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FireRed hack: Pokémon Shiny Gold!

zel 2.0

Gold Remaker
  • 1,955
    "Why would we bother about making a remake, if a kid's already doing it for us?" - Welcome to...

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    Just to let you know who I am, not that you care much about it, eh?

    I'm ZEL, does the name ring a bell? Then how about "I'm the guy behind the game called Shiny Gold", yes, I think the game's name does sound more familiar...
    Well, Shiny Gold is a rom hack (which means it must be played on a emulator, if you ever got the pirated version then it's not my business, ask for a refund if you can), also it's a fan game I do whenever I get bored of my Uni life.
    Unlike some other more advanced hackers, I'm still an unexperienced rom hacker learning to do all kinds of stuff (this is my first hack, after all), though, scripting is my strong point, and you'll notice it when you play the game.
    Even when Shiny Gold has become a popular hack, I don't want to consider it only because its popularity (well gained), because there are many other aspects interesting to the game (and because it would be a little offensive to all the hard work I put in this whole year of production), but play it if you want. And don't forget that, as me, there are a lot of other rom hackers giving their best efforts to bring you quality games, you should be checking those games as well^^
    Meh, I'm not used to long speeches, so let's get back into business shall we?

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    Stuff you need to know about the game (in order to make it work, you know, just read H.Sotomura's Before Playing a Hack thread)

    Hack Name: Pokémon Shiny Gold
    Hack Of: Pokémon *image removed*
    Author: Zel

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    Here I post all the planned and already implemented features the hack has/will have. For the planned stuff, I usually think on smaller things
    so I don't tend to promise a lot of impossible features (if there can be bigger things obviously I won't reveal them, just in case I fail at making them)

    :pokeball: Don't think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it'll have its differences.
    :pokeball: Extra battles (some'll be optionals, tough but rewarding)
    :pokeball: Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find)
    :pokeball: New areas
    :pokeball: GS music (remixed thx to clonex25, birthofdna and Magnius)
    :pokeball: Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work, je) :)
    :pokeball: Extra recurring characters (some'll hate you, some'll help you)
    :pokeball: Phone booths in replace of the phone system of the PokéGear
    :pokeball: The return of the Trick House with new puzzles!
    :pokeball: Plans for the future: Some moves will have field effects.
    :pokeball: More to come...

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    Here you will be able to keep track on the threads latest news, without needing to be reading lots of pages!
    (All the last info happening on the hack OR the thread will be listed here with a link to the corresponding post)

    Date/Event/Link to Post
    8-Aug-2007  New Thread on Pokecommunity [URL="https://www.pkmncommunity.com/showpost.php?p=2754392&postcount=1"]Go To Post[/URL]
    7-Sep-2007  New Video Uploaded [URL="https://www.pkmncommunity.com/showpost.php?p=2858683&postcount=518"]Go To Post[/URL]
    10-Sep-2007 Two more Videos Uploaded [URL="https://www.pkmncommunity.com/showpost.php?p=2870560&postcount=564"]Go To Post[/URL]
    17-Sep-2007 New Screenshots Season Starts [URL="https://www.pkmncommunity.com/showpost.php?p=2895930&postcount=663"]Go To Post[/URL]
    29-Sep-2007 Video about the Legendary Beasts Uploaded [URL="https://www.pkmncommunity.com/showpost.php?p=2942139&postcount=849"]Go To Post[/URL]
    31-Dec-2007 Thread reopened and normal Shiny Gold B5 gets posted [URL="https://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=3211350&postcount=1090"]Go To Post[/URL]
    4-Jan-2008  Version X gets released [URL="https://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=3223258&postcount=1289"]Go To Post[/URL]
    22-Apr-2008 Thread reopened (again -_-) [URL="https://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=3521859&postcount=1944"]Go To Post[/URL]

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    Check this section often, as it will tell you how far I am from my goals and where the next Beta is planned to end

    How this should be read: FINISHED WORKING NEXT

    Add the legendary's OWs (should be done quickly)
    Thinking/Mapping and Implementing the mini-games and Trick House puzzles (this will surely take SOME time)
    Adding more GSC music remixes (variable time, not sure)
    Do a first bug fixing on the list of known bugs (may also take some time)
    Start the Beta testing and keep fixing bugs from the list or the ones detect through the testing (most likely, two weeks)
    Release the Beta

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    This is my personal status, if I ever have to do something different than being rom hacking (like leaving or having to study),
    I'll write it here. Just to avoid any "where's zel or what is he doing?" talk

    Zel's Current Status is: "Got a new job, so that, combined with the usual college assignments, leaves me few hacking time during the week. I'll try to see how I can order my schedule, but for sure, hack's development will be delayed greatly T_T"

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    Pictures, and links to videos will be here


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    Before you try to ask something check the following list of common questions, none of this questions should be asked again, because Rule No.4 applies to them

    List last Updated on: 2008-01-07

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    These are all the problems reported in the game. They are a lot, but, not all of them are critical, and not all of them are even bugs, rather stuff that will behave differently. Just pay attention to the status/fixable part if you want to know more about what I'm planning to do about it.


