the soft glowing lights, not once changing view as he made drinks every so often for whatever order came his way. His disembodied hands would make the drinks just as the order would be relayed.

    *clak, clak*

    The door rattled as it opened, a large-headed figure shuffling his way inside. An Amoonguss wearing a dark, worn coat of some sort, and a pair of glasses with black lenses made his way to the bar seats. "Red wine, please," asked the individual as he sat. The Dusclop's hands flew to work, a fine bottle of red wine and a sparkling glass floated through the air, as if they were dancing. Gracefully, the glass landed in front of the Amoonguss. He sipped quietly. Feeling the liquid rush against the top of his goatee, he experienced the bouquet of flavor with a pleasant sigh. After taking in the atmosphere, the Amoonguss placed a now empty wine glass, and asked the bartender, "May I use your restroom?" A left hand appeared before him, pointing towards the other side of the bar. A hallway could be seen, with another Duskull floating by the entrance. "Thank you," muttered the Amoonguss, as he left his seat, and paused at the stationary Duskull.

    "I've danced with zhe devil," whispered the Amoonguss.

    The Duskull nodded. "Down the hall, and to the right, sir."

    The Amoonguss shifted off, going down a flight of stairs, the lights from the above bar getting dimmer and dimmer. But now, an eerie blue light began to seep with each new step downwards. Eventually, in front of him, was a steel door, and a pair of Litwick in front of the door. Both of them, voices soft and feminine asked, "Where did you dance with the devil?" The Amoonguss, taking off his glasses and eying the pair answered, "In zhe pale moonlight."

    Both Litwick giggled, and bubbly replied, "Welcome back, Doctor Fungele, to the Sepulchre."

    Shifting through the doors, was a much more lavish looking lounge. Lavish, but also macabre. A sense of dread could be felt throughout the architecture and décor. Various shady figures could be seen occupying various booths, side rooms and bar stools, whispering to each other of unsavory trades and deals. Haunting, melancholy piano music could be heard accompanying the whispers. Heavy with the smell of smoke and liquor, the dead air also hung with the dark music. The barkeep here was a Haunter. However, Sableye could be seen shifting in and out of shadows, delivering drinks, letters and parcels. One Sableye appeared before the doctor, and showed him to a table in a secluded area. Not a minute after the doctor sat did the Sableye deliver a fine wine glass. A rich, red wine with a swirling, violet tinge. "Compliments of the boss, Charlotte Moreau, herself. Chateau de Sepulchre, enriched with Seviper venom. Enjoy," muttered the Sableye before it sunk into the shadow below.

    After that, Doctor Fungele sat in silence. Sipping his wine, he seemed to be waiting for someone.

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    "Mad" Hartley Holt
    Blastoise | Male | Gunner

    Hartley stood in a deadlock, staring into the eyes of a grizzled old Shelgon across the bench of a stall. All around the pair of them were various boxes and pots containing spikes, gravelrocks and the like. Between the two, half-way across the faded wooden countertop was a smaller pot, filled with some sort of black powder.

    "I'm tellin' ya," Hartley growled, "You're askin' way too much for the pot."

    "Pot's free," the Shelgon responded, not dropping his gaze, "But the powder's price is what I set it at. Take it or take a walk."

    The two continued glaring at each other, several onlookers now stopping in their tracks, captivated by the tension between the grouchy Blastoise and their resident Dragon type.

    "It's too expensive. It's not worth that much." Hartley leaned in closer, smoke from the cigar in his mouth blowing into the Shelgon's face.

    "If you can't afford it, go elsewhere instead of wasting my time." The proprietor didn't back down.

    Hartley glowered at the smaller Pokemon, the two continuing their staring contest for several minutes before he uttered a long, rumbling sigh. "Fine, forget the powder, just grab me a handful of gravelrocks from that barrel over there."

    Hartley indicated the barrel in question with a jerk of his head, the proprietor coughing and snorting as he turned and made his way over to the barrel - acutely aware of his lack of hands going by the obscenities he was muttering under his breath.

    As the Shelgon reached the barrel, Hartley smirked. His shoulder cannons emerged from where they were concealed within his shell and there was a loud "boom" as a sphere of water shot out from each. The shopkeeper began to turn at the sound, only for both projectiles to crash into him, exploding into a surge of water that knocked the Shelgon and barrel both through a stack of crates.

    Hartley laughed to himself, grabbing the pot of black powder from the bench and turning to stride away, the crowd of onlookers shouting at him with shock and disgust, but clearing out of his way nonetheless.

    "That's why ya always give ol' Hartley Holt a good deal ya hear!"

    Unfortunately, the crowd did not hear. The triumphant declaration was drowned out by the sound of a furious howl as the Shelgon sprinted up behind Hartley, taking a running leap onto his back and biting down hard on the back of Hartley's head.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Water Pulse | Flash Cannon | Aura Sphere | Iron Defence | Rapid Spin | Hydro Pump

    In the market square, Hal examines a fruit stand closely. He'e been examining this stand for over a minute now, to the annoyance of the Tropius running the stand.

    "Hey kid, are you even alive in there? Either buy something or move on."

    Hal picks up a small Leppa Berry, popping it into his mouth and chewing on it thoughtfully. "Mmm! Now this is juicy! ...I'm sorry, did you say something?"

    Tropius growls in frustration, leaning down to reach eye level with the Salandit. "Yeah, I said you're weirding out my customers. But now you owe me for that Leppa!"

    "Jeez, relax, old man." Hal reaches into the pocket of his bandana, pulling out a small bag. "I'll take a dozen of those Berries, including the one I sampled."

    Tropius straightens back up, rolling his eyes. "Well, it took you long enough. Let me get those for you." He quickly bags up the Berries, placing the bag on the counter.

    "And here's your payment." Hal tosses the bag high in the air, and Tropius follows the bag with his eyes. He snatches it with his mouth, and Hal grabs his Berries and starts to walk away.

    "It's all there, don't worry. Pleasure doing business with you!"

    "Not so fast, kid!"

    Hal freezes in place, starting to sweat a little. Did he see me swipe those Orans? How? I could have sworn I tossed it high enough!

    "Your change." Tropius slides the bag back over, significantly lighter now. Hal laughs nervously as he picks it up, tucking it back into his bandana.

    "Oh! I had more than enough. Thanks! I hope to see you again!" He hurries off, trying to look cool and casual.

    Tropius shakes his head as Hal leaves, sighing in annoyance. "Kids these days..."

    An Overabundance Of The Letter E
    Featuring The Great Right Honourable Archmage Vylantiremnosta.


    The sound of a mad Mismagius whizzing past your ear at uncomfortable speeds. Mingling with - or rather, ruining - the early-morning birdsong and greatly inconveniencing anyone within earshot. Those in the ghost's path had it even worse: exposed to the full brunt of maniacal noise-making and forced to sidestep or duck to avoid the careless missile.

    "Weeheehee!" Cried the Mismagius - an expression of elation, in direct contrast to the feelings of every other creature in the phantom's general vicinity. The phantom in quesiton: The Great Right Honourable Archmage Vylantiremnosta - or so she calls herself. The Frozen Roses this morning have been given an opportunity to relax, to enjoy themselves, and the Archmage has, interestingly, not chosen to spend her free time engaging in some kind of incantation aboard the ship. Nor has she chosen to shadow one of the other crewmates like a horrid spectre. What could she be up to, I wonder? Some innocent fun, perhaps? Could be. The ghost's yellow eyes snapped to one side, spying the form of a Kadabra appearing from around a corner on the way to the market.

    "Heeheehee!" Laughed the Mismagius on fast approach, her robe rippling in the wind. Does she ever make a sound that doesn't involve the letter e?

    "Boo!" There it is.

    The Kadabra, to his credit, didn't flinch. He hesitantly regarded the situation in front of him, one eyebrow raised and the other weighed down; facial muscles contorted by heavy scepticism at what his eyes were showing him.

    Not bothering with a greeting, or perhaps to serve as one, Vylanti announced: "The archmage comes! And not a moment too soon! Yes, I have no thumbs - and yet, I need it! Your spoon!"

    "You... my... my spoon? What, you're gonna take it? Said it yourself, it's mine."

    "Aha! A purchase, a trade, a deal!"

    "I'm not a merchant, and I need my spoon," the Kadabra immediately rebuked the offer. "Piss off."

    "Okay!" And the Mismagius flew off. What, you thought every character introduction for this pirate crew would feature them somehow getting into trouble, stealing something or otherwise engaging in some kind of below-board activity? It might surprise you to know that not all pirates are miscreants, nuisances or wrongdoers. Victims of circumstance, innocent pariahs, freedom fighters; a wide variety of noble sorts can be inducted into pirate crews. Even those who are generally prone to mischief don't engage in causing distress all the time. It'd be presumptuous and, dare I say, foolish to expect every interaction of this ghost to involve some kind of- oh for heaven's sake she's flying back.

    "I must have it!" Screeched the would-be banshee, apparently loathe to end a sentence without an exclamation mark. "The ritual demands psychic focus!"

    "Look, lady, just go to the market to find it, or something," the psychic-type tried to brush her off. "Not the normal one, you need the special one." The Kadabra's voice lowered, "The black market, down-"

    "Black Market?" Squealed the Mismagius, a heroic question mark saving us from yet more exclamation armageddon. She approached the Kadabra excitedly, her face and eyes and huge, terrible smile growing uncomfortably close in a disturbingly short amount of time. "A shop of dark arts? Terrible treasures, preposterous prizes, ghastly goods? Dark Mercantile? Sinister Sundries? Bad Shop!?"

    I guess the question mark wasn't powerful enough to save us after all.

    "Jus- get away from me!" The Kadabra stumbled as he back-stepped. "I told you already. Black Market. Third alley on the right, take the first left into the building with the M on the door and ask for Garfield. Now get away from me, before I start blasting!"

    "Mmmm," mused the ghost, as a shadow fell over the Kadabra from behind. "A market of darkness..."

    "Couldn't help but overhear," rumbled the shadow, a titanic Emboar. "Awful open street, here. Your lips been gettin' loose, Tim?"

    The Kadabra did a shaky about-face, not wanting to take his eyes off the Mismagius but knowing he couldn't ignore the juggernaut currently looming over him from behind. Said juggernaut did not look particularly happy.

    "Mr. Carver," greeted the psychic. "'Morning. I was-"

    "-You know we don't spread the news when we're not in the shade, Tim. This is strike two. Afraid we don't do threes, you already know."

    Tim the Kadabra exhaled through his nose, the only sound to break the silence for a few seconds before he spoke again. "You don't have to do this, Mr. Carver."

    "You knew the rules, Tim," huffed the Emboar. "For what it's worth, I know where the good doctors are."

    "No, Mr. Carver. I mean you really don't."

    Tim the Kadabra jumped back and extended one arm from behind his back, purple energy enveloping his eyes. The Emboar expected resistance, yes, but not the first strike. Mr. Carver readied himself to brace against the hit, tree-trunk arms crossed against his chest just below his face, adrenaline beginning to flare the flames around his neck. The type disadvantage was a problem, but the fire-type was still confident; he knew Tim didn't train as much as he did. It made sense to favour guard in a case of guard versus common crook. Tim's empty fist shot out from the side, psychic energy spluttering from the limb and not coming anywhere near its mark.


    Vylantiremnosta floated back to the ship with her new spoon.
    Soren - Just Another Quiet Morning

    Tucked away in his usual spot, Soren was enjoying a mug in silence at the main tavern in town. He had been coming here for as long as he could remember and had struck a rapport with the owner, a weather worn Swalot by the name of Alfred Lagerich, but anyone who didn't have a death wish called him Al. Though they didn't do much talking, the Swalot was always sure to keep Soren's corner booth open whenever the Poliwrath made port and in exchange, the Poliwrath would help with keeping the more rambunctious patrons under control. Peering out from over the top of his mug, it was a pretty quiet morning. A few older regulars sat at the bar, idly flirting with one of the bartenders, a Lopunny who was all too happy to earn some extra tips with some flirting of her own. It was Soren's idea of a perfect morning.

    A mug landed with a thud and slid in front of Soren. He looked up to see his old pal standing in front of him. "How are ye Soren? Been awhile since I saw yer ugly mug around here." He said gruffly, taking a seat across from Soren, his own mug in front of them. Soren picked up his mug and raised it towards the Swalot, who returned the favor, their glasses clinking.

    "The usual Al..." He said shortly, taking a sip of the ice cold drink. The Swalot chuckled, "Ever the talkative one still I see. Hear anything interesting?" Soren raised his one good eye disapprovingly.

    "Alright, alright. You know I have to ask at least. How else am I supposed to be the hub for information in this town?"

    Soren lowered his gaze and grunted. "You?"

    "Oh, just the usual gossip. Buried treasure, raiding some noble's mansion for a jewel. Nothing you'd be interested in."

    "I see."

    At that moment the door to the tavern loudly burst open. The pair shifted their gazes to the sound to see a troublesome looking Primeape and its crew.

    "These punks again. Gimme a minute." Al sighed as they slid out from the booth and headed over. Seems the quiet morning was over.
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    Cabin Pokémon (not yet)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)

    "Oh! That one certainly looks tasty!"