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    Here's a good list of banners, along with the HTML codes needed for them to work in your sig, so just copy and paste whatever you like


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    Even though the game will have a similar section (and the Intro Message at the game contains a few thanks to the people who helped for the last release),
    I think it is necessary to make a list with all the people who have been helping me through the different development and testing phases

    WAH (www.wah.studiopokemon.com) and Sergio (hosting and care for my hack, also Sergio for some scripting tips)
    Pokecommunity (hosting and being a place where I feel I belong)
    Youtube and its people (part of the game's popularity is because of their videos)
    Marnic (sprites)
    Gridiron and Fangking Omega (sprites, tiles, and being a nexus with the people of Project Platinum, to whom I wish the best of luck)
    Enrico Marini (sprites)
    Red (some sprites & some scripting tips)
    Green Charizard for the PC and Mart tiles (editted by me, since I had to make them the same size as in B4), sorry GC, I forgot to add you in the credits in the intro of the game...
    Marz, flipboi, Shurikenway, Erimgard, Went and Raz (testing)
    Neos (title screen)
    Mastermind_X (for the shiny hack, and general advice)
    foullump For telling me about how the bike problems could be fixed... Though now there are more problems involving running... XD
    birthofdna, Magnius, clonex25 (musical stuff)
    Teh Baro (for his guides on some special scripts, and for his guide about level scripts)
    dirk123 (walkthrough)
    Giovanni Boss (SG-Dex)
    ~JIM~ and Rogy, from SP forums (for their Phone tiles)
    The tools creators, without them this hack could not exist
    The people who had been posting bugs, but not being repeatitive
    That's all I can remember right now, if I forgot somebody, send me a PM

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    I'll post any walkthrough (or pics, or whatever helps to avoid getting questions about the current releases gameplay) you want to do
    on the game (being it about the whole game or specific parts), since I don't want an "Official" guide, anyone can make his/her own

    Guides for the Original Gold game at Gamefaqs: https://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbcolor/game/198308.html
    Guide to dirk123's walkthrough (with edits by CrisG14: https://www.pkmncommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=37737&d=1187216916
    Site with Barker's walkthrough:https://www.freewebs.com/shinygoldwalkthrough/
    Site with Aquilae's walkthrough (SGX):https://www.freewebs.com/aquilae/shinygoldwalkthrough.htm
    Site with Bylsma's walkthrough : https://www.freewebs.com/pokemonwalkthroughs123/shinygoldwalkthrough.htm
    Post with the solution to Farfetch's puzzle (by Shurikenway): https://www.pkmncommunity.com/showpost.php?p=2363558&postcount=1794
    Or, try with this video JoyRide made:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRfMVRCScr4
    Stop wondering where does this Pokemon can be found! SG-B5 Pokedex by Giovanni Boss (requires Excel or program able to read .xls files): https://www.sendspace.com/file/lwxl38

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    Here will be the Betas and other goodies you could download, so it's the most important place in this first post!

    The Beta ends at Fuchsia. Even though you are more free to do events in your own way this time. Basically, you can explore the center/east of Kanto.
    Don't forget to check this thread before trying to play the Hack!
    If you have problems, don't forget to check the Walkthrough in the Tourist Section just above!
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    Ive been play this hack for a day now, its fantastic!! i would recomend anybody to download this.
    You are doing great at this hack! I cant wait till it is complete and/or next beta!

    hey zel u probly dont remember me i iant been on in ageeeesssss only reason i come on every now n then is for this hack man its realy awesome , i mean really over the top just da best , i cant w8 til completed version comes out i no its gona take a while but il w8 patiently its gona be so wikid wen it does! gl man !
    Zel is back, back again, Zel is back, tell a friend. Good to see SG back to it's former glory Zel!
    YES! The perfect hack came back from the.., oh ah... never mind!

    This hack rulezzzzzz!!!!!!

    Can't wait for it's perfect completion!