    A silver colored Eevee stared at a pecha berry in front of her, dangling on the berry tree and shimmering in the evening sun. Just when she was about to reach out to the berry with intent to eat it, she heard footsteps coming closer.

    "Hey! Who goes there?!"

    She heard a loud and rough voice shout across the Berry farm, freezing the tiny Eevee in place. A huge Tyranitar had found her whereabouts and made itself ready to charge. "You!! What are you doing on my farm?!" They called out rather hostile. The hostility grew when their eyes rested on a crimson red ribbon that the Eevee was wearing, complimenting her smooth silver fur but angering the Tyranitar. "You're going to regret this, you punk!!"

    "Uh oh." The Eevee said, snatching the Pecha berry from it branch, hiding it in her pouch and making a run for it. "Get back here!" She heard the Tyranitar shout, obviously she was not going to do that and their chase begun. Just when the Eevee was nearing the exit that she came through, a strong force of light flew just past her ears and completely destroyed the gate in front of her. "Can you not Hyper Beam me?!" The Eevee reprimanded the Tyranitar that was now with a knee of the ground and catching it's breath from that Hyper Beam. This was her chance. She was going to escape then she had to do so now.


    The silver coloured Eevee arrived at the borders of the forest she had escaped into. Having had run for a while she was worn out but the thought of the Pecha berry that she had snatched earlier made everything worth it. Especially since the rumbling sound her stomach had been making for days kept getting louder and louder. Her eyes were glittering as she looked down her small pouch. "N-No... no no no no......" the Eevee whined, she only now noticed that the pouch was no longer in her possession. Defeated she lowered herself to the floor and lied down. Her stomach made another rumbling sound and the Eevee whined some more.

    "So... hungry..."

    She tilted her head a little bit to the left and saw she was on top of a cliff. The view was beautiful and what was more, she saw a town. Something she hadn't seen in days. Hope returned to her eyes. She got up and dragged her exhausted body down the cliff and made her way to what was her only chance at survival at that point.

    It took her half a day to get to that town. Half a day of traveling with breaks in between. Still having eaten nothing but air, the Eevee stumbled through town. Her eyes hazy and her stomach rumbling more by every food scent that happened to pass her tiny nose. Her fur had gotten a quite dirty in the meanwhile from the dragging, making it a bit hard to see the actual colour of her fur for everyone around her. She heard whispers, she occasionally saw someone shoot a glare at her. Why? Was her only thought. She hadn't done anything wrong... yet. She was thinking up plans how to steal her dinner from local cafe's and restaurants. That had worked over the past few months and no one ever found her out. Until the Tyranitar from earlier this day that is...

    Exhausted she eventually dropped to the floor. Right in front of someone's feet but she did not see whom those feet belong too. Or... if they were even feet. It seemed like whatever it was, it was floating. "Food... please..." a desperate plea escaped her mouth before she utterly collapsed.

    Hannah walked through the market place looking over all the various shops but didnt have much money. Even though she was a pirate she didn't want to steal anything and liked to think of herself as still having honor though now a pirate. Yawning for the first time in a while the noivern thought about taking a nap but would do so later after exploring the town. Hannah had to admit she was interested in the black market but it wouldnt be open until later. But of course that was only an assumption and she didn't even know where it was. Hannah decided that she would go to the tavern and maybe by the antique shop.
    Opening the door to the tavern she was greeted by harty laughter. A seismitoad was having an arm wreste against a Simisage and many other pokemon were sitting around drinking. "Barkeep one ale please" "coming right up" says the Swalot
    Hannah drinks the ale quickly and leaves the payment on the counter before leaving. Hannah takes to the sky to get an areal view of the town. "yes thats the spot" Hannah thought as she saw a large tree in a local park. Flying to the tree and settling down in the branches for a nap.
    Striker Pokémon

    Eyes narrowed, the young Rowlet examined the bushel of oran berries in the bucket with intent focus. The tips of her feathers gently rushing against the berries, taking in the texture carefully before bringing a single berry up towards her beak. A small sniff, before glancing back up towards the shopkeeper. The Grovyle in question watched with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. Never before had he seen anyone come visit his stall and then proceed to judge his produce as if they were a patient at the local clinic.

    "You said these were of the peak of ripeness," Quinn finally spoke, her eyes moving up to lock contact with that of the Grovyle. "They're starting to get mushy. I wouldn't trust these to be juiced by our cook, and he made a pie out of black sludge once."

    Arnold the Grovyle let out a frustrated grunt, a hand on his hip as he glared at the cloaked Pokémon. "Ya got no idea what yer talkin' 'bout. They were just picked and brought in this mornin'," He paused, reaching into the bucket himself. He quickly plucked one of the berries out, plopping it into his mouth before chomping down on it an effort to challenge Quinn's judgement. "My partner Benjamin is an expert farmer. He's been tillin' the fields and growin' these berries since ya were probably an egg. He knows his business, kid."

    Quinn seemed unmoved by his steadfast position. "So you say, but I'm not so sure." The Rowlet returned the berry into the bucket, a proud look coming to grace her features. "I've been sailing these seas for some time now, I'll have you know. In fact, I happen to be on a crew that has well over a thousand members! They always come to me for advice, especially when it comes to food. They just happen to see me as somewhat of a gourmand."

    The Grovyle raised an eyebrow to Quinn's boast.

    "Surely you've heard of Novind Island?" the Rowlet questioned. "I don't blame if you if you haven't. You look like someone who hasn't done much traveling. Regardless, they have berries of the upmost quality. Acres and acres of the ripest, juiciest berries that stretch on for miles. Not one of them getting squishy, mind you. All of them firm and with flavors that can send you to nirvana... But I guess that what happens when you probably grow your wares with inferior dirt."

    The Grovyle clenched his fist, a low growl slipping past his lips. Still, Quinn pressed on. "My crew needs to eat, so I guess I don't have much of a choice. I'll give you... ₽100 for the whole bucket. It's pretty generous for a harvest that's starting to rot."

    "I got a different offer for ya," Arnold spat. "Ya got ten seconds to get outta my sight and ya don't come back to my stall. In return, ya get to keep yer feathers."

    Quinn huffed. "Fine, ₽150. But that's my final offer for this borderline trash."

    Arnold grunted in annoyance. Patience lost, the merchant quickly leapt over the stall towards Quinn in a fit of fury. The grass-type making an effort to grab the bucket away from his would-be customer. Quinn was quick to jump back however, the Rowlet pulling the bucket away as Arnold fell to the ground. Eyes seemingly glowing with anger, the Grovyle scrambled to his feet and began to dash towards Quinn. With a moment of quick thinking, the Rowlet reached into the bucket and took a bushel of the oran berries into her feather tips. She took aim at Arnold, squeezing the crop together with as much energy as she could muster. A dark blue juice shot out from the fruit and flew through the air... right into the Grovyle's eyes. Arnold let out a pain-filled, angry yell.

    "Ya little... I'm gonna pluck ya bald!"

    Quinn glanced down at the bucket and then back towards the angry Grovyle. A realization ran through the Rowlet's head that maybe... just maybe, she happened to go a bit too far.

    "T-Time to flee!"



    The Krookodile examines the piece, gently turning it in his long claws. "It's not a bad design, this. But it's apprenticeship work. Ya made it yaself?"

    "Yessir," the young Nuzleaf behind the stall says proudly. "Best I've done yet!"

    Baryon tsks. "Nah, don't go 'round sayin that. Make ya customers think this is nothin'. Tell 'em ya got more in the works, better ones. Make 'em come back for 'em. 'Cause you'll have made 'em by then."

    "But then I can't sell this one…"

    Baryon waves a hand dismissively. "Someone'll buy it. Someone with a less discerning eye. For customers like me, ya gotta aim higher. Promise me more. Otherwise I'll just go somewhere else."

    He taps his claws against the counter thoughtfully. "What ya sellin' from your master?"

    The Nuzleaf only gets half the thing over the counter before Baryon sighs and pushes it back over. "Nah, that's another o' yours. What'd I just tell ya? Discerning eye, that's me. Show me somethin' professional."

    The next three are much more in line with what Baryon's looking for.

    "I'm likin' this one," he says, sighting into the crowd along the street. A Grimer takes notice and shrinks in on itself before speeding away. "I'll take it."

    The Nuzleaf perks up. "That's ten thousand, then!"

    "Ten-?! Ah, lad, ain't no-one teach ya how to profile customers?" Baryon shakes his head. "I'll give ya six." He grins, letting his lower fangs show. The Nuzleaf pales, but youthful determination wins out.

    "I understand, sir, but I'm not taking less than eight."

    Baryon laughs. "That's the spirit! But don't go tryin' it on any of the others. They ain't near as lenient as I am. I'll do eight for your master's if ya throw in the first one ya showed me."


    "It ain't a bad piece, all told. I'll find a use for it." He drops some coin on the counter and takes the two cloth-wrapped pieces under one arm. "Good doin' business with ya, kid."

    Soren - Disrespect isn't Tolerated

    Sipping on his drink, seemingly unaware of what was occurring only feet away from him, Soren listened intently to the conversation occurring between Al and the patrons that just arrived. So far, things looked relatively calm as the Swalot and Primeape chatted.

    "Listen Al, you gotta let us back in. Nobody kicks the Moon Port Boys out of anywhere!" the Primeape's henchman, a Snubbull and a Ekans, growled in agreement. "So you best reconsider...".

    "Maurice, you know dang well why ye can't come back in here. Between the constant fights and the forceful flirting with the female patrons, you make my tavern 'ere look like some hole in the wall establishment. Now, leave before I make you leave."

    The Primeape, anger raging inside of him, eyed the rest of the patrons who were watching. No one else there could take him on as he formed an evil smile. "I don't think so....ALFRED". The Moon Port Boys all leapt at once at the hardy Swalot. Before any of them could reach him though, they found themselves flattened against the wall.

    "ughh...what the...? Bleary eyed, Maurice looked up to see Soren standing above, mug still in hand. "Who do ye think ye are? This doesn't concern you." The Primeape staggered to its feet.

    "I'm just a nobody patron who doesn't stand for disrespect." Soren polished off his drink and placed it on the table next to him. "Now leave..."

    "I don't think so, ya one eyed trash!" The Primeape once again leapt but this time at the Poliwrath. Soren sighed as the air around dropped a few degrees. A second later, Maurice, frozen solid now, went flying out the door. The silence was deafening as everyone processed what just happened. The Snubull and Ekans looked back at Soren.


    The pair looked at each other and nodded, sprinted out the door, and hauled off towards the horizon, their leader in tow.

    "Typical...brawn no brain."

    Soren turned and patted Swalot's shoulder before handing him his empty mug.


    "Next round's on me friend."

    Soren nodded and headed back to his seat. Things were quiet again.
    "Mad" Hartley Holt
    Blastoise | Male | Gunner

    With the Shelgon still latched onto him, Hartley slammed through the door of a nearby building, knocking it off of its hinges and stumbling into some sort of restaurant. There was screams and shouts of shock and annoyance as the pair of struggling Pokemon collided with a nearby table, knocking it over and spilling its contents onto the floor.

    Hartley retreated into his shell and started spinning, the Rapid Spin throwing his attacker off and into another table, toppling it much like its predecessor. Cries of outrage continued as Hartley emerged from his shell and blasted the Shelgon with the bright light of his Flash Cannon attack, bystanders diving out of the way.

    "Don't ya know who you're messin' with?!"

    "Nope and I don't care!" The Shelgon took a deep breath and then exhaled, spewing out a torrent of deep purple flames.

    Hartley grabbed the nearest of the fallen tabled and flung it up in front of him as a barrier. The table started breaking apart, but weathered the attack. Then it exploded into shards as the Shelgon barreled through it, glowing blue as he rammed into Hartley with a Zen Headbutt.

    Hartley was knocked off his feet, falling onto his back and tumbling through yet another table. He retaliated with an Aura Sphere, blasting the Dragon type up toward the ceiling. He climbed up to his feet as the Shelgon smacked into the floor next to him.

    "Are ya done yet?" Hartley growled.

    "Never!" The Shelgon shot up again, aiming for another Zen Hadbutt.

    Hartley caught the Shelgon between his hands and threw him back to the ground with a scough. "Yeah ya are."

    He extended his shoulder cannons and took aim, blasting his target with a seemingly endless torrent of high pressure water.


    Hartley found himself sitting in the middle of the ruined restaurant. Broken tables and shards of ruined plates and glasses littered the ground around him. A Shelgon-sized hole had been opened up in one of the walls… and that of the neighbouring building. The scene was drenched with water.

    Around Hartley, a handful of guild Pokemon were taking witness statements or analysing the damage. A furious Emboar was pacing back and forth, in the process of lecturing him.

    "Thousands of pokedollars worth of damage! Thousands! For this!" He chucked the sack of black powder down at Hartley. "It's not worth half that!"

    "Well, ya see," Hartley replied, "It's a matter of principal."

    "Principal?" The Emboar asked incredulously.

    "A fundamental belief system. A matter of honour." Hartley said smugly.

    "I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS! YOU JUST HAVE NONE!" The Emboar exploded, bending down to get in the sitting Hartley's face.

    "How rude."

    "What's rude is blowing holes in a place of business."

    "Like this?" Hartley grinned, holding up a handful of blackpowder.