    I'll be supporting this hack from now on... Yeah!
    OK, since the thread is just starting I want everyone to have a good look at the First Post, specially the Rules, because they will be important so the thread's cleaner this time.

    So, enough with the "welcome back" posts, and let's get back into business.

    Well, as I haven't been around PC lately, but still I was doing a few things, I have many news to tell, but I'll be saying them little by little.

    I'll start by saying (if you were wandering at youtube you may already know) that I started changing some music (with birthofdna's GSC remixes), so here's the link to the first BGM change I made: link Obviously, I've been doing more changes than just that, but better leave that for when you play the next Beta.

    The next thing is that I've been playing with palettes and tiles a bit more, and I've improved my general mapping, so here you have a screenshot of how things look now:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Shiny Gold!

    Not that convinced of the grass tile I made...
    And, once again, there are more tile changes than just those. But they'll be seen during the next screenshots release.

    More surprises will come (if you've taken a look at the first post, you may also notice them, but I'll talk about them soon)

    About Status: I'm starting with Celadon, but I'm having a hard time because of the tile changes I did have destroyed a big part of it (if you did the Kanto glitch you know what I'm talking about ;))

    Well, SG is back. Don't forget to read H.Sotomura's Before Playing a Hack if you are new to this patching thing (Don't forget to set the Flash 128k option in Options->Emulator->Save Type, BEFORE you load the rom into the emu for the first time, you need to be able to save properly)
    Also don't forget that all the links in all your banners are outdated now, so they should be updated (you can manually do this if you change the old value it had for this new one: 100537, but I've also updated the HTML codes in the "Bannerland" section), else everyone will be going to the old thread :P
    The banners I uploaded when the thread started were edited so they don't send you to a place called "CAMBIAR", now they send you to this thread, so use them from now

    I'll be coming later! Follow the rules, don't spam and... be happy! :D
    thanks zel it rocks i have been playing all the way!!!!

    I love this game it is really great thanks again
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    I played this hack, and it was awesomeXD

    It seems like that ur never finished, and just keep improving on it.
    Awesome video Zel, i like the remix, ahhhhh, so nostalgic. :P

    BTW hows the sprite coming?
    Wow, so much earlier than I expected! Through talking to you on MSN, it sounded like you needed a real break, but you came through for everyone yet again. Zel, you're amazing, you know that?

    Anyways, huge congratulations on having re-done the entire thread, and by the looks of it, it should keep out at the very least half of those spammers out, but there's always going to be people not having the time to (or so they think) read the first post.

    I realized that that banner I posted up in the last thread is actually pretty bad, so I'll probably be working on a better one, because I really want you to replace that one... >_>

    Anyways, good luck zel, I'm rooting for you and SG 100%! Although, take your time, because the longer you take, the better it'll be, eh? ;D

    [Business talk]

    Zel, those new palettes you got in there look stunning. They're not too off with your custom dark-green palette that basically goes through the whole outdoor game. The flowers look nice, and I see you've added in those cool little flower tiles. Are they animated, like FR's flower tile? I mean, do they move back and forth and whatnot.
    Another question, have you changed the trees at all? They look different. It may just be my memory of Pokemon Eclipse's DP tileset, the trees were different than yours, but still, I can't help think that you've changed your trees, too. Let me know.
    YES! Pokemon Shiny Gold is finally back! I wish you luck, zel!
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    awsome hack (this is the reason why I joined this forum)

    the tiles are awsome, and I can't wait for it to be finished.
    Hmm... So after a month, Shiny Gold's back, eh? :)

    BTW, those new tiles you've implemented look great! And I heard the remixed music while browsing on Youtube a few weeks ago, and it sounds pretty good. The only weird thing is that it doesn't quite fit in with the other midis in the 3rd-gen games. Even though it's remixed, they're still the sort of beeps and tones that we had to get used to hearing back in 1st and 2nd gen games... Maybe listen to the music and just entirely make a midi from scratch instead of recording the original tones and edit them a bit?
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Shiny Gold!

    Well, the tiles. We will discuss them until the end of the times. The two-little-leafs one is very nice. The new flowers (looks like an old fire flower from Mario Bros, lol) well, can do good. But the little three red and white things... I don't really like it :\ And, um, did you change the main grass tile? I see a bit and it looks different...
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    @zel: Wow zel the music is great, your really good at Inserting it!

    Also good gob with the Revamp of the GSC Grass Tile and the others. :D

    @nrox653: Just about every Midi makes beeps and random noises here and there. Trust me I've messed around with music
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