    The Emboar didn't get to finish his sentence. Harley tossed the powder into the flames across the Fire type's neck and shoulders, pulling into his shell as he did so. From the darkness inside, he heard the explosive boom.

    Hartley emerged from his shell to see the restaurant even further destroyed than before and the Emboar and several of his underlings unconscious. Those still standing looked at him with shock, amazement and terror.

    "Adios folks!" Hartley said with a laugh, blasting away a section of wall next to the door with a Hydro Pump and exiting through it.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)
    Water Pulse | Flash Cannon | Aura Sphere | Iron Defence | Rapid Spin | Hydro Pump
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    Skip Maxwell

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)

    The Thief

    "Come back here, you overgrown Bunnelby!" An indignant voice bellowed from behind Skip as he darted through the cobblestone streets of Moon Port Town. A mischievous smirk was plastered to his face as he dodged the clusters of pokemon who strolled about.

    "I'm going to kill you with my bare hands!" The comment only deepened Skip's smirk as he leapt over a food stand, knocking off a pecha-berry pie from its display, a disgruntled Passimian hollering a few choice words at the fire type as he disappeared around the street corner and into an alley.

    Skip leaned against the brick wall of a nearby building, taking heavy breaths.

    Pretty sure I lost those losers. Heh, knew they were too sluggish to keep up.

    Just then, his pursuers appeared at the end of the alley, grinning murderously as they spotted him. "So there's the wise guy who thought it was a good idea to put his filthy paws on my pokedollars." The Makuhita cracked his knuckles. "I'll make you pay with my fists." His partner, an Electabuzz, guffawed, it was quite an abrasive sound, one that absolutely assaulted the ears.

    Skip backed away from the wall and turned to face the two pokemon as they both took several steps towards him, their bitter smiles turning into twisted scowls, their faces contorting with pure vexation.

    "Any last words?"

    Skip snickered. "Idiots." He muttered under his breath. He then sprinted towards them. The Makuhita stepped forwards, puffing up his broad chest as a display of dominance. Skip, however, was unfazed. In an instant, he launched a kick at the fighting type's knees, before kneeing him in the stomach, causing him to topple over backwards.

    The Electabuzz grimaced upon watching the collapse of his teammate and he rushed at the Raboot, pulses of electricity encompassing his balled-up fist. Skip ducked just in time, swiftly avoiding the blow, though only by the furs on his head. A vibrant flame surrounded his right foot and he drove it into the Electabuzz's abdomen, causing him to teeter over. Skip gazed mockingly at his two victims, sneering.

    "Here are my last words: you're both pathetic. That was too easy."

    With that, he darted around the corner, the bag of stolen pokedollars jingling in his pouch.

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    An Eevee and a

    "...make...up… hey…"

    The sounds of a muffled voice arose. The sleeping Pokemon that she had found was… well… asleep, seemingly fainted. She didn't know why she took an interest in the young Pokemon who had slumped before her, as she only took her to her lounge out of sheer pity. She then sighed. This was no material she could use for her fantasy. No grace, no beauty, no inner appeal whatsoever.

    A tale that was cringeworthy for tots' at best.

    She then turned away from the Pokemon, to look at the nearby mirror that hung nearby. "This is all your fault. You got yourself into this because you had that eye," she was talking to herself while looking at that mirror. "Why couldn't you get yourself something more curvy? Like that Lopunny we saw the other day? A Lilligant, maybe? I'm disappointed in you!"

    The young Pokémon, an Eevee to be exact, slowly started opening her magenta coloured eyes. Blinking a few times and slowly moving her head to take a better view around the room. "Where…?" She muttered to herself before realization struck her like a lightning bolt and she jumped to her feet faster than you could count to three. "Where am I?!" She yelled, her fur straight upward and half panickingly looking for a way out. It wasn't the first time the Eevee had almost been caught because of the colour of her fur and she sure as hell wasn't going to let it end here. Her eyes shortly met with the Froslass that had seemingly brought her here before she half-collapsed again. "No… strength…" she muttered to herself once again, her stomach still aching from not having eaten for days.

    The Froslass then turned around and approached the young Eevee. She got out something from the pouch she had been carrying around. "Chill," she suggested, handing the Eevee what looked like, a bright, red apple. "Here. Take it."

    The Eevee seemed a bit suspicious at first and stared at the apple. Eventually she was unable to withstand the temptation and she hesitantly took the apple. She ate it with much less hesitation. Where she would usually eat her food with grace and manners, She was chomping down the apple a bit more like a savage. "Phew… I desperately needed that." The Eevee spoke, sighing from relief as the stomach ache that she had been feeling for days was finally subsiding. "I have to be grateful to you it seems." The Eevee was still a bit hesitant towards the Froslass but even she could see that they did not mean her harm. At least… not right now. She bowed down to her savior but when she lifted her head, her eyes fell on her image in the mirror.

    "O-Oh dear… Is that… Is that how I've been appearing?" She asked quietly, a little shaken with how dirty she looked. Even her ribbon wasn't exactly a ribbon at the moment. She didn't mind getting a little dirty but this certainly was a new record.

    "Yeah, when I found you, you sure would make a Feebas have a run for its money," the Froslass chuckled. "Anyway, don't mention it. I just happened to come across you when you fainted, and… I dunno, you just seemed a bit too pitiful. So, here we are."

    The Eevee wasn't too bothered by the insult. She knew what was under all that dirt but it still stinged. "I haven't introduced myself, how rude of me." She then declared. "My name is Seraphina th-" with a hesitant tune in her voice, she stopped. "Seraphina. It's just Seraphina. Might I ask yours?"

    "It's Anne," the Froslass introduced, with a follow up yawn. "If you're feeling better kid, hurry up and get back home."

    "If I had one, I would." Seraphina replied. "I left home searching for adventure. I wanted to get out there in the world. However… you can see how that ended up going. I haven't been able to get far by myself." the dirty young Eevee claimed with a determined smile on her face. "I thank you for your hospitality, Anne. Thanks to you I at least regained some of my strength to keep going. Maybe I will be able to get somewhere this time." Seraphina jumped off from the Sofa Anna had left her on and made her way towards the door. It was then that she noticed the floor was… rocking?

    "Hah… pffft, ahahaha!" Anna bursted out laughing. "Haha! A-a small kid like yourself.. on an adventure all on her own?" Anne asked with the giggles. "The world's a biiiig, scary place you know, not for small, innocent pokemon like yourself, y'know!"

    "I'll have you know that I'm almost an adult." Seraphina said with a tiny bit of sass and her tail flicking playfully out of annoyance. "I might be small but I have plenty of personality to make up for that."

    "Ohhh nooo, watch out everyone, this Eevee has a personality!" Anne sarcastically mocked with a sly chuckle. "I'm sure all the big ol' pirates run from the hills when they see you, huh?"

    Seraphina was amazed by how quickly Anne's personality had changed. She was no longer holding herself back, huh? "Oh please." Seraphina turned around a bit annoyed by Anne's rudeness. "You know very well that pirates wouldn't be scared of a small, innocent Pokémon like myself." Seraphina spoke dramatically, imitating Anne's behavior from before. "I'll just escape like I did last time. Leaving destruction in my wake." The young Eevee had a sly smirk spreading across her lips remembering one of the first times she was caught by bandits.

    Anne's giggle eventually stopped. "Destruction, huh..." Anne repeated, slightly intrigued as she floated closer to the Eevee. "And? You've got a plan on where to head to next, kid?"

    "Nope." Seraphina claimed, way prouder than she should have. "I'll go wherever the winds decide to take me." She said with a true adventurous heart speaking.

    "I see…" Anne pondered. "Follow me for a sec." she led the Eevee towards the door. "Haven't you wondered where you've ended up in?" She then slowly opened the door that led outside. Outside, the brightness of the sun reflected upon the ocean's surface, which gave it a nice glimmer. The Froslass stretched her arms, seemingly aware of her current surroundings. Wooden planks covered the floor, and there was even a cast, with a steering wheel… from a bird-eye perspective, the two were in quite a breathtaking sight. They were in a ship.

    Seraphina's eyes widened. The view was something she had to take in. It was beautiful but the fact that she had been on a ship all along was a bit surprising. So surprising that certain thoughts started raging through her mind. "Anne… are you… are you a pirate?" She asked a bit nervously. Even if Anne was a pirate and she had been a prisoner all along, then why did Anne allow her to leave? Does that mean they're not bad pirates?

    "I sure am," Anne replied. "Anne D'Arc, lovingly charismatic captain of the Frozen Roses, seeker of the Wishmaker."

    "You're also searching for the Wishmaker?" Seraphina asked almost immediately, blatantly ignoring the facts that Anne just admitted to being a pirate as the words "wishmaker" distracted her.

    "Of course," Anne mischievously giggled. "Then we will be hailed as the greatest adventurers in the world. Pretty slick plan, right?"

    "I've been searching for it as well." Seraphina said a bit more quietly. "Wait, did you admit you are a pirate?"

    Anne sighed. "I am a pirate, yes," Anne repeated. "So what?"

    Seraphina blinked a few times. "And I'm not being held prisoner?"

    "...Geez, where did you get that imagination from?" Anne asked, but then… she started to peer into the young Eevee. "But then again…hmmm… yes..."

    "... The colour of my fur has gotten me into a lot of troubles." Seraphina said, noticing Anne looking at her.

    "Yes… Mehehe… Ahahaha!" The Froslass cackled with a starry-eyed stare. "Say, kid… how would you feel if all your dreams came true?"

    "I mean… that would certainly be great." The young Eevee said, a bit nervous from Anne's sudden laughter.

    "Then, congratulations!" The Froslass laughed. "You're part of the crew… starting right now!"

    Seraphina blinked a few times. It was then and there that she lost her composure. "Ehhhhhh?!"
    Whitney Delmar​

    Moon Port Town. The city certainly brought back memories for the Floatzel walking along the city's cobblestone streets. Whitney frowned. Certainly not good ones. At least, none that were good to her now. They tainted any joy she might have gotten from them. Just thinking of the treacherous fiends was enough to make her scowl.

    Whatever simmering emotions were coming up, however, she kept at bay so that she didn't have to relive that all over again. Instead, Whitney focused on her next task at hand: acquiring coffee beans. Her personal stash was running low on the ship and as members of her crew found out, you do not want to face Whitney without her coffee - not if you wanted to avoid being given a death glare or shouted at. Plus, it helped her focus on the many tasks that her job required and paradoxically seemed to calm her somewhat.

    Whitney had a few different merchants she got her coffee from scattered across the region depending on where they happened to dock for supplies. She tended towards merchants on the shadier side due to her infamy to a large swathe of the public. The merchant in Moon Port Town- a Roserade named Raymond - operated a legitimate coffeehouse as a front for his much more lucrative smuggling business. Whitney had occasional business dealings with him, but for the most part Whitney was a customer like any other.

    As the Floatzel arrived at his coffeehouse, Raymond greeted her with a smile and an elegant bow. He was a bit...flamboyant. "Welcome, Lady Delmar, to my humble coffeehouse."

    Even Whitney couldn't resist but give a small snort in amusement. "Wow, someone's happy to see me."

    "But of course! You're one of my biggest customers, not only in purchases but in stature as well."

    The Floatzel rolled her eyes at the excessive praise thrown her way. "Whatever. You got my regular stuff or not?"

    "Tsk tsk, as direct as always. Yes, I have them." He gestured with one of his arms towards two burlap sacks labeled Coco Island Blend and Blue Moon Blend. "Will you paying the usual way?"

    "Yup." Whitney reached into her pocket and procured a small sash where she kept some of her Pokedollars. She counted out the amount that they cost and handed them over to him. "There ya go."

    "Thank you." He took the Pokedollars to the till where he kept his money. As Whitney reached over to sling the sacks over her shoulders, Raymond said, "Say, next time you have another 'task' for me to do, you should really tell me more about the old days, I've heard so much-"

    "No," Whitney coldly replied. "I don't talk about 'em." She started carrying the sacks out back towards the front door and left with her coffee.

    The Roserade half-heartedly replied, "O-oh, well, have a good day then..." Whitney walked out the door wordlessly. Raymond shook his head and mumbled to himself, "That girl needs to lighten up sometimes."
    Emalian Antonius Crucius Lauranio d'Orania
    Moon Port Town, Midday
    Spy in the Sky

    Atop one of the tallest buildings in Moon Port Town, far above the rhythmic waves and bustling pokémon, basking in the salty ocean breeze, lay an enchanting maroon fox, soaking in the sun's rays. He slowly opened one eye as he heard the wingbeats of a small bird alighting on a spire beside him. He regarded the creature for a moment, before shutting his eye once more.

    "What news?" Anton asked, eyes still closed, his head resting on his front paws and his tail coiled up at his side.

    The tiny Rookidee chirped a quick response, before taking off back down towards the busy streets below. He had been the most recent in a series of messengers, all in the employ of one of Anton's compatriots from the Emerald Seekers. They were everywhere, and saw and heard most every going on in this town and beyond. Today's news was mostly keeping tabs on his current crew, the Frozen Roses. So far he'd been informed of a series of chaotic events, which was to be expected from his less than refined traveling companions.

    Fungele had disappeared into a "secret" tavern of sorts, Holt had assaulted a weapons shopkeeper and left a trail of destruction in his wake, Hal had swindled a fruit salesman in the public market, Vylantiremnosta had robbed a Kadabra of his spoon, Soren found himself in a barfight, Quinn had also assaulted a shopkeep after a failed attempt at haggling, while Baryon had a quieter experience with managing to successfully haggle for some curiosities. The young Skip had purloined someone's coin purse, Hannah found herself mostly wandering around between the market and a tavern, and Whitney had gone and found herself a fresh batch of coffee, thank Arceus. This last bit of news, however, was the most curious: it seemed Anton's revered captain, Anne, had taken an unconscious, silver Eevee onto the deck of the Winter Flower. What had become of her was undetermined, but his curiosity had been piqued. It was not a typical occurrence, to say the least, and the implications were amusing. Strangely, he had yet to receive news about Dedan.

    Anton's whiskers twitched as his internal clock signaled that it was time to make his rendezvous. He let out a contented sigh as he stretched his body in the sunlight, climbing to his feet in one graceful motion. He leapt from rooftop to rooftop, rapidly descending to the stone roads at the base of the buildings. He followed them to a clearing, where the tight streets opened up into a small park, an ornate stone fountain sitting as the centerpiece in a circular area littered with benches and trees alongside the intricate stone brick pathways. In the distance he spied his targets, facing away from him as they admired something within the park itself.

    "Right on time, as always," stated one of the figures as Anton approached them from behind, only deigning to turn around and face the fox after he had spoken.

    Anton bowed his neck slightly, as a gesture of respect. "Master Rinoz."

    He then turned his gaze to Rinoz's companion, giving her a nod and a warm smile. "It's good to see you again, Rosalie."

    Master Rinoz, the Mr. Rime he had first witnessed consorting with the captain of the Emerald Seekers a lifetime ago, was an imposing man. He did not flaunt his wealth nor his power, but the discerning eye could sense it radiating off of him. He held himself with poise and restraint, a quiet strength filling his aura. Once upon a time Anton had found it deeply unsettling, but he'd grown rather used to it over the years, and now found it strangely comforting.

    Rosalie held herself with a much softer grace. As a fellow member of the Emerald Seekers, the Lilligant was like a sister to Anton. Her petals shimmered in the sun, her posture gentle and refined, and her smile warm beyond compare. He meant what he said, it was truly great to see her again after so long apart.

    "How goes your task?" Rinoz inquired, staring Anton directly in the eyes, forcing the bard's gaze to focus on the man.

    Anton allowed a slight smirk to cross his face, briefly recounting the antics of his crew since his last check in. "It continues to go . . . well, I'd be remiss if I described it as 'smoothly,' considering the nature of the company I've found myself in, but I've encountered no issues in regards to the task at hand. There's been no recent developments in the hunt for the Wishmaker, nor any particularly interesting information beyond that."

    Rinoz closed his eyes and nodded, both hands on his cane that stood rigidly in front of him. "And your cover has gone unbroken, I presume?"

    It was Anton's turn to nod. "The Roses have no knowledge of my affiliation with the Seekers, nor has the public eye taken note of my presence aboard the Flower. The precarious balance that is my life remains quite comfortable."

    Rosalie stepped forward and took Anton's right paw between both of her hands. "And may it stay that way," she said softly, placing a caring peck upon his snout. She took a step back, rejoining their patron. "The Seekers miss their charming bard. They'll be pleased to hear of your good standing."

    Anton smiled at her, understanding passing between their eyes. Nothing more need be said.

    "Well, my boy," Rinoz began, lifting his cane from the stones at their feet and taking a step forward, placing a hand on Anton's shoulder as he passed. "Keep up the good work. I apologize that our meeting today must be so brief, but I'm afraid there's other matters I must attend to before leaving this town. I look forward to your next update."

    With that, Rinoz and Rosalie took their leave, Anton watching as they disappeared among the crowd.

    He cantered off in the opposite direction, making his way back to the docks where the Winter Flower was stationed. His crew would be missing him before long, if they hadn't gotten themselves arrested yet.
    Dedan Fawkes
    Prologue: Meet Cherry

    It's a dark alley to get through honestly, even on such a sunny day as it is today. It's an empty place. Not a single soul. Not even Trubbish living in the trash cans or some lone vagabond like the old Shiftry that used to live in his hometown, and probably the only witness there ever was during his days as a goon there but no one ever took him seriously because well… most of the stuff he said was crazy, like spotting a pink old man under a truck and whatever.

    There's a library there. Not too small, not too big either. It's very bright compared to the rest of the alley. There are very few people that actually go there to read something, like that Watchog whose glasses are surprisingly as big as its eyes, that's been staring at the bookshelves for a while now.

    Fawkes is there for a different reason, though. Contrary to said Watchog, he actually knows what book to look for. Second floor, third bookshelf of the cooking section. 'Mind-blowing Dishes' the title says. Literally he thinks with a chuckle. The Braixen makes sure no one is around before sitting on the second table at the other side of the floor and writes on a note between page 54 and 55: 'I already know how to cook.' in his perfect handwriting.

    He takes some more minutes to read the book in case someone was watching him, before going back to reception, book in hand.

    "Julia, my sweetheart! How are you?" he salutes the young Malamar standing there. "Did you do something to those tentacles? Because, no joke, you look squidtacular!"

    "You know? I'm still waiting for you to pay me for that favor from last year." she answers, giving him a narrow gaze.

    "Ooh! That'll have to wait, sadly. I have some business to attend to right now." Fawkes says faking his concern. She could notice, though. "But this evening, promise, before the other meetup."

    Julia looks at him fairly disappointed. She sighs and puts back her glasses, before taking the book.

    "How many editions of this book do you have?" he asks, giving her a friendly wink and a smile.

    The Malamar reads the paper that came with the book before continuing his game. "There should be two or three back there. Maybe you'd like to follow me there and see which one you want?" She leans closer to him, changing the tone of her voice to a lower one. "Can you stop doing that?"

    "Doing what?"

    "The wink! It's too obvious… and you look very stupid doing it too." she clears her throat without waiting for his answer before getting back on the same position she was in. "You don't remember what edition you are looking for? It's fine, you'll probably find what you need back there. Follow me, please." she turns to the Vigoroth slacking off by her side as she starts walking behind the shelves on her back with the Braixen. "Hey, Matt, can you take my place for a bit? I have to do some stuff back there."

    "I'm stuff." Fawkes says, earning him a strong hit on his nape.

    Julia walks to the storage. She locks the door and before Fawkes tries to say something stupid she opens a small door going in underground. "I'll wait for you here." She says in a lower voice "You do your thing, I'll know when things start going your way."

    "What about Matt?" He asks before going to the underground storage.

    "He knows." She answers "He didn't see anything."
    "Good afternoon, folks!" Fawkes announces after going down the ladder.

    "You again?" The tall Toxicroak standing at the other side of a large, wooden table from far away yells in his dry voice. "Was it that Julia girl or the other idiot?"

    Fawkes smiles and raises his empty hands, making sure the Simisage by his side realizes he is unarmed. "Matt doesn't know I'm here and I owe Julia too much favors already for her to even let me in here."

    The Toxicroak doesn't answer, he just stands with his eyes fixed on Fawkes.

    "Come on, Coll! You know me pretty well!" Fawkes adds. "I could pretty much sleep the whole night here and you won't even notice."

    "Why are you here? Didn't you have enough beating for a day?"

    "Honestly? No." Fawkes answers, taking a seat on a wooden box as close to the table as the Simisage let him. "See, this guy over here… He is strong, but he is still a little bit green[/], y'know? Inexperienced in the whole thing. No offense. What's in this box, by the way? Dynamite? Gravelerocks? Gunpowder? Doesn't matter. You should know why I'm here. I see the hat you stole from me is still on your table."

    "You got no business here, Fawkes. Come back to where you came from or else-."

    "You'll kick me out? You and your green friend?" he laughs. "I already told you. He is still inexperienced. He won't even be able to handle Cherry."

    "Who's Cherry?"

    "Oh, nevermind. It's not important." he scratches his ear and takes something out that was hidden between its fur. He then gets up. "You know? You are right, I got nothing to do here. Just wanted to mess a bit with you."

    He starts walking back to the ladder, but before climbing up, he ducks and acts as if he is picking something from the floor.

    "You should be more cautious about where you leave your toys." he says. "More when someone as dry as yourself doesn't take proper humidity control of the place. See, I almost step on this thing. Here!"

    The Braixen flings his cherry bomb at Coll's guard. It explodes instantly, launching him against some boxes behind him.

    Coll jumps over the table and pounces at him, extending his red venomous finger, just to be shot back again by Fawkes' Flamethrower.

    While he tries to get up, Fawkes walks to the table to get back his hat.

    "Aww. It's all dusty now. And you didn't even have it for one day!" he jokes. "Such an awful service and quality. I'm not buying from this place anymore." He puts his hat on his back, and starts walking back again to the ladder. Julia must still be there, waiting for him to get back. On the way, he looks at the Simisage, still knocked out, and points him with his stick. "I told you he couldn't handle Cherry."

    He climbs up to the top, and Julia is indeed waiting for him already. He gives her his hat, but he stays on the underground instead, not without telling her to leave the door open until he gets out.

    "By the way, do you guys like fireworks?" he asks. "I mean, you two are very beaten up, so it's better for you two to relax a bit with some, and you got plenty of those here." he brandishes his stick and a blue flame comes out of it. It flies around the entire room, litting the explosive's wicks. "I have to go, hope you have fun, though. Don't get too near to them, though."

    He rushes up back to the library. The fireworks blow up before he gets to the top, making him rush even more. "Close it, close it, close it!"

    "For Arceus! Was that necessary?"

    "Relax. They'll be fine. You know Coll, he's a sturdy one and he knows how to pick who he works with." he says, laying on the floor. "Plus, it's his fault. He should take proper care of the place and have better security."

    Julia shrugs and sits by his side, still hearing the fireworks coming from the underground.

    "Tell Matt to call an ambulance. One that doesn't take them to jail, of course." Julia doesn't answer, and Fawkes doesn't talk either. "It's a good time to go for those drinks I owe you, don't you think?"

    "Sure!" she answers immediately, with all her concern leaving completely and gets up. "You owe me a double round for this, though. We'll have to close earlier because of the fireworks, so I got plenty of time to get drunk, so get me whatever you can."

    "Same place as usual?" Julia stares and tilts her head lightly, which is enough of an answer for him. "Okay."

    "What is so important about that hat, anyways?"

    "That's what I want to figure out. But I need the hat for that. I just know it's worth a lot. Coll isn't the first one who expressed interest in it, but he is the first one who managed to steal it."
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)

    Moon Port Town, Black Sea

    As the day turned brighter and sunnier with the pirates well-rested from their downtime, it was time for their next plan. Their ship, the Winter Flower, was neatly anchored near the port town docks, awaiting their latest adventure. It has been quite a while ever since the rumor circulating the Wishmaker arose, and with no real lead to go on, it's been quite difficult for the pirates to formulate a plan.

    For now, the pirates group up in their ship once again, about to embark to a mysterious island to the northeast... Giant's Island. What awaits them there? Only time will tell, as their ship is now ready to sail.

    Meet the Doctor - Part Two

    Dr. Fungele, after coming back early from his meeting at the Sepulcher, he situated himself in a dimly lit laboratory. Two lanterns lit with blue flames light the room, no windows to allow sunlight can be seen. In between these lanterns is a small, worn and torn tapestry covering something framed with black wood. With a heave and a ho, he places multiple satchels of supplies atop a crate that was brought to the ship after his meeting. Carefully, the doctor placed them, as he pressed the side of his head against the crate. Silence. He sighed, and shuffled past the newly brought supplies to a wall to the right of his lab table. Lining the wall where shelves of various red wine, collected from hither and yonder. Or, at least, acquired from yonder and hither.

    The doctor marveled at the sight, before slowly shuffling towards a chair, made with professional cushions and a sturdy frame. Clearly, Fungele has spent many a night in this chair after spending time in his small abode. With a plop, he sat down, a sigh of relief escaped his lips. "Vhat a fine haul...." Out of his inner coat pocket, he pulls out a finely crafted pipe and a pipe lighter. On the front of the bowl, is a golden edge with the letter, "F." engraved into it. After lighting the pipe, Fungele sinks into the chair, allowing himself a bit of reprieve before meeting the other crew members and the captain for what will happen next.

    With tired eyes, Fungele looked over his lab, his winery, and what was behind him. A white sheet hung, with splatters of blood here and there. "Ah... zhat needs cleaned up." A heavy puff, a cloud of smoke, and a feeling of release as the cloud began to permeate the room.

    After a bit of time has passed, the pipe has let out. With one last puff, Fungele sighed, muttering to himself, "Vell, smoke break is over." Adjusting his spectacles, he cleaned his pipe, tucked it, some packaged tobacco and his lighter back into the inner pocket. But before leaving, the doctor placed the satchels on either side of the large laboratory table, two on one side and three on the other. The crate, still in front of the white, but bloody, curtains. Still silent.

    Shuffling out, now satisfied with taking inventory and his small respite, Fungele locked the door behind him and started making his way to the deck.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Pirate Tale (IC)

    Name: Dr. Thorsten Fungele
    Position: Doctor
    Moveset: Stun Spore | Spore | Clear Smog | Toxic | Mega Drain | Sludge Bomb